This mambo's ability is really tricky.

The reason why she can accumulate so many Emru tree people now is entirely because she hatched these black mists with the help of the bodies of those expedition members.

After making a wish to blow up all those people, the black mist hidden in the expedition members also completed the incubation process.

After the black mist breaks away from the bodies of the expedition members, it will automatically find branches to form the Emru tree people.

The strength of the Emru Trees is not low, and they are not entities in the strict sense. Therefore, in huge numbers, even Barron would have difficulty dealing with them.

But Xu Yu didn't care.

Her attention was focused more on Judy.

Judy is the protection target of this foreign expedition team and this mission.

But Xu Wan knew it in his heart.

Judy is actually a chess piece released by Qu Tong, just like this expedition team.

The real meaning of their existence is to send Judy to Feng Baobao!

The "red mole" in Judy's heart is actually a magic weapon.

Qu Tong also controlled Judy through this remote magic weapon, and used the blue hand in his hands to try to explore Feng Baobao's memory.

Although Xu Yuan knew that Qu Tong's plan this time would fail again. Sister Bao'er's memory problem was not that she was sealed by someone, but that she had no memory before meeting Xu Xiang's family!

However, what Qu Tong wanted to do, he couldn't let her realize!

Don’t forget when you make a wish. On the first night when the Heavenly Master gathered all the members in Xilin Gol Grassland, two idiots tried to attack him.

The forces behind those two guys are most likely under the command of Qu Tong!

The blame will be placed on Qu Tong first. If it is really not her, we will talk about it later.

"We can't leave now, can we?" Mambo, like other foreigners, tried to solve the problem through negotiation.

Although other experience has shown that this is unlikely.

Everyone else present looked at Xu Wish.

Including Old Man Xia and Grandma Jinfeng.

Through Wish's action just now, they had already seen that Wish had no intention of letting these foreigners live.

Although they couldn't figure out why Xu wish had any grudge against these people and had to kill them, they would not stop Xu wish.

"Yes, I will give you two choices. The first one is to commit suicide now. You can choose a way of death that you like."

"The second option is for me to do it."

Although Mambo was already panicking, she still pretended to be calm.

She pointed at the large group of Emuru trees blocking her and Judy's path.

"Easterners, with these Emru here, your method of killing those people won't work for me."

Mambo was telling the truth.


Xuanyuan was too lazy to continue talking nonsense to the other party, and directly changed the target of the transformation from Taiyi Zhenren to [Void Spirit City Judge - Zhong Kui]!

A ferocious judge's robe was draped over Xu Yuan's body, and at the same time, a simple-looking hook appeared on Xu Yuan's hand.

Zhong Kui: Wishing just appeared.

The black mist entrenched on the bodies of the Emru tree men was instantly sucked into the wishing body!

And then he was devoured in an instant!

Only scattered branches were left on the ground.

Xu Yuan felt his newly increased life cultivation and burped.

"Hiccup... Sure enough, the god of the forest is just the Mao God who appeared out of nowhere! Pretending to be a god and making ghosts!"

In fact, I sensed something abnormal from these Emru tree people just after I made the wish.

Yin energy!

Yin Qi that is very similar to the spirit body!

Although the God of the Forest is named God, in fact, it is nothing compared to the gods and Buddhas who are placed in witty lines to receive offerings and gather the power of faith.

Even if this thing is placed in the East, it is not even a minor god!

At most, he can be called a Yin Shen!

Or there is a more appropriate term, a more powerful spiritual body.

But no matter how powerful the spirit is, it is not enough in front of Zhong Kui!

This is determined by the natural food chain!

Seeing that the "summoned beast" that he had relied on just now was killed by Xu Wan in an unknown way in an instant.

The black woman Mambo's eyes widened instantly, looking at the scene in front of her in disbelief!

"This, this, this..."

She stuttered and was so frightened that she couldn't say a word for a long time!

But the teammates on Wishes' side seemed particularly calm.

Not that they were aware of the ability to make wishes.

Except for Wang Ye and Lao Tianshi who had witnessed the wish-making god Zhong Kui, no one else had ever seen it.

