Hearing Ye Chen's words, several people on the side nodded.

In fact, from the beginning, none of them took this game to heart, and never thought about the possibility of hitting ghosts, but now...

Since waking up strangely on the rooftop, no matter how calm they were, the hearts of a few people are still somewhat jealous and doubtful.

in the end……

What will be the result of the **** game?

"Actually this game is very simple."

At this time, Ye Chen's voice sounded again. I don't know if it was Ning Huanxin's illusion. She felt that Ye Chen's voice suddenly became very low and weird. This is really the rhythm of a horror film. It will take you into the drama in minutes.

"I have a ghost charm here, which was given to me by a Xuanmen master. When it was midnight, I pressed the charm bowl on the black tablecloth. Among the five of us, one was sitting in the middle of the roof. On the tablecloth, I have been knocking bowls with willow branches, and the other four people are just standing in the four directions of the roof, southeast, northwest, and the four people should not stop turning clockwise on the spot."

Ye Chen continued to speak, his tone lower and lower.

"At this time, if the bowl suddenly breaks, or a person suddenly stops spinning, a ghost has appeared!"

As he said, Ye Chen raised his eyes suddenly, a pair of dark eyes, and stared at the other four people closely: "Have you remembered what I just said? Don't stop by yourself, otherwise... the consequences Unthinkable."

Ye Chen spoke extremely solemnly. Hearing what he said, no matter whether he believed it or not, several people nodded seriously.

"This knocking bowl... Didn't you learn it in the movie? Knock the bowl at the crossroads to attract ghosts."

At this time, Ouyang Ling on the side suddenly asked.

"So you like to watch horror movies too?"

Hearing Ouyang Ling's words, Ye Chen tilted his head slightly: "How can the plot in the movie be taken seriously? I was introduced in the metaphysics program recommended by the master, you know? Willow branches can recruit ghosts, and I am It is a specially treated willow branch that can attract nearby ghosts, and it also has the blessing of ghost charm. If you keep beating the bowl, the ghost can hear the guidance you give her, and it will naturally follow this direction. "

"It turned out to be like this, it seems to make sense."

Ning Huanxin nodded to the side, and while talking, stretched out his hand to touch Ye Chen's willow branch.

"Be careful, it's very dark on it."

Noting Ning Huanxin's movements, Ye Chen immediately reminded her nervously.

"Well, I see, I just look at it."

Ning Huanxin carefully put the willow branch in his hand. The branch was rather thick, and it exuded a strange smell and breath.

This willow branch is really an evil thing that has been specially treated, and it can indeed recruit ghosts!


"We do this, what if other lonely ghosts in the academy are brought in?"

Ning Huanxin suddenly asked nervously.

where is this place! This is the medical school! Not to mention the dead bodies in the college, what did this piece of land do before? I'm afraid no one can tell how many dead bodies were buried.

"Han Jing, you are so courageous."

Hearing Ning Huanxin’s words, Ye Chen glanced at her from the side: "This method can attract the nearest ghosts in this neighborhood. Think about it, only Ruan Qingqing and Yao Rui died by jumping off the building, and Ruan Qingqing was a man at the time. Pregnant women must be the most grieving. I believe that she can be drawn out!"

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