"Don't let this news leak out yet. Only the heads of the major districts know this news now. The specific results need to be decided at a meeting. Come back as soon as possible..." Fatty Zhao's tone was full of exhaustion.

The person in charge of the region was killed by a temporary worker, and Quan Xing killed Tian Jinzhong, Lao Tianshi's junior brother. These two major events happened at the same time. If they are not handled well, the alien world will be in chaos.

What's more, it also involves the Biyou Village...

After hearing Fatty Zhao mention that Liao Zhong, the head of the South China Region, died in the hands of Chen Duo.

Wishing finally remembered that there was something about Biyou Village!

Chief Ma Xian Hongma, one of the few honest people among the younger generation, is the leader of Biyou Village.

Faced with Fatty Zhao's arrangement, Xu Yu couldn't refuse.

After all, when he chooses to join the company as a temporary worker, while enjoying the convenience and status brought to him by the organization, he also has to bear the corresponding responsibilities and obligations.

What's more, he now has to go back to Kyoto to help Wang Ye deal with the harassment of the Zhonghai Wang family by strangers from aristocratic families...

This is what he promised Wang Ye before!

"Okay! Director Zhao, I'll go to the airport now!"

Xu wish answered the phone.

"Well, one more thing is about your organization. I'm very busy now, so I'd better wait until you come back..."

After saying that, Fatty Zhao hung up the phone.

Make a wish:…

This Fatty Zhao is not a good cake either!

It’s okay to give a sweet date a slap in the face. It’s only half the story. Are you really afraid that I will put a sack on you in the middle of the night?

However, the wish was not delayed too much here.

After hanging up the phone, he returned to Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing.

Although time was tight, Xu Yuan said hello to several acquaintances before leaving.

For example, Master Jie Kong, Zhuge Family...

Regardless of whether they helped or not, these people came to Luotian Dajiao to help him, and they still had to maintain the relationship after all.

Jianghu is not just about fighting and killing.

After finally saying hello, only Wang Ye chose to go back to Kyoto with Xu Wan.

According to the agreement he made with Grand Master Zhou Meng before going down the mountain, he has been expelled from the Wudang Sect. Naturally, he cannot go back to Wudang and can only choose to go home.

Moreover, after being reminded of the wish before, Wang was also a little worried about his family.

Although the company explicitly prohibits strangers from using means to attack ordinary people, who can guarantee that those who secretly covet the Fenghou Qimen will not take risks?

The two of them did not delay. After leaving the Longhu Mountain Scenic Area, Xu Yuan took advantage of his status and directly borrowed a car from the staff on site and drove to the airport.

They could just leave the car in the airport parking lot after they boarded the plane, and employees from the company in East China would naturally drive it out.

This can be regarded as one of the conveniences for company employees. After all, Wishing now still has the reputation of being on field duty!

On the way to the airport, Xu Yuan suddenly thought of something.

He turned his head to look at Wang Ye who was sitting in the co-pilot and was lost in thought.

"Old Wang, we will buy the nearest flight tickets later. Do you... have the money to buy the tickets?" Xu Yuan looked at Wang Ye suspiciously.

If you remember correctly when making a wish, although the third son of the Wang family has hundreds of millions of dollars in wealth, he actually doesn’t have much money on hand because he became a monk and looked like he was dying before. So he takes the high-speed rail to attend the Luotian Festival. of……

"Ah, I don't have any money, don't you have it?" Wang Ye replied absently.

Make a wish:…

I have that is my salary!

That’s the salary I earned as a temporary worker! Hard-earned money!

You, a rich second-generation young man, actually set your sights on my small salary!

You want face or not!

Little did Xu wish know that Wang Ye was not like this before he met him...

But time was urgent at the moment, and Huishu couldn't really ignore Wang Ye and let him take the high-speed rail back, so in the end he could only come up with a compromise plan.

"Old Wang, as a friend, I can lend you money to buy a plane ticket. Let's do this. We'll be home nine times a day. Anyway, your family has a big business and you won't be short of this interest."

Wang Ye, who had looked hopeless just now, finally turned his head at this moment. He looked at Xu Wish with an expression as if he had seen a ghost.

Originally, he thought that learning how to make a wish would be enough for him to cheat, but he never expected that he could perform such an operation beyond the lower limit by making a wish!

One mouthful brings a friend, one mouthful brings nine out and thirteen returns!

We are brothers in our hearts, but you can’t get through on the phone if something happens?

Could it be that the secret to transcending the mortal world lies in infinitely breaking through the lower limit?

"That `s a deal!"

Seeing that Wang Ye was silent for a long time, Xu Yuan took it as his acquiescence.

