Xu Yuan left the company after reaching an agreement with Fatty Zhao.

He is now "investigating the case under orders"!

Naturally, there is no need to clock in and get off work on time.

After returning to his home, Xu Yuan simply packed up his change of clothes, and then went to the airport to buy the latest flight ticket to Zhejiang.

In fact, the company's temporary workers' treatment is quite good, at least they don't have to buy air tickets when they are cheapest.

On the plane, Xu Yuan looked at the sea of ​​clouds outside the cabin through the glass next to the window, while sorting out the recent events in his thoughts.

The first is the Luotian Dajiao that will be held by the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain in a month.

Xuanyuan, who has already seen the development of the plot, naturally knows that the Luotian Dajiao is the climax of the plot!

Because the winner of the Luotian Dajiao will be qualified to inherit the position of Heavenly Master, and the old man of the Lu family, Lu Jin, also took out the Tongtian Rui, one of the Eight Wonders, as the winner's prize.

Therefore, this time's Luotian Dajiao can be called Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and every sect will send their most proud heirs to participate!

Just for the Eight Wonderful Skills, if you include the Tongtian Rui as a prize, six will appear on the Luotian Dajiao!

The difficulty is comparable to hell difficulty!

According to the inference of making a wish, participating in the Luotian Dajiao should be able to improve the degree of compatibility with the world to a certain extent. If I can get the first place in the Luotian Dajiao, it is not impossible to further improve the degree of compatibility with the world. !

Now, although my strength is pretty good, I can handle most of the company's tasks.

But if you want to win the first place in Luotian Dajiao, which is full of talented people, I'm afraid it's not enough!

I need to improve my strength!

And the next month will be the key to growing your strength!

There are two ways to make a wish and increase your strength.

One is to continue cultivating the Godhead Mask to increase the total amount of Qi, thereby extending the time for him to transform into a god. However, this method cannot double his power in just one month, and it cannot guarantee that he will be able to perform at the Luotian Dajiao. Get first place!

The other is to improve world compatibility, get more lottery opportunities, and draw more heroes!

In this world, unless you have the absolute power to crush like the old heavenly master Zhang Zhiwei from the Heavenly Path, you can completely eliminate the gap in strength to a certain extent by relying on the mutual generation and restraint of the skills!

This is also the focus of this month of wishing!

Improve world compatibility!

The second thing is to investigate the Four Mad Men and the Quan Xing Dai leader.

Before leaving the company, he had already discussed with Fatty Zhao that after completing his mission, he did not need to return to the company and could go directly to Longhu Mountain to participate in the Luotian Festival.

As for the plot development of Xu Wan, although it may change due to the butterfly effect of his appearance, at least the identities of these people will not change!

No need to waste time investigating!

The acting leader of Quanxing? That guy's name is Gong Qing, and he's now transformed into a little Taoist priest, hiding in the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain to serve Tian Jinzhong's food and daily life.

And Si Zhangkuang should be in the Hu family in Zhejiang now. Hu Lin, Hu Jie and his father and son of the Hu family may have been completely controlled by Si Zhangang and turned into puppets!

In other words, if he makes a wish now, he only needs to go to the Hu family in Zhejiang, kill Hu Lin and Hu Jie and his son, and then go to Longhu Mountain to expose Gong Qing's identity during the Luotian Dajiao. This will be considered as completing what Fatty Zhao gave him. Task.

As for the period in between, it is your free time!

Make a wish for nearly a month to improve your compatibility with the world!

How to improve world compatibility...

Xuanyuan fell into deep thought.

In this way, the plane went all the way to Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport.

Wishing also gradually cleared up some thoughts.

Before he set off, Fatty Zhao once told him that if he needed information about intelligence after arriving in Zhejiang, he could go to the East China Branch of Nadutong Company.

But after the plane landed, Xu Wan did not choose to go to the East China branch. Instead, he took a taxi on the roadside and went straight to Hu's house!

"Master, go to Dongxiang Village."

Although the Hu family is not as big as the Wang family and the Lu family, it still has a certain influence and status in Hangzhou.

Especially in the world of ordinary people.

The Hu family is also a well-known wealthy family in Zhejiang.

And this Dongxiang Manor is the villa manor that belongs exclusively to the Hu family.

As a local, the driver had heard a lot about these anecdotes. When he heard that Xu Yuan said that the place he was going to was Dongxiang Village, his eyes suddenly looked a little strange when he looked at Xu Yuan.

According to rumors, Hu Jie, the young master of the Hu family, has not been a womanizer recently.

Some people say that Hu Jie, a notorious dandy, has changed his ways.

Some people also say that Hu Jie's sexual orientation has changed because he has played with too many women.

Apparently this driver is the latter type of person.

He looked at Xu Yuan, who was fair and clean, and still had a somewhat elegant temperament. He obviously regarded Xu Yuan as a "guest" from Chengdu.

Rumor has it that only street lights in Chengdu are straight...

Xu Yuan also noticed the other party's strange gaze, but he didn't care.

Now he only wants to quickly resolve the matter between the four crazy people and the Hu family and his son, and then implement his plan to improve the compatibility with the world!

Soon, under the strange gaze of the driver, the taxi stopped in front of Dongxiangzhuang.

After paying the bill, Xu Yuan quickly sent the driver away.

Because if nothing happens, there may be a battle here next!

Companies generally do not prohibit fights between different people and follow the law of the jungle.

But the only two taboos are that they are not allowed to cause large-scale chaos and cannot use their power in front of ordinary people.

No matter good or evil!

As an employee of the company, it is obviously not easy to make a wish and commit crimes against the wind.

After the driver completely disappeared from sight while driving the car, Xu Yuan stepped forward and rang the doorbell in front of the manor.

After a while, an old man with gray hair came out.

This old man looked energetic, but deep in his eye sockets, there was a hint of darkness that was not easy to detect.

Xu Wan once saw the information of the old man in front of her in the company.

Hu Lin, the contemporary head of the Hu family in Dongxiang Village, is a strange person.

"Who are you?" Hu Lin looked puzzled when he saw Xu Yuan. He was very sure that he definitely did not know this young man.

Xuanyuan did not mention his identity, but nodded slightly to the old man.

"Master Hu, we are the same kind of people. I came to you because I want to talk to you about something."

Is he also a stranger?

Although Hu Lin was a little confused, he still nodded and asked for the wish.

Although the Hu family is not as good as those high-ranking families, they still have a certain reputation in the circle of strangers, so occasionally some strangers will take the initiative to come to their door.

However, now that you are here, don’t leave and become a strong source of nourishment for your son...

Xu Yuan followed Hu Lin and entered the manor.

Until this moment, he finally confirmed that the Four Mad Men were hiding in this manor!

Because the moment he stepped into the manor, the world fit in the King of Glory Mall system jumped slightly!

Jumped from 2% to 3%!

The number of draws has also been added once!

Xu wish was secretly happy. He continued to follow Hu Lin towards the villa in the manor and activated the lottery function!

Immediately, a translucent light curtain slowly unfolded in the wishing sight.

The portraits and equipment of many heroes in the King of Glory are constantly flashing on the light screen. Among them, there are many Pangu and Nuwa who have made wishes, and bug-level equipment such as the Sage's Protection flashes past...

The light screen flickered slower and slower, and finally locked on a male head with long hair...

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