"Don't worry about how I know it, just take a look at this first..."

Barron took the bite bag thrown by Wishing and was a little curious.

What exactly is the wish to show him, so mysterious?

The method of using the bite capsule is very simple, and you can master it with just a few simple explorations.

And when Barron put his mind into the bite bag, he suddenly felt as if he was struck by lightning and froze on the spot.

Because among the swallowing bags, it was an old acquaintance of his, and an old acquaintance who had special meaning to him.

Master Ruan Feng!

He went from an ordinary person to a strange person, and now he is the capital to settle down and live in - Liuku Immortal Thief.

It’s from Ruan Feng!

A mentor.

What's more, Ruan Feng was not just a mentor to him, but also a life-saving grace.

Back on the snowy mountain, if it hadn't been for Master Ruan Feng, he would have died there long ago.

Later, after he left the snow mountain, he also thought about looking for Master Ruan Feng.

But there have been no clues.

Unexpectedly, Master Ruan Feng would be in the wishing hand...

Although Barron had already imagined a hundred possibilities in his mind in an instant, he did not make any move, but looked up to make a wish.

"Make a wish, what do you mean?"

If Master Ruan Feng was really caught by the seat cover, he would risk his life to rescue Master Ruan Feng.

After so many years in China, his thoughts and culture have gradually moved closer to China.

The grace of saving life is greater than heaven.

But Barron thinks not.

Putting aside Xu Yuan's character, he fought side by side with Xu Yuan twice and gained some understanding of Xu Yuan's temper and character.

Since Xu Wish dared to hand this capsule to him, it meant that there might be something inside.

Otherwise, you don’t have to tell yourself when you make a wish, and you will have no way of knowing.

Sure enough, making a wish did not disappoint Barron.

"Barron, Master Ruan Feng was not captured by another group of people. I snatched Master Ruan Feng from them."

The first words of the wish made Barron sigh with relief.

"But for some reasons, I can't let Master Ruan Feng out now. I will wake up Master Ruan Feng when I return to China. I have no ill intentions towards Master Ruan Feng. I just want to have a quiet environment to ask him about some past events." That’s all.”

Xu Yuan glanced at Zhang Chulan while speaking.

Zhang Chulan also happened to look at him.

Ruan Feng is not only related to Barron, but also more or less related to Zhang Chulan and Qu Tong.

"Then you... tell me now?" Barron hesitated for a moment, then returned the bag to make a wish.

"As my teammate, I need to tell you the truth."

Barron was a little surprised by the candidness of the wish.

He looked at Xu wish up and down, and his view of Xu wish changed slightly at this moment.

If the main reason for his previous friendship with Xu Yuan was Xia Liuqing's identity as his disciple and the other party's strength.

So now Barron feels that Wish Wish's character... seems to be good?

Barron was not good at expressing himself, so he didn't say anything more. He just hummed slightly and stopped talking.

Just as a group of people were following the footsteps of this lucky man.

The coastline on the other side of Nathan Island.

A ship slowly docked at the shore.

An ugly sun flag flying on the ship gave away the identity of the ship.

When the ship docked at the shore, a group of people from the island nation got off the ship.

Ishikawa Buddha Kenryu family!

The man at the head is none other than Nobu Ishikawa, the head of Ishikawa Ryu.

He is also the president of the Island Country's Contemporary Ichthyosaurus Association.

When he brought his men and clan members to the shore, a white man with blond hair and blue eyes walked over from the side.

"President Ishikawa, please stop. Why did you land on the island?"

The south coast of Nason Island is different from the north coast. The north coast is the coast where Zhuge Qing made a wish to meet, although the ships of the Kuaishou Observation Group are also there.

Behemoth's ships chose the north coast.

The Nadutong Observation Group on the south coast has not taken any action and will not prevent anyone from landing on the island. It seems that it is really just here to observe and evacuate overseas Chinese.

But Behemoth on the north coast is much more domineering.

After docking their ships on the north coast, they took control of the coast.

All forces that land on the island via the north coast must be screened by Behemoth, otherwise they will be directly prohibited from landing.

As for the reason?

Need a reason?

