Zhao Huaizhen, the heart of freedom!

Looking at the hero's portrait that was finally locked by the lottery screen, Xuanyuan frowned subconsciously.

But then his brows widened again.

Although Zhao Huaizhen is not a fairy-level hero, he is not weak either.

He possesses the two qi of yin and yang, and holds the two instruments of Tai Chi in his hands.

The reception, transformation and release of Tai Chi in one hand are the essence of leveraging force.

I just don’t know which one is better between Zhao Huaizhen’s Tai Chi and Wudang Wang Ye Wang’s Tai Chi…

As soon as the wishing was completed, Hu Lin took him into the manor villa.

"Please take a seat." Hu Lin greeted Xu Wish with a smile on his face, and at the same time poured a cup of tea for Xu Wish with his own hands. "My friend, please have tea. I wonder what you are doing here at Hu's house this time? If you need any help, just ask."

Xu Wan glanced at the teacup on the table, and then looked at Hu Lin, who was smiling.

If his world compatibility hadn't increased a bit, he might have been frightened by the Hu Lin in front of him.

I have to say, this old guy’s acting skills are really good!

He totally looks like a good old guy.

Xu Yuan curled his lips. Since he was now isolated from the sight of ordinary people in the manor, he was too lazy to talk nonsense.

"Hu Lin, stop talking nonsense. Have you poisoned this cup of tea? Call out the four crazy men. I'm in a hurry."

Hu Lin's face froze slightly when he heard that Xu Yuan had exposed his poisoning behavior as soon as he opened his mouth. Then when he heard that Xu Yuan had exposed Quan Xing again, Hu Lin's complexion changed even more!

The originally kind-hearted face was instantly filled with murderous intent!

Quan Xing is called a demon in the world, and everyone in all righteous sects will kill him!

And once the news of colluding with the all-sex demon is spread, it will be enough to completely destroy the Hu family!

However, Hu Lin was still mature after all. He did not take action directly, but continued to try to find out the origin of the wish.

"Little friend, who are you? I ask myself that the Hu family has never offended you..."

Just as Hu Lin was trying to make amends, a chuckle suddenly sounded, interrupting his words.

"Hu Lin, haven't you heard? He is coming for us."

As the voice fell, a group of four people slowly walked out of the next room.

Even though he made a wish, he subconsciously turned his attention to the woman who was the leader of the four people.


Naturally charming and charming!

Whether it's the other person's extremely eye-catching long pink hair, the simple white shirt on the other person, or the pair of snow-white thighs wearing only a pair of shorts, they all reveal the charm that is coming to you!

One of the Four Madnesses - Bone Scraper Xia He!

Naturally, there is no need to say more about the identities of the other three people following Xia He.

That middle-aged woman who looks like a kind lady is the intestinal poisonous Dou Mei!

Behind him was a young man wearing a suit, tie, and a pair of glasses on his nose. He was none other than Miao Shenchong!

As for the last one, the fat monk who keeps squinting and smiling is Leiyan Pao Gao Ning!

All four crazy people are here!

With the appearance of these four people, especially after seeing Xia He, Hu Lin's face instantly turned red!


Compared with Hu Lin just now, he is completely different!

"Tsk, tsk, this kind of ability is really terrifying." Xu Wan smashed his lips and sighed. "As long as you arouse desire, you will control me."

Xia He didn't pay attention to Hu Lin, the old licking dog, but looked at Xu Yuan with interest.

"Oh? Funny, you weren't affected? Could it be that... you can't?"

At the end of the sentence, Xia He laughed softly and charmingly.

"If that's the case, then someone else will have to do it for you."

"Hu Jie, Hu Lin, do it!"

Following Xia He's order, Hu Lin took the lead, with red eyes like a furious lion, and rushed towards Xu Yuan.

Immediately afterwards, another young man rushed out from the room where the four men had just left. His face was quite similar to Hu Lin, but his features were more sinister and vicious than Hu Lin's.

It was Hu Lin’s son, Hu Jie!

