Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 92 I have a mother who kills people randomly (please vote)

An hour after making the wish, I looked at the building sign of Wa Palace in front of me and felt very complicated.

The bald head... is indeed not in vain. Does it really have the effect of reducing wind resistance?

Is this a taxi driver? This is clearly a handan pilot!

Although he is not a family man, he has a speed comparable to that of a family man!

The nearly two-hour journey took half the time!

"Ugh..." Xu Yuan retched twice again, and the turbulent feeling in his stomach subsided slightly.

The double speed naturally comes with a corresponding price, he is a stranger!

The stranger who never gets motion sickness actually got motion sickness after being tortured!

Strangers are human beings, and they can’t stand being stuffed into a rotating drum washing machine for an hour!

In a sense, that taxi driver was considered a strong man!

Xu Yuan stood outside the gate of the Wahuang Temple and waited for a long time. Only when he was sure that he would not vomit in the Wahuang Temple did he step inside.

Although the consensus among alien circles is that there is no god in the world, Empress Nuwa is the mother goddess who repairs the sky and creates humans in the belief of five thousand years of Chinese civilization.

Especially since I am about to use the power of faith here to perform ten consecutive draws, I still have to maintain a certain amount of awe!

Not all Wahuang temples are Wahuang temples.

It is a group of buildings, and the core area is the real Nuwa Temple.

Although this is not a scenic spot, and there are no staff selling tickets here, it is because of Nuwa's special status in Chinese civilization and belief.

Wa Palace is also listed as one of the five most sacred places for ancestor worship in the country.

However, because Xu Wish came at a time other than any ancestor worship period, the palace was very cold. It was so cold that apart from Xu Wish himself, he only saw a sleeping aunt in the work booth...

Now that we have come here, I am no longer in a hurry to make a wish, and just walk slowly towards the Nuwa Temple in the center of the Wa Palace.

Along the way, Xu Yuan looked at the introduction and legend of the great goddess Nuwa on the cliff, and her heart gradually became solemn.

Creation of creation and creation of man, repairing the sky and saving the world; God of blessings for the country, ancestors and sages; rule of the queen, making music and setting up matchmakers...

Compassionate, brave, and full of wisdom.

She really deserves the title of Mother Goddess!

Make a wish and walk step by step to the Nuwa Temple in the central area.

As soon as he entered the main hall, he made a wish and saw the smiling statue of the goddess Nuwa.

The vivid eyes and the power of faith permeating the statue made her wishful.

I really didn’t come to the wrong place!

Restore the glory of Emperor Wa, today!

Make a wish without any hesitation and directly summon the lottery system in your mind.

Ten draws in a row!

"Empress Nuwa, please bless me..."

The lottery light screen flashed, just like previous lottery draws, and the icons of heroes and equipment kept flashing on the light screen.

The wishful eyes were fixed on the lottery screen, a little nervous.

After all, Goddess Nuwa is different from those immortal gods in the past. This one is a top-level saint!

If converted into card drawing levels, it would at least start as a golden legend!

Even if I make a wish, I am not sure whether I can get it!

As the frequency of the light curtain's flickering gradually slowed down, the result of the first lottery also appeared in the wishing eyes.

The charming fox——Daji!

Make a wish:…

The influence of the power of faith on the lottery results has indeed taken effect, but this result really makes the wish a bit unbearable.

It's not because Daji is weak, the three sisters in the grass still have their intimidating power.

Black stockings, high heels, short skirts...

Oh, yes, there is also a big tail and animal ears.

Xuanyuan really couldn't imagine how explosive it would be when these alluring parts appeared on the body of a man like himself!

He is not the second chair like Wang Zhenqiu!

Just because you like female heroes in games doesn’t mean you like women’s clothing in real life...

He swore that he would starve to death because he would never choose to transform into any heroine, including Daji!

Xu Yuan shook his head and took his mind away from Daji.

It doesn’t matter, there are nine more times!

The lottery light screen flashes quickly, and the second lottery begins!

[Jieao Flame Spear—Nezha]!

There is no surprise in making a wish this time. After all, in addition to being the Great God of the Three Altar Seas, Nezha also has the identity of the spiritual bead under the throne of the Saint Nuwa!

Being able to draw Nezha to make a wish is no exception.


The third draw.

[Wrath of the Fire: +1100 health, +8% movement speed.

Hunting (Passive): After hitting the target, dragon fire will cause true damage to the target.

