Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 93 Which direction is your home? I only have one move!

Nuwa's ultimate move [Command - Destruction] is what shocked Xuanyuan the most!

He is worthy of being a hero only after calling me "Mom"!

Destruction is the destruction that destroys the world!

[Command - Destruction: Release a large amount of pure energy in the designated direction, shatter the space, and cause huge damage to all targets along the way! 】

There is no specific value.

It's not even magic damage!

Fewer words mean bigger things!

If you think about it with your buttocks, you will know how powerful an attack that can shatter space is - which direction is your home? I only have one move!

I became more and more excited about making a wish!

After drawing Nuwa, wouldn't he be invincible?

Under one person? No, no, no, I’ll just give it a try!

The target of the first water test is that island country. They are lucky!

"Mask of Godhead, activate!"

Make a wish and activate the Divine Mask directly, setting the target of becoming a god as Nuwa.

As for when he drew Daji before, he was determined not to dress up as a woman?


And this thing? It's definitely a rumor!

So delicious!

"Your Creator, in..."

When he was about to make a wish and turn into the goddess Nuwa, the lines that were already on his lips suddenly got stuck!

The wishful face was instantly covered with cold sweat!

Because just when he was about to utter the last word, a strong premonition of death suddenly came to his heart!

Not enough Qi!

Even though his current Qi has increased several times compared to before, it is still a drop in the bucket!

Wishing can feel that if he insists on transforming into the goddess Nuwa, he will be evacuated in an instant!

And it's not just the Qi in his body...

Not enough blue bars, come up with blood!

The moment he transforms into the goddess Nuwa, he will die!

Even if his current physique was passively transformed into a super-intelligent life form by Nuwa and gained the ability to live forever, he could not avoid death!

Immortality is not immortality.

No wonder I got the little fat guy Mengqi at the beginning, but I couldn’t get Nuwa!

Co-authoring is because I don’t have enough cultivation!

Even if you draw it, you can’t use it!

Xu Wan felt a little disappointed. It seemed that he was still far away from becoming the best in the world.

However, he quickly adjusted his mentality.

If you don't cultivate enough, then cultivate slowly. Anyway, you are immortal. As long as you don't dance like crazy and dance to death, attracting the whole world to attack, it is only a matter of time before you become the best in the world!

And this time coming to the Wa Palace was not considered empty-handed.

Not to mention immortality, even the other prizes drawn are definitely things that other strangers dream of!

Xu Yuan adjusted her mentality, regrouped, and left the Wa Palace in large strides.

However, he did not forget to take a "mom photo" of the statue of Nuwa Empress with his mobile phone before leaving the Wa Palace. If he really encountered some unsolvable problem, having this "mom photo" might really help. Do yourself a favor…

After leaving the Wa Palace, Xu Yuan was about to take out his mobile phone to book an online ride-hailing service, but he saw several messages popping up on his mobile phone that he had just turned to silent mode!

[Feng Baobao: Make a wish, what you told me was that Xu San and Xu Si said they would handle it, so you don’t have to worry. 】

[Feng Baobao: News screenshot · jpg - A transformer broke down near Handan Airport today. Relevant units have sent staff to repair it. Passersby please pay attention to safety...]

[Feng Baobao: Xu San, Xu Si and Zhang Chulan didn’t let me go find you. They bought me and Zhang Chulan plane tickets tonight to go directly to Liupanshui. Then you can come and play with me...]

[Feng Baobao: No, make a wish. I was pressed at the airport security check again. You go to Liupanshui first. When I arrive, I will treat you to a meal. Don’t worry, Xu Si will catch me...]

Several messages in succession made Xuanyuan a little funny, but also a little touching.

Feng Bao'er may have a strange mind, and even she herself doesn't know what friendship is, but this kind of nagging even if there is no response is Sister Bao'er's most direct expression of friendship.

Who would hate such an honest "girl"...

Of course, Xu San, Xu Si and Zhang Chulan's reactions to Xu San, Xu Si and Zhang Chulan were not surprising. These three people were afraid that the secrets of Sister Bao'er would be discovered.

However, Xu wish has long been an insider, and even knows more than these three people.

In any case, if you promote world compatibility, you can't avoid the Jiashen Rebellion and the mystery of Sister Bao'er's life experience. It's not impossible to help a bunch of Sister Bao'er if you can.