It was also the first time they met.

It's just because they have done too many incredible things before making a wish, and they have long been used to it...

Mambo was idle, but he was not in a daze when he made a wish.

He directly raised the hook in his hand and threw it towards Mambo!

Although Mambo can summon so many Emru trees, her own physical fitness is very average, at most she is better than ordinary people.

Obviously, her dodge speed after recovering from the shock was unable to avoid the wishing hook.


Mambo only had time to let out a exclamation, and was instantly attracted by the wish!

In fact, if you ignore the skin color, Miss Mambo's facial structure and figure are pretty good.

But Xu Yuan has no intention of showing mercy to her.

After catching Mambo, he directly activated [Void Scavenger]!


Wishing slammed the ground, and a blue energy shock wave spread around him with him as the center.

Miss Mambo bears the brunt!

In an instant, her internal organs ruptured and she spit out a mouthful of blood!

The aura on her body suddenly weakened to the extreme!

"Eh? Not dead yet?" Xu Yuan was a little confused.

But it's not important. Xu Wan did not intend to wait for her to die because of her injuries. Instead, he activated another skill of [Void Spirit City Judge - Zhong Kui] [Reincarnation Devouring] again!

A black hole appeared in the wishing abdomen, and Miss Mambo was just within the range of the black hole.

Mambo, who was seriously injured and extremely weak, could only feel that his soul was being sucked out of his body bit by bit!

Miss Mambo was made a wish and sent into reincarnation without resting in peace.

Of course, making a wish did not waste the "nutrients" left behind by Miss Mambo after her death, and completely devoured her soul!

Mmm, chicken flavor, crunchy!

Xu wish casually threw her body aside, and then looked at Judy.

"Judy? What are your choices?"

While making a wish to attack Mambo just now, Judy didn't make any move.

She just stood there quietly watching Mambo die in the wishing hands, and there was not even the slightest fluctuation on her face!

Of course, even if Judy had any idea of ​​taking advantage of the opportunity to attack, she would definitely not be able to do it.

After all, others are still watching!

Regardless of the strength of Qu Tong who was hiding behind Judy, Judy definitely couldn't fight him anyway.

But there is a point.

That was when Xu Wishong beat Mambo violently, Zhang Chulan, who had been standing at the back of the crowd, quietly retreated back.

Xuanyuan noticed this, but did not expose him.

He knew exactly where Zhang Chulan was going.

It was nothing more than planning to go to Wugensheng's treasure cache first to check in case there was really something that could prove Sister Bao'er's identity.

This guy wasn't guarding himself, after all, he almost had to tell him clearly.

But don’t tell me, Zhang Chulan really guessed it right!

Although Qu Tong had moved most of the rags collected by Wu Gensheng one step ahead of time, he deliberately left a portrait here that was exactly the same as Feng Baobao's.

Xu Yuan was too lazy to think about Zhang Chulan. His attention was now focused on "Judy" in front of him.

He wanted to see how Qu Tong would face the predicament at hand.

It’s time for Sister Qu to “go online” now, right?

"Make a wish, I know you..."

What came out of Judy's mouth proved the wish-making conjecture.

After all, the real Judy has never seen herself.

And although Judy is also Asian, she is obviously a foreigner, so how can she know herself?

"so what?"

"I know I can't beat you..." Judy said as she approached Xu Wish and the others. "The purpose of our coming here is the treasure. I can give up the treasure, but I want to witness with my own eyes what the legendary leader left behind..."

While approaching, Judy raised her hands to show that she was not hostile.

On the surface, the wish didn't seem to show any expression, and it seemed that he had really given up his guard.

But in fact, the wish was secretly sneering in his heart.

He had already guessed what Sister Qu had planned.

It's just that he wants to take the opportunity to get close to Feng Baobao, and then use the blue hand of both hands remotely from a distance.

As for the body of Judy?

If you die, you will die.

She had no intention of letting Judy's body go back!

At this time, Judy was already close to a certain distance.

And just the next second.

The development is exactly the same as expected by the wish.