Reward (passive): After hitting the target, a layer of reward effect will be superimposed. The actual damage amount is determined by the reward effect. 】

Xu wish grinned.


Real damage is simply a powerful weapon to defeat the enemy!


The fourth draw.

[Red Lotus Cloak: +240 physical defense, +1000 maximum life.

Karmic Flame (Passive): Burns enemy targets within a certain range around you every second, causing 3% of health magic damage. It can be turned on and off at any time.

Serious injury (passive): Suffering from burning damage, the recovery effect is reduced by 35% for three seconds. 】

The wish-making expression became subtle.

If paired with the [Nightmare Fang] drawn previously, the serious injury effect has been as high as 70%!

Coupled with Nezha's passive effect [Burning Fire: After hitting the target, it will cause true damage to the target and reduce the recovery effect by 35%, lasting for three seconds...]

The serious injury effect is as high as 105%, which not only reaches the full value, but also reduces it by 5%...

He now has the power to defeat Mr. Lu Jin and all the members of the Trinity Sect who have practiced the three-fold technique of reversing life!

Although the effect of serious injury is very short, only three seconds, as long as I can effectively attack once every three seconds, I can definitely grind Lu Jin to death!

Of course, the premise is that Lu Jin cannot kill him instantly before being beaten to death...

I have the ability to restrain myself, but the strength gap is still there!

The fifth draw, [Anti-Injury Thorn Armor: +30 physical attack, +360 physical defense.

Thorns (passive): Return 25% of the physical damage received to the attacker in the form of spells.

Counter-stab (passive): When the physical damage received exceeds 2000 points within 2 seconds, a stab will be issued to cause 8% of the maximum health of the surrounding enemies as magic damage. 】

Make a wish:…

OK OK! It’s defensive equipment again!

Live, who can live longer than me?

But he really doesn't want to be beaten passively!

In fact, based on the attributes and passives added to him by the many equipments that Wish has drawn, even if he does not activate the Godhead Mask, it is not easy for him to defeat him even if he is generally a genius of the younger generation...

If some enemies with weaker life skills or weaker physiques take action against Xu Wish, and Xu Wish remains in place, they will easily "rebound" to death...

It was as if the goddess Nuwa heard the complaints in Xu Yuan's heart.

In the subsequent sixth and seventh draws, Wish did not draw defensive equipment again, but instead drew two pieces of spell attack equipment.

[Mask of Pain: +120 spell attack, +5% cooldown reduction, +800 maximum health.

Torment (passive): After the spell hits the enemy target, the target will receive 4 spell attack damage of 3% of the current life within 3 seconds. 】

[Breath of Ice: +160 spell attack, +5% cooldown reduction, +600 maximum health.

Ice Condensation (Passive): After the spell hits the target, it will slow down by 20%.

Frostbite (Passive): The spell can cause additional damage to targets with impaired movement speed. 】

The combination of these equipment reminded Xu Yuan of an old friend...

The Japanese are fighting against Landry, hitting me is like hitting yourself...

Complaints will be made, but there is no doubt that the increase in strength brought to him by several pieces of equipment in succession, and his aura skyrocketed again.

Although it is not as good as the growth rate of the master's leveling on Longhu Mountain, it can definitely exceed the growth rate of any other person of his generation!

The attribute accumulation brought by the equipment to Xu Wishan gave him a strength that far exceeded his own cultivation level!

If Daluodong Guangu Jiating dares to attack him again now, I wish I was 80% sure that I can keep him!

In addition to means restraint and attribute growth, the ability to make wishes has also become more disgusting.

The effects of blood-sucking, burning, rebounding, slowing down, and serious damage are stacked together to form a chemical reaction that makes one plus one greater than two!

Cooldown reduction has also increased to an astonishing 45%!

Unlimited firepower is not far away!

I am very satisfied with the results of the first seven draws and will continue the remaining three draws with full confidence!

But starting from the eighth draw, Wish finally felt something was wrong!

The eighth lottery, [Xingquan]!

Auxiliary equipment!

Automatically combined with [Ji Shadow·Running Wolf] to form [Ji Shadow·Running Wolf·Star Spring].

Just as he expected before, the active skill is there, and after synthesis, the effect has been upgraded!

[+2400 maximum life, +20% movement speed.

Starburst (active): Select a target within the range to link, and restore 20% of the maximum health and mana of both casters within 5 seconds. The starlight power collected every three days can be converted into a starburst.

Running Wolf (active):...