The big fist is the reason!

Behemoth has really inherited the beautiful country’s usual annoying tyranny...

"People from Behemoth." Nobu Ishikawa's son Ken Ishikawa reminded his father in a low voice.

"Yes." Ishikawa Nobu nodded calmly.

Then a smile appeared on his face and he took the initiative to greet the supervisor of Behemoth.

"Director Tommy, I led Ishikawa Ryu and the people from the Fish Dragon Society to the island. I did not intend to interfere in the battle for the throne of Nathan Island. I just wanted to go to the island to find an old friend."

"Old friend?" Manager Tommy raised his eyebrows. "It can't be King Nathan, right? That's a really poor excuse."

"No, no, he is the last member of the Mochizuki clan before our island country. More than ten years ago, he came to Nason Island due to some changes in the island country. I can assure you that we will take him back and leave Nason Island if we find him. island."

Nobu Ishikawa explained with a smile still on his face.

Although he also hated Behemoth's tyranny, he had no choice. After all, the national power behind the two sides was hugely different, and the strength of the organizations on both sides was also as great as the sky.

Fist is not the most correct truth, but it is the hardest truth.

He could only lower his posture.

As for the Behemoth director named Tommy.

When it comes to matters between other forces and Nathan Island, especially at this critical moment, he does not dare to make any independent decisions.

He walked aside, used the intercom to contact Director Ron who was stationed on the ship, and conveyed the Ichthyosaur Society's demands to the other party.

As expected, Director Ron maintained his usual arrogance.

After he confirmed that the people from the Island Nation's Ichthyosaurus Society were not here to interfere in the battle for the throne of Nathan Island, he signaled to Director Tommy to let them go.

As for whether Nobu Ishikawa would lie to him?

Sean is not afraid at all. If Nobu Ishikawa dares to lie to him, then it will be up to the Ichthyosaurus Association and Ishikawa Ryu to bear the wrath of Behemoth!

After Ishikawa Shin and others passed the Behemoth checkpoint and successfully landed on the island.

Ishikawa Kencai asked his father.

"Father, are we really just going to the island to find that old friend? Why don't we join in the excitement of Nathan Island?"

Only Ken Ishikawa can ask this question, no one else dares.

"Don't talk nonsense, that Lord is Mochizuki Satoru! The last member of the Mochizuki clan! If you want to regain control of the demon sword Hirumaru, he is the best candidate!"

When he said this, Ishikawa Nobu's eyes bloomed with wisps of light.

"Of course, if the time is right, we can't get involved in Morishima's affairs. After all, Mochizuki Satoru is Nason Wei..."

Sure enough, it is not easy for someone to become the leader of any force.

Don't look at Ishikawa Nobu, whether in front of Nadutong Company or in front of Behemoth, he behaves without aggression, and is even a little calm, making people subconsciously ignore him.

However, this guy is not a fuel-efficient lamp!

If he really just wants to simply retrieve someone, although Nason Island has agreements with political systems around the world, such regulations are not very binding on the Ichthyosaurus Society, which is based on the theme itself.

There is absolutely no need for the Ichthyosaurus to land on the island at such a critical time.

It has to be said that Nobu Ishikawa, the president of the Ichthyosaurus Association of the island country, has indeed inherited the tradition of the island country.

Just like a poisonous snake lurking in the dark, waiting for an opportunity to move...

All forces landed on the island one after another.

On the wishing side, their tracking has gradually yielded results.

As they continue to follow the traces left by each other.

The group of them finally found the owner of this trail.

Two blond foreigners.

Of course, Xuanyuan, whose vision was far beyond that of others, was the first to discover it.

"There are people in front, two!" Xu Yuan reminded.

The others' spirits perked up and they suddenly became excited.

Has the prey finally arrived?

And the two people being followed by the wishing group were not ordinary people, or in other words, they were not ordinary aliens.

These two men are from Behemoth.

He has quite a reputation in the alien world of the beautiful country.

The strength is also far beyond what ordinary people can match.

The group of people making a wish, especially the one making a wish, caused a lot of noise during their journey.

The two of them also noticed the vibration coming from the dense forest behind them from a long distance away.

