Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 84: Who has ever done anything in human affairs before making a wish? (5000 big chapters)

I got the news about my master Xia Liuqing from Feng Baobao, which made Xu Yuan a little excited.

Old Man Xia is still alive!

And it can be heard from Sister Bao'er's words that Old Man Xia still listened to the advice and did not take action after arriving at Longhu Mountain.

However, if Old Man Xia had asked Sister Bao'er to take the message, if he hadn't taken the initiative to ask Sister Bao'er, I'm afraid Sister Bao'er would have forgotten it...

Just at this time, Feng Baobao's cell phone rang, and Xu Yuan vaguely saw that the display on the cell phone screen was none other than slave Zhang Chulan...

"It's me, it's me. I'm with Xuanyuan now. I don't know where this is. Okay, okay, I understand..."

Sister Baoer nodded repeatedly.

After hanging up the phone, Sister Baoer looked at Xu Yuan again, her face full of regret.

"Make a wish, Lao San Lao Si and Zhang Chulan came to me and asked me to meet them at the tourist area in Qianshan, so I left first..."

Xuanyuan also expressed his understanding of this.

After all, compared to the circle of North China Branch, I am an outsider, not to mention that Sister Baoer still has some secrets that are different from ordinary people.

With Sister Baoer's mind, it is normal for the Xu brothers and Zhang Chulan to worry about Sister Baoer being alone with them!

"Okay, Sister Bao'er, I'll come play with you next time." Xu Yuan smiled at Feng Bao'er.

Only then did Feng Baobao's face show a smile again.

"Okay! I'll treat you to something delicious then!"

Although she has lived for many years, her brain circuit is different from that of ordinary people and is purer. In the final analysis, her character is closer to the heart of a child!

It's rare to have a friend as "witty" as Xu Yuan...

Feng Baobao turned around and left, ran into the dense forest again, and disappeared.

After Feng Baobao left, Xu Yuan went straight to the cliff of the back mountain without any further delay.

Old Man Xia is still waiting for him there. He has not seen Old Man Xia for two and a half years!

However, on the way to the back mountain cliff, Xu Yuan always felt that she had forgotten something, but after thinking about it, she really couldn't remember it...

"Old Lu, this is my fault. Xia He ran away when I wasn't paying attention..."

On the mountain road leading to the Tianshi Mansion, the old Tianshi said to Lu Jin beside him with an innocent expression on his face.

Lu Jin:......

Lu Jin's head was covered with black lines.

Xia He took advantage of you and ran away?

Is this a lie?

If you make up your mind to kill someone, let alone Xia He, even I may not be able to run away, or even have a chance to run away!

Just hit me hard, right?

Of course, although Lu Jin had some resentment in his heart, since the Heavenly Master had said so, what else could he say? Anyway, the other three of the four crazy people had been killed by the wish, so he was already satisfied.

As for that witch Xia He...

For the sake of the Heavenly Master, I won’t kill him if I don’t want to.

When he saw that Zhang Lingyu did not come out of the woods with the old master, he almost guessed the truth.

Yin Wulei, I didn’t expect Zhang Lingyu to be...

Tsk, no wonder Zhang Lingyu always looks awkward.

"But having said that, is it appropriate for us to leave Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing on the mountain road? What if there are other Quanxings on the mountain..." Lu Jin decisively changed the topic without fussing over the old Heavenly Master. face.

"Lao Lu, don't worry. The Nadoutong Company has now surrounded Longhu Mountain, and there are no reinforcements. Even if there are fish that slip through the net, Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing can handle it..."

While the Heavenly Master was speaking, there was a hint of worry in his eyes.

Now Quan Xing's people have been almost eliminated, but he didn't understand why Quan Xing, who had been silent for many years, was causing trouble in Longhu Mountain this time. He definitely couldn't come here to die in vain!

Thinking of this, the old Heavenly Master suddenly stopped walking and turned towards the direction of his junior brother Tian Jinzhong's residence.

He already had a bad premonition in his heart...

Wishing on the other side also arrived at the back mountain cliff.

The first round of screening for the Luotian Dajiao was conducted here. There were not many people here on weekdays, not to mention that it was still at this juncture when the whole sex was making a big fuss in Longhu Mountain.

There was no one on the cliff at this time, only two lonely ropes hanging on the wooden piles on the edge of the cliff.

But Xu Yuan discovered the clue at a glance, and he shouted directly to the woods beside the cliff with a smile.

"Old man Xia, stop hiding. You still like to go into the woods so much. It's just me here, no one else."

As the words of the wish fell, a short figure slowly swayed out of the woods.

