The Judge of Xuling City——Zhong Kui!

The hero character I just drew yesterday when I made a wish.

Although Xu Wan felt like the lottery system had given him a big lump.

But from a certain perspective, Zhong Kui is not only not weak, but also very strong!

That's when he faced off against the ability of the Spiritual Dispatch General, which is related to demons and monsters!


In the game, Zhong Kui has a passive that can increase his health by defeating enemy heroes.

But when the wish came true through the godhead mask, Zhong Kui's abilities changed slightly!

This passive ability has turned into a way to enhance one's own life cultivation by "devouring" demons, monsters and other elves!

That’s right! Not only does it enhance your own energy, but it can also enhance your own vitality!

Even this passive ability became the instinct after transforming into the god Zhong Kui!

In other words, just by standing here to make a wish, you can devour the red monsters that appear around you!

For the demonic type of elves, after making a wish and transforming into the god Zhong Kui, there will be a black hole that can walk!

If we really talk about the method of obeying spirits, Zhong Kui is the ancestor!

This ability is in line with Zhong Kui's Taoist title of "Blessing the House Saint"!

King Bing lost control of his body just now, so naturally it was the handwriting of the wish!

Although he only transformed into Zhong Kui for a moment, in that moment, he sucked all the spirits in Wang Bing's body into his "belly"!

It's all elves!

Including those elves who were once absorbed by Wang Bing using the spirit-conquering method!

They were all forcefully pulled out of Wang Bing's body!

It would be fine if Wang Bing's cultivation foundation was solid. At most, he would lose the combat power bonus brought by the method of obeying the spirit, and he would still have a foundation to establish himself.

At least it can ensure that he can reach the other side of the cliff safely through the rope.

However, because the method of serving the spirit progresses very quickly and does not require hard training, Wang Bing has only relied on the method of serving the spirit since he was a child, and has never experienced basic skills and hard training!

The method of absorbing spirits is completely different from Zhong Kui's instinct to swallow demons and monsters. The method of absorbing spirits can indeed increase the energy after swallowing the spirits, but it also has disadvantages!

That is the resentment of those devoured spirits that will remain in the body!

That is, the black energy surrounding Wang Bing.

Although these resentments come from elves, they are not elves!

These resentments will only corrode those who serve the spirit over time, and will completely explode after accumulating to a certain level.

While Wang Bing is still cultivating, he can still rely on his cultivation to suppress these resentments...

Once you use the method of serving the spirit, it is like drinking poison to quench your thirst. You must go all the way to the dark side.

There are no shortcuts to spiritual practice, and all gifts from fate have been marked with prices secretly!

So instead of saying that Wang Bin narrowly escaped death because he made a wish, it is better to say that he paid for his rapid progress and suffered the backlash of the elves' resentment!

Although the high-ranking Taoist priest from Longhu Mountain didn't like Wang Bing, because of his sensitive identity and the fact that Wang Bing had lost all his cultivation and lost the ability to move.

So the Taoist priest still sent someone to send Wang Bing back to Wang Ai's residence, and sent someone to explain clearly - this matter had nothing to do with that weirdo making a wish!

Everyone was a witness. It was Wang Ting who took the lead in provocation and ignored the wish. Wang Ting also had his luck go wrong when he was walking on the rope!

From beginning to end, I never made a wish!

He must at least ensure that while he is in the Tianshi Mansion, the Wang family cannot retaliate against Xu Wan without any reason!

To be honest, compared to Wang Bing, he likes to make a wish more, maybe because of the familiar aura that just passed over the wish, or maybe because of the peaceful and unmoving mentality of the wish...

Who knows?

Anyway, it’s enough to know that no one hates Kingpin!

The matter of Wang Bin was just a small episode.

After the two young Taoist priests "dragged" Wang Bing away, the first screening continued.

Wishing also continued to the real place where the Luotian Dajiao was held.

The two brothers Zhuge Qing and Zhuge Bai who had been behind were staring at the direction where the wishing figure disappeared.

"Do you see clearly? Bai?" Zhuge Qing asked Zhuge Bai in a low voice.

"No, Brother Qing." Zhuge Bai shook his head helplessly. "Are you sure that Elder Xuyuan took action against Wang Bin?"

Zhuge Qing:......

Do you see it clearly? Of course I didn't!

But I just know that what happened to Wang Bing must be the work of the wish!

Just because of a whim, how miserable was Taoist Master Zhen Wudang Wang Ye who was made a wish?

That king is full of shit about Xu Wishong, can Xu Wishong not mess with him?

And this kind of method that makes it impossible to grasp the evidence is also very consistent with Xu Wish's character!

Didn’t you see the real Wudang King Ye Daoist and still don’t know who impersonated him?

If Xu Xu hadn't confessed the truth of the "Wang Ye Incident" to him in person at Zhuge Bagua Village, he would never have guessed it!

He opened his mouth, swallowed the words as they reached his lips, and finally just shook his head and said nothing.

After all, be careful that partition walls have ears.

If you cause trouble for Xuanyuan because of your words, I'm afraid you will be the next one to be in trouble!

The two Feng family siblings were also having the same conversation as the Zhuge brothers.

The same thing is that they didn't see the wishing action clearly.

The difference is that these two siblings can sense the resentment and riots from the elves in the king!

After all, their Feng family’s unique ancestral skill is also to discipline the spirit!

"Sister, how about..." Feng Xingtong said hesitantly, "We'd better discuss this matter with dad when we go back. I've never heard of a family other than ours that also controls the Lingshuang General."

"Furthermore, the irascible elf resentment in Wang Bing is obviously not the same as our family."

Feng Shayan nodded after a moment of silence.


But her eyes were always looking in the direction Xu Yuan was leaving, and she looked worried.

Perhaps, this is the uniqueness of dad’s vision...

Everything at Luotian Dajiao is proceeding according to the selected plan, and there has not been any change due to Wang Bing's problem.

Just like the earth doesn't stop spinning just because one person dies.

Ever since they stepped into the Luotian Dajiao, everyone has been wrapped up in fate and the general trend, no one is exception!

Make a wish and soon experience the feeling of being wrapped up in fate!

All the players who were able to pass the cliff came to the gathering place on the back mountain.

This place was originally just a martial arts arena in the Tianshi Mansion. Now it is just a new ring of wooden stands built around the martial arts arena and it has become the venue for this Luotian Dajiao competition.

The Heavenly Master and all the senior officials who came to watch the ceremony had already taken their seats in the stands.

Among them are many acquaintances who have made wishes!

The heads of the East China Branch, Dou Le, Feng Zhenghao, Master Jiekong, Zhuge Gong...

Of course, Wang Bing’s rubbish great-grandfather, the old rubbish Wang Ai, was also among them.

A short and fat old man, with a seemingly kind-hearted appearance but a sinister and wolf-like look in his eyes...

"Contestants, congratulations on passing the test. Now the Luotian Dajiao officially begins!"

"The format of this Luotian Dajiao competition is five games..."

"Now for the first part, draw lots to determine the opponents for the first round of auditions..."

As a high-level disciple of Tianshi Mansion stood in the stands and announced loudly.

The audition drawing has officially begun!

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