If Hu Lin is like a furious lion, then Hu Jie is a cruel hyena!

"Hahahaha, finally there is new food! I can go one step further!" Hu Jie roared excitedly as he rushed towards Wishing!

He looked like he had made a wish!

This is the ability of the bane seedling Shen Chong!

You can "lend" your Qi and abilities to others, and the borrower can steal the Qi of the deceased through killing, and Shen Chong can charge a certain percentage of the Qi as interest.

Even Hu Lin, a notorious playboy, has now become a second-rate master with Shen Chong's ability!

This kind of unearned pleasure will make borrowers addicted and unable to extricate themselves!

And the interest charged by Shen Chong will get higher and higher, until finally the borrower completely loses his mind and becomes a beast addicted to killing!

Wishing had been on alert as early as when he stepped into this manor, and his godhead mask was ready to go.

Seeing the Hu family father and son attacking him, Wish immediately activated the Godhead Mask!

But this time, the target chosen to make a wish was not Sikong Zhen, the Lord of Thunder, but Zhao Huaizhen, the newly obtained Heart of Freedom!

He could just take this opportunity to test Zhao Huaizhen's combat power!

"The yin and yang are ever-changing, but the great road is everlasting."

As a vague whisper came out of the wishing mouth, the casual clothes he was wearing were instantly transformed into a set of loose white robes.

The white Taoist robe is engraved with the ink Yin and Yang Bagua diagram, and the sleeves of the robe are windless and automatic, making it look extremely mysterious.

The battle officially begins!

Unlike Sikong Zhen Yu Yu Lei and Lightning, Zhao Huaizhen's abilities are all focused on close combat capabilities.

"Qi follows your heart!"

"Clear the clouds and see the light!"

"Calm down and calm down!"

Palms, fists, elbows, and leans, four kinds of force are constantly shot out from the wishing hand.

At the same time, he constantly used Tai Chi's cloud hands to interfere with and push and pull his opponent's position!

Lines of black and white airflow transformed from Qi emerged around Xu Yuan's body, circling up and down along with his punches.

Even under the siege of the Hu family and his son, with the help of Tai Chi, Xu Wan not only took over the siege of the two men with ease, but also made the Hu family and his son in a hurry.

"From the Wu-Tang Clan?"

After Xu Yuan performed Tai Chi and still had the upper hand in a one versus two situation, the expressions on Quan Xing's four crazy faces became serious and they looked at each other.

It's not that they haven't seen Xia Liuqing, who is also a disciple of Quanxing, use the Divine Mask, but the difference between the current Divine Mask of Wish and Xia Liuqing's Divine Mask is too big!

Not only is the deity transformed into not a traditional deity, but the third stage of the divine mask does not require a layer of Qi as a mask on the face at all!

Coupled with the extremely pure Tai Chi skills and Taoist robes worn by Xu Yuan, Xu Yuan was mistaken for a member of the Wudang Sect!

Wudang is a righteous sect. Since they have offended each other, they should try their best to keep each other!

The four of them activated their abilities in unison, trying to interfere with the wish!

They have a very clear positioning of themselves, that is, assistance!

Compared with melee combat, superpowers are their strongest attack!

As soon as the four of them activated their abilities, they felt something coming from the wishing side.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

He is indeed a man of all four qualities. Even Lu Jin, who claims to have a flawless life, calls him the most disgusting and sinister ability!

Wine is a poison that penetrates the intestines, sex is a steel knife that scrapes bones, wealth is the root of trouble, and anger is a thunder, smoke and artillery!

The four emotions were like a hydraulic machine, constantly torturing his state of mind!

If he hadn't used the Divine Mask at this time, I'm afraid he would have found out!

As for now...

"What else can you do besides drooling all over me?" 》

At this time, the faces of the four crazy people all changed color!

They also sensed their abilities...

It’s useless!

This is the first time they have encountered this situation since their debut!

Motionless as a mountain, calm as water.

With this kind of character alone, this person should not be unknown in the world!

What kind of monster is he?

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