Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 137 Something, but not much! (Thanks for monthly votes)

The battle has officially begun!

Wishing sat astride the giant wolf, and the arrows shot from the giant bow in his hand accurately hit the tiny warhead!

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

Three crisp sounds of metal colliding.

The kinetic energy carried by the three arrows and the three warheads was canceled out at the same time!

Even the various effects of the magic spheres carried on the giant arrows shot by the wish are also offset by the power of alchemy carried on the warhead.

The revolver in Elijah's hand was engraved with many mysterious runes from the West. It was these runes that provided different orb effects for the bullets fired by Elijah.

You know, although the current wish-maker is not the best in the world, nor is he the second in the world.

But his overall strength is definitely at the forefront of the entire alien circle!

Elijah is worthy of being the royal guard of Nathan Island!

There is definitely something!

Of course, it’s just something!

Something, but not much!

Because the three arrows that Wishes just shot are also his normal attacks!

The next moment, Xu Jiang quickly switched his goal of becoming a god to [Journey of Fireflies—Sang Qi]!

He activated his ability [Firefly Glimmer] at the speed of light under his feet, and summoned a group of shimmering grass in the barren stone wall cave!

Then he quickly switched back to Genghis Khan!

This is the special feature of the third stage of the Godhead Mask!

In other words, it’s the special thing about making a wish!

Other people who also practice the Divine Mask cannot firstly use the third stage of the Divine Mask so freely and without cost. Secondly, even if they activate the third stage of the Divine Mask, it is unknown whether they can distinguish the difference between the gods they transformed and themselves. What's more, Needless to say, switching back and forth between different deity goals so quickly!

The target switching speed of the wish transformation is very fast!

It’s almost as fast as his thinking!

Even Elijah, who had extraordinary eyesight, could only see the shadow of the wishing figure flashing, and then a group of shimmering grass appeared at the feet of the wishing.

It’s full!

The techniques are really full!

As the saying goes, if you have conditions, you have to go up; if you don't have conditions, you have to go up even if you create conditions!

In this grass of light, Genghis Khan's passive ability [Hunting] was activated again!

Wishing's attack power instantly increased by more than 50%!

This is not the end.

Wishing without any hesitation, he immediately activated [Khan's Wild Hunt] and continued to shoot an even thicker arrow at Elijah!

The light carried on the arrow is more powerful than before!

The whip of God that has plunged the whole of Europe into fear has been raised high again!

As for making a wish, why didn't he shoot more arrows at Elijah...

He was afraid that Elijah would be shot directly to death...

Elijah cannot die today!

But being seriously injured or even near death is no problem. After all, the Divine Tree and King Nathan will naturally be able to cure him after he returns to Nathan Island!

And from Elijah's perspective.

Xu Yuan first inexplicably stepped on a bunch of glowing grass, and then shot an arrow at him again.

This giant arrow is completely different from the previous one!

Just by looking at the speed at which the arrow flies and the sound it makes through the air, you can tell that its power is absolutely amazing!

Elijah’s expression changed drastically!

They were all into long-range attacks, and he didn't need to experience it personally to see the power of this wish attack.

He quickly rolled to the side, shooting bullets continuously while rolling!

The beautiful traditional performance of Guofu Bole - empty the magazine!

And these bullets that he fired randomly in all directions, under the control of a mysterious force, changed their trajectories and shot towards the giant arrow!

"Ding ding ding..."

Six metal collisions sounded in succession!

But unlike the first time they met, the result this time was completely opposite!

Six consecutive bullets hit the giant sword and arrows that were attacking quickly. The only effect was just to slow down the flight speed of some arrows!

It happened to be this moment of delay that allowed Elijah to roll to the side smoothly and avoid the wishing attack!

However, just because he dodged the first direct attack does not mean that Elijah completely dodged the wishing attack!

The giant arrow hit the spot where Elijah was just now, and penetrated deeply into the solid stone wall of the cave!

The arrows also carry several kinds of magic ball effects!

The solid stone wall obviously cannot withstand the alternating effects of burning and freezing.

"Boom!" The stone wall exploded instantly!

There was only a deep hole left in the stone wall.

The gravel was scattered in all directions, and a large part of it hit Elijah who was standing aside!

If the person in Elijah's position now was a member of the Chinese alien circle, it might not cause much harm.