However, this matter still has to wait until the temporary workers gather in Liupanshui before having a frank and honest chat with Feng Baobao and Zhang Chulan.

[Okay, Sister Baoer, let’s meet in Liupanshui! 】

Xuyuan sent a message back to Feng Baobao.

But there has been no movement from Feng Baobao for a long time. Now Xu Si should work hard to recruit people...

He made a wish and didn't care, he just called an online taxi and the destination was directly set as Handan Airport!

Since there is no need to go to Jinmen to find Sister Bao'er now, he can simply go directly to Liupanshui to prepare for the gathering!

After drawing the prizes, it’s time to draw that bastard, Southwest Cancer King Zhenqiu!

After all, getting from Wa Palace to the airport is a big job, and there will soon be online taxis taking orders.

But Xu Yuan always felt that this license plate number looked familiar.

And when an unusually familiar taxi stopped in front of Xu Yuan, seeing the familiar bald head on the cab, Xu Yuan got into the back seat with an expressionless face and tightened his seat belt.

"Hey, brother, it's you again, you are really destined!"

"Master, don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry when you go to the airport this time..."

He doesn’t want to experience the front-loading washing machine again!

This time, under the strong request of Wishing, the domestic family man could only deliver Wishing smoothly to the airport with a face full of regret.

"Brother! Come see me next time! Remember to call me!" The taxi driver reluctantly waved his hand at the wishing back.

Xu Wan rushed into the airport without looking back.

He now extremely doubts that the driver drove a taxi not to support his family, but because he had a dream of being a racing driver in his heart. Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain how he drove an ordinary taxi to a speed of 180 kilometers per hour...

When Xu Wan arrived at the airport, exactly an hour later, there was the last flight to Liupanshui.

Make a Wish and purchased a first-class ticket directly.

Although his visit to Handan this time was not a business trip, the travel expenses could not be reimbursed.

But don’t underestimate the salary of temporary workers in the company!

Temporary workers are connected to the company wherever they are. They are really just a code name.

Even in terms of salary, most regular employees are not as high as temporary workers. After all, temporary workers are the front-line workers who really need to work hard.

It's just a first-class ticket, but I still don't care about it.

While waiting for the flight, Xu Yuan took out his cell phone out of boredom.

Sister Bao'er still hasn't responded to the message, and the group chat among temporary workers is also quiet.

Except for the previous mutual hostility between the brothers Wang Zhenqiu and Xu Yuan, the cancer in Southwest China, this is actually the normal situation for group chats among temporary workers.

After all, everyone is not very familiar with each other. The only thing these people are slightly familiar with is making wishes. Wishes are silent, and others naturally have nothing to say.

Then Xu Yuan casually chatted with the two "undercover agents" Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing.

The two of them have not arrived at Biyou Village yet, and are also on the way. However, as expected from the previous wish, Ding Ziheng, the twelve-level master of Biyou Village, is very polite to the two of them, and not only does not restrict their freedom and communication , and even treated the two as honored guests because of the order of Village Chief Ma, and tried their best to meet all needs.

[Wish: By the way, Lao Wang, Lao Qing, when you get to Biyou Village, if you have a chance, help me get a bite bag too. 】

[Wang Ye: What is that? 】

[Wish: A kind of space magic weapon, which is the space backpack in novels and games, making it easier to go out. 】

[Wang Ye: Okay, I’ll try my best, but...]

[Wish: What? 】

[Wang Ye: Lao Qing and I just worked together to do some divination in the interior. There is a big cause and effect on this Ma Xianhong. Is it related to the person behind Biyou Village you mentioned before...]

Wang Ye once again mentioned the great cause and effect!

In fact, for Wang Ye himself, he didn't care about this matter at all.

After all, no matter how great the karma of Ma Xianhong is, can he be as great as the karma of Xu Wan? I have long been involved with Xu Yuan.

No need to worry if you have too many debts, no need to worry if you have too many lice.

[Wish: Well, Lao Wang, Lao Qing, you two, be careful and just check the side. By the way, I don’t know the person behind Biyou Village very well...]

After giving instructions to the two of them, Xu Yuan opened the alien forum again.

It is true that if the Wang family is not dead, he will feel uneasy!

But when Xu Yuan opened the Yiren Forum, he discovered that there was new progress regarding the Wang family.

The company is involved in the investigation!

