Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 10 Is it hurting Tianhe? Just don’t hurt Wenhe!

Xiao Zizi left after sending Xu Wan back to his residence.

Although he had finished writing the mission report for Xu Yuan, he had not yet written his own mission report.

After Xiao Zizai left, Xu Wish immediately summoned the King Mall system in his mind.

【King Mall System】

[World compatibility: 4%]

[Remaining number of draws: 1]

[Heroes: Sikong Zhen, Zhao Huaizhen]

[Equipment: Tyrant Heavy Equipment]

Xiao Zizai can also be regarded as a key figure in this world, so the first time he made a wish to see him, the world's compatibility increased by 1% again!

There is nothing to hesitate, just make a wish and click to open the lottery!

The lottery light screen once again appeared in front of the wish-making eyes, and various heroic characters and equipment continued to flash on the lottery light screen.

The frequency of flashing increases from fast to slow, until it finally stops completely.

But this time it's not the hero's avatar that's locked, but...

A piece of equipment!

The refuge of the wise!

[Sage's Asylum: +140 physical defense, +140 spell defense.

Passive: Resurrection]

When Xu Yuan saw this piece of equipment, he was shocked!

A very classic defensive equipment. The main function is not the accompanying defense power, but the passive resurrection effect!

[Resurrection: Resurrection in place 2 seconds after death, cooling time: 3 days, remaining times: 2/2]

Therefore, it is called the Resurrection Armor in the game!

However, reality is not a game!

Resurrection in the game may be able to turn the tables on victory in team fights.

However, in reality, it is a divine weapon that can bring people back to life!

I'm afraid even the Heavenly Master Zhang Zhiwei can't reverse the cycle of life and death...

At the moment when the wish was made and the lottery was completed, bursts of dull thunder rang out in the originally calm dark night sky!

It hurts Tianhe!

But fortunately, the mall system was quite powerful. It only sounded thunderous warnings in the sky, but it did not trigger divine punishment. A bolt of thunder fell from the sky and killed Xu Wish.

I finally let go of my wish.

He very much agrees with what Jia Xu and Jia Wenhe, a famous strategist from the Three Kingdoms period who was known as the master of inexhaustible strategies, once said - it doesn't matter if it hurts Heaven and Harmony, as long as it doesn't hurt Wenhe.

Although being able to draw out the sage's protection was a bit unexpected for Xu Wan, now that he has this thing, he has a lot more confidence.

He even dared to touch the Heavenly Master twice! ——Because the resurrection effect is only twice...

And for his next plan to visit other strangers in East China, it can be regarded as a cover-up method.

Who knows if we will encounter some old monster with no martial ethics!

And having the protection of the sage and the heavy armor of the tyrant at the same time, the effect of making a wish is equivalent to him carrying a weakened version of the spring water with him.

Strength increased again!

This trip to the East China Branch turned out to be the right one!

The night when I drew the resurrection armor, it was the first time that I had slept so peacefully since I traveled to this world.

The sense of security is simply overwhelming!

Early the next morning, Xiao Zizai knocked on the door of the room where he made a wish.

"Hey! Make a wish, why do I feel that there are some indescribable changes in you? You seem to have become stronger, but you don't seem to have the same strength?"

Xiao Zizi's senses were very keen, and as soon as he entered the door, he looked at Xu Yuan with some confusion.

"It's nothing, Brother Xiao, I just luckily got something from my practice last night." Xu Yuan said with a smile.

"Well, actual combat is indeed the fastest way to increase strength." Xiao Zizai nodded matter-of-factly, and then became interested, "How about we give it a try?"

Xu Yuan was also quite moved by Xiao Zizai's proposal.

Among people under one person, except for the ranking of the top two heroes, there is no specific division of the realm of strength.

Xu Yuan knew that the company's temporary workers were very strong, but he wanted to know where his own strength stood among the company's temporary workers.

"Then it's better to be respectful than to obey!"

Although the East China Branch is just a branch, it still has the necessary venues. After all, whether it is a regular employee or a temporary worker, they still need to practice on weekdays.

Under the leadership of Xiao Zizi, Xu Yuan came to the underground training ground of the East China Branch.

In order to be able to withstand the aliens' methods, all the building materials here are made of high-tech materials.

Anyway, I wish I didn’t understand these technologies.

At this time, the discussion between Xiao Zizai and Xu Yuan spread throughout the East China Branch, and almost everyone in the East China Branch skipped work and came to watch.