"Hey, wishing boy, am I not afraid of being discovered by others and causing trouble for you? You are now a member of the company. Old man, I'd better pay attention and don't delay your promotion."

This figure is none other than the wish-making master, Xia Liuqing, a vicious character!

Xia Liuqing hunched over, grinned with only two teeth left, and walked to Xu Yuan's side with a smile.

Just like an ordinary retired old man who goes downstairs for a walk.

If you don't know Xia Liuqing, you won't be able to connect the smiling old man in front of you with the vicious villain back then.

"What's the matter? It's not like Fatty Zhao of the company doesn't know that you are my master, or that he recruited me into the company." Xu Yuan waved his hand indifferently, "It's you, I didn't tell you not to follow Are these qualities mixed together?"

Speaking of this, making a wish is a bit of a headache.

No matter how vicious Old Man Xia was when he was young, the other party never showed a trace of viciousness in him.

The other party also taught him the divine mask.

Although even without Old Man Xia, you may not be unable to obtain the cultivation method of the Godhead Mask if you make a wish, but there is absolutely no way to reach this point smoothly!

Therefore, for Xia Liuqing, the master, making a wish means sincerely treating the other person as a relative who has no blood relationship with him in this world.

He has long known that Quan Xing is seeking death, and for the company, the meaning of Quan Xing's existence is only to weigh the power of righteousness.

Following Quan Xing's promiscuity, he would starve for nine meals in three days.

Not only is there no benefit, but there is also the risk of being slapped to death by the Heavenly Master at any time.

So Xu Yuan reminded him when Old Man Xia left Kyoto, but this time Old Man Xia still came to Longhu Mountain.

"I can't help it. Old man, I am still a member of Quanxing. I still have to listen to the acting leader's summons."

"Then you quit Quanxing! I can't guarantee anything else, but I can guarantee that you will be able to retire comfortably. No one in Quanxing will dare to cause trouble for you."

Make a wish and feel a little anxious.

"Don't mention this again. Make a wish. As long as Jinfeng is still in Quanxing, I will accompany her to stay in Quanxing!"

Xia Liuqing, who had been a little submissive in front of the wish just now, suddenly became firm at this moment, and even her stooped figure became a little straighter!

Make a wish:...6!

As expected of you, Old Man Xia, the most passionate (licking) lover in the world!

"Old man Xia, can you still learn Yang Wu Lei?"

The wish quietly poked Xia Liuqing's lungs.

Xia Liuqing:......

"You little bastard! Don't insult the relationship between me and Jinfeng!" Xia Liuqing jumped three feet high on the ground.

Every time he quarreled with this little bastard, he always ended up defeated in anger and humiliation. How could he stab a person's lung tube in a quarrel!

At this point, perhaps Master Tian and Xia Liuqing have something in common.

When we fight, we poke people's lung tubes, when we fight, we ask our ancestors to get on top of them, and when we make a wish, this kid has never done human affairs before...

In order to prevent Xu Wish from saying anything that would make him even more embarrassed, Xia Liuqing decisively changed the subject.

"Stop talking about me, little bastard, it's you. I haven't seen you in two and a half years. I didn't expect you to have reached this level of cultivation." Xia Liuqing shook her head with a complicated mood. "I can no longer teach you the next stage of cultivation of the Godhead Mask. You can only rely on you to explore on your own."

In fact, Xia Liuqing knew from the very beginning that Xu Yuan was a freak. What was strange about him was not only that he could use the third stage of the Divine Mask at no cost, but also that he could control the Divine Mask with Qi!

If the godhead mask is compared to a ball of flame, then the normal godhead mask uses incense and the power of faith as fuel, but when placed on the wishing body, it uses Qi as fuel, which is cheaper and stronger!

Xuanyuan nodded silently.

Unlike Wang Zhenqiu, who turned his back and refused to recognize others, he was a person who repaid kindness with kindness and revenge with hatred. Old Man Xia was kind to him, and this kindness would not be forgotten as his cultivation gradually became stronger.

"Old man Xia, I won't force you to do anything about Grandma Jinfeng, but from now on, you must not get involved with other people of all genders. After you come down the mountain, you can hide with Grandma Jinfeng. Otherwise, we will sever the master-disciple relationship now!"

In order to save Old Man Xia's life, Xu Wan had to come up with a compromise, even threatening to sever the relationship between master and apprentice.

Old Man Xia looked at Xu Yuan's serious expression and realized the seriousness of the problem.

"Did something happen?"

"Gong Qing, the acting head of Quanxing, killed Tian Jinzhong, the junior brother of Lao Tianshi."

Xu wish uttered a word softly, but when it fell in Xia Liuqing's ears, it rumbled like thunder from the sky!

