Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 173 We promise never to be the first to use wishing!

After Huang Ning'er decisively gave in, Zhao Fangxu did not make things difficult for him.

After all, for Zhao Fangxu, stability and ease of use are the most important thing.

So far, the Qiuzhen Society has done quite well in this regard.

However, Zhao Fangxu was also a little surprised when he saw Huang Ning'er quickly recognizing the situation.

It seems that the name of the Sangmen Star is much more useful than expected?

In fact, it is right to think about it. Although the Tang Sect has declined, as a former great sect, it has no lack of foundation.

Although the Truth Society has regained some strength, it is still not as good as the Tang Sect.

Even a big sect like the Tang Sect couldn't escape the "magic clutches" of wishing, and other small sects couldn't afford to offend him.

They know the truth about the Tang Sect, but others don't!

Even if some people doubt its authenticity, can they afford to bet?

Zhao Fangxu sat in the conference room, and the more he thought about it, the more it made sense.

Do you want to stop pushing the boat along? Directly binding the name of Sangmen Star and the wish to defeat others without fighting...

Even when he was in a trance, Zhao Fangxu did not even do it perfunctorily for the four members of the Truth Society to stand up and say goodbye.

Fortunately, the four people from the Truth Society just thought that Zhao Fangxu was bored because of their greed just now, and left in despair without thinking much.

In any case, what they gained from coming to the company headquarters to speak out this time was far beyond their expectations.

The most urgent task is how can they turn their Shilaohui candidates into official Shilaohui members...

After the four people from the Truth Society left.

Little Su Dong, who had been silent just now, finally spoke.

"Chairman, when you make such a decision, you must at least inform me in advance." Xiao Su complained to Zhao Fangxu, "That's the Ten Guys Association. Do you really want to help them in?"

"Of course, since young people want to make a difference, what if we help them?" Zhao Fangxu said with a smile.

"But over there at the Ten Guys Association..." Little Su Dong hesitated.

"Haha, we are all for the stable development of the alien world, don't be so narrow-minded." Zhao Fangxu said with a smile.

Hearing this, Xiao Su Dong rolled his eyes silently.

Rebuild the princes!

It's really insidious.

The Ten Guys Association naturally has unspoken rules, and strength comes first.

Prior to this, Zhang Zhiwei, as the number one old master in the world, naturally controlled the largest and most important say in the entire Shilao Association.

Now that Zhang Zhiwei had just quit the Ten Guys Club, before those old guys could be happy, Zhao Fangxu arranged for another Truth Club to join.

It can be heard from the conversation between the Truth Society and Zhao Fangxu just now that the people in the Truth Society are very dissatisfied with the aristocratic families in the Shilao Society!

This position is interesting.

If the Truth Society really joins the Ten Guys Association, then the final outcome of the Ten Guys Association will still be that the two parties are at odds.

On one side are the old forces such as the four major families, and on the other side are the Tianxiahui, the Truth Society and the Sanren...

This is the art of balance!

However, what puzzles Mr. Su is that Chen Jinkui, another one of the Ten Guys, has gone crazy. Although no corresponding clues have been investigated so far, it is obvious that he is no longer suitable to be a member of the Ten Guys Association. His position is naturally I'm vacant.

Who will Director Zhao choose to replace Chen Jinkui in order to continue to maintain balance?

While little Su Dong was deep in thought, Zhao Fangxu's words brought her mind back again.

"Oh, by the way, Xiao Su, go and help me with something, it's about making a wish..."

After a two-hour flight.

The flight taken by the wishing group finally landed at the Jiangdong City airport.

Wang Zhenqiu still followed them with a playful smile.

However, Xu Yuan didn't pay attention to him. Instead, he immediately took out his mobile phone and logged into the alien forum.

Two hours is enough time to accomplish a lot.

The reason why Mr. Lu Jin and Lu personally went to Tangmen to arrest the Lu family brothers and sisters should be revealed now!

As expected, it was as expected.

The first time he opened the Foreign Circle Forum, he saw what he wanted to see.

The first post with the most popularity was the revelation that Lu Jin personally went to Tangmen to capture the Lu family brothers and sisters.