After all, Elijah was not weak.

But when it came to Elijah, he was in trouble!

These scattered gravels were all pierced into Elijah's body as if they were sprayed by a shotgun at close range!

Fortunately, after Elijah became the Nathan Guard, his body was transformed by the sacred tree, and his ability to resist attacks was slightly enhanced.

Otherwise, just this one blow would be enough to cause him serious injury!

This is the difference between the Western alchemy system and the Eastern Qi refining system!

Western alchemy borrows more foreign materials, and compared to Eastern alchemy, it can be accomplished more quickly.

But the Eastern Qi refining system also gives practitioners of the Western alchemy system a headache.

Because the physical functions of Eastern Qi practitioners will generally be strengthened as the Qi practitioners practice...

At the same time, the battle between Elijah and Make a Wish began.

Everyone else who came here with Xu Wish also launched attacks on the members of the foreign expedition team.

Of course, the targets they are looking for are all those who were already aliens before they entered the Twenty-fourth Tongtian Valley!

These people all possess some unique abilities, and they are the real fighting power of this team!

As for those aliens who have just been transformed from ordinary people?

Sorry, if a battle really breaks out, for veterans like Wang Ye, Wang Zhenqiu and even Zhang Chulan, there is really not much difference from ordinary people!

Xia Liuqing found Hongda, a San who entered the alien world through practicing yoga.

The flames left on the stone bridge they passed before came from the handiwork of this Asan brother.

Barron approached a hooded black woman.

Miss Mambo.

With the protection of the forest god in one hand, he directly transformed into a tree summoner.

These aliens from different countries and different cultivation systems also possess a variety of different abilities!

These foreigners dare to accept commissioned tasks within the scope of China, so naturally they have two brushes.

Although everyone is strong, they don't know much about their abilities, so there is no way to defeat these people in a short time.

In addition, foreign expedition teams have a numerical advantage.

The battle between the two sides ended up in a stalemate.

The breaking point appears here when you make a wish!

This attack made Elijah clearly realize a fact.

That is……

He is no match for wishing!

Like most people in the beautiful country, he also has a mysterious confidence in thermal weapons.

He couldn't understand at all that bows and arrows, an ancient weapon that was born thousands of years ago, had obviously been eliminated from the battlefield, and bows and arrows could only be seen occasionally in sports arenas.

And the pistol in his hand is obviously the crystallization of modern warfare wisdom, so why is it not a match for the bow and arrow in the opponent's hand...

If Xu Yuan knew the doubts in his heart, he would definitely tell him.

It's not the weapon that's strong, it's the weapon in his hand!

Just like when Genghis Khan went on a killing spree in Europe, the strongest ones were not the cavalry, but the cavalry from the ancient eastern steppes...

Elijah felt the pain caused by the gravel piercing the surface skin of his body, but he felt a little grateful in his heart.

He was glad that he had just escaped in time.

I'm also glad that Wishing didn't use this attack ability in the first fight.

Elijah endured the stinging pain on his body, temporarily stopped attacking, and asked Xuanyuan with a solemn expression.

"Who are you?"

"Everywhere is connected to the company, Zhuge Qing!"

I made a wish without blinking.

Although Lao Qing was not here due to work, he had to convey his feelings, right?

Lao Wang once "defeated" the old Heavenly Master with him, and Lao Qing was also a brother, so how could he favor one over the other?

Elijah was shocked when he heard this, and his expression became ugly.

Although he had never heard of Zhuge Qing on Nason Island, no matter it was the other person's surname - Zhuge, or the name of the other party's Nadutong Company.

He had heard it all from the king’s mouth!

The Zhuge family is a big family that has been passed down for thousands of years in this ancient eastern country!

And this Nedu Company is the ruler of the alien world on this land.

Now I am afraid that the identities of myself and others have been targeted by this "logistics" company with an official background!

It’s broken. Now I can’t compare with others in terms of strength, and my background has been crushed...

In fact, Elijah had already decided to give up at this time!

He had long sensed something wrong with the atmosphere in the team.

What he said when he accepted the commission was just to protect this expedition team to conduct wild exploration and find treasures in the Qinling Mountains!

The employer never said that the company would be involved in this matter!

If he had known about it, he would never have accepted the mission.

After all, his identity is not only a citizen of Nathan Island, but also the royal guard of Nathan Island!

