Although Ning Huanxin could not tell the identity of the inner ghost in this world, when he went to the library, the ghost once exposed a flaw——

He walks without sound!

When Ning Huanxin went upstairs that day, she had been deliberately walking the last one, because she heard the abnormal footsteps. It was obvious that five people went upstairs together, but she only heard the footsteps of four!

Although such a low-level error did not appear in the future, Ning Huanxin was already quite sure at that time that a ghost had been inserted between them by a female ghost.

"The last time we led ghosts on the rooftops, I still remember clearly, but Shen Xue and Ouyang Ling have a vague memory. I have been wondering why on earth?"

Ning Huanxin said, suddenly turning his head to look at Ye Chen not far away: "Ye Chen, in fact, you remember that day, right?"

Because I remember, Ye Chen was so scared these days.

Because he remembered, he knew the horror of the female ghost, so he pushed others out to save his life without hesitation.

Because he remembered, he naturally sat in the middle of the rooftop just now, recreating the scene that day.

"I, I remember, but even so, you can't say that my brother is the murderer or that he is a ghost!"

Ye Chen would not believe Ning Huanxin's words.

"Human thinking is very strange. Everyone has their own habitual thinking and habitual actions. When we just started the game, Shen Xue and I subconsciously chose the position we chose that day, not because I remember it, but because I My instinctive choice is a subconscious habit, but Ouyang Ling and Ye Xing have changed positions. Why is this?"

Ning Huanxin suddenly asked.

Ye Xing didn't speak, but Ouyang Ling said faintly: "Because the direction I want to go is occupied by Ye Xing first, so I can only choose the last direction."

"Ye Xing deliberately stood in the wrong direction. He wanted to give me an illusion, making me feel that he didn't remember what happened that day. It was this smart act that made people more suspicious."

Ning Huanxin sneered and raised her eyes, looking at the female ghost in front of her: "We have five people, and the two brothers of the Ye family accounted for two votes. I know you calculated it from the beginning. You deliberately kept Ye Chen that night. His memory is that he hopes that he can expose his flaws under the panic and attract our suspicion."

In panic, Ye Chen took the lead in choosing Ouyang Ling.

If you want Ouyang Ling to live, then Shen Xue, Ning Huanxin and Ouyang Ling, the three of them must choose the same person to succeed.

Of the two brothers Ye Chen and Ye Xing, it was naturally Ye Chen that made people more suspicious.

This is the real calculation of the female ghost.

"If you believe me, just like me, choose Ye Xing."

Ning Huanxin said while looking at Shen Xue and Ouyang Ling beside him.

"I agree."

Ouyang Ling spoke without hesitation. Since the Ye Family brothers have treated him this way, whether it is Ye Chen or Ye Xing, Ouyang Ling has no pressure and no burden.

Now, Ouyang Ling and Ye Xing both have two votes.

Shen Xue hesitated at this moment, looked at Ning Huanxin and Ouyang Ling, she didn't want to choose anyone, but...

If you must choose one to end the game...

"I also choose Ye Xing!"

Shen Xue replied firmly.

"You guys, how can you do this!"

Hearing Shen Xue's words, Ye Chen on the side immediately became nervous, but on the contrary, the selected Ye Xing suddenly calmed down.

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