In other words, that old guy Wang Ai took the initiative to ask the company to investigate their Wang family!

And because this incident did cause quite a stir in the domestic alien circle, and the company also temporarily sent all temporary workers from the remaining six regions to deal with Chen Duo's matter, freeing up some manpower.

No matter how unfavorable the public opinion is to the Wang family, Wang Ai is still a member of the Ten Guys Association.

So the company agreed to investigate the Wang family.

I have to say that although this old guy Wang Ai is not a thing, he still has some brains.

Now that he can't find the person behind the public controversy, he simply exposes himself!

The Wang family indeed issued a mission to monitor Wang Ye's family on the black market, and indeed violated the company's regulations.

But compared to killing more than a dozen strangers in a downtown area of ​​a big city like Kyoto, the punishment for the former one is undoubtedly lighter.

After all, those who took orders in the black market did not really harm Wang Ye's family, nor did they violate the company's rule that one person was not allowed to use means against ordinary people.

At least Wang Ai felt that he could handle it with his status as a member of the Shilao Guild and the Wang family.

But when Xu Yuan saw this news, she couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Wang Ai, the old immortal, finally fell into the self-evident trap!

I really feel like I didn’t die quickly enough!

The real culprit who killed the dozen strangers who took the mission in the black market was naturally the one commanded by Village Chief Ma!

Make a wish and know this.

But that doesn’t mean the company can find out!

Even normal people would not have thought of Village Chief Ma's motive for doing this - simply because Wang Ye was also the successor of the Eight Wonders.

Especially when a group of temporary workers are going to attack Biyou Village. During this period, even if the company intervenes in the investigation, it cannot find Village Chief Ma.

Naturally, the old immortal Wang Ai and the Wang family cannot prove their innocence!

On the contrary, if the company intervenes in the investigation, it will definitely find out that the Wang family has issued a bounty mission on the black market targeting ordinary people for surveillance.

Not cleaned up and beaten again, this is the destined ending of the Wang family.

How can I put it, even when I made a wish, I felt that fate was tricking me.

In the original plot, Zhang Chulan just used the same despicable method to get the Wang family and Chen Jinkui, the leader of the Shuzi Sect, to cancel the bounty mission.

As a result, because of his intervention, the Wang family's vitality would definitely be severely damaged if they wanted to resolve this crisis, and the direction of public opinion would not change as a result.

It's the Wang family's misfortune, there is no other explanation.

Wishing to wait until the flight took off while eating melon and watching a movie.

On the way to Liupanshui, Xu Yuan carefully studied the ability of the [Jieao Flame Spear-Nezha] he had just drawn.

Since you said you were going to beat the second chair of Southwest Cancer King Zhenqiu, you must keep your word!

In fact, it's not just because Wang Zhenqiu is so mean that it makes people's teeth itch. On the other hand, it's also because of Wang Zhenqiu's ability to practice.

Like Ding Zhangan, who is second in the national server, Wang Zhenqiu, who studied Baijiayi, is undoubtedly a genius, and he is also a genius who has practiced the mask of the godhead.

Xuanyuan is an alien who has practiced the godhead mask.

Wang Zhenqiu’s godhead mask is the orthodox godhead mask!

Nuo Opera Mask and Faith Gloves are required as activation conditions.

Nowadays, only Wang Zhenqiu and his master Xia Liuqing are practicing the orthodox godhead mask.

Although the opponents Xu wish faced in the past were not weak, he had corresponding methods of restraint. In fact, he really wanted to compete with opponents who also practiced the godhead mask.

Master Xia Liuqing is naturally not among them, and the only candidate left is Wang Zhenqiu!

It just so happened that I had just drawn Nezha again!

Coincidentally, one of the gods played by Wang Zhenqiu also includes Nezha, the great god of the Three Altar Haihui.

Coincidentally, he also robbed him of two hundred red envelopes and refused to return them...

You said there is no such coincidence in the world. If you don't slap him, who will?

It just so happens that I can also establish with Wang Zhenqiu who is the senior brother and who is the junior brother...

Through the glass window of the plane, Xu Wishan saw the airport on the ground getting closer and closer, and a smile appeared on her lips.

Ball! Dead shemale! I am coming!

As soon as I made a wish, I @Wang Zhenqiu in the group of temporary workers as soon as I got off the plane.