Aura of Swiftness (Passive):…

Reward (Passive):…

Guerrilla lv2 (passive): Gain a certain amount of energy every three hours. 】

In addition to getting an active skill that can heal others and doubling its attributes when upgrading the equipment, the only change in passive ability is that [guerrilla] has been upgraded to level 2!

The amount of energy gained every three hours is twice that at level 1!

The ninth lottery draw is no longer an equipment, but a hero [Dream Spirit - Mengqi]!

A little fat man who is not even humanoid...

The results of these two draws cannot be called weak. In the long run, the [guerrilla] effect upgrade can even be called a magic growth skill!

You can upgrade while hanging up!

But Wishing found something wrong with the results of these two draws.

Where are you now?

Wa Palace and Nuwa Temple!

He is here to use the power of faith to perform ten draws in a row.

If the heroes and equipment drawn several times before can barely have anything to do with the goddess Nuwa, then the eighth and ninth draws have absolutely nothing to do with it!

Mengqi, what does that little fat man have to do with the great goddess Nuwa?

The strong will return to the strong, but this is not what I want!

The one he wanted to draw the most was Nuwa!

I originally thought that the power of faith in Nuwa Temple was exhausted when I made a wish, so I randomly came to Mengqi again.

But he could clearly feel the power of faith permeating the statue of Nuwa!

Xu Wan stared at the kind-faced statue of Nuwa on the altar in a daze.

After thinking deeply for a long time, Xu wish finally came to a conclusion that was very outrageous, but the only one that made sense.

That is……

Success is also the power of faith, failure is also the power of faith!

Although the statues of gods have no sanity, the nature of the power of faith is different!

As the Mother Goddess, the nature of the power of faith provided by those who come here to worship their ancestors has always been more in the direction of the Mother Goddess.

Mother Goddess…

Now the results of these nine draws are not useless, they are very strong, but they are not what I want most!

Isn't this just like those mothers who say they are good for you, but don't know what their children want most...

Motherly love is right, but it requires reasonable communication!

Think about this.

Xu wish glanced at the ten consecutive draws where he only had one chance to draw.

Although after the ten consecutive draws this time, he still has five more chances to draw.

But if he cannot solve the problem that the nature of the power of faith will also affect the results of the lottery, even if he draws a hundred rounds here, he may not be able to draw the goddess Nuwa!

Lack of communication…

As soon as I made a wish, I knelt down in front of the statue and shouted something passionately.


As soon as the mother said the wish, the whole Nuwa Temple fell into silence.

Even the crickets that kept chirping at the temple door realized what was going on and closed their mouths.

Xu Yuan didn't know if it was his imagination, but he seemed to feel that after he said "Mom", the eyes of the statue of Nuwa Empress seemed to be filled with a strong look of shock...

Xu Yuan did not hesitate and continued to speak passionately.

"Empress Nuwa, you are the creation mother goddess of our Chinese clan. I have been an orphan since I was a child. I don't know who my parents are. I am also Chinese, so it is reasonable to call you mom."

Statue of Nuwa:...

"If you don't say anything, I'll take it as your acquiescence." Xu Wan continued, mist rising in his eyes at the right time.

Statue of Nuwa:...

"I have never seen my biological parents since I was a child. Now that I call you mom, I also want to be by your side. However, I am a common person and do not have such a high level as you, so please use your great supernatural powers to stay with your child. …”

Make a wish without Bi Lian. Zhang Chulan has no moral integrity and no limits. She can kneel down without any inner burden.

But if the target is Nuwa, then there will be no problem.

But these are the words I wish to say.

When it comes to acting, it is inevitable that there is an element of acting in it.

But if you say it’s all staged, that’s not really true.

After all, all Chinese people know the legend of the goddess Nuwa who created humans.

Calling me "Mom" is not a loss at all, it's even ridiculously senior...

In the Chinese genealogy, he is really almost one person below him!

After Xu Yuan finished a series of words, he knelt on the ground extremely piously and kowtowed three times.

Then he stood up after making a wish and started the last draw of ten consecutive draws.

The lottery light screen appeared again, and I made a wish and stared at the constantly flashing light screen.

Regardless of the result of the lottery this time, he has no intention of continuing to draw.

If he can really draw the Nuwa Empress, then his purpose of coming to the Wa Palace this time will be achieved.

If he can't draw after accepting his mother, then continuing to draw will be a waste of lottery opportunities. It is better to keep the remaining five lottery opportunities for emergencies.

