Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1388: 1388: The whereabouts of Cui Can (1)

Ning Huanxin remembered clearly that the man who pretended to be Jiang Lixing and the female assassin had demons on their bodies!

So they are very likely to be demons.

How could the demons covet the wealth of mortals?

They are not for money, the purpose of creating the scandal should actually be...to make themselves uncomfortable, nauseous, and make Jiang Lixing uncomfortable.

Ning Huanxin knew very well that with Jiang's rigorous personality, if he learned of this inexplicable scandal after he came back, he would definitely erupt!

Those people still want to kill themselves.


Do they want...

"Where did that counterfeit send Cui Can?"

Ning Huanxin suddenly looked nervous, raised his eyes, and quickly asked Jiang Liran.

"Uh, I really didn't pay attention to this."

Jiang Liran looked embarrassed, his job is to be a young master! How could he pay attention so much? Besides, he kept seeing Jiang Lixing not pleasing to the eye. The former was not pleasing to the eye, but now it is even worse.

"Forget it, go to sleep, I'll ask someone else!"

Ning Huanxin stood up abruptly at this time. Cui Can was no longer in Yanjing. If the Mozu did this deliberately, Ning Huanxin knew that he had missed the best time. At this time, no matter what method Ning Huanxin uses, Cui Can is definitely not reachable.


There is another way you can try, which is to ask about Cui Can's whereabouts and find him yourself.

"Who are you going to ask?"

Jiang Liran looked at Ning Huanxin inexplicably when he heard the words. He couldn't ask the counterfeit, right?

"There is always someone who knows better than you, my third young master, you can change your posture quickly and get back to sleep! Goodbye!"

With that, Ning Huanxin's figure disappeared quickly.

Jiang Liran:...

Can I still sleep?

Jiang Liran sighed and felt that his IQ was not enough, and his brain was running fast all the time——

Is this Jiang Lixing really a fake now? Should I go to Grandpa to expose it?

However, what if this counterfeit is a hard idea? Hey, Master Yi doesn't know where he is going anymore, now he is alone and weak, a little scared!

Just when Jiang Liran's mind was tangled, Ning Huanxin had already arrived in another room.

As soon as she entered the room, the person on the bed opened her eyes vigilantly, and those eyes were sharp!

"You came?"

Jiang Yanran turned on the bedside lamp with a calm expression in her red silk pajamas, and looked at Ning Huanxin with confidence.

"Do you know I will come?"

Ning Huan looked at Jiang Yanran with interest.

"I don't know, but... I am not surprised by your presence."

Jiang Yanran's tone is still so indifferent, she is really a very smart woman.


"sit down."

Jiang Yanran smiled at Ning Huanxin and pointed to the small sofa not far from the bed.


Ning Huanxin calmly sat on the exquisite small sofa, slowly raised her eyes to look at Jiang Yanran, her eyes were very deep.

"Your gaze is really... uncomfortable."

Jiang Yanran suddenly raised her hand and took out a very special cigarette case from the drawer of the bedside table. She rarely smoked, but when she was particularly bored, Jiang Yanran would smoke.

Just now, Ning Huanxin looked at her gaze, and Jiang Yanran couldn't help but think of Jiang Lixing, because Jiang Lixing's gaze was like this before.

Deep, complicated, and very annoying.

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