[Wish: @Wang Zhenqiu, dead shemale, don’t you want me to hit you along the network cable? I'm here now, where are you? 】

[Make a wish: Liupanshui Airport·jpg]

As the news of the wish was sent out, temporary workers who were rushing to Liupanshui from all over the world also saw the news.

Xiao Zizai just smiled and didn't care.

If there had to be a side between Wishing and that southwestern cancer king Zhenqiu, he would definitely side with Wishing.

In fact, Wang Zhenqiu's reputation can be called "notorious" among temporary workers...

Lao Meng, a temporary worker in the Northwest Region, a socially fearful middle-aged man, secretly gnashed his teeth.

Today's young people have really explosive tempers. If they disagree with someone, they will go over the Internet cable and hit someone.

Make a wish to be the first to arrive at Liupanshui just to slap Wang Zhenqiu? Can't afford to offend, can't afford to offend...

On the other hand, the clarinet workers in Central China appreciate wish making.

This kind of character that hits you when he wants to hit you is very suitable for him.

As for Sister Baoer...

At this moment, he has not been fished out from the airport security checkpoint, his mobile phone has been confiscated, and he has not seen any news about making a wish.

The temporary workers in other regions did not say anything in the group chat, except for the high school sophomore in the Northeast Region, who couldn't help but stand up and act as a peacemaker in the group chat.

[High school sophomore Zhuang from the Northeast Region: ˇˇBrother Xu, please calm down. We are all temporary workers, so don’t hurt the harmony. 】

Although Xu Yuan knew that Gao Erzhuang's ability to check people's browser history at any time was not popular, but looking at the polite Gao Erzhuang, he really couldn't say anything harsh to this cute little girl.

[Make a wish at the Kyoto headquarters: Erzhuang, don’t worry about it. After I finish drawing that dead shemale, I will give you one hundred of the red envelopes I want back. 】

[High school sophomore in the Northeast Region: (_) Come on, make a wish brother! 】

Zhuang, a sophomore in high school who had been a peacemaker just now, instantly defected to the wish-making camp.

In fact, including the temporary workers who peeked at the screen, everyone knew that making a wish could not really kill Wang Zhenqiu, at least now everyone was in the same camp.

It's just because this is the first time for them to come into contact with each other, and they still need to get familiar with each other.

Wang Zhenqiu as another protagonist.

In fact, in his mind, he had the same idea as making a wish.

His godhead mask also came from Xia Liuqing. Seeing the wish that he had practiced the same method, he naturally felt a little itchy.

Moreover, he did not dare to sign up for the Luotian Dajiao held in Longhu Mountain because his popularity was so "good".

Through those posts circulating in the foreign forum, he learned that Xu Yuan was the champion of Luotian Dajiao, and he was the champion with his true strength!

Naturally, he also wanted to try the level of his senior brother Xuanyuan!

It was also for this reason that I made crazy provocations and made wishes before.

[Wang Zhenqiu of the Southwest Region: (picking his nose) Junior Wishing Brother, I didn’t expect you to arrive at Liupanshui so soon. I will be here soon too. Please make an appointment. Normally you have to queue up if you want to challenge me. You are lucky today. 】

[Wang Zhenqiu of the Southwest Region: By the way, Erzhuang, after I finish repairing this ignorant junior brother, I will also give you a hundred red envelopes. 】

[The second high school student in the Northeast Region: ()*. 】

Temporary workers in other regions:…

The biggest winner turned out to be Zhuang, a sophomore in high school? No loss inside or outside?

Looking at Wang Zhenqiu's reply, Xu Yuan also laughed angrily.

Southwest Cancer King Zhenqiu is also well-known within the company.

Normally, infighting within the company is prohibited, but Wang Zhenqiu is an exception.

The company even introduced a rule regarding playing Wang Zhenqiu.

Queuing up for lottery...

Otherwise, there will be too many people who want to beat him!

[Kyoto Headquarters makes a wish: Damn shemale, you don’t need to open the back door. I got the number before I left. I’ll beat you to death later! I'll be waiting for you at the airport gate, don't even think about running away! 】

After Xuanyuan finished replying to the message, he took out a piece of paper from his pocket, with the 50th of this month written on it, which happened to be this week!

This was the number he asked another staff member of the headquarters for before leaving the Kyoto headquarters.

Didi’s proxy service is officially launched!

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