Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1447: 1447: The Eternal Price (3)

The whole room suddenly became quiet.

Ning Huanxin did not speak any more, still staring in that direction.

And Xia Qiu, who was forced by Jinghong Sword, held her breath at this moment, her eyes complicated.

"Ha ha."

A hoarse sneer suddenly sounded, the sound seemed to come from all directions, stabbing people's eardrums, Ning Huan frowned, but still staring in one direction intently.

"Gu Huan, no, actually I should call you Ning Huanxin."

The voice is still very hoarse, even with a sense of vicissitudes.

He knew Ning Huanxin's true identity.

Hearing that voice, Ning Huanxin was not surprised. On the contrary, it was Xia Qiu. She gave Ning Huanxin a surprised look. It was clear that Jiang Ziluo had told that person about Ning Huanxin’s true identity, but that person had never told Xia Qiu. .

"So you know who I am."

Ning Huanxin smiled indifferently and spoke softly again; "Actually, I also know who you are, so there is no point in hiding your head and showing your tail."


This time, Ning Huanxin's words clearly aroused the other's interest.

He did not refute, but his tone became calmer: "Do you know who I am? Even Xia Qiu doesn't know who I am, how did you know?"

It turned out that Xia Qiu didn't know.

Upon hearing this, Ning Huan gave Xia Qiu a subconscious glance.

Xia Qiu had regained his composure at this time. Hearing the conversation between Ning Huanxin and the adult, Xia Qiu was actually very curious in his heart——

Every time an adult issues an order, he will not show up. In fact, Xia Qiu is not the first group to enter this experimental field. She is just a long-time experimenter. The former village head is not Xia Qiu, the former village. After he died because of a failed experiment, Xia Qiu took over as the village chief because he had learned the profound arts. Every once in a while, the adult would post tasks to her, that's all.

Therefore, Xia Qiu has always been terrified and curious about mysterious adults.

"All women in this world have a magical sixth sense, and it just so happens that my sixth sense is more sensitive than others."

Ning Huanxin said, suddenly smiling at that direction.

"I know, you like rainbows. Why don't we make friends? I invite you to Rainbow Hall! Brother Erbao!"

When Ning Huanxin's voice fell, Xia Qiu on the side immediately widened her eyes and took a breath of cold air——

Second treasure?

How is this possible?

Aren’t Dabao and Erbao special experimental subjects brought back by adults? How could it be...

Xia Qiu couldn't believe it, but the air in front of her was trembling, and then a familiar figure slowly appeared in front of the two people.

The figure is very thin and short, but the breath that he carries on his body can not be ignored.

That breath is really cold and powerful.

At this moment, Erbao's immature face had a calm temperament that did not match his age, and even the innocent and pure eyes at this moment were full of gloomy colors.

He has great power and eternal life, but it is impossible to become a normal person.

This may be the price of eternity.

Xia Qiu looked at the person in front of her in disbelief. She still clearly remembers the first time she saw Dabao and Erbao.

The two children suddenly appeared in their room. At that time, they were both "asleep". Later, the voice of an adult appeared. He said that this is a special experiment subject, and he will live with him in the future, so that he can satisfy them as much as possible. They are treated like their own children.

Since then, there have been two more minors in Anle Village.

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