Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 172 The deterrent power of Sangmenxing’s wish

While making a wish and looking confused, he learned the truth from the Lu family.

People from the Tang Sect posted on the Yiren Circle forum.

In the post, the fact that Xu Yuan, Zhang Chulan and others came to Tangmen was exposed by an "informed person".

However, according to this insider, things have changed.

——It turned into Xu Yuan and Zhang Chulan leading people to forcefully break into the Tang Sect. Because of the grievances between Zhang Chulan's grandfather Zhang Huaiyi and the Tang Sect, Tang Miaoxing and the nineteen most outstanding disciples of the contemporary Tang Sect were forced to practice Danqiu. .

How dangerous the process of practicing alchemy is, and the forces with stronger foundations in the entire alien circle know this.

Therefore, including Tang Miaoxing, the sect leader, a total of twenty disciples of the Tang Sect died while practicing alchemy!

Obviously, this is false news released by the Tang Sect in order to hide the existence of Tang Miaoxing and other alchemy masters.

Although it is false news, what the whistleblower said is reasonable but has to be believed.

Of course, Zhang Chulan was still the one who took the blame in the end. According to the revelations by "informed people", Zhang Chulan was the main messenger of this operation.

After all, Xu Yuan had no grudges against the Tang Clan before, and there was absolutely no reason for Xu Wan to cause trouble for the Tang Clan alone.

Although the post did not explain how Xu Yuan and Zhang Chulan forced Tang Miaoxing, the head of the Tang Sect, to lead his disciples to risk their lives to practice elixir.

But to others in the Inhuman Circle, that doesn't matter.

What matters is the results.

It makes sense to watch the excitement and not take it too seriously.

Wherever you make a wish, something will happen.

How can there be such a coincidence in the world?

Even if it's really a coincidence and has nothing to do with Wishing, doesn't that further prove Wishing's reputation as a star of mourning?

If nothing is done, something happens. If this is not a Sangmen star, then what is a Sangmen star?

The name of Sangmenxing’s wish has been completely fulfilled!

Make a wish:…

After wishing to read the post on the Foreign Circle Forum and the discussion below the post, he didn't know what to say for a moment.

He and everyone present knew the truth.

But they couldn’t say it!

Zhang Chulan was also speechless.

No, it’s okay to say that making a wish is the death of the star. After all, it is true that something will happen wherever you make a wish.

But what does this trip to Tangmen have to do with him?

Not to mention that Tang Miaoxing and those Tang Sect members practiced Danqiu because of their ability to make wishes. In this trip to the Tang Sect alone, the real leader was not him!

Are you... being shot innocently?

The other people present also had strange looks on their faces.

Although Tang Men's behavior is tantamount to placing a blame on Xu Yuan and Zhang Chulan.

But I have to say that the Tang Sect’s fake news did work!

It not only caused other people in the alien circle to shift their attention from the twenty people of Tang Miaoxing to Xu Yuan and Zhang Chulan.

Even most people in the alien circle subconsciously ignored that after Tang Miaoxing's "death", the name of the new head of the Tang Sect was Tang Xin.

Only a small number of old strangers who lived in the same era as the Jiashen Rebellion, after hearing the name Tang Xin, coupled with the rules of the Old Tang Sect, thought of Xu Xin, one of the thirty-six thieves!

Seeing that everyone present was speechless for a moment, Lu Jin narrowed his eyes.

Turn around and walk directly down the mountain.

He said as he walked.

"Linglong, come back with me! Stay away from this Sangmenxing and Zhang Chulan from now on. I don't want anything to happen to our Lu family..."

Although Lu Linglong and Lu Lin did not say anything to argue.

But it can be seen from the stubborn expressions on the faces of the two of them, especially Lu Linglong, that the Lu family brothers and sisters obviously did not take their grandfather Lu Jin's words to heart.

Still stubborn, it’s really a lineage of inheritance...

I am afraid that except for the Lu family brothers and sisters, anyone who has just been beaten to the point of vomiting blood by his grandfather will change more or less...

Seeing Lu Jin leading the Lu family to pick up the Lu family brothers and sisters, Xu Yuan squinted his eyes and looked in the direction where the Lu family disappeared.

Mr. Lu Jin is a bit interesting...

Although "good-natured" has become a label used by Mr. Lu Jin's contemporaries to ridicule him.

But Xu Wan doesn’t really think that these old guys are really mean-spirited!

Maybe it’s just because of my personality that I don’t like to use intrigue!

But after all, after living for so many years, if anyone can really deceive someone, I am afraid that the Lu family has long been removed from the four families in the alien circle!

