"It's not me, I didn't kill it!"

Ye Chen, who had been scared, didn't wait for everyone to react, he was the first to blurt out.

Ning Huanxin couldn't help but glanced at him a few more times. At this moment, Ye Chen wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it anyway. His mouth was closed, but he couldn't make any sound.

"His opportunity has already been used."

At this time, the female ghost said hoarsely again: "Next, who is it?"

"I did not kill Song Qin, and I believe it was not killed by anyone present."

Ning Huanxin took the initiative to speak at this time. After saying this, she took the initiative to silence and stepped aside.

"I believe Han Jing's words."

Shen Xue immediately said something, then turned to look at Ning Huanxin, and the sisters smiled at each other.

"I didn't kill anyone."

At this time, Ouyang Ling, who was standing on the side, also spoke slowly, with concise words.

Sometimes there is no need for too many words, and the explanation is to cover up.

Only Ye Xing was left among the five. At this time, Ye Xing also paled with fright, and his voice trembled: "It's...not me either.

No one admitted to killing Song Qin.

Ning Huanxin didn't believe that some of the people present would kill Song Qin.


"Your excuses are really interesting, and now I tell you-one of you is lying!"

The female ghost suddenly narrowed her eyes, and the expression on her face was particularly stern: "Now I will give you another chance to vote. The person with the most votes will fall from this rooftop like Song Qin! Of course, you can choose. Those who abstain, and those who abstain, will also die miserably!"

After all, in this game, one person must die, unless...

Several people looked at each other, not knowing how to choose.

"I...I choose Ouyang Ling!"

At this time, Ye Chen, who had always been scared, spoke for the first time again.

He didn't want to die, so he could only preemptively.

After all, there is no reason to talk to ghosts.

"I... I also choose Ouyang Ling!"

Ye Xing heard his brother's words and immediately followed him to make a choice: "Han Jing, don't hesitate, we only have five people, as long as he gets another vote, we will be safe!"

If someone gets three votes, that person will die.

Ye Xing and Ye Chen naturally hope that Ning Huanxin can follow them to vote for Ouyang Ling.

At this time, Ouyang Ling was still very calm and did not seem to be afraid.

When she heard Ye Xing's words, Shen Xue immediately crossed her eyebrows and said coldly: "How can you do this? Fortunately, I believe everyone like Han Jing. We didn't kill at all. Why should we listen to the female ghost's words of mutual suspicion and blame?"

"Do not."

At this time, Ning Huanxin took a slow step forward and interrupted Shen Xue: "The murderer who killed Song Qin is indeed here, but he is not a person, but a ghost."

Song Qin was not killed by anyone, it was a ghost who killed her.

"So do you want to give up voting?"

The female ghost heard what Ning Huanxin and Shen Xue said, and immediately looked at them two coldly: "You should know the consequences."

"Who said I would give up?"

Ning Huanxin suddenly smiled faintly: "Didn't I just say? The murderer who killed Song Qin is here, he is... Ye Xing!"

Ye Xing?

Hearing what Ning Huanxin said, let alone Shen Xue, even Ye Chen looked at his brother in surprise.

"Don't, don't be kidding, you just said it was a ghost killing, I...I have been with my brother, how could I kill?"

Ye Xing anxiously defended himself.

"I did say that it was a ghost killing people, but I didn't say whether it was a male ghost or a female ghost, and... whether you are a ghost or a ghost, you should know better than me?"

Ning Huanxin's tone was very determined.

Ning Huanxin knew from the first time she saw these people in the summer vacation and the first time she entered the school library that among these people, there was a ghost!

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