I have always believed in one thing when making a wish.

Rights and obligations are always equal. While enjoying the condescension brought by power, one must also assume corresponding obligations.

Like now.

He has completed his plan to make a wish and work as a temporary worker for Nadutong Company - he killed most of the Behemoth members who invaded Nathan Island, and obtained more Qi than any previous ones obtained through [Golden Shining]. Volume growth!

What he has to do now is to assume his obligations as the Prince of Nathan Island.

Although for Wishing, the identity of the Prince of Nathan Island does not have much effect or significance, and even to him, the identity of the Prince of Nathan Island means trouble to some extent.

But who allowed him to accept Joaquina's "benefits" - that inexplicable paradise dimension, and he had already agreed to Joaquina and King Nathan to help them defend Nathan Island.

Do what you promise.

Next, make a wish to end this war!

That is the culprit that caused the outside world to covet Nathan Island - the sacred tree that comes from the top masterpiece of ancient witchcraft!

"Dear viewers!"

Xu wish said to the live camera on the drone.

"This time, in addition to announcing my status as a prince to everyone, I have another more important thing."

"That is, as the king of Nason Island, King Nason very generously gave me the sacred tree on the island as a dowry!"

As the words of the wish came out, there was a dead silence in the live broadcast room of Shenzhen Net.

The only barrages that appeared were question marks full of suspicion, until these question marks filled the entire screen.

[When I type a question mark, it’s not that I have a problem, it’s that you have a problem. 】

[Do you want to listen to what you are saying? 】

[Whoever has yellow urine, wake him up. If you have diabetes, stay away. Don’t let him taste the sweetness! 】

Although aliens and ordinary people are intentionally divided into two completely different worlds by the political systems of various countries.

But in fact, there is no difference between these aliens and ordinary people in their living habits.

He is even very skilled at making jokes in the live broadcast room.

Of course, fun is fun.

But in fact, the shock in the hearts of these strangers cannot be faked.

King Nathan? dowry? Sacred tree?

When I made a wish and said I was the Prince of Nathan Island, these alien viewers actually didn't take it too seriously.

It can only be regarded as a profit move made by King Nathan to resist the invasion of Behemoth.

I'm afraid making a wish is only temporarily involved in Nathan's Island for a while.

After all, they had never heard of King Nathan getting married!

In fact, what they guessed was very close to the truth.

However, what Xu Wish said next caused the last illusion in their hearts to be instantly shattered!

There has been talk of dowry!

And it’s such a big deal!

The dowry is actually a sacred tree?

And judging from the reaction of King Nathan who was standing next to Xu Yuan, he had no intention of refuting at all.

Apart from the disbelief in the hearts of ordinary aliens, the same question arose in the minds of all the senior alien forces who were watching the live broadcast.

What’s so good about this wish? Can King Nathan spend so much money?

This is especially true for the top brass of Behemoth!

In the conference room of the Behemoth headquarters, after they recovered from the shock caused by the wish, the table in the conference room was almost smashed!

The board of directors of Behemoth all had expressions of anger or embarrassment!

They are all very aware of the progress of Behemoth's operations on Nathan Island.

The progress was very unsatisfactory.

In other words, there is no progress at all!

Coupled with the loss of those receptor soldiers and aliens, it was completely like losing both the wife and the soldiers!

And the main reason why they went to so much trouble to invade Nason Island was the sacred tree on Nason Island!

But Xu Wan just "went into law" on Nason Island and achieved the goal that they failed to achieve even at such a high price!

You even make a wish without paying any price at all!

How can this prevent them from becoming angry?

As for making a wish and getting the reputation of being a "brother-in-law"?

In Behemoth's view, it cannot be called a price at all!

In the face of such huge interests, let alone getting married, even if they were to be King Nathan's male favorite, if they could get the sacred tree, their board members would agree without hesitation!


As King Nathan appears in the public eye, the true face of King Nathan has already been exposed.

Although King Nathan always has an indifferent and calm expression on her face, to be fair, she is not bad looking.

It’s not a loss at all!

