Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 196 Okay, okay, it’s starting to look more and more like a game

"Buzz buzz..."

In the silent jungle, the phone in the wishing pocket suddenly vibrated.

Not only did Xu Yuan himself get stunned, but it also attracted the attention of others.


Isn’t this Nason Island?

The first time they landed on the island, they determined that there was no signal coverage here.

Unless you use a satellite phone, but obviously the wishing phone is not a satellite phone.

Under everyone's gaze, Xu Yuan scratched his head, swatted away the bug that just landed on his head, and then took out his phone.

And when he saw a big expression [()] on the screen, he had already roughly guessed what was going on!

Wishing to answer the phone and turn on the speakerphone.


"Hey! Make a wish! I'm here!" A female voice came from the mechanical voice on the phone.

Although it was the same mechanical sound, as soon as the temporary workers present heard this sound, they knew who was on the other side of the phone!

Gao Yushan, also known as Gao Erzhuang, is a temporary worker from the Northeast Region!

Exists in the network in a special form.

"Er Zhuang? Why are you here too? And isn't there no signal on the island?" Xu Yuan asked curiously.

This can be regarded as one of the few weaknesses of Erzhuang.

She can exist through network signals, but she is also limited by Internet infrastructure. In places where there is no network, she is powerless.

Just like satellite signals, Gao Erzhuang does control satellite signals, but if the receiver does not have a dedicated receiving device such as a satellite phone, there is nothing she can do.

"Everyone is here this time, how can I be absent?" High School sophomore Zhuang said confidently.

Although this time it was because of a phone call that Gao Erzhuang could not express his emotions with the help of emojis.

But fortunately, these temporary workers were all acquaintances, so everyone imagined the two strong expressions in their minds, and everyone smiled.

Gao Erzhuang said immediately.

"I came with the company's observation team. I brought a small base station on the ship, so the signal can temporarily cover the entire Nason Island. I can just provide you with some help. By the way, Brother Wishes, I can help you get it done. Map of the island…”

Following Gao Erzhuang's explanation, Xu Wan also understood the huge role Gao Erzhuang could provide him!

Of course, Gao Erzhuang did not have a map of the island in his hand.

The help she was talking about was to connect all the mobile phone signals of the nearly 100 people brought by the wish to the network, and then draw a map of Nathan Island based on the network positioning and the movements of these nearly 100 people, and it can also provide real-time positioning. …

Although it sounds confusing, if you have played real-time strategy games such as Warcraft or Red Alert, it will be easy to understand.

To put it simply, it means sending troops out to expand the map.

There is no objection to making a wish!

With the help of the high school sophomore, we can save them a lot of trouble!

The most important thing is that information exchange can be achieved among these nearly a hundred people!

On this island where the communication method basically relies on roaring, this is simply an indelible advantage!

Zhuang, a sophomore in high school, is indeed a god-like being on the Internet. In a few seconds, she has already made a client.

Immediately, everyone's mobile phones buzzed and vibrated.

When they took out their mobile phones, a brand new app interface was displayed on the screen.

The app interface is just like the map in the game. There are hundreds of small white dots marked with identities, and the map around the white light dots has been lit up.

Other than that, it's all black.

At the bottom of the app interface, a chat channel is also added.

As soon as the app was launched, there were already young people with out-of-the-box personalities chatting in the chat channel.

Master Tian also has a mobile phone, so he is no exception.

He was amazed when he looked at the picture on his phone.

Why is this becoming more and more like an online game?

Form a team at the entrance of Novice Village, and there will be a real-time map and Qin chat channel...

"Well, make a wish, is this the little girl from the Gao family in the Northeast?" the old Heavenly Master said proactively.

"Well, you always know?"

Now it was Xu Wan's turn to be surprised.

The strength of the old Heavenly Master is naturally immeasurable, and there is no doubt that it is the ceiling.

But there is no specific relationship between intelligence capabilities and strength.

The existence of Gao Erzhuang is a secret even within the company, not even the board of directors knows it. Only their temporary workers and a few specific people know it.

How did the Heavenly Master know?