Although Xiao Zizai, a good old man, is only a temporary worker, he is also known for his high combat effectiveness within the East China Branch.

In addition to Xiao Zizai's "famous reputation" during his mission, no one in the East China Branch is willing to compete with him on weekdays.

Now suddenly someone is willing to take action with him, how can they miss this excitement.

On the ring, Xiao Zizai and Xu Yuan stood at opposite ends. He turned his head and glanced at the crowd around him, and then asked Xu Yuan understandingly.

"Make a wish, do you mind if someone watches? If you mind, then let's change the day."

Wishing shrugged.

"It's okay, I don't care."

Even if his ability is not revealed now, it will be known to others at the Luotian Dajiao.

"It's coming, be careful!"

As Xiao Zizi's words fell, he rushed towards Xu Yuan like a bolt of lightning.

And Xu Wan also activated the Divine Mask immediately, and an ethereal Taoist robe instantly covered his whole body.

Zhao Huaizhen, the heart of freedom!

This time the hero who made a wish and chose to become a god is still Zhao Huaizhen!

It's not that Sikong Zhen is not strong, but that Zhao Huaizhen is more suitable for this kind of close combat competition!

A series of black and white cyclones appeared around the wishful body.

"Golden Bell!"

A golden light covered Xiao Zizai's arms and fists, and then he punched Xuanyuan.

"Qi follows your heart!" Xu Yuan also saw the tricks and kept using Tai Chi force to push Xiao Zizi's fist aside.

Originally, Xiao Zizai wanted to use only five points of his strength. After all, there was a twenty-year age difference between him and him when he made a wish, and the twenty-year training gap was enough to cause a crushing blow in terms of strength.

He didn't really want to kill Xu wish, he just wanted to give Xu wish a trick.

But as soon as the two sides started fighting, Xiao Zizai felt the pressure.

Every time he hit Xu Yuan with a five-power fist, Xu Yuan would easily resolve it with Tai Chi.

And the strength attached to his fist disappeared without a trace like a mud cow entering the sea.

The wish was far more powerful than he expected!

As the two fists and kicks exchanged, Xiao Zizai began to unconsciously increase his intensity!

But it was still easily resolved by making a wish.

Even in the end, Xiao Zizai used more than just the golden bell cover.

The seventy-two Shaolin stunts were fired from his hands like a machine gun, with unparalleled ferocity!

"Pick your fingers!"

"Dragon sucks water!"

"The Great Merciful Palm!"

"The monument thrower!"

Making wishes is also easy to come by, and various Tai Chi techniques are constantly defusing Xiao Zizi's attacks in his hands.

"Hold the bird's tail!"

"Single whip wing!"

"Wild horses part their manes!"

"Move, block and beat!"

The flashes of fists and kicks between the two people dazzled the surrounding employees of the East China branch.

Xu wish can actually compete with Xiao Zizai on a par!

As expected of a temporary worker from the Kyoto headquarters!

Although the two seemed evenly matched, only Xu wish knew that he actually had a slight advantage.

Most of the Shaolin Kung Fu techniques are violent and explosive, but the essence of Tai Chi is to use softness to overcome rigidity and leverage force, which can exactly restrain Xiao Zizi's seventy-two unique skills.

The golden fist shadows and the black and white cyclones kept intertwining. Just when the two were fighting fiercely, Xiao Zizai took a wishing palm and used the force to jump back out of the battle group!

Xu Yuan did not pursue the victory, but looked at Xiao Zizai with some confusion.

Why don't you fight when you're fighting well?

At this time, after Xiao Zizai jumped out of the battle group, he was standing on the edge of the ring with his head lowered and his eyes blood red. He kept rubbing his face and muttering in a low voice.

"Xiao Zizai, you can do it. Xuanyuan is not a bad person. You can't kill him. You can't kill him..."

As the fight between the two sides became increasingly fierce, he could no longer control his murderous intention!

Xuanyuan was not an ordinary person, so he naturally heard Xiao Zizai talking to himself.

Make a wish:…

Co-author: Yesterday's lottery gave me the protection of a sage. Is this to prevent Brother Xiao from becoming a sheep and scorpion for me today?

After a while, the blood-red color in Xiao Zizai's eyes gradually receded, and he suppressed the murderous intention again.

Only then did he raise his head and look at Xu Yuan.

"Make a wish, this is my last move. If you can catch it, I will admit defeat..."

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