However, Wang did not refute. Now that he has been "expelled" from the Wudang Clan, he really wants to go back and see his father and the others as soon as possible.

It sounds like I haven't been home for a long time...

After a full two hours, Xu Yuan rushed all the way to the airport closest to Longhu Mountain, and then took Wang Ye to the counter to buy a ticket for the nearest flight.

This flight still had to wait about half an hour and a minute before the security check. Wang Ye took advantage of the wish and sat together in the first-class waiting room.

Out of boredom, Xu Yuan took out his mobile phone and accidentally clicked on the forum of the Stranger Circle again.

As soon as he clicked on the forum, he saw a series of posts that shocked him.

"Wish that the thunder method would kill Zhang Lingyu and force the Heavenly Master to personally take action to save his beloved disciple..."

"Make a wish to kill everyone, clear the whole place with one move..."

"According to rumors, Luotian Dajiao champion Xu Wishan loves to watch sideline anchors, and Laotian master and disciple Sun Zhang Chulan likes married women..."

"Two or three things I have to say about Xu wish..."

Make a wish:…

He now finally understood how outrageous the rumors were!

He didn't even need to click on it. Just by looking at these titles, he knew how outrageous they were...

In fact, it stands to reason that except for the last post, the rest of the posts are quite factual, but there are some special circumstances that were not mentioned in the post. For example, when he killed those Quan Xing on Longhu Mountain, those Quan Xing In fact, the sexual members have been almost consumed...

If I really continue to brag like these posts, I'm afraid I won't be the second person right away...

Xu Wan also tried to stand up and defend himself, but his defense was obviously inconspicuous among the overwhelming comments.

And people can only see what they want to see…

Just as Xuyuan was looking at these outrageous posts with the expression of an old man looking at his cell phone on the subway, Wang also came forward.

He looked at the post in which he made a wish to massacre everyone and smiled, hiding his merit and fame.

Logically speaking, at that time in the back mountain, there were only a few people who saw the wish to kill a large number of members of all genders with one move, and most of them were not people who like to surf the Internet. How could it be posted to the forum so quickly?

Of course, the contributions of Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing are inevitable.

With the collusion of the two, this post appeared in the forum...

Half an hour flew by.

Nothing unexpected happened to Xu Yuan and Wang Ye, and they boarded the plane smoothly and flew to Kyoto.

On the plane, Xu Wan was not idle. He called up his system panel in his mind and checked the results of this trip to Longhu Mountain.

[King of Glory Mall System]

[World fit: 34%]

[Number of draws: 14 times]

[Heroes: Sikong Zhen, Zhao Huaizhen, Zhuge Liang, Yixing, Jin Chan, Zhong Kui, Zhang Liang, Zhuang Zhou, Yang Jian, Taiyi Zhenren, Jiang Ziya]

[Equipment: Overlord Heavy Equipment, Sage's Asylum, Witch's Cloak, Extreme Shadow·Running Wolf, Nightmare Fang, Prophecy of Time, Book of God-Eating, Clothes of the Broken Cocoon]

Great harvest!

There are even 14 draws left!

In terms of strength, it has also undergone earth-shaking changes compared to before he came to Longhu Mountain!

After the two old men, Lao Tianshi and Lu Jin, took over the fight, the energy level increased at least three times!

Coupled with the bonus of equipment and the ability to switch heroes at will, resulting in a restraint effect, ordinary aliens really do not pose much of a threat to themselves!

But forget about the older generation. Before making a wish, he had watched Lao Tianshi and Lu Jindai fight, and he could clearly sense the gap between the two sides.

And on the other side of Longhu Mountain.

As the person in charge of the East China Region, Dou Le has the burden of investigating the case and appeasing the Heavenly Master.

He had just used the company's black technology to review the scenes before Mr. Tian's death, and had confirmed that the murderer of Tian Jinzhong was Gong Qing, the head of Quanxingdai.

The reason why Gong Qing was confirmed so quickly as the acting head of Quanxing was because the company's chairman, Zhao Fangxu, reminded him.

What makes Dou Le a little strange is that the company's method of going back in time, which has never failed before, is no longer effective after Mr. Tian's death, and Mr. Tian's soul seems to have completely lost its trace.

However, Dou Le, the head of the region, was not good at these alien methods, so he did not pay much attention to these abnormal situations. He only regarded them as being interfered by Gong Qing through other means.

Dou Le informed the Heavenly Master of the findings.

The old Heavenly Master's face was expressionless.

"Old Heavenly Master, this matter..." Dou Le looked at the old Heavenly Master with cold eyes, and wanted to persuade him something.

But the Heavenly Master waved his hand to him and interrupted his next words.