"Well, when this little girl first got into trouble, that guy Gao Lian came to me for help." The Heavenly Master didn't say much, he just gave a rough explanation and then kept silent.

This time the curiosity of making a wish was also aroused.

What happened to the second year of high school that Zhuang actually directly blamed the Heavenly Master?

But now is not a good time to chat with Er Zhuang.

Xu Yuan did not rush to ask about this matter, but asked Gao Erzhuang about another matter.

"Er Zhuang, you said that the company's observation team has arrived. Is Zhuge Qing here too?"

"Of course, Zhuge Qing is on the ship now. Do you need me to call him for you? Brother Xuyuan."

"Okay, I'll bother you then, Erzhuang."

"You're welcome. Please press 1 if you like it."

All the temporary workers present smiled heartily when they heard the voice of the two men chattering on the phone.

With Zhuang, a sophomore in high school, he doesn't even need to make a wish and dial the number himself.

Zhuge Qing's phone call was quickly answered.

"Hello? Make a wish?" Zhuge Qing's excited voice sounded. "Have you arrived on the island now?"

"Well, we are already on Nathan Island. The situation on the island is very complicated. Do you want to come and join us..."

There is no nonsense in making a wish.

Zhuge Qing has actually ignited Wuhou Qimen's ultimate move - Samadhi True Fire.

Even among the older generation, his strength is not too weak.

But it’s still not enough to see on Nason Island today.

It is true that there are too many strangers on Nathan Island now with various abilities. If Zhuge Qing is allowed to act alone, it is difficult to guarantee that the enemies he encounters will not have any trouble or restraint methods.

After all, not everyone is a heavenly master.

Zhuge Qing didn't try to show off, and directly expressed his willingness to act together with Xu Yuan.

However, the map of Nathan Island has not been fully expanded yet. In order to have a more accurate round, Xu wish and Zhuge Qing agreed to meet at the beach.

After the two of them finished talking to each other, Xuanyuan would take people to the coastline immediately.

Others naturally have no objections, since they have no destination anyway.

And just now they saw the terrain outside Nathan Island on the "map".

The entire Nason Island is surrounded by the sea, but there are only two coasts suitable for landing, the north and the south.

As for the remaining east and west sides, there are cliffs. No force will choose to land on the island at these two places.

What they are going to now is the northern coast of Nason Island.

The probability of them encountering other forces near the north coast is much greater than in the woods.

But when everyone was about to set off, there was a problem with the Heavenly Master.

"Make a wish, you go. Old man, I will go back to the camp and wait for you. After all, it's still not good for me to meet with the observation group..."

The old Heavenly Master said with half-squinted eyes.

Xu Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then came to his senses.

What the Heavenly Master said makes sense.

After all, theoretically speaking, he was still under house arrest on Longhu Mountain, but he ended up appearing in front of the company's observation team on Nathan Island.

Zhuge Qing is fine.

The person in question is Director Huang, a member of the board of directors who came with the observation team.

Although the company may not really know that the Heavenly Master came to Nathan Island under the instigation of making a wish, but as long as many things are not made explicit, everyone can turn a blind eye and let them pass. .

And once it is brought to light, it can easily lead to face issues.

That’s much more complicated!

After thinking about this, Xu Yuan nodded to the Heavenly Master.

"Okay, Heavenly Master, please go back to the camp first."

As soon as the Heavenly Master left, Mr. Tian naturally followed him back.

The two of them were just hanging out, so Wish this temporary worker didn't really need their help.

There is no need to worry about getting lost when Tianshi and Tian return to the camp. After all, the campground is the place with the most signals.

As for safety issues?

Worried about the safety of Heavenly Master? Stop making trouble, I'm really worried, Nathan Island will be sunk by you!

The two sides parted ways.

Not to mention the old Heavenly Master and Tian Lao.

Xu wish and others headed straight to the coastline.

Because of the real-time map navigation, they are much faster.

Running at full speed, the group arrived at the coast in less than twenty minutes.

This is still on the premise that Wish remains true to the form of God Taiyi.

Along the way, Xu Wan and the group did find many new walking trails in the woods.