The poster is a not-so-famous stranger.

But this is not important. For these alien forces, they naturally have "white gloves".

What matters is the content of the post.

The post did not add any extravagance, but explained truthfully that Lu Jin led people to the Tang Sect to capture the Lu family brothers and sisters, and even the fact that Lu Linglong was injured by Lu Linglong as soon as they met was not left out.

But here's the problem.

You know, except for the people who made a wish and the Lu family, there was no one else present. How did the person who posted this know such details?

After eliminating all possibilities, there is only one answer in the end, and that is the Lu family’s instruction!

This is also the reason why this post topped the popularity list.

Because even if the information about the Tang clan on the forum is fraudulent, the information about the Lu family cannot be wrong, right?

Mr. Lu Jin personally took action, which is very consistent with Lu Jin's reputation for a flawless life. After all, the Lu family brothers and sisters were also involved in the plan to "bring havoc in the Tang Clan".

The Lu family's move has indeed confirmed the Tang clan's information from a side perspective.

But it also further solidified the reputation of the wishing and mourning star.

Make a wish:…

Sure enough, none of these old foxes are simple!

If the Tang Sect was really deceitful, then Mr. Lu Jin’s move would undoubtedly make the Tang Sect accept his love.

And even if something happened in the future, Lu Jin could use him as an excuse.

The key thing is that he really doesn't know...

Xuanyuan shook his head.

After reading this post, I just wanted to close the Yiren Circle forum.

But when his eyes accidentally scanned another post, his expression became extremely wonderful.

It is an official post from Nadutong Company.

"About today's announcement about the title of the leader of the company's inspection team who made a wish..."

After Xu Yuan read the content of the post, his expression became even more exciting.

Because this post is more of an official certification than a clarification!

Because in the post, the company official claimed that after expert research, they found that the destiny of making a wish is very special, so special that the star of death is directly used as the name of this destiny...

A lot of blah blah blah!

Anyway, the core meaning is - let me clarify the recent rumors, they are not rumors!

And the most egregious thing is that the company official also left a seemingly comforting word at the end of the announcement.

"Fellow compatriots in the alien world do not need to panic. As long as the stable development of the alien world is not undermined, the company promises not to be the first to use wish making..."

This is not comfort, this is clearly intimidation!

In other words, this sentence means

——As long as someone dares to undermine the stable development, the company will make a wish to kill your whole family!

Make a wish:…

What kind of special destiny does he have?

And the company has never studied his fate!

You are just talking nonsense here!

However, this kind of thing is completely unclear. After all, there is no specific evaluation method for special fates except using things that happen to the fate owner as evidence.

After Xuanyuan saw this announcement, she sighed and gave up treatment completely.

If it was just speculation by those outsiders before, now it is official certification!

He even made a fuss about the destiny of the Sangmen Star...

It seems that from now on, the name Sangmenxing has been welded to his head.

As I was browsing the post, the popularity of this post was rising.

Wang Zhenqiu naturally saw it too.

He was out of breath laughing while sitting on the shuttle bus.

"Hahahahaha, make a wish, I am the cancer of Southwest, you are the star of death, everyone is just the same..."

Xu Yuan glanced at him silently and said nothing.

If Wang Zhenqiu really counts it like this.

That old man Xia is truly complete.

There are only one and a half disciples in total. Both of them work for companies with official backgrounds, but their reputations are extremely bad!

When these people came out of the airport, it was completely dark.

Because before making the wish, I found out that the location of Sun Ce's tomb was still quite a distance from the city.

Therefore, they could only temporarily settle down in a hotel in the city for one night and wait until tomorrow to go to Sun Ce's tomb.

Wang Zhenqiu made up his mind to stay with Xu Yuan, so he opened a room next to Xu Yuan.

However, Wang Zhenqiu didn't go too far. He actually didn't bother to make a wish during the whole night he rested here.

This was quite surprising to Xu Wan.

After all, the power of Southwest Cancer is not just talk.

However, early the next morning.

Zhang Lingyu stared at her red bloodshot eyes to find the time to make a wish.