As for what other people think, Xuanyuan doesn't know and doesn't care.

It's like they can't decide how things will turn out no matter how much they think about it.

Xu wish paused in front of the drone's camera and continued speaking casually.

"Then next, I'm going to collect the sacred tree and live broadcast the whole process."

When he said this, Xu Yuan patted his head as if he just remembered something.

"Oh, by the way, this time the battle for the throne of Nathan Island has ended. There is no doubt about the final result. The winner is still King Nathan."

As he said that, Xu Wan pointed at a corpse on the ground in the battlefield.

"Another contender for the throne was Nathaniel Elijah, who is now dead."

The drone also changed its direction very cooperatively and pointed the lens in the direction of the wishing finger.

There were many bodies on the ground.

The vast majority of them are members of Behemoth.

The only thing that was incompatible with the members of Behemoth was one of the corpses with yellow hair.

It was none other than Nathaniel Elijah!

Since it was announced that the battle for the throne had officially begun, the outside world's investigation of Nathan Island has been extremely strong.

In particular, scenes like Elijah represent the Nathan Guards who are handling affairs outside Nathan Island.

All his information outside Nathan Island has been investigated in detail, and his appearance is naturally not unfamiliar.

As the camera changed direction, those high-ranking alien forces who were watching the live broadcast immediately saw Elijah's body among the corpses.

Elijah had completely lost all signs of life at this time, his body was covered with scars, and his death was miserable.

He died quietly in the battle with Behemoth just now!

Whether as a Nathan Guard or as a contender for the throne, he should not die so quietly.

"Is Elijah the contender for the throne?"

Not only the high-ranking officials in front of the screen who were watching the live broadcast were confused, but even the leader of the park who was hanging upside down had a look of disbelief on his face.

Elijah is the Nathan Guard, the person closest to King Nathan on the entire Nathan Island.

And if it was really Elijah, he would have had many opportunities to kill King Nathan quietly!

Even when he was on Nathan Island, King Nathan had the authority given by the sacred tree, so Elijah couldn't find a chance to attack.

Then during the period of leaving Nathan Island and landing in China, Elijah had every chance to directly kill King Nathan.

As we all know, King Nathan himself has no cultivation, but Ilya is very powerful.

It makes no sense at all!

Although they couldn't figure it out, whether it was the Hanged Man or other high-level officials of the alien forces, they did not doubt the wish.

They knew very well that Wish Wish wouldn't talk nonsense about this kind of thing.

And looking at the unsurprised expression on King Nathan's side beside Xu Yuan, there might be some inside story that they don't know!

Instead, he made a wish, and he could understand some of Elijah's thoughts.

Everything Elijah did was to enable the Nathan family to get rid of the influence of the sacred tree in the future, so that they would not have to accompany the sacred tree to destruction.

He has never betrayed the Nathan family, nor has he betrayed King Nathan.

He never even thought about actually killing King Nathan. He actually had too many opportunities to do so.

Now that he has achieved his goal because of his intervention.

So it makes sense that Elijah decided to end the war with his own death!

As for how to know about the wish...

During the attack on Behemoth just now, Wishes kept wandering around, blessing the attackers of the supervision team with [Great Transformation into Living Beings].

Naturally, Elijah was not left behind.

But after Elijah was resurrected once, instead of retreating, he continued to attack Behemoth like crazy, not caring about his own injuries.

Even a fool can see that he is seeking his own death!

Make a wish and just let it go!

Under this crazy offensive, Elijah really caused a lot of losses to Behemoth before he died!

The fact that Elijah was a contender for the throne really shocked these people.

But they soon lost interest in Elijah, the failed contender for the throne.

Because Wishing is about to start a live broadcast of harvesting the sacred tree!

Elijah, the chief culprit who started this war, died quietly...

In the conference room of Behemoth.

The senior executives of Behemoth watched the live broadcast with anxious faces.

Since one can sit at the top of a force, no one will be a fool.

They knew very well that since the Behemoths that landed on Nathan Island were almost completely destroyed,

Why do you want to make such a wish?

