Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 96: Different World Sword Skills Teaching 2.0

Emilia is a candidate for the throne, if something unexpected happens, it will really have a great impact on the king's election.

Although none of the people present cared about her because she was a candidate for the throne.

"Subaru, let me heal you."

Emilia treats Subaru Natsuki.

Parker's attack was not light just now, and Subaru Natsuki was beaten with a bruised nose and a swollen face, looking very miserable.

"Thank you, Emilia Tan!"

The goddess healed him, and Natsuki Subaru instantly felt that the pain on his face did not hurt at all.

Betty took Parker to the side to play, and Natsuki Subaru asked during the treatment: "By the way, Emilia, where did Roswaal go?"

"Roswaal? He said he was going to repair the barrier, so he went to the village early in the morning."

"Oh, really."

Natsuki Subaru didn't really care about Roswaal's whereabouts, he just wanted to find something to chat with the goddess in his heart.

"The village..."

Speaking of the village, the two had to consider one thing, and that was: 【Whether to continue to complete Zhou Fangwu's test. 】

The incident of being attacked had a great impact on Emilia. Now she can't even guarantee her personal safety, so how can she complete the test?

"Don't lose heart, Emilia! You saved the village, you saved the little girl, didn't you?"

Natsuki Subaru comforted her, trying to cheer her up.

But before Emilia could speak, an annoying and weird tone came from behind.

"There is a very-very important thing to tell you about-that topic."

It's Roswaal, he's back from the village.

"Roswaal, something very important, what is it?"

Roswaal narrowed his voice slightly, and said: "The enchantment in the village is man-made, and the little girl you saved is not a child in the village!"


Natsuki Subaru was silent for a while, and he realized after careful consideration, "That is to say, that little girl has something to do with this attack, or is she actually the instigator of this incident..."

In fact, the occurrence of this incident cannot withstand careful scrutiny. As long as you investigate carefully, it is not difficult to find that the little girl actually has a big problem.

Why would a person go deep into the forest from the gap in the destroyed enchantment, and why would he pass out in the open space without being attacked by a monster.

Most importantly, she is not a village child!

It's just that the situation was very urgent at that time, and everyone didn't have time to think, so they easily understood the truth.

However, the experience gained from this lesson is very valuable to everyone.

Fortunately, no one died.

"Ah, Roswaal, I want to learn swordsmanship with Wu, is that okay?"

Natsuki Subaru is Roswaal's servant anyway, so if he wants to learn swordsmanship, of course he must ask for his permission.

Regardless of whether Roswaal agrees or not, Subaru Natsuki has already decided to study.

It's just that, without him to help clean the mansion, Ram and Rem's workload will become huge.

"Well—never mind—oh."

Roswaal thought about it pretentiously and agreed.

"The rigid standard of a butler is that he has martial arts, so that he can protect his master well. But - Subaru can't even protect Emilia-sama. As a butler, this is a very disqualified thing."

Roswaal said to Zhou Fangwu: "Wu, my servant who is ineffective in my family will entrust you."


Zhou Fangwu nodded.

Early the next morning.

Zhou Fangwu forcefully dragged Nayue Subaru out of the warm bed.

After a simple warm-up exercise, Zhou Fangwu began to train Nayue Subaru.

"Cai Yue-jun, I know many sword skills, but this one is the most suitable for you."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Fangwu demonstrated the breath of thunder for him, "Although there is only one move, whether it is attacking or escaping, it can be called the most powerful of all my sword skills."

Although Subaru Natsuki is an otaku, he has been exercising. Otherwise, his grip strength would not have reached an astonishing 70KG!

Moreover, time is running out, and the following events such as Wang Xuan and Sanctuary will follow one after another. He has no time to learn advanced and exquisite sword skills at all.

[Thunderbolt Flash] This kind of straight-forward sword skill that fully focuses on attack and escape is very suitable for him.

"Is it the sword skill that killed the big magic dog that day?"

Caiyue Subaru's eyes lit up instantly, and he remembered the scene of Zhou Fangwu killing a large magic dog that day very easily and freely.

He wants that too!

If he had Zhou Fangwu's strength that day, he would definitely be able to protect Rem and Emilia well!

His mind immediately became active.

But he began to doubt again, wondering whether he could reach the height of Zhou Fangwu.

Then Natsuki Subaru asked out his inner worries.

"Don't worry, you can!"

Zhou Fangwu encouraged him.

However, it was just to encourage him.

If he wants to reach the height of Zhou Fangwu, it is estimated that Natsuki Subaru will be impossible in this life.

"Then, I'll start teaching you the Thunder Breathing Method that goes hand in hand with sword skills! You know, breathing is very important, only correct breathing can make the body burst out with stronger strength..."

Zhou Fangwu taught him the Thunder Breathing Method, and added some of his own understanding, trying to keep it as simple as possible, it was a kind of foolish teaching that Subaru Natsuki could understand.

Natsuki Subaru studied very seriously.

He made up his mind in his heart that he absolutely must gain strength, the power to protect Emilia!

"Puff cough!"

Because he was distracted and his breathing was disordered, Zhou Fangwu unceremoniously hit his lungs with a wooden knife, and at the same time said, "Pay attention to breathing."


Natsuki Subaru immediately adjusted his breathing.

However, it is not enough to learn the breathing method alone, and sword skills are also added. Only by learning sword skills and breathing methods alternately, can it be regarded as a complete study of the Thunder Breathing Method~www.wuxiamtl.com~Learn the breathing method for an hour Afterwards, Zhou Fangwu began to teach him the sword form of [Thunderbolt].

"Mr. Caiyue, [Thunderbolt Flash] seems simple, but it is actually very difficult, and I can't guarantee whether you can learn it. However, I will try my best to teach you."

Zhou Fangwu was really afraid that he, like my wife Shanyi's senior brother Yue Yue, would not be able to learn the form of Thunder Breathing.

"Oh, go ahead!"

Natsuki Subaru is excited and ready to meet the challenge.

"Well, it's really hot-blooded."

Zhou Fangwu nodded in satisfaction.

Then the two began to study.

Zhou Fangwu chose to teach Nayue Subaru how to put on airs first, as long as the frame is constructed, it will be very simple to fill it in.

Facts have also proved that Natsuki Subaru is indeed very suitable for this method from shallow to deep.

After simply teaching him, Natsuki Subaru was able to train and deepen his sword skills by himself.

Then it depends on whether he is diligent or not.


Zhou Fangwu felt that someone was watching him.

Turning his head to look, he found that Betty was standing in the corridor looking at him.

What a surprise!

Betty, who has been living in the forbidden library, will come out of the forbidden library alone.

Just looking at the eager look in her eyes, Zhou Fangwu knew that she wanted him to teach her the knowledge of other worlds.

Just right.

Natsuki Subaru no longer needs him to teach, so let's go and accompany that lonely big elf.

Waving to Betty, Zhou Fangwu and Nayue Subaru said something and went to the forbidden library.

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