Making a wish only confirmed what it means to be called by the wrong name, not by the wrong nickname.

"Make a wish, shall we play Wang Zhenqiu?"

Zhang Lingyu asked Xu Yuan with an angry look on his face.

Make a wish:…

"Yes, yes, but you have to go to the company to queue up your number first." Xu Yuan rubbed his forehead, he was very curious now, what did Wang Zhenqiu do to make the honest man Lingyu so angry, "What did he do to you? "

Making a wish was like turning on a switch, causing Zhang Lingyu to spit out bitterness instantly.

"Wang Zhenqiu harassed me all night..."

Zhang Lingyu's tragic experience made Xu Yuan's brows jump as he listened.

It turns out that Wang Zhenqiu didn't harass Xu Wish yesterday because he was harassing Zhang Lingyu.

And it’s not just simple harassment!

Zhang Lingyu, who had a strong sense of responsibility, originally planned to take advantage of this night to rewrite an action report and give it to Wishing.

But not long after he entered his room, Wang Zhenqiu volunteered to find him and offered to help him write an action report.

In the simple view of Zhang Lingyu, Wang Zhenqiu is an old temporary worker in the company. With his help and rich experience, it would be great.

So that night, under the guidance of Wang Zhenqiu, Zhang Lingyu wrote no less than ten versions of the action report!

But in the end, Wang Zhenqiu gave him a pass, and he didn't even tell him what the problem was...

Only those who have experienced being repeatedly pushed back by Party A to redo plans can empathize with this pain!

This means that Zhang Lingyu has a good temper and is honest. If it were another person, he would have killed Wang Zhenqiu first and played later!

Of course, doing something in this downtown area would definitely be against the company's regulations.

Xu Yuan looked at Zhang Lingyu who was complaining to him, and a strange look flashed in his eyes.

Is Wang Zhenqiu... helping himself to carry the thunder?

This was originally what I planned to do.


After Zhang Lingyu finished speaking, Xu Yuan coughed twice.

"Master Lingyu, I won't stop you from wanting to play Wang Zhenqiu, but remember to go to the company to queue up, and be sure not to do it in front of ordinary people."

"Okay, if there are no other questions, go and pack your things. It's time for us to set off."

Since Wang Zhenqiu did what he originally wanted to do for him, Xu Wan simply let nature take its course.

Anyway, the final report was written for me, and it was Wang Zhenqiu who offended him.

Looking at it this way, Wang Zhenqiu’s shameless following is not entirely a bad thing!

Sure enough, nothing in this world is completely useless. If something seems useless, then you haven’t found the right way to use it.

After Zhang Lingyu learned from Xuyuan about the rules of queuing to play Wang Zhenqiu, she could only go back to her room to pack her luggage in a sullen mood.

But he had already made up his mind to get a queue number as soon as possible after returning to the company headquarters!

After a simple breakfast, the group made a wish and rented a car to go to Sun Ce's tomb.

Because he was in a good mood to make a wish, he even called Wang Zhenqiu before going to Sun Ce's tomb.

Wang Zhenqiu couldn't leave before teaching Zhang Lingyu the action report.

"Where are we going?"

After getting in the car, Wang Zhenqiu asked curiously as he watched the car gradually drive out of the city.

"Sun Ce's tomb outside the city."

Xu wish said to Wang Zhenqiu while continuing to drive forward according to the navigation prompts.

"Sun Ce's tomb?" Wang Zhenqiu was stunned, "What are you doing there?"

"Don't you want to get the same abilities as me? Look hard and study hard. As for whether you can learn it, I have no choice."

Xu wish didn't explain much, he just said casually to Wang Zhenqiu.

The expression on Wang Zhenqiu's face was stunned for a moment.

The ability to make a wish?

There is only one ability to make a wish, the Godhead Mask.

Wang Zhenqiu himself also practiced the Godhead Mask.

The Mask of the Godhead is divided into three stages.

Play the power of gods, borrow the power of gods, and transform into gods themselves.