Because only in this way can Behemoth find no excuse to invade Nathan Island!

According to the agreement between each country's political system and Nason Island, during the battle for the throne of Nason Island, everyone can enter and leave Nason Island at will.

Once the battle for the throne of Nason Island is over, other political systems are not allowed to interfere with Nason Island.

At least we can't send people to attack Nathan Island on such a large scale.

To make a wish is to make this news public.

Even though Behemoth pursues hegemony, he does not dare to risk the world and openly break the agreement.

At least not on the surface.

The top priority now is to cut off the live broadcast of Make a Wish!

At least this way, Behemoth still has a chance to send follow-up personnel into Nathan Island to fight for the sacred tree!

They have already suffered a lot of losses and must not give up just yet!

"What do those cyber hackers say?"

one of the board members asked grimly.

"They..." a staff member of Behemoth answered cautiously, "They are no match for the Phantom. They couldn't find any loopholes in the opponent's network defense. Instead, they invaded our firewall and lost it. A lot of key information.”

"Waste! They are all waste! What do you want them to do!" The director slammed the table angrily.

After what he discovered, he gradually calmed down.

"Since those hackers are unreliable, let's use our own power! Activate those hunters immediately!"

"Do you want to think about this again?" Another director asked hesitantly. "After all, the Hunter project is not fully formed and may not be a match for the other party."

"Do you have any other methods? And isn't our hunter project itself established just to deal with the Phantom?"

The words of the director in charge of cybersecurity left everyone else speechless.

In the end, he had no choice but to agree to his proposal.

As the instructions were conveyed quickly, the lights quickly turned on in a secret laboratory underground in Behemoth.

Illuminating the glass jars filled with liquid.

There are hundreds of glass jars like this!

There were naked bodies soaked in the liquid in these glass jars!

All of these corpses were connected to glass jars by tubes, and these glass jars were connected to a huge server in the room through circuits.

This is Behemoth's secret plan - the Hound Plan!

There is no doubt that the person who is engaged in a network offensive and defensive battle with Behemoth is Gao Erzhuang, a temporary worker in the Northeast Region of Nedotong.

In fact, a long time ago, Behemoth discovered that Nedotong Company had a mysterious master on the Internet, known as the Phantom.

No matter how powerful their technology is, how can ordinary hackers be a match for the powerful ones who can put their consciousness into the network?

Therefore, Behemoth has always been the loser in network offensive and defensive battles.

Their hunting dog plan is to deal with the high school sophomore Zhuang!

Since this "Phantom" can use his consciousness to enter the Internet, they simply uploaded his consciousness to the Internet to fight against the high school sophomore Zhuang.

In addition to the function of nutrition warehouses, the main function of these glass jars is to upload the consciousness of these "hunting dogs" to the Internet!

As the sound of the machine starting up sounded, the consciousnesses of many hunting dogs were also uploaded to the Internet.

Of course, just in case, resulting in excessive losses.

At the insistence of the vast majority of Behemoth's board of directors, only half of Project Hound was uploaded.

This is the shortcoming of such a large organization.

When opinions are not unanimous, dissent can easily hold us back!

In the online world.

Gao Erzhuang, who was dressed in the avatar of a royal sister, looked a little surprised as he looked at the white-lighting figures that kept appearing in front of his eyes.

Deyang Shen?

No, it was because of his special situation that he was able to use the Yang God to combine with his innate powers, and his consciousness went deep into the online world.

A normal Deyang Shen cannot do this!

These are the men of Behemoth!

As expected, no major force should be underestimated.

Behemoth can actually use technological means to achieve the same effect as the combination of innate superpowers and Yangshen!

The sophomore in high school couldn't help but be a little surprised.

But that's all.

Gao Erzhuang stared at the enemies rushing towards him collectively, showing a completely different attitude from when communicating with Xu Yuan and others in the past.

A sneer appeared on her face.

"Brother Xu Wish, I can't help much with what happens in the real world, but if it's on the Internet, you can trust me!"

"Don't worry, I won't let these annoying hunting dogs disturb you!" (End of Chapter)

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