Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 9 Since ancient times, medicine has not been divided into different families.

Chapter 9 Since ancient times, medicine has not been divided into different families...

"Make a wish, do you also know about food?"

Seeing the interest on Xiao Zizi's face, Xu Yuan suddenly smiled awkwardly.

If it was normal food, he might be able to have a chat with Xiao Zizai.

But if it was the delicacy that Xiao Zizi understood, Xuanyuan really couldn’t praise it.

Perhaps only Hannibal from the West can speak a common language with Xiao Zizai.

Although he is not a normal person, compared with Brother Xiao, he is still a bit too normal...

"Brother Xiao, let's talk about the mission report." Xu Yuan laughed dryly and changed the subject abruptly.

Under normal circumstances, Xiao Zizi has a pretty good temper.

He wasn't offended by the wish's evasive attitude.

Instead, he said mockingly to himself while continuing to help Xu Yuan write the mission report.

"I know I'm not normal, but in fact I'm not belligerent, I'm just a natural killer. This is a disease, but most of the time I can still control myself from getting sick..."

Xuanyuan naturally knows Xiao Zizai's story.

The Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Xiao Zizai is not just a nickname, but also his disciple.

Xiao Zizai was born in Lingyin Temple, and his master was Master Jiekong, one of the ten masters. He was also a genius with a famous family.

Master Jiekong was a Shaolin monk when he was young, so he passed down the seventy-two Shaolin stunts to Xiao Ziyi.

The reason why Xiao Zizai was reduced from a talented disciple of a famous family to a temporary worker was precisely because of the disease he mentioned - a natural-born murderer.

Once you can't control the murderous intention in your heart, you will fall into a state of red-eyed rage!

Even Master Jiekong's exquisite Buddhist practice could not resolve Xiao Zizai's innate murderous intention.

Master Jiekong finally used his body to take all Xiao Zizai's attacks when Xiao Zizai went berserk again. At the cost of having his cultivation level destroyed, he barely allowed Xiao Zizai to suppress the surging murderous intent.

Before he left Lingyin Temple, Master Jiekong made an agreement with Xiao Zizai. If one day Xiao Zizai wanted to kill innocent people indiscriminately, he would be the first to kill him.

Although this news is still a secret to the ordinary alien community, it is not a secret at all to the company.

Before Xiao Zizai joined him as a temporary worker, the company had already conducted a detailed background check on him.

Seeing the self-deprecating Xiao Zizai, Xu Yuan suddenly had a twitch in his head and spoke.

"Brother Xiao, I have a way to cure your illness."

"Oh?" Xiao Zizai paused with the pen in his hand, then raised his head and looked at Xu Yuan with interest. "any solution?"

Xiao Zizai is not surprised that Xu Yuan knows about his illness. Although they are both temporary workers, they have been in the third level of the Beijing Government since ancient times. As a temporary worker at the headquarters, it is normal for Xu Yuan to know some inside information.

He was more curious about the treatment method mentioned by Xu Yuan.

After all, his master, Master Jiekong, who was one of the ten masters, was unable to cure his disease. Could it be that Xu Wish, this young man, was even more powerful?

"Well, like this, Brother Xiao, since ancient times, medicine has not separated families." Xu Yuan quietly took a few steps back, "If one day you can't control your condition, you will go to Longhu Mountain to find Zhang Zhiwei, the master of the Heavenly Path. You first Kill him and your illness will be cured."

Xiao Zizai:......

I am mentally ill, not mentally ill!

Xiao Zizai's hand that was about to write suddenly froze in the air.

Xuanyuan was already approaching the door of the room at this time, and he was ready to run away if the situation turned bad!

"Let's talk about the mission report." Xiao Zizai changed the subject dryly with a stiff face.

Just like when he was about to talk about food with Xu Wan, Xu Wan's expression was as dry.

Seeing that Xiao Zizai didn't make a move, Xu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief and slowly moved back to the table.


So exciting!

But at this moment, a light flashed through Xiao Zizai's mind.

In a sense, the method of making a wish is correct.

It is true that he cannot kill the old Heavenly Master, and the outcome will definitely be that he loses control and will be killed by the Old Heavenly Master.

But at least this ending is better than killing the master, Master Jie Kong, with your own hands...

Thinking of this, Xiao Zizai did not express his thoughts, but just turned his head and glanced at Wish with a strange look.

Is this why you can become a temporary worker by making a wish?

I don’t know whether I should say that this kid is unconventional or has a mental illness...

Sick, but effective!

Xu Yuan was shocked by Xiao Zizi's strange eyes, but fortunately nothing happened next.

Xiao Zizai just threw something to Xu Wan that he couldn't understand.

"Make a wish that you have Buddha nature and have a predestined relationship with Buddha."

Make a wish: ...eighteen thousand yuan?

Of course, Xiao Zizai didn't take the wish seriously, just treating it as a casual courtesy.

Under Xiao Zizai's ghostwriting, Xu Wan's mission report to the Hu family in Dongxiangzhuang was quickly completed.

When he took over his mission report from the other party, he understood that what Xiao Zizai had just said was that he was not bragging about being good at writing reports.

Compared with the mission report written by Xiao Zizai, his previous mission report could only be called an introduction!

have a look! What is an old fritter!

The death of the Hu family father and son was completely justified and logically became an accident!

This is what makes a good doctor after a long illness!

After writing the mission report, Xiao Zizai took Xu Yuan out to eat.

Although both of them are temporary workers, the wages of temporary workers are not low, and the dishes arranged by Brother Xiao are naturally Hangzhou's specialties.

West Lake vinegar fish, Dongpo pork, Longjing shrimp...

Putting aside the question of whether these famous dishes are delicious, Xuanyuan discovered that Brother Xiao is really a kind brother when he is not sick.

Generous, kind, and polite, he doesn't mind the offense of ordinary people at all...

They even help children pick kites hanging from trees on the road.

He is completely the image of a good guy who is weak and can be bullied!

Brother Xiao heard about Xu Yuan's plan to visit other strangers in East China. He was afraid that Xu Yuan would be inconvenient without a car, so he even asked Xu Yuan to drive his own car when the time came. He could just take the subway...

The relationship between the two men also heated up rapidly during this period.

Who can say no to a kind and generous older brother?

Brother Xiao and I have a heart-to-heart relationship, how can I play tricks with Brother Xiao?

After eating, Xiao Zizai wanted to take Xuyuan to visit the scenic spots in Hangzhou, but he refused.

"Brother Xiao, let's do it tomorrow. I want to go back and rest early today."

"Well, that's fine. Then I'll take you back and take you shopping tomorrow."

Xiao Zizai didn't force him, he just thought that the wish was because he was tired from performing the task, and sent him directly back to his residence.

However, is making a wish really just because you are tired from performing the task?

Not really!

Although he struggled with the Hu family and his son for quite some time during the execution of his mission, he even suffered some minor injuries.

But Wish is the only temporary worker title with a 100% mission completion rate. It is not obtained out of thin air. It is based on the blood and tears of countless mission targets!

Before the Hu family and his son, there were far more difficult mission targets than this pair of father and son.

The reason why Xuanyuan is anxious to go back is just because...

He can draw again!

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