Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 58: After whipping your junior uncle, I’ll whip you again! (Seeking for further reading)

"Zhang Chulan, you thief! Tell your sister Bao'er to stop!"

Suddenly, Wang Ye and Feng Baobao burst into the venue one after another, immediately attracting the attention of everyone present.

As Wang Ye shouted, the audience's eyes kept wandering away from Zhang Chulan and the two of them.

At this time, Xu Yuan naturally noticed the two of them, especially after seeing Feng Baobao, Xu Yuan suddenly realized!

Co-author Wang Yedao didn't get up early to detoxify, but was chased by Feng Baobao all night!

It was probably Zhang Chulan who instigated Feng Baobao to bury him yesterday, but it turned out that Master Wang Ye happened to be in the yard...

Unexpectedly, the person who was ordered to be buried by Sister Baoer by Zhang Chulan turned out to be herself. However, by chance, the person who was chased all night was still Taoist Wang Ye...

It's really time and fate...

Isn’t it true that Wang also knows how to cook? He was chased by Sister Baoer all night.

Call him a bad guy, he was chased by Sister Baoer all night...

Xu Yuan looked at Zhang Chulan with a strange expression.

"Zhang Chulan, is this the ally you are talking about?"

Now even with Zhang Chulan's face, it is hot at this time.

"Uh, um, make a wish, I won't do it next time!" Zhang Chulan racked his brains to say this.

Then he quickly shouted to Feng Baobao.

"Sister Bao'er! Stop chasing! My opponent today is not Wish!"

Originally, after Feng Baobao broke into the venue, her pace gradually slowed down. Even with her thick lines, she felt a sense of embarrassment for the first time under the gaze of many eyes.


Now that he heard Zhang Chulan's words, he naturally responded and ran to the stands with the shovel on his shoulder, no longer caring about Wang Ye.

"Thief Sun, you are quite good at playing!" Wang Ye glared at Zhang Chulan bitterly. "Okay, I'll remember you!"

Then, he glanced at the wish again.

"And you, I know you, a bastard, have no conscience at all!"

Afterwards, Wang Ye ignored the two of them and went directly to the stands to adjust his breath in disgrace!

Make a wish:? ? ?

What does it have to do with me!

You make me feel like a heartless person when you say this!

In fact, Wang Ye really wasn't making this up. The problem lies in the bucket of instant noodles that Xu Wishong gave him last night...

The instant noodles were mixed with Jian Jing Powder, which is also called Shenxian Pills. Even the gods will be finished if they eat it!

As for the effect, it is very simple. When the target is running Qi at full strength, it will hinder the movement of Qi!

If it weren't for this incident, although Wang Ye couldn't do anything to Feng Baobao, he wouldn't have been chased in such an embarrassing situation!

Even now his body is once again running out of energy...

Whether Wang Ye is good or not is another matter, but his bad luck is definitely true.

Ever since he met Xu Wish yesterday, he has been having bad luck. From fighting against the Heavenly Master, to taking Jian Jing Powder, to being chased by Feng Baobao, in fact, these three things were all because of Xu Wish.

In the end, all three thunders were carried by Wang Ye!

The intrusion of Wang Ye and Feng Baobao only slightly affected the progress of Luotian Dajiao.

As for how to deal with the shady behavior of Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao?

Anyway, Tianshi Mansion will just pretend that nothing happened.

Zhang Chulan is the disciple of the Heavenly Master. Anyone with a discerning eye can see what the Heavenly Master means. Who would mention this matter so discreetly?

So after the two of them returned to the stands, Luo Tianda still carried out the ceremony according to the procedures!

"Please come on stage for the first competition! Zhang Chulan versus Wang Bing!"

For Xu Yuan, he was not surprised at all that Zhang Chulan could do such a thing. He never fully trusted Zhang Chulan from the beginning to the end!

On the contrary, Zhang Chulan didn't even dare to look at Xu Wish!

After all, he had taken the initiative to come to those who made a wish to "form alliances" before, and he had done evil things to his allies. The most famous example was that Jiangdong rat Lu Meng...

Players from both sides took the stage.

Wang Bing looked at Zhang Chulan standing opposite him and frowned.

He was not very satisfied with the opponent he drew.

