Ye Chen said so confidently, as if he had confidence in his method.

Ning Huanxin sighed to herself, she didn't dare to say anything, but she always felt unsure in her heart.

"How are the five of us distributed?"

At this time, Shen Xue suddenly asked.

"Shen Xue, you and Han Jing are girls who are not suitable for doing too dangerous things. You, together with Ouyang Ling and my eldest brother, are standing on all sides of the rooftop and using willow branches to lure ghosts. Leave it to me."

Ye Chen heard Shen Xue's words and immediately spoke seriously.

"I will be well-measured, and there are charms I bought from the master, which will definitely come in handy. Of course, you must also be careful."

With that said, Ye Chen suddenly took out a few more yellow paper charms from his arms, all of which were painted with strange lines with red cinnabar. It seemed that the color of the cinnabar had dimmed. This spell seemed to be some years old.

"One person should take one for emergencies. Later, if someone is caught by a ghost, we must post the spell on him when he is not paying attention to the ghost after we communicate with the ghost. Then the ghost will naturally I retreated, you know?"

"Got it."

Several people nodded in unison. At this time, Ye Chen took the advantage of being inadvertent and put two more charms into Shen Xue's hand.

"Xiaoxue, be careful."

Ye Chen's tone was particularly concerned.

"Oh, I see."

Shen Xue nodded.

At this time, it was almost twelve o'clock, Ye Chen had already arranged things in the middle of the roof, and a few of them scattered to the four corners of the roof. When Ning Huanxin walked to the north of the roof, Shen Xue suddenly walked quickly. Coming over, he stuffed a spell into Ning Huanxin's hands.

"Han Jing, take this."


Ning Huan opened her mouth. Just as she was about to say something, Shen Xue had already left quickly.

Looking at her back, Ning Huan subconsciously clenched the charm in his hand.

Sure enough, they are good sisters.

"It's twelve o'clock soon!"

At this time, Ye Chen in the center of the rooftop suddenly shouted: "Prepare."

Everyone stood in their place and stared at the time on the phone. When the time on the screen jumped to midnight, the four people around the rooftop immediately stood in the corner and started spinning in a circle according to the method Ye Chen said. Everyone is not fast, because they don't know how long it will take to turn. In order to avoid accidents, each of them is very careful.

For Ning Huanxin, who has a kung fu foundation, it's really easy to turn around in place, and she won't even feel any dizziness.


At this time, Ye Chen was also holding the willow branch and beating the porcelain bowl, making a crisp sound. The sound was rhythmic, and soon the sound drifted away in all directions. , Even the sky above the school building lingers.

Ning Huanxin held his breath, slowly turning in a circle, while observing the surroundings secretly, sensing the aura around him. The aura that was originally chaotic became even more violent and restless after midnight.

And Ye Chen's ghost charm spell really attracted something different.

Ning Huanxin could clearly feel that the temperature on the rooftop was getting colder, and she immediately looked at other people subconsciously, and sure enough, including Ye Chen, everyone's complexion changed, and they were paler than before.


At this time, a cold night breeze suddenly blew by, and the ghost charm that Ye Chen placed at the bottom of the bowl was strangely blown by the wind and drifted over the sky. After that, the charm was spontaneously ignited without fire.

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