Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1448: 1448: The man behind (1)

For the villagers in Anle Village, not to mention the sudden addition of two children, even if there are hundreds or thousands of people in the village, they will not be surprised, and they will not have too many special reactions.

Because most people in this village are already numb.

At this moment, Xia Qiu watched Er Bao's figure suddenly appear, she was stupid.

This... how is this possible?

Is this still the child who is playful and naive, who likes to let himself carry him?

Xia Qiu spends the most time with Dabao and Erbao. In this village, only Dabao and Erbao are normal. Therefore, if they want to eat delicious food, Xia Qiu finds someone to help them buy it, treating them like their own children. general.

did not expect……

Feeling the astonishment Xia Qiu looked at him, the people in front of him just smiled coldly: "Xia Qiu, you let go of Subject 27, do you think I don’t know? It’s because of your loyalty to the deity over the years. Come on, I don't care about you!"

Subject 27!

Hearing that person's words, Xia Qiu shuddered, fearing in her heart for a while--

Fortunately, fortunately, I have kind thoughts in my heart and treat Dabao Erbao as my own. If it weren't for this... I'm afraid I won't live anymore.

Although they can be "immortal" as experimental subjects, in fact, the adult has many ways to kill them.


At this moment, Ning Huanxin also looked at the person in front of her--

The hoarse voice, the bitter aura, but there is a childish, even cute appearance, this is really against the peace!

"I don't know what this adult is called?"

Ning Huanxin felt that if he called him Second Treasure, he would appear to be mentally retarded.

"I don't have a name, so just call me nameless."

Wuming stepped forward again, not worrying about Xia Qiu's life and death, but a pair of eyes, staring at Ning Huanxin, with crazy light in his eyes.

"Ning Huanxin, how did you discover me?"

She is different from others, the mist in this misty valley is actually ineffective for her!

Wuming had already observed this very clearly. He had specially ordered Xia Qiu to lead people to drive Ning Huanxin away and would not let her enter the village, just wanting to see her particularity more clearly.

Because when Jiang Ziluo found Wuming, he made it very clear. He said that this time he brought with him a test subject that is unique.

This woman's blood and soul will not appear second in thousands of years!

At that time, Wuming was half-believing Jiang Ziluo's words, but after his close observations again and again, he finally believed Jiang Ziluo's words, and was full of interest in Ning Huan's bloodline--

This is what he is looking for!

He has searched for the strongest experimental body for many years!


Wuming's eyes were really too hot and crazy, but there was no emotion in those eyes, Ning Huanxin knew that in Wuming's eyes, he was just an experiment.

"Anonymous, do you remember that you told me that I am different from others? I think you said that at the time just to arouse my curiosity, but you are right, I am indeed different from others, so... I can It’s not strange to feel your breath and be able to tell who you really are, is it?"

Ning Huanxin smiled and spoke softly, looking very calm, but in fact, Ning Huanxin was shocked.

Because she just felt a familiar breath, not sure of her nameless identity.

But who is the most special in this village? I think there are only Dabao and Erbao, and after entering the Misty Valley, Erbao is the one who actively contacts with him the most.

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