Wang Bin originally wanted to fight and make a wish!

Although there was no evidence on the cliff sling to prove that it was Xu Wish's manipulation, when did the Wang family need to provide evidence?

In Wang Bing's heart, he had long hated Xu Yuan!

He even plans to cancel the wish during the competition!

Regardless of whether it has anything to do with you or not, I think it must be you who did it!

Especially now that he has swallowed "all" the spiritual bodies controlled by Feng Xingtong, not only has his cultivation level been restored, but he has gone a step further, and his self-confidence has exploded!

"Zhang Chulan, no matter what plots and tricks you use, I, the King of the Wang Family, am not a waste like you. You'd better do it as soon as possible..."

Wang Bing frowned and said to Zhang Chulan.

In the stands, Xu Yuan sat in the player's seat and silently looked at Wang Bing who was making arrogant remarks.

He activated the divine mask, instantly transformed into the god Zhong Kui, and then canceled it instantly!

The light and shadow disappeared in a flash, so fast that the king sitting next to him didn't even notice it!

Later, Xu Wan felt that his cultivation and body had become much stronger!

Wang Bing used the method of subduing the spirit to swallow the spirit body into his body, and it was swallowed up in an instant!

The life cultivation he brought to Xu Yuan was comparable to his hard training for more than half a month!

Calling me King and Experience Baby is really not wrong!

Rubbish! It should stay in the trash can!

As for the fact that Zhang Chulan instigated Feng Baobao to bury him, Xu Wish will definitely not just let it go!

Don't worry, I was so busy drawing lots just now that I forgot to draw him. I'll draw him again after he's done drawing lots!

The only ones at the scene who were aware of it were Feng Zhenghao and Lao Tianshi!

Of course, there is no need to mention the Heavenly Master. After all, this person’s extremely high level of cultivation is there, and after Master Jiekong’s visit yesterday to “adjust” him, he has no intention of exposing the wish.

This is what he owes this junior Xuanyuan!

Feng Xingtong from the Feng family is still lying on the bed recuperating, and Feng Shayan has already dragged Jia Zhengliang, who spent five hundred dollars a night, down the mountain...

Feng Zhenghao is the authentic descendant of the witchcraft lineage. Not only does he master one of the eight magical skills, the Juling Commander, but he also has the support of the witchcraft lineage's theoretical system!

I have personally experienced the oppressive feeling of Zhong Kui, the god of wishing...

This is something that the Wang family does not possess!

Even though the Wang family obtained the "complete version" of Ju Ling Dispatch General, the only one who truly practiced Ju Ling Dispatch General was Wang Bing, and there was no support from any basic theory system!

After Feng Zhenghao felt the familiar suction disappear, he looked at Wang Bing who was in the middle of the competition with subtle eyes...

Wang Bing uttered wild words on the ring, but before he could finish speaking, the familiar feeling of weakness swept through his body again!

Wang Bing was stunned on the spot immediately!

Come again?

Wang Bing felt that his body was instantly empty, and he wanted to cry without tears!

Now he is in the competition!

At this time, something went wrong with Xing Qi. Isn't he looking for death?

While Wang Bing was stunned on the spot, Zhang Chulan, who was standing opposite him, did not remain stunned and directly launched Yang Wu Lei to attack Wang Bing!

"Thunder in the Palm!"

Zhang Chulan was already feeling ashamed because of the backstabbing of his ally just now, and now Wang Bing is uttering arrogance again!

When people feel ashamed, they always want to change their focus and topics. It would be great if they could find an outlet.

It just so happens that Wang Bing meets all three of these points!

When Wang Bing saw the palm thunder rushing toward him.

"Admit defeat!" Wang Bing shouted quickly.


Not only did the thunder in Zhang Chulan's palm not stop, but the Taoist priest from Tianshi Mansion who was the referee also did not stop it.

Obviously, they all classified what Wang Bing said about admitting defeat into the arrogance Wang Bing said just now to make Zhang Chulan admit defeat...

Even Wang Ai, who was sitting in the center of the stands, did not notice anything unusual. Instead, he looked at his great-grandson Wang Bing with pride...

But the next development of the competition made the expressions on the faces of everyone present become subtle...

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