It is true that he still cannot understand the miraculous abilities of the third stage of wishing, but no matter how much you talk about the ability of the godhead mask, it cannot be separated from the core of "god", right?

Who is Sun Ce?

The only thing that is spread is the name Jiangdong Little Overlord...

Wang Zhenqiu opened his mouth, wanting to ask something, but finally closed his mouth.

Regardless of his reputation, Wang Zhenqiu has always had a very upright attitude towards spiritual practice.


It is never something that can be taken for granted, nor can it be taught by others through words. It must be witnessed with one’s own eyes and practiced!

After nearly two hours of driving.

Xu Yuan finally drove to the location of Sun Ce's tomb under the guidance of Bade Navigation.

This is the east side of a village.

Although it has gone beyond the scope of the village, there is still an old courtyard built here.

As for Sun Ce's tomb, it is a small raised earth bag at the back of the courtyard.

Looking at this scale, if it were not for the stone tablet engraved with the cultural relics protection unit erected on the earthen mound, I am afraid it would be no different from an ordinary rural tomb mound.

The power of the former generation of Jiangdong overlords can be seen completely.

When Xu Yuan just parked the car.

A middle-aged man with black and white hair rushed out of the yard holding a stick.

His expression looked quite ferocious.

"Get out! Go away! You are not welcome here!"

The middle-aged man shouted to Xuanyuan and the others with those sticks!

This time, Xu Yuan and others shouted inexplicably.

Several people looked at each other and saw one thing in each other's blank eyes.

That is, none of them knew this middle-aged man.

However, several people also discovered that this middle-aged man seemed to have a sense of energy?

The reason why we can't be sure is not because of the superb hiding methods of the other party, but because the energy sense in the other party is too weak!

It has to be Zhang Lingyu, an honest man.

Although he felt the malice inexplicably, Zhang Lingyu still patiently spoke to the middle-aged man in a pleasant manner.


But before Zhang Lingyu could finish speaking, the middle-aged man waved the stick in his hand and interrupted Zhang Lingyu's words with excitement.

"Our Sun family has declined to this point, and I have made sure that there is no violation of the regulations of the Nadutong Company! Why are you still making things difficult for me..."

Okay, now it’s confirmed.

The middle-aged man in front of him must be a stranger, otherwise he would not know that there are regulations in the Mingtong Company.

However, I was still confused as to what kind of difficulty this middle-aged man was talking about.

Xu Yuan looked at the excited middle-aged man and shrugged helplessly at Wang Zhenqiu.

"Qiu'er, why don't you help him calm down first?"

Wang Zhenqiu nodded.

Since it’s a stranger, it’s easy to handle!

Wang Zhenqiu ducked out of the way!

In the eyes of this middle-aged man, he only saw a trace of long golden hair, and then he collapsed on the ground, his eyes were blurred, and he made an unknown sound from his mouth.

The horse of love kills the chicken!

This kind of non-lethal control effect has to be Wang Zhenqiu.

The Love Horse Killing Chicken improved by Wang Zhenqiu is not even considered an attack method.

Strictly speaking, it should be a massage technique...

It was so good that I lost consciousness.

If someone else takes action, because this middle-aged man is too weak, there will inevitably be some unexpected situation and he will be injured by mistake.

Xu wish and others stood there waiting for the middle-aged man to regain consciousness.

Because Wang Zhenqiu didn't use all his strength to urge the love horse to kill the chicken, he didn't wait too long.

In less than five minutes, the middle-aged man woke up.

When he recalled his ugly appearance just now, he was so embarrassed that he wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it!

The arrogance that had just been tense suddenly disappeared without a trace.

"Okay, have you calmed down now?" Xu Yuan walked out, "We haven't met before, have we? Why did you say that the company is making things difficult for you?"

"Ah?" The middle-aged man looked a little stiff when he saw Xu Yuan's face, but he still confirmed to Xu Yuan, "You are making a wish, right?"

"Well, I just made a wish, what's wrong?"

The man's mood suddenly became excited again.

But compared to the previous tense situation, it has eased a lot.

At least I can communicate normally.

"That's right! The company sent you here, and you said it wasn't to embarrass our Sun family..."

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