As one of the strong men who came to the present in the same era as Lao Tianshi, Old Man Xia knows very well what Tian Jinzhong means to Lao Tianshi!

That was the only remaining senior fellow apprentice who survived the troubled times back then!

Gong Qing is this madman!

Now that the last junior brother has been killed by Gong Qing, Xia Liuqing feels numb just thinking about it!

He didn't dare to think about what would happen next!

Only a fool would continue to hang out with those lunatics! If you don't run away, you'll die!

He is whole-hearted, not a fool!

Although Xia Liuqing had made up his mind to run away, he was still a little worried about making a wish.

"Make a wish, old man, do you want me to escort you out of Longhu Mountain? If the Heavenly Master gets angry with you because of this, old man, I can still hold my tongue for you even if I risk my life!"

"No, don't worry. I'm fine. I just learned Quanxing's exercises, not Quanxing. Besides, I probably killed more Quanxing people this time than Master Tian..." Xu Yuan suddenly remembered something, " By the way, Old Man Xia, I’ll say hello later before you leave.”

Having said this, Xu Yuan took out his phone and dialed Xiao Zizai.

Now, Nadutong Company has sent a large number of personnel to surround Longhu Mountain.

It can not only prevent Quan Xing's backup from going up the mountain, but also prevent Quan Xing from running away from Longhu Mountain.

At this time, the importance of human connection comes to light!

Because Longhu Mountain falls under the jurisdiction of the East China Region, and there was a reminder to make a wish, they were well prepared, so the company members who surrounded Longhu Mountain this time were all from the East China Region.

Xu Yuan told Xiao Zizi that Old Man Xia was going down the mountain. Although Old Man Xia was also a member of Quanxing, under Xu Yuan's guarantee, Xiao Zizai helped Xu Yuan communicate with Dou Le and agreed to let Xia Liuqing leave Longhu Mountain. !

Of course, it is also one of the essential prerequisites that Xia Liuqing did not cause trouble in Longhu Mountain!

Once it is discovered that Xia Liuqing had done something in Longhu Mountain in the future, the company will also hold Xu Wish accountable.

After sending Old Man Xia away, Xu Yuan, who was about to return to Tianshi Mansion, suddenly slapped his head.

He suddenly remembered that he had forgotten something!

He forgot Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing on the mountain road!

When Xu Yuan rushed to the previous mountain road, he saw Zhuge Qing, who was covered in burnt black hair and had an explosion of hair, sitting on a stone by the roadside, while Wang Ye, neatly dressed, sat on the ground next to him.

Seeing the wish come back, Zhuge Qing almost cried in grievance.

I just listened to some gossip and didn't do anything harmful, yet I was hacked into this by the Heavenly Master!

Although it didn't cause any real damage, it was extremely embarrassing!

Xu Yuan led the two of them back while listening to Zhuge Qing's complaints.

After he listened to Zhuge Qing's words, he made a wish and spread his hands, "Old Qing, speaking of it, you can be regarded as the person who survived the thunder method of the old master. You will soon understand the gold content of this achievement. ."

Zhuge Qing:......

Wang Ye:......

Wonderful thinking!

Unable to refute!

At this moment, dark clouds suddenly covered the sky above the Tianshi Mansion not far away.


A thunderous sound like a punishment from heaven suddenly exploded!

Zhuge Qing was suddenly frightened and trembled, and quickly lowered his head and muttered to himself.

"Master Tian, ​​I didn't say anything bad about you..."

However, Xu Yuan and Wang Ye ignored Zhuge Qing and all looked up at the Tianshi Mansion under the dark clouds.

Both of them had fought against the old Celestial Master before, although the old Celestial Master only used the golden light spell at that time and did not use the thunder method.

But from this dark cloud, they can easily deduce the origin of this dark cloud!

Angry Heavenly Master!

Wang Ye was still a little confused.

"Master Tian, ​​what's going on? Why are you so angry? Did Quan Xing get killed by Zhang Chulan?"

Making a wish is like a clear mirror.

I'm afraid the Heavenly Master has discovered Tian Jinzhong's "corpse"...

When the three of them rushed back to their residence, they found that the old Tianshi had summoned all the disciples of the Tianshi Mansion and asked them to notify all the people on the mountain who were not from the Tianshi Mansion to come down the mountain. Longhu Mountain will be closed for a while!

Of course, the news of Tian Jinzhong's death was inevitably revealed.

Even the three of them who made a wish were no exception. They were all among the people who were "invited" to go down to Longhu Mountain.

"Wish, who do you think will kill Mr. Tian?" Wang Ye, who was packing his luggage, suddenly asked Xu Wish.

