Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 215 Make a wish and uproot the Nathan Sacred Tree!

"Don't worry, you can leave this place to me..."

As Er Zhuang muttered to herself, her virtual body on the Internet began to shine brightly!

The rays of light blooming from her body came out one after another, like sharp arrows, shooting towards the hunting dogs of Behemoth!

Although the original intention of Behemoth's Hound Dog Project was to deal with the "Phantom", it was the result of external technological means after all, and it was the first time it was carried out in actual combat in the online world.

No matter in terms of experience or strength, these hunting dogs are far less strong than the high school sophomores.

The only advantage that can be called an advantage is the large number of people!

Unfortunately, not all quantitative advantages make up for the quality gap.

Faced with the first attack from the second-year high school student, these Behemoth hunting dogs still chose to dodge very carefully, wanting to test the opponent's strength first.

The strategy was right, but the opponent chosen was wrong.

The hounds of Behemoth missed their only opportunity to take the initiative to attack!

The speed with which they could dodge was far less than the speed of these light arrows. They had no time to dodge, and most of them were penetrated into the conscious body!

At the same time, in the underground secret laboratory of Behemoth, the nutrient chambers containing hunting dogs began to flash red, accompanied by bursts of sharp alarms!

These alerts mean that a large number of hound consciousnesses are going offline!

In other words, after just one encounter, most of the hounds were already brain-dead!

The director in charge of the "Hound Dog Project" is also monitoring the situation remotely.

Seeing that most of the consciousness uploaded by the hunting dog was lost in an instant, the director's face turned pale and he clenched his fists subconsciously.

But he still put his hope in the remaining surviving hounds.

And the remaining hounds survived this wave of attacks.

Sure enough, it did not live up to Behemoth’s massive capital investment.

Seeing the huge gap in strength between the two sides, they knew very well that they might not even have a chance to escape.

However, this allowed them to overcome their fear.

Before Gao Er Zhuang's second attack came and killed them instantly, he focused his fire on Gao Er Zhuang with all his strength.

It was also this time that the desperate attempt actually hurt the "Phantom"!

It's not that he is strong as a sophomore in high school.

On the one hand, it is true that the opponent has a large number of people.

On the other hand, it was because Zhuang, a sophomore in high school, was restricted by "traffic".

After all, there was only one small base station on the ship that the Nadutong company's observation team came over. There was no problem with the communication of the people on the island, but it was unable to use the full strength of Erzhuang.

In this way, the second year of high school Zhuang was injured under the siege of these hunting dogs!

But it was only a minor injury.

After Erzhuang expressionlessly killed all the hound consciousness uploaded to the online world, she frowned slightly.

"Huh? You're actually injured? It shouldn't be a big problem, right?"

Then Gao Erzhuang shook his head and said to himself.

"Forget it, the most important thing now is the matter of Nathan Island. There is a life-saving capsule over there, so there shouldn't be any problems."

Then Zhuang, a sophomore in high school, continued to pay attention to the ongoing live broadcast on Nathan Island, and controlled the drone to conduct the live broadcast according to Wishing's command.

Although the second-year high school student is comparable to a god on the Internet, he is weak in the real world.

There is no sense of the real world at all.

Therefore, she naturally does not know the situation of her own body.

In the second year of high school, Zhuang's consciousness was slightly injured.

Her body was in the life-sustaining cabin, with blood overflowing from her face.

At the same time, the life support cabin sounded an alarm!

This means that there is something wrong with the high school sophomore Zhuang's body!

Although Zhuang Ming, a sophomore in high school, is just a temporary worker in the Northeast Region.

But in fact, because of the special nature of Gao Erzhuang and her dominant position on the Internet, she has strategic significance for the entire Huaxia and Nedotong!

Therefore, Gao Erzhuang's life-saving cabin has always been the focus of Nadutong's attention. Even the specific location of Gao Erzhuang's body is known to only a few people in Nadutong Company.

Even the members of the board of directors only know about the existence of Zhuang, a sophomore in high school, and not everyone knows the specific location.

Immediately after the alarm was raised in the life-support cabin, staff rushed to the scene and reported to the authorities.

Even Fatty Zhao, who had been staying at the Nadoutong headquarters, was alarmed.

Because of the rules he had set before - no one on the board of directors could act alone, so he had to connect the video of Gao Erzhuang directly in the conference room in front of other directors.

"What's going on?" Fatty Zhao said with a cold face.

It is not an exaggeration to describe the high school sophomore Zhuang as the most important weapon of the country!

Nothing can happen to her!

"The specific situation is not clear. It should be that Miss Gao's consciousness was damaged when she resisted the Behemoth hacker attack..."

The staff in charge of the life support cabin gave the answer after careful inspection.

"What are the specific injuries? Is it serious?" Zhao Fangxu's expression became obviously tense.

Because Gao Erzhuang went to kill Behemoth after receiving his order!