It can be seen that as time goes by, more and more forces are landing on Nathan Island.

However, because they were in a hurry to have a round with Zhuge Qing, the group of them did not follow these traces.

It can be considered that these people were lucky enough to escape.

After Zhuge Qing hung up the phone, he waited at the coast early.

When he heard the rumbling sound coming from the dense forest ahead, he had an expectant expression on his face and looked up towards the woods ahead.

This kind of heavy footsteps was very familiar to him.

If he remembered correctly, after the Luotian Jiao Festival in Longhu Mountain, he made a wish by stepping on that weird alchemy furnace and massacring all the mountain-crossing members amidst the heavy footsteps.

As the heavy footsteps came closer, several figures pushed aside the bushes at the edge of the dense forest and appeared in Zhuge Qing's sight.

As expected, it was not what Zhuge Qing expected.

The people who came were none other than Make a Wish and the temporary workers!

"Old Qing!"

Xu Yuan stood on the alchemy furnace and waved to Zhuge Qing.

In order to avoid waste, it is absolutely necessary for him to turn on the godhead mask at all times and transform into the real god Taiyi.

As more and more forces landed on the island, more and more killings occurred throughout Nathan Island.

The energy in Xuanyuan's body is increasing almost all the time.

But there are also things that are unclear about the wish.

For example.

He indeed gained an increase in energy from those dead strangers.

But the core of Nathan Island - the sacred tree.

However, after making a wish to land on the island and transform into the god Taiyi Zhenren, he was unable to absorb any "nutrients" at all.

Although the divine tree's sanity is not high, its survival instinct has already formed a sworn hatred between it and Xu Yuan, a "nutrient contender"...

"Old Qing." Xu Yuan greeted and led everyone to Zhuge Qing's side.

These temporary workers present were all familiar to Zhuge Qing. They had already had contact with each other as early as in Biyou Village.

Xu Yuan looked around and found no one else on the coast. He suddenly became curious.

"Eh? Lao Qing, did you send the observation team yourself?"

"No, all the other staff members stayed on the ship." Zhuge Qing spread his hands with a smile, "Director Huang said, you don't lack combat effectiveness anyway, but if they come, they may get in the way."

The wish came as a surprise.

The leader of the company's observation team this time is Huang Boren.

How can this guy still have this kind of consciousness?

That’s really what I meant when I made a wish.

Although he has brought nearly a hundred people with him this time, these people are not weak in combat effectiveness. He does not want to bring other people who are holding him back!

You can't be distracted by protecting a few rookies while fighting the enemy, right?

Now that the two sides have taken a turn, it’s time to get down to business!

After a few simple greetings, Xu Wan and others were ready to continue their journey of killing monsters and exploding materials.

Of course, Xu Yuan also told Zhuge Qing that Ma Xianhong was working as a "blacksmith NPC" in the camp.

Zhuge Qing is different from others. The cultivation system of his Zhuge family can be divided into two types.

One is the Wuhou Qimen he cultivated, and the other is Zhuge Shenji!

Zhuge Shenji integrates multiple dimensions of mechanical weapon refining and does not require outsiders to help refine magic weapons.

Therefore, Zhuge Qing came to Nason Island this time just to join in the fun.

Nowadays, when I'm with people like Wishes, it can barely be considered a trip at public expense.

Just as a group of people were preparing to set off again, they planned to randomly find the next lucky person as a target based on the traces on the ground.

There was a sudden shaking in the dense forest not far away.

Upon noticing the shaking in the woods, the entire temporary worker team immediately became alert!

"Who! Come out!" Black Guan shouted loudly, and the tubular magic weapon in his hand was about to be activated!

Wishing even activated the equipment skill of [Xing Zhao] immediately.

Two white shadows quickly rushed towards the dense forest!

It's not that their nerves are too sensitive, but before the woods swayed, no one in the entire team noticed anyone approaching!

It's not surprising that he can't find traces of the other party. After all, there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world.

The strange thing is that no one in the entire team is aware of the opponent's approach.

This is a big problem!

It's a tough opponent!

However, before the other party walked out of the woods, the wishful expression relaxed.