Those old guys are all characters who eat people without spitting out their bones!

Speculation based on the wish.

Lu Jin might not have guessed the truth.

After all, whether it can reverse the cycle of life and death or make the success rate of practicing alchemy 100% successful is too outrageous.

But Lu Jin definitely smelled something different from this matter.

He personally took the Lu brothers and sisters' respective fathers to arrest the Lu family brothers and sisters. It's hard to say that he didn't want to help along the way!

Otherwise, just the intervention of their respective fathers would be enough to bring the two siblings back!

As for whether his guess is that he is overthinking...

I guess we’ll find out later!

After Lu Jin took the Lu family and left first.

The remaining people present looked at each other in silence.

There is nothing to say. They have all experienced it and naturally know the inside story.

Perhaps the only thing that remains open to question is the accuracy of the title of "Wish"...

Everyone continued walking down the mountain.

But this time, no one else suddenly jumped out to cause trouble.

Next, naturally, everyone goes back to their respective homes to find their respective mothers.

Zhang Chulan is going to take Feng Bao'er back to the North China branch. During this trip to Tangmen, he needs to tell Xu San and Xu Si about the new information he got about Sister Bao'er.

As for making a wish, he planned to go to Kodong City to extract [Sea of ​​Light Sun Ce] before returning to the Kyoto headquarters!

Although Sun Ce is also a famous celebrity in history, he is different from all the heroes who have made a wish.

Other heroes can more or less be related to legends such as myths and beliefs. Even Zhuge Liang has Wuhou Temple as a place of worship.

But Sun Ce is completely different.

His status in history is only the overlord of Soochow in three-thirds of the world, and there is no descendant like the Zhuge family that has been passed down for thousands of years.

Naturally, there is no place of worship like Wuhou Temple.

The only clue that I can find that may be related to Sun Ce is the tomb of Sun Ce in Jiangdong City, the hometown of Soochow...

As for the rest, wait until you get to Kodong City and then adapt accordingly!

Zhang Lingyu and Liao Duoduo naturally wanted to accompany him.

On the way, I gave Zhang Lingyu some guidance on how to write an action report.

I bought air tickets for three people on my Wishing mobile phone.

Of course it’s still first class.

Expenses can be reimbursed after all.

On the contrary, it was Wang Zhenqiu, who kept wandering next to the three of them, his eyes always glancing towards Wish.

It seemed like there was something he wanted to tell Xu Yuan.

It wasn't until Xu Wu booked tickets for the three of them that Wang Zhenqiu took out his mobile phone and booked a ticket for himself.

Until now, Wang Zhenqiu has not revealed the reason.

However, Xu Yuan did not ask him. This "Southwestern Cancer" has no time to be embarrassed. If there is something that makes him feel embarrassed, it must be a big trouble.

It just so happens that I wish I don’t have any thoughts of taking over the trouble right now...

In the town at the foot of the mountain, the three of them took a taxi and went directly to the airport.

He originally thought that they and Wang Zhenqiu would part ways.

After all, the Jiangdong City they were going to was located in the East China Region where Xiao Zizai was located.

Tangmen is located in the Southwest Region where Wang Zhenqiu is located, and is naturally very close to Rongcheng where the Southwest Branch is located.

The two sides are not going in the same direction at all.

But until Xu Yuan saw Wang Zhenqiu also got into a taxi and followed them, and then the taxi followed them all the way to the airport.

Xu Yuan looked at Wang Zhenqiu who walked into the VIP waiting room of the airport with them. If he couldn't see Wang Zhenqiu's intention at this time, he would be too stupid.

Xu Yuan walked to the sofa opposite Wang Zhenqiu and looked at him helplessly.

"Qiu'er, what are you going to do with me?"

"Hey, make a wish, what you said is wrong, the airport is not owned by your family, I'm just passing by..." Wang Zhenqiu still wanted to argue.

"You have something to say." Xu Yuan emphasized again.

Seeing such a wish-making attitude, Wang Zhenqiu could no longer pretend to be dumbfounded.

"Are you going to Jiangdong City?" Wang Zhenqiu said with a smile, "I plan to go with you, or stay with you for a while."

"Why?" Xu Yuan frowned.

Wang Zhenqiu is not a bad person, he can be sure of this.

But Wang Zhenqiu must represent trouble. There must be a certain reason why his reputation as a cancer in the Southwest can be recognized by the public.

Although Fatty Zhao did not force him to return to the headquarters immediately, his time was very tight, and it would take time to solve the problem.