"Mr. Dou, thank you to the company for coming forward to help me find out the truth. However, my junior brother has just passed away. I am really in a bad mood. I want to be alone and quiet, so I won't leave you all on the mountain."

Faced with the expulsion order from this supreme heavenly master, even Dou Le, the person in charge of the region, could not say anything more.

In addition, Chairman Zhao Fangxu has just summoned all the responsible persons for a meeting at the Kyoto headquarters.

Dou Le did not stay longer at Longhu Mountain. After cleaning up the scene and arranging the injured, he evacuated Longhu Mountain with the Nadutong staff.

Longhu Mountain is completely closed!

Then the old Heavenly Master Zhang Zhiwei called Rongshan, whose eyes were still red.

"Lao Jiu, I don't blame you and Lao Si for what happened to Lao Tian. I also didn't expect that the new acting head Quan Xing would lurk in my Tianshi Mansion for three years without revealing any flaws."

The Heavenly Master first comforted the guilty Rongshan, and then his tone gradually turned cold.

"Go and help me call back all your senior brothers at the bottom of the mountain. By the way, call Lingyu over."

Rongshan gritted his teeth tightly and nodded fiercely.

As a disciple who has been with Laotian Master all year round, Rongshan has roughly guessed what the master wants to do!

Complete sex! Gong Qing! Damn it!

A few hours later, the flight that Xu Yuan and Wang Ye took also landed smoothly at Kyoto Airport.

Even before the flight took off, Wang Ye sent a message to his father telling him that he was going home today.

As the richest man in Kyoto, Wang Weiguo naturally has some special channels that belong to him.

The plane door opened, and as soon as the two stepped onto the ramp, they saw a pure black car parked at the end of the ramp.

The Maybach triangle logo sparkled in the sun, attracting airport staff and tourists to stop and watch.

A middle-aged man wearing a suit was standing by the car door.

"Ye Zong!" The middle-aged man waved his right hand and shouted to Wang Ye.

"Brother Du, I told you not to call me that, I'm just a poor Taoist priest." Wang Ye stepped forward helplessly, "Actually, I can just take the subway back."

"That's okay." The middle-aged man whom Wang also called Du Ge said casually, and then looked at Xu Yuan who was walking beside Wang Ye.

"Is this the housekeeper that I also hired? Thank you for your hard work."

Make a wish:…

Wang Ye:......

Both of them have black hair.

Especially Wang Ye, he had a lot of understanding about making wishes during this period.

The champion of Luotian Dajiao, the temporary worker at the company's Kyoto headquarters, the mastermind who tricked Wang Bing into being unable to take care of himself...

You tell me, I am a poor Taoist priest, and I hire him to be my housekeeper?

But having said that, it seems that I still owe the money for a plane ticket to make a wish for nine outings and thirteen returns...

Of course, Xu Wish is not that stingy and won't argue with Brother Du.

"Well, Brother Du, right? I am Wang Ye's creditor. I lent him one thousand. According to the agreement of nine departures and thirteen returns, he should pay me back one thousand three now."

Brother Du raised his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes.

Nine out and thirteen out, isn't this a beheading interest and usury? Who did you meet when you were a Taoist priest?

And when I was a Taoist priest, I always borrowed 10 million for anything worth doing? Don't let others fool you!

Just when Du Ge wanted to say something, Wang Ye quickly pulled him aside.

"Brother Du, give it to him, give it to him, he is my friend, it's just the price of a plane ticket."

The king has not forgotten that his family is being targeted by those aristocratic sects and he needs to make a wish to help him solve it.

Du Ge was also stunned when he heard Wang Ye's words.

The money for a plane ticket?

Not thirteen million?

"Mr. Ye, are you talking about 1,300 yuan?" Du Ge was still a little unsure.


In Du Ge's weird eyes, he happily took out his mobile phone and scanned the money to make a wish.

After Xu Yuan accepted the money, Wang Ye asked Du Ge to drive Xu Yuan back to the Kyoto headquarters of Nedotong Company without saying much.

On the plane, the wish was agreed upon with Wang Ye.

Wang Ye will go back to Zhonghai Wang's house by himself first, and Xu Yuan will go back to the company to deal with the corresponding matters first.

As for those strangers who may harass the Wang family in secret, wait until Xuanyuan is finished with the company's affairs before helping Wang Ye solve the problem.

Anyway, with the king here, those secret strangers won't be able to harm the Wang family for a while!

After delivering the wish to the company headquarters, Du Ge took Wang Ye and rushed back to Wang's house.

On the way home, Du Ge raised his head and glanced at Wang Ye through the rearview mirror.

"Mr. Ye, actually speaking, the chairman's health has not been very good recently. You came back at the right time, otherwise the chairman would have called you."

Wang Ye was shocked!