Xu Wish didn't know if it was due to his own psychological factors. He felt that the frequency of the lottery light curtain flickering seemed a little strange this time.

The lottery light curtain gradually stopped flickering, and finally stopped on a hero's portrait.

When Xu wish saw the hero's avatar clearly, his breath suddenly became stagnant!

It is Nuwa!

The Supreme Creation—Nuwa!

Even though he came here to make a wish, when he saw Nuwa, he still couldn't hide the excitement on his face!

After making a wish and receiving the hero character, I did not directly check the hero's abilities.

Instead, he looked at the statue of Nuwa Empress with a serious expression.

At this time, the statue of Nuwa Empress is still filled with a lot of power of faith, but when making a wish, it can be clearly felt that compared with before the tenth lottery, the power of faith that is filled with the statue has been significantly weakened.

Hmm...probably like one million dollars spent on ten thousand dollars.

Although it is not much in terms of the overall proportion, the single amount is quite a lot for him, enough to be dozens of times higher than the ancestral temple of the Zhuge clan!

To say that the heroic character he drew as Nuwa has nothing to do with the consumed power of faith would be to deceive himself!

Xuanyuan knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times again sincerely.

"Mother Nuwa, thank you. But my son has to leave now, and I still have work to do. I will come see you after I finish my work."

Statue of Nuwa:...

Okay, okay, call me mom if you have something to do, and call me empress if you have nothing to do, right?

After making a wish, he turned around and left the Nuwa Temple.

After leaving the Nuwa Temple, he found a secluded place within the confines of the Wa Palace and carefully considered what he had gained from this trip.

[King of Glory Mall System]

[World fit: 35%]

[Number of draws: 5 times]

[Heroes: Sikong Zhen, Zhao Huaizhen, Zhuge Liang, Yixing, Jin Chan, Zhong Kui, Zhang Liang, Zhuang Zhou, Yang Jian, Taiyi Zhenren, Jiang Ziya, Daji, Nezha, Mengqi, Nuwa]

[Equipment: Overlord Heavy Equipment, Sage's Asylum, Witch's Cloak, Extreme Shadow·Running Wolf·Star Spring, Nightmare Fang, Prophecy of Time, Book of God-Eating Gods, Clothes of Broken Cocoon, Red Lotus Cloak, Bath of Fire Wrath, Anti-Injury Thorn Armor, Mask of Pain, Breath of Ice]

After ten draws in a row, I got a total of four heroic characters, five pieces of equipment, and the auxiliary equipment was upgraded by one level.

The harvest is extremely rich!

But what I care most about when I wish is Nuwa, whom I won in the last draw!

After he carefully checked Nuwa's abilities, Xu Wan's face was filled with shock.

This voice...

It’s really worth calling!

As you move up in seniority, you gain strength, and you even have the immortality that others dream of but cannot achieve!

I have a mother who kills indiscriminately!

This sentence is the most appropriate description!

The hero Nuwa's abilities are different from most other heroes.

There are five skills in total!

[Brilliant Guidance (Passive): Convert your physique into a super-intelligent life form, break through the upper limit of life, and become immortal!

Gain additional vision and attack range based on your own health level. After the spell hits the target, it will leave a mark on the target. Attack the target again to gain a movement speed bonus and recover your own injuries! 】

[Command - Radiation (Active): Release energy, causing a huge amount of magic damage and knockback effect to the target. After hitting the target, the cross matrix will be expanded, and a huge amount of magic damage will be caused again. 】

[Command - Create (active): Create a matrix space that cannot be passed through by any means and freezes targets in the surrounding space.

After a certain period of time, the matrix space will disappear. If it disappears or is touched by any magic, it will detonate the matrix space and cause huge amounts of magic damage to surrounding targets. 】

[Command - Transmigration (active): Create a space gap to teleport to the designated location, and cause a huge amount of magic damage near the landing point.

Passive: When the body is damaged, the defensive effect will be automatically triggered, causing deceleration and massive magic damage to surrounding targets and increasing its own movement speed. 】

Nuwa's ability is actually related to space. Looking at it this way, Daluo Cave is nothing more than that!

Although the first four abilities are very strong, it is the last ability that shocks Xu Wan the most.

[Command - Destroy! 】

The word "destruction" means destruction that will destroy the world!

It’s fun to write. Let’s have some fun. If the bosses and adoptive fathers don’t like it, try to reduce it as much as possible in the future.

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