"It's very simple. I want to know how to practice the Godhead Mask in the next step." Wang Zhenqiu spread his hands and said frankly, "Both of us are also practicing the Godhead Mask. We are weaker than you probably because of talent. Why did it manifest? Is the level of God so far behind?"

Making a wish is a bit speechless.

Normally speaking, Wang Zhenqiu's talent is not weak.

I am in a special situation.

But it involved Goldfinger, and he couldn't tell Wang Zhenqiu...

Seeing Wang Zhenqiu's resolute attitude, he finally made a wish and could only shake his head.

"Forget it, since you want to follow, then you can follow, but you'd better not bring trouble to us, southwest cancer!"

Wishing to emphasize the words "Southwest Cancer".

Wang Zhenqiu was right about one thing.

The airport and the route were not his. Wang Zhenqiu paid for the air tickets himself. If Wang Zhenqiu really wanted to follow him, he had no reason to stop him.

Wang Zhenqiu shrugged indifferently when he heard the wish.

It’s true that he is a cancer in the Southwest.

But make a wish, you seem to have forgotten one thing...

Your reputation as a Sangmen star doesn’t seem to be much better...

Because I bought the latest flight, I didn’t have to wait too long.

After Liao Duoduo and his chicken teammate "Wei Zi" finished the third game, they boarded the plane.

Wang Zhenqiu naturally entered the first class cabin with them.

Xu Xu and Liao Duoduo ignored him, but Zhang Lingyu nodded and said hello to Wang Zhenqiu.

When Xu Yuan saw Wang Zhenqiu's eyes light up, he sighed in his heart.

Master Lingyu is still young, so Wang Zhenqiu may have set his sights on Zhang Lingyu, the most talkative person.

While making a wish for several people to fly to Jiangdong, Zhao Fangxu from the company headquarters also welcomed several guests.

Yanwutang, Yiqiliu, Natural Gate, Huangmen Sancai...

Four people in total.

They took the initiative to come to the company headquarters and claimed that they wanted to see Zhao Fangxu.

The four of them belong to an emerging force in a strange circle - the Truth-seeking Society!

In the circle of strangers, although the influence of the Truth-seeking Society is far less than that of big sects such as Tianshi Mansion, Wudang and Shaolin, it can still be regarded as a middle-level force.

When Zhao Fangxu heard that the four people came to visit him, he had already guessed the purpose of these four people.

It's just because of the Tang Sect's affairs.

To be more specific, it should be because of Tang Xin, the new head of the Tang Sect!

Although the Truth-Seeking Association is a new force in the alien world, the people who make up the Truth-Seeking Association are some small sects that originally existed in the alien world.

These small sects also experienced the Jiashen Rebellion that year.

Compared with those large sects that have benefited to a certain extent, these small sects have not gained any benefits during the Jiashen Rebellion!

The decline of the decline, the loss of the lost.

Therefore, in order to survive, they gathered together to keep warm and formed the Truth-Seeking Society.

Zhao Fangxu sighed.

Making a wish really posed a problem for him!

However, compared to the twenty alchemy masters and those Tang Sect members who will be alchemy masters in the future, he really doesn't care about this matter!

He couldn't even refuse the visit of these four people.

After the Qiuzhen Association was established, it immediately supported the company.

Over the years, there are many talents who have contributed to the company, and they have done a lot for the company.

There is no reason to shut the other person out!

Zhao Fangxu came to the conference room.

At this time, the four people from the Truth-Seeking Association have been waiting here for a long time.

At the same time, Director Su, the only female director among the board members, was also here.

As soon as Zhao Fangxu sat down on the main seat, Huang Ning'er, the descendant of Yanwu Hall in the Qiuzhen Association, cried to him.

"Director Zhao! You will make the decision if you seek truth for us!"

While Huang Ning'er was speaking, the other three members of the Qiuzhen Association all looked at their noses and their noses at their hearts.

Apparently this was discussed before they came to the company headquarters.

Zhao Fangxu naturally saw this, but he still pretended to be confused.

There are some words that he cannot take the initiative to say.

"So, what do you want me to call the shots?"

"Tang Clan! Tang Clan's affairs!" Huang Ning'er gritted her teeth, tears welling up in her eyes, "Is that Tang Xin Xu Xin, one of the thirty-six thieves?"

"Yes, it is indeed Xu Xin. The Tang Sect has already reported it to the company."

Zhao Fangxu didn't hide anything.

With Tang Xin re-entering the world, this matter could no longer be hidden.