The two of them immediately became alert and stayed in place to prepare.

They had been mentally prepared for the danger of Nathan Island.

"Sean, it's rare that you listen to the board of directors this time."

While waiting for the other person to appear, the thin one of the two, Xiao Huangmao, joked to the other, the stronger one, without any trace of nervousness on his face.

Just kidding, who is this next to me?

This is hero Sean!

A man who claims that his opponent can last for a whole day even if he is a god!

What enemy can defeat him?

Sean's face was calm and his eyes were firm, without any fluctuations.

While feeling the vibrations getting closer and closer, he replied to the little yellow hair next to him.

"I was not following orders from the board, but this action was an act of justice."

"Isn't what we have to do is to prevent King Nathan from dying in the battle for the throne?" Xiao Huangmao scratched his head.

"No! What we have to do is not only protect King Nathan from being killed, but also protect anyone else from being killed..."

While the two were talking, the dense forest in front of them was finally cleared.

The wishing group appeared in their sight.

The chat between the two was interrupted.

Sean looked at the person and asked uncertainly.

"Are you people who know everything?"

Xu Yuan shook his head and looked at the two foreigners up and down.

"Don't talk nonsense. We are not people who know everything. We are just a group of free aliens."

Free aliens, in foreign alien worlds, have the same meaning as Sanren.

Xu Yuan didn't know these two foreigners, or in other words, in his opinion, they were just like foreigners looking at Chinese people. Most foreigners looked similar.

Xuanyuan had never come into contact with other foreign forces before, so he did not recognize the identities of the two people in front of him.

But it doesn’t matter if you didn’t recognize it when you made a wish, as long as someone can recognize it.

"Make a wish, these two people belong to Behemoth. One is named Sean, the other is named Peter..."

Zhuge Qing came close to Xu Yuan and whispered to Xu Yuan about the identities of the two people.

This is the knowledge that Zhuge Qing has been training in the company's action team recently.

As a member of the frontline operations team, it is necessary to control information about key members of other forces.

Listening to Zhuge Qing's low explanation, Xu Yuan raised his eyebrows.

He was now gradually becoming interested in the two foreigners in front of him.

Sean, the title hero.

Peter, nicknamed Little Spider.

Make a Wish feels like these two people are simply real-life replicas of Captain and Spider-Man in a certain series of movies!

According to the information provided by Zhuge Qing, the personalities of Sean and Peter are almost the same as Captain and Spider-Man.

Sean is a well-known thorn in Behemoth's series of aliens, and often conflicts with the orders of Behemoth's board of directors.

Although Sean was very disobedient, because of his special status as the only successful experimenter of the [SP generation] strengthening potion and his prestige among many aliens, the Behemoth board of directors had nothing to do with him.

And Peter is Sean’s loyal supporter!

Wishing originally planned to kill all members of Behemoth who landed on the island indiscriminately.

But now he has a new idea!

But this idea still needs to be verified with some things first...

"Are you from Behemoth?" Xu Yuan took the initiative to ask the two of them.

Although Sean and Peter couldn't figure out why the other party suddenly softened their attitude, they were not aggressive people. It would be best if they could avoid unnecessary fighting.

"Yes, we went to the island to maintain peace."

"Oh? How to maintain it?" Xu Yuan asked.

"Prevent all possible killings, the death of King Nathan and the contenders for the throne, and even other people on the island, and then wait for the follow-up staff to arrive..."

Make a wish:…

Sean is more than just a "hero", his idea is simply like a holy mother!

But such a person is indeed what he needs!

In the last days, kill the Virgin first. If the Virgin is in the enemy camp...

Just pretend I didn't say it.

Kill your own Madonna and protect the enemy's Madonna.

Behemoth is different from other aliens.

Other alien organizations gain individual strength through practice.

But Behemoth is trying to use technology and resources to create aliens through technology and resources.

In this way, these aliens from Behemoth actually do not have any wealth worthy of their covetousness.

Rather than killing these two people here, it would be better to let them go.

Plugging a nail of destruction into the future Behemoth...