Because he already knows who is coming!

[Xingzhao], it worked!

In the wary eyes of others, a figure in camouflage uniforms walked out of the woods.

After Feng Baobao saw the other party, he also showed an expected expression.

Then she rushed directly behind Xu Yuan.

"Make a wish, I can't beat this, you do."

Make a wish:…

The visitor is none other than Barron, an old acquaintance!

The reason why he couldn't detect the slightest breath on his body was precisely because of the Liuku Immortal Thief he practiced.

"Hey, make a wish. Long time no see!"

After Barron walked out of the jungle, he took the initiative to say hello to Wish.

The Chinese words spoken from his mouth were smooth and smooth, without the lame feeling of foreigners at all.

Xuanyuan also nodded, without any surprise on his face.

"Barron, you're here too."

Xu wish had known for a long time that Barron would come to Nathan Island, but he just didn't expect Barron to show up in this way.

"Wish, long time no see. I didn't expect that your strength has improved a lot." Barron looked at Wish up and down, with some surprise in his eyes, "What kind of method did you just use? I can't get rid of it."

In fact, Barron was far more shocked in his heart than he showed.

He could only vaguely feel the power of the wish, but this time the two met again, his urge to swallow the wish became even stronger...

It’s enough to prove the strength of making a wish!

"It's just some small means." Xu Wan obviously couldn't explain the principle of [Xing Zhao] to Barron.

"Okay." Barron did not continue to ask, but proactively suggested, "It seems that you already have an action plan. It's not very safe if I leave alone. If you don't mind, then come together."

No one present had any strong objections to Barron's proposal.

Although Barron is a foreigner, everyone does not dislike him.

In some ways, Barron is even more likable than some Chinese.

At least he is a qualified teammate.

In addition, they had fought side by side in Biyou Village before, so Barron joined the team of Xu Wan and others.

Now, a master of concealment and tracking has been added to the team.

I randomly selected a footprint on the ground to follow.

On the way, after repeatedly confirming that Barron would not hit her, Feng Baobao finally got out from behind Xu Yuan.

"Eh? Barron, why did you come to Nathan Island to mix in this muddy water?" Zhang Chulan suddenly asked. "I remember you should be a Sanren, right?"

"Well, I am indeed an independent person now, but I wasn't before..." Barron didn't hide anything and directly told the reason why he went to Nathan Island.

It was Spencer, the director of the European Jade Society, who invited him.

The reason is that as long as Barron goes to Nason Island this time, all his previous criminal records will be wiped out, allowing him to enter the country and go home at will.

Although Barron did not talk about what he had committed before, he thought that since it could be called a criminal record, it must not have been a kind act like helping an old lady cross the road.

As for the purpose of Spencer sending Barron here...

There is no purpose, or in other words, the purpose is not clearly indicated.

After Barron finished speaking, some thoughts came to Xu Wish's mind.

Barron has some relationship with the Emerald Society, but it is not a normal subordinate relationship.

Although the purpose of the Emerald Society is temporarily unknown, it is obvious that being able to participate in the affairs of Nathan Island is not a waste of money.

Establishing a good relationship with Barron may be of some use if anything happens to Europe in the future...

Since the Nathan Island incident, they have inevitably moved to the international stage.

It is better to make plans as early as possible.

After thinking about this, I made a wish and said to Barron.

"Barron, if I'm not mistaken, you should be practicing under the Liuku Immortal Thief, right? Master Ruan Feng is your teacher?"

Making a wish not only stunned Barron for a moment, but also made other people look shocked.

"Ah?" Zhang Chulan even let out a sound of surprise.

"Indeed, although I am a foreigner, who said that foreigners can't practice your Chinese martial arts?" Barron shrugged, and there was no discomfort on his face at being asked to break the martial arts. Instead, he was a little curious, "But, make a wish , I would like to know how you knew about this?"

There is no explanation for the wish.

Instead, he took out a bite bag from his pocket and threw it to Barron.

What is contained in this sac is Ruan Feng, who has fallen into a coma...

"Don't worry about how I know it, just take a look at this first..." (End of Chapter)

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