Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 51 Make a wish and fight against Wang Ye!

Soon, Xu Yuan and Feng Zhenghao agreed on the next plan to "earn experience". After the two exchanged contact information, Xu Yuan returned to his room.

Experience the Baby Kingpin, it should be online tomorrow!

A night of silence.

Early the next morning, Xuyuan arrived at the Luotian Dajiao venue early, just like the other contestants.

In this competition, just like yesterday, opponents were selected by drawing lots.

But starting from this one, it was different from yesterday's arena match with four players.

Instead, the eight successful players will fight in pairs to determine the top four!

This is the truly valuable competition of Luotian Dajiao!

After all, yesterday's audition was really a chaotic mess, and the players' levels were also uneven. The weak ones were not worth mentioning, and the strong ones couldn't perform to their full potential.

Therefore, more people came to watch this competition than during yesterday’s audition!

Wishing also saw Wang Bing among the eight successful contestants!

At this time, Wang not only recovered his ability to move, but although his Qi had not been fully recovered, most of it had been recovered!

Wang Bing noticed Xu Yuan's gaze at this time, turned around, showed a cruel smile to Xu Yuan, and opened his mouth silently.

"You are dead!"

Xu Yuan understood Wang Bing's meaning from his mouth movements.

Xuanyuan didn't care, just shrugged indifferently.

Experienced babies, a little temper is not intolerable.

People are always very tolerant of people who can bring them actual benefits.

At this time, the audience in the stands also noticed that Wang Jiang had replaced Feng Shayan, who had successfully advanced yesterday.

However, Brother Qianqian, who was yelling at Bai Shixue in the stands yesterday, is now silent.

Obviously they are also aware of the gap in strength. Neither the Wang family nor the Tianshi Mansion can afford to offend them, so they suffer from selective blindness...

However, Xu Yuan found some clues in Feng Zhenghao's face.

Feng Zhenghao's face didn't look good.

Is there any change in yesterday's plan?

But there should be nothing wrong...

Before Xu Wish could figure out what was going on, it was already his turn to draw lots for his opponents to advance to the semi-finals in the second quarter-finals!

Xuanyuan randomly drew a lot and handed it to the disciple of Tianshi Mansion without even reading the contents on the note.

Anyway, I'm afraid the candidates to be his opponents have already been arranged, and the so-called drawing of lots is just to show a fair process!

At the end of the draw, the disciples of the Tianshi Mansion announced the contestants’ respective opponents in public!

"The first game, make a wish and fight against Wang Ye!"

It turned out not to be the king he expected!

But Taoist Priest Wang Ye...

"The second game, Feng Xingtong versus Wang Bing!"

Wishing's eyelids twitched!

He now knew why Feng Zhenghao looked so ugly!

The "full version of the Ju Ling Qi General" mastered by the Wang family is absolutely restrained by the Feng family's Ju Ling Qi general!

It was probably the Wang family's idea to arrange Wang Bing to be Feng Xingtong's opponent. They not only took away Feng Shayan's promotion spot from Feng Zhenghao, they also coveted the spirit controlled by Feng Xingtong and wanted to use Feng Xing. Tong's spirit becomes king and regains his strength...

But now Feng Zhenghao has ostensibly submitted to the Wang family, and the Wang family doesn't look up to the Feng family!

At this time, Xu Wishi had begun to mourn for the Wang family in her heart.

According to Feng Zhenghao's heroic character, the more arrogant the Wang family is now, the worse their death will be in the future!

For example, if Feng Zhenghao originally just wanted to bury the Wang family, now he probably wants to execute the Wang family Ling Chi!

Just let the Wang family do it. Sooner or later, you will die one day...

There is no good way to make a wish for this matter. After all, this is a completely "compliant" competition arrangement by Master Tian!

"The third game, Feng Baobao versus Zhang Chulan!"

"The fourth game, Zhang Lingyu versus Tang Wenlong!"

In addition to making wishes, there is another person who is dissatisfied with the opponent he "draws".

That is Zhang Lingyu.

The opponent Zhang Lingyu wants to draw the most is Wang Ye...

Not only did he want to draw Taoist priest Wang Ye as his opponent, but he also wanted to draw Taoist priest Wang Ye!

He originally planned to have a good "competition" with Wang Ye in the arena. He had this plan when he first saw Wang Ye in front of the Tianshi Mansion.