Speaking of the injuries, the staff in charge of the life support cabin couldn't help but scratch their heads.

"Miss Gao's injury is not very serious, but...because of Miss Gao's special situation, her injury is very difficult to treat. None of the currently known methods will work..."

Zhao Fangxu patted the table and said seriously.

"We must find a way even if there is no other way! You can use any resources! We must not let Gao Yushan's body have any problems! This is a death order!"

In fact, it’s easy to understand. It’s not that the life support cabin technology can be used everywhere.

On the contrary, because of the importance of being a high school sophomore, the technologies used in her survival capsule are all the most cutting-edge scientific and technological achievements of Nadutong Company!

Although the body of the sophomore in high school has been protected by the life-sustaining warehouse, there has never been any problem.

However, this is like a vase that is about to break. It is carefully maintained on weekdays and will naturally not break. But one day it is affected by some external force, resulting in a small crack on the vase. The small crack cannot be repaired at all. .

Because once other external forces intervene to repair it, it is difficult to ensure that new cracks will not appear in other parts of the vase.

In the end it will only make the situation worse!

This is also the reason why Zhuang, the second high school student, has always maintained only half a body.

Now, with the level of technology available everywhere, it is not too difficult to ensure that the injury of Zhuang, a sophomore in high school, will not worsen.

But if you want to cure high school sophomore Zhuang, the difficulty is as high as the sky!

Not to mention the staff on the other side scratching their heads and worrying.

After hanging up the video call, all board members present remained silent.

They could all see that Zhao Fangxu was in a bad mood. No one was willing to touch Chairman Zhao Fangxu's bad luck at this time if it was not necessary.

In this silent environment, the sound of making wishes coming from the speakers was particularly clear.

Make a Wish is still live broadcasting the harvesting of the sacred tree.

Now all the eyes of the strangers in the world are focused on Xu Yuan.

Because the next behavior of the wish will affect the direction of the war on Nathan Island, and even the changes in the pattern of alien circles around the world!

Nathan's Island.

Wishing and King Nathan walked side by side, walking towards the royal city while greeting the drone.

Because of King Nathan's permission, no one came to stop the wish.

In this way, Wishing walked into the royal city step by step.

King Nathan, which has always been full of mystery to the outside world, has gradually unveiled its mystery in front of the camera.

It has to be said that the Nathan family is indeed a remnant of the witchcraft era.

There is an atmosphere of history embedded in the buildings of the entire Nason King City.

But other than that, there's nothing too noteworthy.

Until you make a wish and get close to the misty space where the sacred tree is.

Under the live broadcast of the drone, the true appearance of the sacred tree was revealed to the public.

A tall and straight tree, the crown of the tree exudes a glistening light, automatic in the absence of wind, seems to be swaying to greet the visitors.

"I have fulfilled the conditions you proposed, and it is time to fulfill your promise."

Xu wish stood in front of the sacred tree and whispered to the sacred tree.

There are only two Behemoth members still alive on Nathan Island.

One is Ron, the director of Behemoth.

Although Ron is a director, he is not a stranger himself, so he is naturally not within the hunting target range proposed by the sacred tree.

The other one is Behemoth's "Hero" Sean.

Although Sean is Behemoth's alien, he did not invade Nathan Island with Behemoth.

It is also not within the conditions proposed by the sacred tree.

The words of the wish were naturally broadcasted by drones, causing countless high-ranking alien forces who sat in front of the screen and watched the live broadcast to fall into deep thought.


What conditions did the sacred tree put forward for making a wish?

However, no matter how they guessed, no one would give them the answer.

The only thing they can be sure of is that the wish has really fulfilled the conditions set by the sacred tree!

Because the sacred tree actually changed as it swayed!

The roots of the sacred tree were scurrying underground like huge pythons, and soon a large hole was opened in the ground.

The picture presented in the big hole shocked all outsiders!

Because the sacred tree above the ground is only a small part, not even the tip of the iceberg!

In other words, the roots of the sacred tree under the ground are the real body!

Sacred grove!

There are a lot of tree roots entangled under the ground, and almost every tree root has a corpse strung on it!

These corpses were haggard in appearance, but they still retained their clear features.

When they saw the faces of these corpses, the pupils of the high-ranking alien forces all had a big earthquake and expanded rapidly!

Because according to the information they had, these corpses pierced on the tree roots turned out to be the Nathan King and Nathan Guard from previous generations of Nathan Island!

It is rumored that the sacred tree that has been protecting Nathan Island is actually absorbing the power of past Nathan kings and Nathan guards!

This was something they didn't expect at all!

What they didn't expect even more was that they actually saw an acquaintance among the corpses who should have been dead for many years!

Black Mage White of the Emerald Society!

Xuanyuan had already known about this situation, so he was not touched or shocked by it.

What really deserves his attention is the change in his golden finger panel after the sacred tree revealed the "sacred forest"!

