"Then even a piece of you will be buried!"

Listening to the other party's familiar Trump accent, Wang Ye was speechless.

"Baby Feng, stop pretending, I know it's you!"

When he first came to the back mountain of Longhu Mountain, he met Zhang Chulan and his group on the mountain road. He was also very impressed by this girl who looked sloppy but was actually not very smart!

Especially the poor acting between the other party and Zhang Chulan in the ring today made Wang Ye certain of one thing.

That means Feng Baobao is a knife! Zhang Chulan is a mastermind!

"Awesome! You actually guessed it!" Feng Baobao pulled off the scarf on his head and exclaimed, "But then you have to bury me! Zhang Chulan said, you can't be discovered! If you bury me, you can't be discovered!" No one knows anymore!”

Wang Ye:......

He suddenly felt a headache.

Why are the people fighting him either Feng Baobao, who has a bad brain, or Xu Yuan, who has a good brain?

Are there no normal people in this world?

Now that he was discovered, Feng Baobao did not hesitate and directly picked up the big shovel on his shoulder and slapped Wang Ye on the head!

The Qi in Wang Ye's body had already recovered at this time, so he naturally retreated back without any hesitation!

"Luanjin Tuo!"

Wang Ye still habitually started with the golden watch!

But what he didn't expect was that the shovel in Feng Baobao's hand was still hitting his head with unabated force!

It seems that it is not affected at all!

This unexpected development completely stunned Wang Ye!

It's normal for the Heavenly Master to be unable to be suppressed by the chaos of gold. After all, he is one person's best!

But his current chaos can't even control Feng Baobao!

Could it be that Luan Jin Tuo was deposed?

It wasn't until Feng Baobao's big shovel hit him firmly on the head, sending him flying out, that Wang Ye woke up as if from a dream!

Depend on!

They are all perverts!

Now he has no time to think about Jin Tuo. Feng Baobao is really ruthless!

Wang Ye rubbed his head that was buzzing from being patted just now, and ran away into the distance!

What follows is a familiar scene.

In order to silence him, Feng Baobao seemed to have identified Wang Ye and kept biting his backside. Once there was a chance, he would swing the big shovel at him!

Wang Ye also used various strange techniques to attack Feng Baobao while running away.

But it is a pity that these strange spells can only hinder Feng Baobao for a moment, and cannot cause any effective harm to her at all, let alone trap the opponent!

He even used the talisman that his uncle gave him before going down the mountain...

But it's still useless, the effect of the magic talisman can only stop Feng Baobao for a while!

The two of them chased and escaped like this, running around Longhu Mountain for a whole night...

On the other side, the old master returned to his room after leaving the wishing place.

Not long after he returned to the room, Master Jiekong came to visit with the great monk Baowen.

"Zhang Zhiwei, you old guy are a bit shameless!"

Master Jiekong changed his usual kind-hearted look and cursed the old Heavenly Master when he came up.

"You actually drugged a junior who made a wish! And you even fought with him!"

"Your disciple Zhang Chulan is a human being, so if you make a wish, you are no longer a human being?"

"Old monk, I will let you know today what Fudo Mingwang means!"

Master Jiekong became more and more angry as he talked, and finally punched Master Tian directly!

Zhang Zhiwei didn't even dare to turn on the body-protecting golden light. After all, Master Jiekong's cultivation was completely useless. If he turned on the body-protecting golden light, the reaction force would be enough to seriously injure Master Jiekong...

After all, he was in the wrong, and now his little trick has been discovered...

In the end, Master Tian could only take the punch with his face!

Although Master Jiekong's current cultivation level has been abolished, he was still a monk when he was young, and his physical strength was not weak.

A huge black eye socket appeared on the old Heavenly Master's eye socket!

After this punch, the anger in Master Jiekong's heart calmed down slightly, and he sat on the chair with an angry look on his face!

The Heavenly Master could only stand by with a smile on his face while holding the dark circles under his eyes.

