Not only the audience in the stands were dumbfounded, but also Taoist Master Wang Ye was a little dumbfounded.

The level of proficiency in wishing for Tai Chi...

Above him!

Tai Chi is divided into yang hands and yin hands, and the strength can dissolve each other.

But when the attacks from both sides collided, even if Wang Ye tried his best to resolve them, his inner organs would still be shaken every time!

This is an experience Wang Ye has never had before going down the mountain!

It is no exaggeration to say that in the entire Wudang, Wang is also the number one person of his generation in the Wudang Sect!

Xuanyuan is actually stronger than him! And it didn’t show off at all before!

This is incredible!

If only that was it.

But Wang can also see the extremely pure yin and yang meaning of Tai Chi from the black and white airflow faintly emerging around Xu Wish!

It’s even purer than Master Zhou Meng’s boxing intention!

This is not what Wudang Sect Tai Chi can do!

Combined with the method of "changing clothes" at the same moment when you just made a wish...

Wang can also be sure that the ability to make wishes is definitely not pure Tai Chi!

Until then, an idea flashed through Wang Ye's mind, and he suddenly remembered his purpose of participating in the Luotian Festival this time - the person who pretended to be him before was also the person who could truly transcend the world of mortals!

Let’s look at Xu Yuan who is proficient in Tai Chi and looks handsome...

Everything is right!


Wang Ye jumped out of the battle group and waved his hand towards the wish.

"Pause for a moment, I want to ask you a question first..."

The old Heavenly Master in the stands still squinted his eyes, unable to tell his thoughts.

But Zhuge Qing, who was standing by the stands, looked faintly excited and subconsciously clenched his fists.

I'm coming!

It’s finally here!

Fight! Fight!

As an insider of the incident between Wang Ye and Xia He, it was really uncomfortable for him to pretend to be confused all the time!

I'm afraid the next development will be that Wang Ye reveals Xu Yuan's identity, then becomes furious, and finally Wang Ye is beaten up again by Xu Yuan!

Zhuge Qing is looking forward to this very much!

Although he lost to Wang Ye, he didn't think that he would also lose to Wang Ye if he made a wish!

The formation skills Xu Yuan showed in Go back then left a very deep impression on him...

In the ring, Wang Ye jumped out of the battle group and asked a question.

"Make a wish, you know Xia He's post, right? Are you the one pretending to be me?"

The audience in the stands were originally a little dissatisfied with Wang Ye's sudden stop, and they didn't know what the two of them were going to do.

But when they heard the question Wang Ye asked, all the dissatisfaction in their hearts disappeared instantly and was replaced by a look of gossip!

Any melons? Or a big melon?

The bone scraper's post had a big impact on the alien community, and its spread was almost as widespread as everyone in the alien community knew about it!

Even the senior executives in the stands are like this!

Sure enough, no matter how powerful or powerful one is, it is human nature to like to inquire about gossip...

As for Zhang Lingyu, who was also a contestant, after hearing Wang Ye mention the name Xia He, he immediately became energetic and listened attentively!

Make a wish:…

He didn't expect that Master Wang Ye would ask this question on the ring.

But now, there is no need to hide it.

You can pretend to be dumb when others don't know, but since the other person has pointed out the problem, there is no point in continuing to act dumb.

What's more, Taoist Master Wang Ye himself is a warlock who can use divination!

"Well, it's me." Xu Yuan nodded calmly.

As soon as the words of the wish came out, the scene instantly caused an uproar!

Even the old Heavenly Master in the stands opened his eyes wide!

Is this little guy Wang Ye being blamed?

It’s too gloomy, it’s too gloomy!

Today’s young people are so shady!

The old Heavenly Master Zhang Zhiwei turned to look at his disciple Zhang Lingyu who was standing on the other side of the stand.

Zhang Lingyu also had a confused and defeated look on his face.

Are you looking for the wrong person to cause trouble?

"Thief Sun! You are very good at playing!"

Seeing that Wang Ye finally found the rightful owner, his eyes were slightly red with hatred, and he gritted his teeth and stared at the wish.

It turns out it's you, you old six, bastard!

Do you know how I got here during this time?

Do you know what kind of life I am living?

"We didn't know each other before, and we didn't celebrate the festival, right?" Wang Ye asked through gritted teeth.

At this time, even with the face of making a wish, I felt a little embarrassed.

Of course, it was only slightly embarrassing.

"No, uh, um, Taoist Master Wang Ye, please listen to my quibbles, ah, no, explain..."

The audience in the stands, including the insider Zhuge Qing, all became excited.

If the relationship between Wang Ye and Xu Yuan was just that of competitive players before, now it has risen to the level of personal enmity!

When it comes to anyone, only one person from both sides can stand and walk off the ring!

Xu Wan thought so too, and he was even ready to face Fenghou Qimen.

When Xu Yuan saw Wang Ye's left foot on the ground, he instantly changed the target of the divine mask into the Yi of Tian Yuan - Yi Xing!

Two suspended chess pieces, one black and one white, are ready to go in the wishing hand.

The loss is justified, but the fight still has to be fought!

But what surprised everyone was...

Wang Ye stepped heavily on the ring with his left foot, and did not activate Fenghou Qimen, but...

"I surrender!"

He said a few words lightly and jumped off the stage.

Heavenly Master:? ? ?

Zhang Lingyu:? ? ?

Zhuge Qing:? ? ?

Make a wish:? ? ?

The entire Luotian Dajiao venue fell into silence for an instant.

Everyone is full of questions!

This Taoist Master of the Wudang Sect, Wang Ye, has masochistic tendencies, right? Or is there something wrong with your brain?

In other words, only people with mental problems can practice Fenghou Qimen?

The king didn't care what other people thought.

He came to participate in the Luotian Dajiao this time just to make a wish!

Now that the person has been found, there is no need for him to continue fighting.

Anyway, he is not interested in the Heavenly Master or the Tongtianlu!

Seeing that the high-level Taoist priest from Tianshi Mansion who was hosting the competition did not respond, Wang Ye stood under the ring and shouted to the Taoist priest again.

"Brother Dao, I, the King of Wudang, admit defeat! Announce the result quickly!"

It was Wang Ye's voice that made everyone wake up from a dream.

The audience present was once again in a commotion.

what's the situation? This time the opponent who made a wish gave in again?

Just two back and forth attacks?


The high-level Taoist priest who was responsible for hosting the competition was also at a loss. This was the first time he had encountered this kind of thing. In the end, he could only turn his head and look at the old heavenly master Zhang Zhiwei.

"Okay, the king has given up. Let's see what I do and announce it." Zhang Zhiwei waved to him and said.

The highly skilled Taoist priest announced the result of this competition to the audience with great relief.

"In the first game, Wishing versus Wang Ye, Wishing wins!"

The gaze of the old Heavenly Master Zhang Zhiwei has been staying on Xu Yuan's body, and a ray of light shines out of his half-closed eyes.

This wish... is very evil.

Although the godhead mask looks strange and his strength is okay, other aspects are more evil. It is difficult to guarantee that Chu Lan will not cause any trouble when facing him.

Otherwise, give him some medicine now?

For the second round of the Luotian Dajiao competition.

Although the development of the first game was ridiculously dramatic, it did not affect the progress of the subsequent games.

"The second game, Feng Xingtong versus Wang Bing! Invite both players to enter the ring..."

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