A magical rope suddenly sprang out from Judy's cuff, and headed straight for Feng Baobao in the crowd like a long snake!

Judy's sudden attack caught everyone else off guard!

After all, according to normal logic, Judy would never dare to attack them if she wanted to leave the valley alive under the current circumstances!

And even if Judy doesn't take action, whether she can leave alive depends on Xu Wish's mood.

At this time, the wish that had been prepared for a long time turned into a god directly and became [Lord of Thunder Sikong Zhen]!


Raising your hand to make a wish is your ultimate move!

Amidst a burst of lightning and thunder, five thunder drums were suspended behind the wish.

Bolts of lightning struck Judy!

Judy's magic weapon rope was obviously not mainly for defense. Under Thunder's attack, the rope was blocked.

"Make a wish, you..."

At this time, the expression on Judy's face finally changed, and a ball of anger that could not be concealed appeared on her face.

Tsk, I am so angry!

Xuanyuan shook his head, not even bothering to hear her finish.

Another series of thunder struck at Judy!

Judy was directly chopped into a ball of coke by the wish!

You can't die any more!

The ability of the double hands is indeed very buggy, but in this kind of head-on battle, and Qu Tong can use the double hands remotely through magic weapons, there is no way he can withstand the indiscriminate bombardment of Wish!

At this point, except for the Nathan Islanders headed by Elijah who made a wish and deliberately let go, all foreigners who entered the Twenty-Four Knot Valley have died!

And the energy to make a wish has increased significantly!

Although it's not as good as the previous time when all sexes caused a big fuss in Longhu Mountain, it's almost twice as much!

Xuanyuan is still very satisfied with this result. After all, there should be no second Quanxing in the world, especially after the massacre of the old master Xilin Gol Prairie, Quanxing also suffered heavy losses!

Perhaps only when we travel to Nason Island can we regain the harvest of the previous all-sex riot in Longhu Mountain...

After the wish-making bombardment was over, he canceled the thunderbolt and fell back to the ground.

Wang Zhenqiu came up with a complicated expression.

"Make a wish...don't you ask who is the force behind her?"

Wishing shrugged.

"This guy actually dared to make a sneak attack under such circumstances. Obviously she had no intention of leaving alive. What do you think you can ask?"

Wang Zhenqiu:......

He understood the logic, but he always felt a little regretful if he didn't go through the process and ask questions.

"Okay, Qiu'er. If you have time to think about these issues, why not think about where Zhang Chulan went."

While Xu Yuan was talking, he transformed into the god Zhong Kui and went through the process of eating the corpse, wiping it clean, and destroying all traces of the corpse.

But this time it was beyond his expectation.


There is no soul!

In other words, Qu Tong has always been remotely operating this foreign expedition team?


Xu Yuan touched his chin.

What's interesting is not Qu Tong's remote control of the puppet, but Judy herself.

Cyborg? Or where did you get the vegetative state from?

If he remembered correctly, the Behemoth Company in Beautiful Country should be researching artificial human technology, right?

I don’t know if there is any relationship between the two...

After being "reminded" by making a wish, Wang Zhenqiu belatedly discovered that Zhang Chulan was missing.

He slapped his head and walked back quickly!

Thinking about it with his buttocks, he could also guess that Zhang Chulan must have gone to Wugensheng's treasure first!

Just before taking action against this foreign team, Granny Jinfeng had informed everyone of the terrain of the valley.

Of course, there are also rootless treasure spots.

Zhang Chulan must have gone there first!

He is now very curious about what Zhang Chulan is planning!

Others quickly followed suit!

He was not in a hurry to make a wish. After he canceled the godhead mask, he found Liao Duoduo again, and the two walked in the end.

Xu Wan thought about it, and for the sake of caution, she let Liao Duoduo leave the original poison on the corpses of these foreigners!

Liao Duoduo naturally had no objection.

In other words, Liao Duoduo never refuses a wish request!

She in turn left the original poison on the corpse.

Under the influence of the original poison, these corpses were quickly corroded beyond recognition!

According to the request of the wish, Liao Duoduo did not allow the poison in these corpses to spread at will, but the spread range was limited to the interior of the corpse.