Wishing knew exactly what he was going to do in the Nathan Island incident, and he would eventually destroy Behemoth's plan.

At that time, he and Behemoth truly forged an irreducible hatred!

Since sooner or later we will become enemies, it is always a good idea to make early plans!

After thinking about making a wish to this point, the plan in my heart gradually became complete.

A kind smile appeared on his face.

"Sean, hello, my name is Xu wish." Xu wish walked out of the crowd, and then took the initiative to extend his hand to Sean, "Although I don't like people from Behemoth, but you, the 'hero', are an exception. You are Behemoth." One of the few in Sheamus who truly stands for justice.”

The 180-degree change in wishing attitude not only caught Sean and others off guard, but also caught other people in their own camp off guard.

Depends on the meaning of the wish... does this mean that peace is more important?

Although no one understood why Xu wish was like this, they all believed that Xu wish had his own reasons for doing so, and did not refute it.

The confused Sean shook hands with Xuanyuan with a confused face.

Although he has a special status in Behemoth, special status does not mean high power.

A thug will always be a thug and will never become a top executive.

Sean didn't know any information about Wishing. He had never heard of Wishing before today.

But from now on, making a wish left a deep impression on him.

"Okay, we are acquainted now. This is my contact information. After you leave Nason Island, if you need any help, you can contact me at any time."

Xu Wan smiled and left Sean's phone number.

"Why?" Sean still couldn't suppress the confusion in his heart.

"It's all for justice!" Xu Yuan said with a righteous expression.

Peter on the side:...

These words sounded outrageous to him!

It's outrageous enough to have Sean as an idealist in the world, but could there be a second one?

On the other hand, Sean did not question the wish, but nodded solemnly.

"It's all for justice!"

After letting the two people go, Xu Yuan watched the two people's backs gradually disappear into the jungle.

He sighed to himself.

"Tsk, Holy Mother is so easy to deceive!"

Wang Zhenqiu came up, narrowed his eyes, and asked Xu Yuan teasingly.

"What bad intentions do you have again?"

Xuanyuan also smiled at him.

"Didn't you guess it?"

"Tsk, I just caused some trouble for you. You want to dig up people's ancestral graves and steal people's hometown..."

Zhang Chulan, who was on the side, couldn't help but stood up hehey at this time.

"What are you talking about?" Feng Baobao scratched his head, "Am I not witty? Why can't I understand?"

Although Sister Baoer is one of the smarter ones, in terms of evil intentions, there is still a big gap compared with people like Wang Zhenqiu, Zhang Chulan and others.

And, of course, making a wish.

To a certain extent, the evil intentions of the three people are very similar, otherwise they would not be able to guess the idea of ​​making a wish.

"That Sean obviously doesn't wear the same pants as Behemoth, but because of his special status, Behemoth can't touch him. Keeping him will not only cause trouble for Behemoth, but also A fatal weakness of Behemoth..."

"He has a high reputation among the strangers in the beautiful country, and his justice can also be exploited..."

With Zhang Chulan's explanation, Feng Baobao gradually understood what "evil intentions" mean!

Sister Baoer scratched her head with a very cute expression.

"So, make a wish, is it because of that Sean that you had a conflict with Behemoth? Isn't he on the boat on the sea now? I can just swim over and kill him."

Make a wish:…

Zhang Chulan:......

Sister Baoer's brain circuit is as rough and efficient as ever.

But this time it's different.

Although killing Sean can indeed cause damage to a behemoth like Behemoth, it will not hurt the foundation at all.

The most dangerous thing is when the beast is injured!

To deal with wild beasts, it is better to kill them directly.

"Forget it, Sister Bao'er." Xu Yuan shook his head, "Anyway, you just need to know that on Nathan Island, Sean and that Peter are not enemies. If you can, you can help."

"Continue! Find the next target!"

Just when Xu Yuan was about to continue leading people to search for prey, his cell phone suddenly vibrated twice.

He's a sophomore in high school!

[Gao Erzhuang: Brother Xuyuan, the Lu family brother and sister also came to Nason Island on their own, and now they are surrounded by people in the 'market'. It seems to be in danger...] (End of this chapter)

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