However, since he didn't draw it now, let's just say that the king has escaped, and then we can draw him again after he advances!

Although Zhang Lingyu was unhappy with Wang Ye, he had to recognize Wang Ye's strength.

During the audition, he watched Wang Ye's competition. He was not weak in Tai Chi, and he also mastered Fenghou Qimen, one of the eight magical skills!

As for Wang Ye's opponent, making a wish, although he has always been mysterious, Zhang Lingyu didn't think he could beat Wang Ye, who mastered one of the eight magical skills!

"The first game! Invite both players to the stage!"

As the voices of the disciples of the Tianshi Mansion fell, Xu Yuan and Wang Ye boarded the two ends of the ring respectively.

Xu Wishan's face turned slightly solemn and he became serious.

It wasn't because of his previous impersonation of Wang Ye. He didn't take that matter to heart at all when he made a wish. Presumably Taoist priest Wang Ye wouldn't care either.

But because of Wang Ye's strength!

Although he was confident that he could surpass his peers with his current strength, he had to admit that Wang Ye's Fenghou Qimen was very difficult to deal with!

The Feng Hou Qi Men can not only move the four disks at will, but also have Qi Men spells that can affect time and space, such as Luan Jin Tuo and Turtle Fly Body!

Anything involving the power of time and space is very troublesome!

If he wants to defeat Wang Ye, he must go all out!

At this time, the audience in the stands were all looking at the ring where the two people were!

This duel has attracted so much attention, not only because it is the first match of the quarterfinals, but also because of the two people in the ring!

Wang Ye, of course, needless to say, is a member of the Wudang Sect and the owner of one of the eight magical skills, the Feng Hou Qi Sect!

And making a wish has also attracted much attention.

Although he did not display the same Eight Magic Skills as Fenghou Qimen, his victory in the last game was so outrageous that the three opponents did not even move their hands and surrendered directly, and even refused to give up because of it. Viewers who don’t place bets on the handicap will lose miserably!

There is one question in everyone's mind - why!

How could making a wish make those three people admit defeat directly?

In this match, Wudang's Taoist Wang Ye couldn't just admit defeat without fighting, right?

Not only could there be no reason to admit defeat, but in the minds of these viewers, the outcome of this written examination had already been determined before it even began!

That is one of the eight magical skills! How did Master Wang Ye lose?

Under the gaze of all the spectators, the disciples of Tianshi Mansion gave orders again.

"The first competition has officially begun!"

With the order from this high-ranking Taoist Priest of Tianshi Mansion, the arena competition officially begins!

This time, as the audience expected, the king did not admit defeat, nor did the wish.

Make a wish and rush towards Wang Ye directly after the game officially starts!

At the same time, as he rushed towards Wang Ye, he made a wish and activated the godhead mask.

This time he chose Zhao Huaizhen, the heart of freedom, to become a god!

Among the many heroic characters he has now, there are not many heroes involving melee skills!

Apart from Sikong Zhen, who can be regarded as half a melee hero, Zhao Huaizhen is the only one left!

Xu Wish doesn’t plan to expose Sikong Zhen’s thunder power yet, so in the end the only choice left is Zhao Huaizhen!

If possible, Xu wish would like to use her melee ability to defeat Wang Ye before he uses Fenghou Qimen!

A Taoist robe instantly covered Xu Yuan's body. Although the pattern was far different from the dark blue Taoist robe Wang Ye wore, the style of the Taoist robe was basically the same!

At the same time, Taoist Master Wang Ye also rushed towards Xu Yuan, still using Tai Chi.

If possible, he also hopes to win without using Fenghou Qimen. The news about Fenghou Qimen became popular in the alien circle last night, which has pushed him to the forefront. Naturally, he will avoid it whenever he can. !

On this point, the two of them have reached an agreement!

The old Heavenly Master also sat on the high platform and squinted at the two people on the ring, wondering what he was silently thinking about...

Two figures, one blue and one white, rushed towards each other like this!

All the spectators in the stands held their breath subconsciously. They had already expected that there would be a hearty battle next!

"Move the punch!"

"Move the punch!"

"Stop the palm!"

"Stop the palm!"

As soon as the two sides came into contact, the audience in the stands were dumbfounded.

Because the two of them used the same Tai Chi moves!

what's the situation?

Is Wishing also from Wudang?

Taught by a master? Can't break the trick?

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