"We never agree to let Xu Xin be the new door chief! Please ask Director Zhao to make the decision for us!" Huang Ning'er gritted her teeth and said, his cheeks even bulging to both sides due to excessive exertion. "Don't you know how my master, Senior Bian Tong, Mr. Liu Deshui... and many of our elders died back then?"

Zhao Fangxu sighed.

From a moral point of view, this matter is indeed unfair to the Tang Sect.

Because the Tang Sect claimed to have killed Xu Xin and Dong Chang, the two disciples who participated in the Thirty-Six Thieves, and then worked with other sects to hunt down the remaining Thirty-Six Thieves.

But now it turns out that Tang Sect actually had a hand in reserve.


Moreover, the Truth-seeking Association’s contribution to the company is not small.

"Harm, forget it, Xiao Huang." Zhao Fangxu was still trying to persuade him, "Xu Xin is just a dying person. He has a few more years to live. Come out as soon as you come out. The future is the most important thing."

"Director Zhao, I deeply agree with what you said, but I feel really guilty about it! And how should I explain it to the elders of the division..."

Huang Ning'er burst into tears.

Zhao Fangxu is a good person. As soon as he heard Huang Ning'er's words, he knew that Huang Ning'er was seeking benefits for them!


Then I will explain it to you!

Zhao Fangxu pushed up his glasses.

"Xiao Huang, although your Truth-Seeking Association has been low-key these years, the contributions you have made to the company are obvious to all." Zhao Fangxu directly changed the topic to the core issue, "Nowadays, Zhang Zhiwei, a member of the Shilao Association, is no longer suitable due to some circumstances. When we come out to work again, we just need the strength of new people."

Zhao Fangxu pushed up his glasses.

"Xiao Huang, I'm very optimistic about you! As long as you are willing to stand up and contribute to the stability of the one-person circle, then I will support you in running for the new member candidate of the Ten Guys Association..."

When Zhao Fangxu said this, not only did the four members of the Truth-seeking Association froze, but even Little Su Dong who was sitting aside was shocked.

The Ten Guys Association is not a subordinate department of the company in name, but an organization elected by the alien circle to represent the aliens, and it does not have much power.

But in fact, everyone knows that Shilaohui itself was established with the support of the company, and if you can be a member of Shilaohui, the real benefit is not the reputation as a representative on the surface, but the reputation you will gain. Various resources are tilted towards their own forces!

The benefits are far greater than imagined!

The four people from the Truth-Seeking Society also knew this.

But human nature is inherently greedy!

Moreover, the Truth-Seeking Association is divided into four families, and any benefits must be divided into four.

Huang Ning'er lowered her head and tried her best to suppress the slightly raised corners of her mouth.

When he raised his head again, there was an angry expression on his face again.

"Director Zhao, this is not what I am doing... I am just complaining about the elders of the sect! And I heard some gossip that Xu Wan, a temporary worker at the company headquarters, also took over the position of the new head of Quan Xing... "

Huang Ning'er's purpose in saying this was naturally not to kill Xu Wan, or to put eye drops on Xu Wan.

The world is prosperous, and everyone is here for profit. The world is full of hustle and bustle, all for the benefit of others.

He just wants to gain more benefits.

The sight of interests made Huang Ning'er lose her basic clear judgment on the current situation.

Hearing Huang Ning'er put fire on Xu Yuan and Quan Xing.

Zhao Fangxu's smiling face just now turned gloomy in an instant!

Be polite before fighting.

After giving the gifts, if you are still greedy, it’s time to fight!

He squinted his eyes and looked at the four people from the Truth Seeking Association.

"First of all, the first point is that omnisexual monsters are just what you call those omnisexual members. The company does not characterize them as any cult organization."

"Secondly, secondly, there is no exact information on this matter, and if you think there is a problem, I can ask Xuyuan to come to your door in person to explain it to you!"

Although Zhao Fangxu's tone was not harsh, it made Huang Ning'er, who had just been dazzled by the benefits, calm down instantly!

He knew that he had angered Zhao Fangxu.

Although the Truth-Seeking Society has recovered a little bit of its vitality after several years of development, its strength is still far behind that of a big sect like the Tang Sect.

At present, what we can rely on most is the support of the company.

Moreover, the fact of making a wish to visit Huang Ning'er made a little cold sweat break out on Huang Ning'er's back.


Although they don't know the details.

But even the Tang Sect, the head of the Sect was forced to death because the Sangmen Star made a wish and came to visit...

Not to mention their truth-seeking meeting!

Coupled with the pressure from the company...

Huang Ning'er decisively gave in.

"Director Zhao, it was me who was rude. The current gossip is really not trustworthy. I think someone is probably deliberately slandering the leader of the wishing team..."

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