That way, if no one touches the bodies, there won't be any problems.

And if someone touches these corpses...

Whoever touches him dies!

Unless the opponent has the ability to completely resist the original poison!

After doing all this, Xu Yuan took Liao Duoduo and continued to rush to the treasure spot!

He also brought along the living prisoner named Jinbao and Granny Jinfeng.

No need to rush at all.

Nothing remains of the rootless “treasure”.

And at the same time.

Nadutong Company, in the conference room of the Kyoto headquarters.

Zhao Fangxu convened the board of directors again.

"This wish! It's simply lawless! He is obviously a temporary worker at the Kyoto headquarters, but he went to Qinling Mountains quietly!"

Director Bi Youlong slapped the table in dissatisfaction.

He himself comes from the front line and the intelligence system, and he obviously can't stand this kind of unorganized and undisciplined behavior.

But Chairman Zhao Fangxu pushed up his glasses.

"Wish to say hello to me before going to Qinling, and I agreed. One more thing, Director Bi, he is a temporary worker at the headquarters, but he is also the leader of the supervision team. Theoretically speaking, wherever he goes there is no There’s no need to say hello to anyone in advance, including me.”

Bi Youlong's face froze.

But Zhao Fangxu's words left him speechless and unable to refute him!

On the one hand, it is because Zhao Fangxu is the chairman, and he is just a director.

On the other hand, it was also because of what Zhao Fangxu said about his wish to be the leader of the supervision team.

The proposal to establish an oversight panel has been approved by the board of directors.

What is an inspection team?

In the final analysis, it is a surprise inspection and monitoring of all directions!

If the target of the surprise inspection knew the movements in advance and was prepared, wouldn't it be of no use?

Bi Youlong didn't agree with the establishment of the supervision team from the beginning, and he is even more so now.

After all, even if he was not personally responsible for all the front-line operations before, he at least knew the trends.

This feeling of a sudden factor out of his control made him feel very uncomfortable!

Zhao Fangxu's eyes swept over Bi Youlong and Huang Dong calmly, but he did not continue the topic.

Instead, he threw a photo on the table.

The content in the photo is the scene of a car accident.

"Everyone, let's take a look at this first!"

Zhao Fangxu clicked on the tattoo on the arm of the car accident victim in the photo.

"Does this tattoo look familiar to you?"

"This is..." The expressions of the other directors were a little stunned. "Runa Cult?"

"Yes, but according to the inquiry, no information about this person can be found at all. The information when entering the country was also a fake identity."

"I also contacted the Luna sect, but they were secretive about it. It wasn't until I asked Er Zhuang to help, and Er Zhuang even suffered some injuries, that I finally found the true identity of the deceased."

"Alan Gilard, his legal status in the Luna sect was canceled five years ago. Do you understand what this means?"

The faces of the board members present finally turned serious.

Compared with this problem, making a wish to go to the Qinling Mountains is really a trivial matter!

Because no matter what he wishes to do in the Qinling Mountains, it is ultimately an internal matter within this land.

But the issues involved with this member of the Luna sect in the photo, who does not have any legal status, are no longer limited to this land.

A large island that doesn't exist on the world map!

An organization that does not even exist in any official history and records!

Nason Island!

The island of strangers!

The islands are all filled with aliens!

These strangers come from various countries and races and join Nathan Island for various reasons!

The only thing they have in common is that after they join Nathan Island, their original countries will cancel their legal status!

Of course, we are talking about the aliens who officially joined Nathan Island, not those who sneaked onto the island...

This is also the consensus reached between Nathan Island and alien management departments around the world.

The illegal entry of the deceased from Nason Island is a small problem. The real big problem is what is the intention behind the people coming from Nason Island?

Just at the same time.

The Tianshi Mansion on Longhu Mountain also welcomed an uninvited guest.

One of the members of Shilaohui and the current shopkeeper of Jianghu Inn, one of the largest unofficial intelligence agencies.


"Muyou of Jianghu Inn, please see the Heavenly Master!"

Thanks to the boss of Tianxiao Sword for the 200 starting points~

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