"Who else could it be? Quan Xing!" Xu Wan didn't hide anything, "Now Quan Xing will be completely destroyed!"

It is not difficult for Lao Tianshi or the company to find out the murderer.

There are all kinds of strange powers in this world, and the company also has all kinds of magical black technologies.

"The group is wiped out...it shouldn't be possible. The old Heavenly Master has a pretty good temper, so he won't kill all the Quanxing disciples."

Xu Yuan picked up her luggage, stood in the yard and looked up at the dark clouds in the sky.

"How do you think a virgin who has been around for more than a hundred years can get any better no matter how good his temper is?"

Wang Ye:......

It seems to be the same.

When they arrived at the tourist attraction in Qianshan, they saw people from the company maintaining order here.

Because of Quan Xing's riot in Longhu Mountain just now, although most of the casualties were avoided due to Wishing's intervention, some players were still injured in the process of fighting against Quan Xing members.

Neither the wish-maker, the Heavenly Master, nor Lu Jin are gods.

No one can save everyone on Longhu Mountain in time.

In addition to treating the injured, the company is also dealing with the aftermath of Longhushan.

The Heavenly Master has just issued an order to close the mountain, not only for strangers and contestants like them who come to participate in the Luotian Festival, but also for the tourist attractions in the front mountain that are open to ordinary people.

In this matter, even the nominally direct tourism department of Longhu Mountain did not interfere in any way. After all, they also knew very well the significance of Tian Jinzhong, the only remaining junior disciple of Lao Tianshi, to Lao Tianshi.

A popular tourist attraction suddenly suspends operations. In ordinary society, it will eventually cause some public opinion and speculation.

It's hard to guarantee that some blind cat won't stumble upon a dead mouse and guess the truth.

Solving the pressure of public opinion from ordinary people is also within the scope of the company's business!

Xu Yuan looked around among the company staff and quickly found Dou Le and Xiao Zizai, the people in charge of the East China Region.

The sudden situation of Tian Jinzhong's murder caused the company to be short of manpower for a while, so even Dou Le and Xiao Zizai were busy at the scene.

Xu wish originally wanted to go up and say hello before leaving, but at this moment, his cell phone rang.

This time the person who called Xu Yuan was not someone else, but his direct superior.

Zhao Fangxu, chairman of Nadutong Company!

Fatty Zhao is looking for him?

After all, we still have to find the other party to reimburse the recent travel expenses.

Xuanyuan could only stop helplessly, found a secluded place and answered the phone.

"Make a wish, I am Zhao Fangxu!"

This time Fatty Zhao didn't have any politeness or nonsense, and his tone was even unprecedentedly serious.

"Director Zhao, I am making a wish."

"Do you have any clues or speculations about the murder of Tian Jinzhong, the senior disciple of Longhu Mountain Master?"

It’s not surprising that Fatty Zhao could know the news on Longhu Mountain so quickly and make a wish.

It would be strange if Fatty Zhao didn’t know!

"Director Zhao, I just want to report to you. I traced the new acting head of Quan Xing all the way to Longhu Mountain. It was not until Quan Xing made a big fuss in Longhu Mountain not long ago that I confirmed the new acting head of Quan Xing. The identity of the leader is none other than the little Taoist boy next to Mr. Tian—Xiao Yuzi, whose real name is Gong Qing, who studied under Guan Yuan, the Thirteen Needles of the Ghost Sect!"

Xu Yuan had no intention of hiding anything on the phone and sold Gong Qing to Zhao Fangxu.

This was one of the reasons why he didn't take action against Gong Qing!

He always needs a reasonable answer to deal with the tasks assigned to him by Fatty Zhao.

"Well..." Zhao Fangxu on the other side of the phone pondered for a moment.

"Make a wish, so that you don't interfere with the affairs of Longhu Mountain and Laotianshi. I will leave the matters there to others. You should immediately buy the nearest flight back to Kyoto. Now another unexpected situation has arisen..."


It was a bit difficult to make a wish now. His original plan was to go to Nuwa Temple to smoke ten times in a row after the Luotian Grand Sect was over to see if he could draw out the great goddess Nuwa. But now Fatty Zhao had other plans for him. arrange……

"Director Zhao, if it is convenient, I would like to ask what the specific matter is?"

Fatty Zhao did not hide Xu Yuan, his direct subordinate, and simply made it clear to Xu Yuan directly.

"The head of South China Region, Liao Zhong, died. The murderer was Chen Duo, a temporary worker from South China Region. Chen Duo fled in fear of crime after killing Liao Zhong..."

It’s still a 5,000-word chapter, and today I updated it to 15,000 words. I just finished writing and the code came out. Bosses, Lei Bi has tried his best to update it!

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