[Nathan sacred tree (ground) detected, do you want to collect it? 】

A line of text prompts appeared on the wishing panel.

Make a wish and hesitate for a moment.

In fact, he didn't know exactly what would happen after collecting the sacred tree.

But now, there is no second way. If you want to build the Conferred God Platform, the sacred tree and the Celestial Master are indispensable.

We have to collect them sooner or later, and there is no second option.

Just take it all at once!

It’s a good time to take this opportunity to completely end the war on Nathan Island!

You Behemoths are making such a big fuss just for the sake of the sacred tree.

Now that the benefit you are pursuing - the sacred tree is gone, do you still have a reason to continue to invade Nathan Island?

As for after he collects the sacred tree, will Behemoth keep an eye on him?

Xuanyuan smiled.

This time, he took the lead in killing all the members who invaded Behemoth on Nathan Island, although nominally the blame was passed on to Ron, the director of Behemoth.

But everyone knows that the culprit is themselves!

Behemoth would not let himself go after such a huge loss and still gaining nothing.

If you have too many lice, you won’t be itchy. If you have too many debts, you won’t have to worry.

Besides, even if Behemoth doesn't intend to continue causing trouble for him, Xuanyuan doesn't intend to live in peace with Behemoth!


With the thought of making a wish.

A golden light bloomed in his palm.

This golden light blooms with extremely powerful suction!

The target is the sacred tree!

A whirlwind whipped up in the misty space under the golden light, and the soil on the ground began to churn!

The sacred tree that had been rooted on Nathan Island for who knows how many years was pulled out of the soil bit by bit under the action of this suction!

Anyone who often uproots weeping willows knows that the power required to cut down a tree and to pull a tree out of the soil are completely different concepts!

What’s more, it’s the sacred tree on Nathan Island!

The roots of the sacred tree had already spread all over Nason Island, and the entire Nason Island shook as the sacred tree was pulled out bit by bit!

Just as he was making a wish to pull down the Nason sacred tree, the people from the monitoring team and the Nason guards followed closely behind.

The members of the inspection team were full of amazement. They thought that during this trip to Nathan Island, they had learned enough about the means of making wishes.

But they didn't expect that there were other ways to make a wish that they didn't understand!

Even with this brute strength alone, it is enough to make Xuanyuan a first-rate master!

Those Nathan Guards, or all members of the Nathan clan.

When the sacred tree was pulled out of the soil bit by bit, my heart was filled with inexplicable grief, as if the whole world had come to an end.

Tears shed uncontrollably on their faces!

But the divine tree didn't have any intention of asking them for help with their outfits. It just conveyed a vague sense of calmness and worry.

I am afraid that even with the weak consciousness of the sacred tree, I can feel that it can no longer keep up with the pace of the times and can no longer provide shelter to the Nathan family.

Calmness naturally means accepting one's fate of withdrawing from the stage of the times, while worry means worrying about what the future of the Nathan family will be like without their own protection...

In any case, by now, even if you make a wish and want to stop, it's already too late.

Because he had pulled out most of the roots of the sacred tree from the soil, and it was impossible to bury them back!

However, at this stage, the glimmer of light on the branches of the sacred tree is strong, as if it is about to bloom with its final light.

These light spots were like entities, continuously generated from the branches of the sacred tree, and detached, floating towards the "residents" of Nason Island, and integrated into their bodies.

After receiving these light spots, the Nason Islanders, including Nason Wei and Nason King, all opened their eyes wide!

Because those light spots just now were strengthening their physiques and abilities...

King Nathan was the most powerful!

Because she does not have any innate abilities, her enhancements are all focused on physical fitness.

Almost in an instant, King Nathan evolved from an ordinary person with no cultivation to a top horizontal training master!

I'm afraid ordinary alien methods can't even break through her defense!

Next are the Nathan Guards, and finally the Nathan Islanders.

However, even the weakest-strengthened Nason Islanders, after being strengthened, are no longer weaker than those innate strangers from the outside world in terms of their methods and their own strength!

I never expected this kind of development.

Is the sacred tree using its last strength to protect the Nathan family?

But this has nothing to do with me. What I want is just the Nathan tree. These powers have no effect on me...

At the same time, in the conference room of Behemoth headquarters.

All the board members looked gloomy.

This time their Behemoth plan was a complete failure!

Destroyed by this guy named Wishes!

The premise is that if he really takes the Nathan Island Sacred Tree into his pocket!

Naturally, they cannot ignore this situation.


"Notify Behemoth's ships! Activate war mode!"

"Activate tactical missiles, target Nathan Island, launch immediately!"

One of the directors spoke up.

"But Ron is still on the island!" Another director who looked somewhat similar to Ron said excitedly.

It looks like he should be from the Ron family.

"Is it possible that you have other ideas? Is Ron more important or the company's interests?"

The director's words left the Ron family speechless.

"Launch! Now!"

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