The first audition draw has officially begun!

Although they have passed the test of the cliff, some contestants have been eliminated.

But there are still a large number of remaining contestants.

Therefore, the format of the first audition is a group of four people, and the strongest among them will be selected to advance to the next round of competition.

This can advance the game process with faster efficiency.

When many players were drawing lots, the eyes of most of the senior officials in the stands were focused on Zhang Chulan and Xu Yuan.

Of course, it goes without saying that Zhang Chulan, the owner of Qi Ti Yuanliu, even the Luotian Dajiao this time was specially arranged for him by the old Heavenly Master Zhang Zhiwei!

The well-deserved protagonist of Luo Tian Dajiao.

As for paying attention to making wishes...

It was because of the dispute he had just had with Wang Bing.

The news spread quickly, and all the senior officials present received the news.

They are all waiting to see what Wang Ai will do!

At this time, Wang Ai just looked at the wishes drawn by lots with a gloomy face, wondering what he was thinking about...

Wang Bing was his favorite great-grandson. Now that Wang Bing was deposed, he could still remain calm, and everyone could not help but marvel at his palace!

Xu Yuan didn't care about Wang Ai's cold gaze from the stands.

Wang family?

He didn't believe that Wang Ai dared to perform a ritual at Luotian or do anything under the eyes of the old Heavenly Master!

As for after the Luotian Dajiao is over...

Should he be afraid of the Wang family, or should the Wang family be afraid of him?

The Wang family does not have the same absolute combat advantage as the old Heavenly Master!

So far he has accumulated 16 lottery opportunities!

Soon, the results of the audition draw came out.

Before checking his opponent, he was inevitably a little nervous when making a wish.

He was not worried about encountering any overly powerful opponents. After all, this Luotian Dajiao limited the age to under thirty years old to avoid the appearance of those old monsters.

But the results of this lottery can prove whether the Heavenly Master heard the conversation between him and Zhang Chulan last night.

When Xu Wan confirmed his opponent for the first round of auditions, a strange look appeared on his face.

He is now certain that the conversation he had with Zhang Chulan yesterday must have fallen into the ears of Heavenly Master Zhang Zhiwei!

Because all his opponents in the first round of auditions were from East China!

How can there be such a coincidence in the world!

If you want to say that the master Zhang Zhiwei is not manipulating the lottery results behind this, you will not believe it even if you make a wish!

What's even more "coincident" is that these opponents in the audition had all "visited" them before making a wish to the Luotian Dajiao!

Without exception, these opponents have all been defeated by Wishing!

Maybe Master Tian really believed what he said, or maybe Master Tian just wanted to use himself to clear the way for Zhang Chulan...

But no matter what the purpose of Master Zhang Zhiwei's arrangement is, under this arrangement, the audition of Make a Wish will definitely give everyone a big "surprise"!

After determining their respective opponents, the audition competition officially began!

Even though the venue area is very large, it is still not enough to support all competitions at the same time.

According to the ranking order of Tianshi Mansion, the Bing Suzaku drawn by the wish was ranked in the third batch.

Therefore, Xu Wish came to the stands and planned to observe the other players.

Among the Luotian Dajiao players, there are quite a few with innate talents, and their abilities are also all kinds of strange, each with its own merits!

Although it may not pose a threat to wish making, seeing so many abilities with your own eyes is an eye-opener!

Jin Meng, a wild man from Liaodong, Lu Linglong, Lu Jin's granddaughter, Wang Ergou who created his own rainbow style, Brocade Flower who can calculate the opponent's attack moves...

Not long after Xu Yuan sat in the stands, Zhuge Qing came over with Zhuge Bai.

"Make a wish." Zhuge Qing sat down on the seat next to the wish.

"Brother Qing." Xu Yuan nodded as a greeting. "How is it? How sure are you?"

Speaking of this, Zhuge Qing shook his head.

"I'm 100% sure about the first round of auditions, but after the first round I'm not sure."

"This time there are many strong people from the younger generation of Luo Tian Dajiao, but I will definitely try my best."

Having said this, Zhuge Qing looked at Xu Yuan again.

