Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1387: 1387: Entering Jiang's House at Night (2)

Jiang Liran's expression was a bit complicated. He glanced at Ning Huanxin, then spoke again, his tone of voice was much more rushed and anxious than before.

"Jiang Lixing brought Cui Can back this afternoon. Jiang Lixing and the old man went to the study alone to talk for a long time, and even Uncle Hai was stopped outside. You said Jiang Lixing changed whatever he said. What does he mean? Is he planning to give up the entertainment industry completely and return to the Jiang family to take over the family? Even if he does come back to take over the family, marrying you for the benefit of the family is the first choice. What is his vision? The woman in the photo looks better, Be gentler than you, and...just like that."

Ning Huanxin:...

Does Jiang Sanshao mean he is not in good shape? Is she not gentle?

Well, these are not the main points now, the main point is that the counterfeit really dares to come to Jiang's house!

It seems really confident.

"What do you think is wrong with Jiang Lixing?"

Ning Huanxin didn't care about Jiang Liran, but looked at him seriously and asked.

"He is not right! Is he brain disabled? He has his head down? This is a cure!"

Jiang Sanshao felt that the whole person was bad!

Although Jiang Lixing hated him, he looked pretty good, but now this...

From head to toe, nothing looks right!

"Do you think he is wrong? Then do you suspect... he is an impersonator?"

Ning Huanxin suddenly asked.


Jiang Liran was stopped by Ning Huanxin's words.

"Pretending to be? Did you say that someone had plastic surgery and became Jiang Lixing? No, it's impossible."

You can have cosmetic surgery, but what about the voice? How about momentum? Where's the look?

What about that kind of posture?

This is not a TV series, just a little plastic surgery can be fooled.

When you grew up with a person and lived for decades, you can't recognize his back and voice.

Jiang Lixing's figure is very special, and it can even be said to be perfect. It is a certainty to have a facelift or many operations, but what about the back? Body shape?

Although Jiang Liran felt that the current Jiang Lixing was wrong, but if you look carefully, everything is normal.

In short, it feels very strange.

"Surely plastic surgery can't do this, but the mysterious spells can."

Ning Huanxin couldn't help whispering when he saw Jiang Liran's tangled look.

A word to wake up the dreamer.

"I'll take it, my master has forgotten this!"

Jiang Liran suddenly looked at Ning Huanxin with bright eyes, and said in a rush: "I said, do you know what? Where is the real Jiang Lixing dead? If you let him come back, won't all the truth be revealed?"

"If he can come back now, would the counterfeit dare to come to the door?"

Ning Huanxin coldly whispered from the side: "That person doesn't know what the path came from, but it's definitely a bad person! Now we have to figure out what that person's purpose is."

"Is it for the position of the head of our Jiang family?"

Jiang Liran immediately thought of a certain possibility, and his expression instantly became nervous and serious.

As soon as that person came, he started to play scandals in the entertainment industry and make things happen! This is very bad for Jiang Lixing's reputation in the circle, but in this way, wouldn't it be possible to just quit the entertainment circle, then return to the Jiang family and take charge of everything?

Jiang Sanshao instantly felt that he had seen everything wisely.


Ning Huanxin and Jiang Liran thought differently.

Jiang family?

No matter how powerful and rich the Jiang family is, it is just a mortal family!

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