It’s not that Wang Ye is unfounded.

Logically speaking, at his age, Wang Weiguo, his father, is often busy with company affairs, and he is not a spiritual practitioner. It is normal for his body to suffer from various chronic diseases.

But the timing is perfect!

Wang is not sure whether it is a real chronic disease or some alien method.

"Brother Du..." Wang Ye hesitated, "Forget it, wait until I get home and take a look!"

Although the housekeeper Du Ge is also a member of the alien world, it was only after experiencing a series of events such as the Luotian Dajiao and Quan Xing's riot in Longhu Mountain that Wang Ye truly understood how big the alien world is!

Du Ge's strength...isn't enough!

Even with the strength of Luo Tian Dajiao's first-round contestants, Du Ge probably wouldn't be able to discover the tricks he did secretly!

It would be more appropriate to wait until you get home and confirm the situation...

After a month, Wishes returned to the company's Kyoto headquarters again.

Like branches in other regions, this place has normal logistics operations as a cover.

Make a wish and walk through the normal office building and go straight to the chairman's office.

"Dong dong dong..." Xu Yuan knocked on the door of Fatty Zhao's office.


When Xu Yuan opened the door, Fatty Zhao was already waiting inside, and it could be seen from the piles of documents on the table that he was very busy.

"Make a wish, you're back." Fatty Zhao put down the document in his hand, stretched out his hand to rub his eyebrows, and joked casually, "You have a good relationship with the third son of the Wang family in Zhonghai! He even sent you to the door of the company. "

Xu Wan was not surprised that Fatty Zhao knew this real-time information, not to mention that Gao Erzhuang, a temporary worker from the Northeast Region, could transform into a god on the Internet.

Even if the company's intelligence network wants to monitor a person in real time, it will be effortless.

The deterrent power of Nadutong Company against aliens does not only come from the background represented behind the company, but it is also not weak at all in terms of intelligence.

But now that Fatty Zhao mentioned this, Xu Wan found a breakthrough point to solve Wang Ye's troubles.

"Yes, Director Zhao, Wang also made a lot of efforts when Quan Xing caused trouble in Longhu Mountain. He also killed many Quan Xing demons with Master Lao Tian. He definitely contributed a lot..."

"However, because of his eight magical skills, Wang Ye has now been targeted by certain families and sects in the alien circle. If that's the case, those people are also targeting Wang Ye's family."

"Who is Wang Ye's family? The Wang family of China Shipping Group! The Wang family is the richest man in Kyoto! China Shipping Group is also a major taxpayer in Kyoto. This is simply obstructing the pace of social development. It is an unforgivable crime!"

"The most important thing is that the Wang family of Zhonghai, except Wang Ye, are all ordinary people! According to the company's regulations, foreigners must not use their methods and abilities to harass ordinary people. Director Zhao, are you right?"

"How do you think this should be handled?"

Xu Yuan said these words in one breath, leaving Fatty Zhao, who originally just wanted to take a break, to stay in place.

He originally came back to Xu Wan to ask Xu Wan to help him, but what he just said made him feel more and more wrong.

By the time he reacted, Xu Wan had already slapped several big hats on the heads of those families and sects.

Did Zhao Fangxu get to where he is today because of his Splitting Air Palm? Obviously not!

It depends on your high level of consciousness!

Due to emotions and reasons, it is impossible for the company to ignore this matter now!

"Make a wish..." Fatty Zhao twitched the corner of his mouth and showed a wry smile, "Are you coming back to help me or to cause me trouble? You said so, how could the company not care?"

"Director Zhao, you are more enlightened!" Xu Wan also flattered him at the right time.

"But now the company has a lot of things to do and not enough manpower. I will leave this matter to you with full authority."

Zhao Fangxu's answer made Xu Yuan stunned for a moment.

Well, you Fatty Zhao, did you bring the ball back again?

But that’s fine too.

Isn’t the Wang family left to their own devices?

"But everything must be legal and compliant, and arrests can only be made if there is conclusive evidence." Zhao Fangxu added. "Speaking of this matter, I want to tell you another truth. The post on the Yiren forum about you massacring Quanxing was posted by Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing through a trumpet account."

"Ah?" Now it was Xu Wan's turn to be confused.

Lao Wang, Lao Wang, Lao Qing, Lao Qing, you two are really old!

"Director Zhao, why don't you use your background permissions to help me delete the post or clarify it? This matter is actually a bit misunderstood..."

Zhao Fangxu raised his eyebrows.

"Delete the post? Clarify? No, no, no! This is not okay. This post is related to my next arrangement for you, and it also concerns your organization..."

Dear adoptive fathers, I still have 10,000 words left today. I will update them as soon as I finish them. I am still writing~

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