"It's you who makes a wish. Now you are also one of the popular contestants. I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at you. How sure are you?"

Xuanyuan touched his chin. According to the schedule, there will be a total of five battles!

Except for the must-win audition, the opponents in the other four games are all people who can stand out from the audition, and they are not easy people. Maybe someone can really find a way to restrain their own abilities by watching them take action.

But fortunately, I don’t have only one ability!

Those who want to restrain themselves through exercises are the best to deal with!

As for the popular players mentioned in Zhuge Qing's words.

I have also heard of making wishes.

Zhang Chulan, the origin of Qi Ti, Wang Ye of Wudang Sect, Zhuge Qing, Zhang Lingyu, a master of Longhu Mountain, and...

Himself - the weirdo makes a wish!

The abilities of these popular players are fixed, and they already have ways to restrain themselves when making wishes!

The only person who makes Xu Yuan unsure is Feng Baobao!

The uncertainty is not because you lose more than you win, but because you can’t see clearly and can’t estimate the winning rate at all!

Not only is Feng Baobao’s identity a mystery, but her fighting ability is also a mystery!

It can be said that when you encounter strength, you become stronger!

There are no fancy moves, just relying on strong physical attributes and instinctive fighting intuition!

Keen intuition that can see through Qi, extremely fast speed, super strength, terrifying Qi energy, and recovery ability comparable to the effects of secret magic!

The appearance of an immortal, great ingenuity without craftsmanship, pure in simplicity!

Exercise restraint?

The premise is that the other party must practice the technique!

Sister Bao'er doesn't have any skills. The only move that can be called out is the eighteen moves of Awei that are just like a joke...

There is no way for Xu Wish to assess Sister Bao'er's strength through intelligence. He only knows that Sister Bao'er cannot defeat Barron who controls the Immortal Thieves of Liuku without killing people. But the problem is that Xu Wish himself has never fought against Barron. !

Therefore, he could not effectively evaluate Sister Baoer's combat power from the currently known intelligence.

Perhaps Sister Baoer's only weakness is her lack of lethal long-range means.

I happen to have the ability to "fly a kite"...


In order not to be slapped in the face and to be on the safe side, Xu Wan pondered for a moment before giving an ambiguous answer.

"Are there any masters?" Zhuge Qing couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and Zhuge Bai also looked at Xu Yuan with some curiosity.

When they were in Zhuge Bagua Village, both of them had personally experienced the power of making a wish!

Perhaps it was because making a wish could invite their ancestor Zhuge Liang to take possession of him, which made them feel as if they were facing a bottomless abyss!

Now I am not even 100% sure about making a wish!

Make a wish and nodded.

"Other players may have their own strengths, but they all have their own shortcomings. The only one I can't figure out is the long-haired, sloppy girl named Feng Baobao who was standing next to Zhang Chulan before. She is very strong!"

"If you confront her, be careful not to get close to her!"

As an elder of the Zhuge family with a foreign surname, Xu Yuan didn't mind reminding the two of them.

Although even with his reminder, the two Zhuge brothers would probably not be able to defeat Sister Baoer...

Hearing the reminder to make a wish, Zhuge Qing carefully thought about the people around Zhang Chulan, and indeed remembered that there was a sloppy long-haired girl with a dull expression next to Zhang Chulan...

That girl really doesn't look very smart.

He's still a master?

The lottery drawn by Zhuge Qing was different from the one he made a wish. His competition was arranged in the second batch of auditions, while the one he made a wish in was in the third batch.

Soon it was Zhuge Qing's turn.

Including Zhuge Qing, there are a total of eight games being played in the same batch at the same time!

When Xu Yuan noticed that Sister Baoer was also arranged to be in this batch of competitions that were held at the same time, but it was not Zhuge Qing competing on the same stage.

"Well... I'm probably 80% sure now!"

If nothing else happens, he shouldn't have a chance to face Feng Baobao in the ring...

But when Xu Yuan saw Zhuge Qing's opponent, Xu Yuan could not help but be stunned for a moment.

One of the three opponents turned out to be the real King of Wu-Tang!

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