In fact, he is really suffering in his heart right now and can't express it!

This time he went to drug the wish, which was simply stealing the chicken but losing the rice!

Not only did it fail, but it also gave rise to an additional ancestor...

According to normal Taoist etiquette, after making a wish to transform into the god Zhong Kui, he should treat the wish with the same etiquette as Zhong Kui...

Take a bath and burn incense, pray three times and kowtow...

And now Master Jiekong came to the door and got punched...

If someone else came to the door, even if it was one of the other ten men, as long as they were not Master Jiekong, he would not be able to receive this punch with his face...

Although his relationship with Master Jiekong is not as good as that of Lu Jin, they can still be regarded as one of the few friends!

This unlucky situation made him want to go to the Zhuge family's warlocks to tell him whether he had been having bad luck recently...

Master Jie Kong sat aside and said good things for a while before Master Jie Kong's anger subsided.

Master Jiekong's cultivation of Qi was good, and he regained his usual kind-hearted look. He glanced sideways at the old Heavenly Master.

"How about it, Heavenly Master, have you realized how special it is to make a wish?"

"Well..." After the old master was silent for a long time, he swallowed the bitterness in his heart and nodded silently. "A pretty good young man."

"I told you from the beginning," Master Jie Kong finally showed a smile. "Wish this young man is very interesting, and he has no interest in the Celestial Master's Degree or the eight nonsense skills from the beginning to the end. Why stop him from getting the first place? At worst, the rewards of the Celestial Master's Degree will be postponed in sequence. Wouldn’t it be nice to give second place to Zhang Chulan?”

"Etc., etc!"

The Heavenly Master fiercely waved his hand to Master Jiekong and looked at him in surprise.

"Jie Kong, when did you say that? You have never mentioned this!"

Master Jiekong didn't take it seriously and lowered his eyelids.

"Oh, maybe it's because I'm older and have a hard time forgetting to say it."

For a moment, the entire room fell silent.

Even the great monk Baowen, who was standing behind Master Jiekong, couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth!

Zhang Zhiwei:......

You know, the way you make people hate you is like making a wish!

If he wasn't afraid that he would be beaten to death by Master Jiekong, who had lost all his cultivation, he really wanted to slap him with one palm!

If you had mentioned this earlier, I would have lost my face and still had to endure this hardship!

I suspect you did it on purpose, but there is no proof!

Xu Yuan fell into a deep sleep until dawn, feeling refreshed and refreshed.

When he opened the door, he found that Wang, who had been sleeping on the deck chair in the yard yesterday, had long disappeared.

"Tsk, I hope Taoist Wang Ye can teach you a lesson. You can talk nonsense, but you must not eat anything!"

Xuanyuan didn't pay much attention and just sighed casually.

He just thought that the ingredients that Heavenly Master added to the instant noodles yesterday might be laxatives, and Taoist Master Wang Ye got up early to detoxify...

After making a wish and washing up, he went to the back mountain where the Luotian Dajiao was held.

Today is the semi-finals promotion match!

There were many more spectators in the stands than yesterday!

However, Xuhui saw a familiar temperament in some viewers...

The temperament of the preparation…

Someone from the company? So many coming?

It seems that my reminder to Brother Xiao should have had an effect!

However, Quan Xing’s plan to cause havoc in Longhu Mountain will only be implemented after the Luotian Dajiao is over!

What is more important right now is this game.

Make a wish, Wang Bing, Zhang Lingyu, Zhang Chulan!

The top four players still decide their opponents by drawing lots!

"The first game, Zhang Chulan versus Wang Bing!"

"The second game, Make a Wish versus Zhang Lingyu!"

When the high-level Taoist priest from Tianshi Mansion announced to everyone the opponents of the four of them.

Two figures suddenly broke into the venue!

It was Wang Ye and Feng Baobao who had been running away all night!

As soon as he entered the venue, Wang Ye shouted to Zhang Chulan.

"Zhang Chulan! You thief, tell your sister Bao'er to stop!"

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