Some things can easily be linked to the king of Nathan Island...

"Zhuge Qing, if I said that I am willing to take my companions out of here now, would you agree?"

For the sake of his companions who were from Nathan Island like him, Elijah still asked the wish with the attitude of giving it a try.

But he knew in his heart that since the two sides had already fought, this possibility was slim.

Strictly speaking, these Nathan Islanders have no legal status at all, and now they have entered the country illegally!


Xuanyuan's next answer was completely beyond his expectation.

"Okay, for the sake of being the king of Nathan Island, you can take your companions and leave now!"


Not only was Elijah caught off guard, but Vesta, who was following Elijah, was also confused.

So easy to talk to?

"What? Nathan Wei Elijah, you don't want to take people away?" Xu Yuan raised his eyebrows, pretending to raise the giant bow in his hand again.

"Let's go! I'll take people away now!" Without any hesitation, Elijah directly called his companions from Nathan Island and turned around to leave!

Although he didn't know why this person named "Zhuge Qing" was so easy to talk to, he knew that all the strangers who took on the mission were probably being plotted against!

As everyone knows, the person who makes a wish is actually happy in his heart.

It's not because he is not sure of victory.

Although Elijah's strength is good, his shortcomings are also obvious!

I am really afraid that if I continue to fight, I will kill the opponent here if I am not careful!

Looking at the back of Elijah leaving with his companions.

Make a wish and pause again, shouting to the other party.

"Elijah, I hope that the next time you come to this land, you come with a legal identity!"

Elijah paused and turned his head to make a wish.


Elijah remembered the other person's face and the name Zhuge Qing firmly in his heart.

After driving Elijah away.

Xu Wan glanced at the stalemate in which the others were fighting.

A sinister smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

If Xiao Zizai were here, he would be very familiar with the wishing smile.

It was exactly the same as the smile he had before eating!


here we go!

Except for Elijah, there were no foreigners left who dared to covet any wealth in the land.

All must die!

However, in order not to waste "nutrients", Wishes changed the target of becoming a god to [Master of Alchemy - Taiyi Zhenren]

The giant wolf under Xu Wish's crotch and the bow and arrow taller than a person in his hand all disappeared out of thin air and were replaced by a strange-looking alchemy furnace.

Make a wish by stepping on the top of the alchemy furnace.

"The body is boiling!"

A strange sound came from the crack in the alchemy furnace.

Next, it will be just like when Quan Xing made a big fuss in Longhu Mountain.

The self-destructing truck is online again!

Make a wish and step on the alchemy furnace, and activate [Running Wolf] again.

The alchemy furnace emitted bursts of dangerous light, and these lights scattered around the alchemy furnace to form a strange formation.

The first target chosen by Wishing is Wang Ye’s opponent.

"Old Wang! Get out of the way! The big one is coming!"

Wang Ye, who was struggling with his opponent, heard this familiar voice and the words that were extremely familiar to him.

There was also that unusually familiar sound of footsteps.

His eyelids suddenly jumped, and a picture flashed in his mind.

Isn't it? Come again!

Although Wang Ye complained in his heart, he still followed his body's instinctive reaction and stepped on Fenghou Qimen to move himself to the farthest point in an instant!

And the loud noise that followed proved how wise Wang Ye's move was.


The next moment, the opponent who was still entangled with Wang Ye just now was instantly wiped out by a violent explosion!

The comparison in strength between Xu Yuan now and when Quan Xing was causing trouble in Longhu Mountain has been completely different!

Even if you don't mention the magic bonus equipment he picked up later, his energy growth after that has doubled several times!

No resentment!

Blast to death!

Then came the transformation of Zhong Kui, a one-stop service that wiped everything clean, destroyed the body and wiped out all traces. So far, there are no negative reviews.

Wang Ye had a black streak in his head. Although he had already scored twice, he still had the illusion of wishing to blow him up...

But he soon had no time to worry about whether the wish really meant to blow him up too.

Because the voice of making a wish came again.

"Old Wang, let's go! Next one!"

Wang Ye:......

The two of them cooperated very well and soon found the second target.

Old Man Xia’s opponent—Hongda!

Asange’s yoga, practiced by Hongda, focuses on experiencing suffering!

The process of cultivation is even more painful than the Eastern Qi refining system.

Of course, the abilities gained after experiencing pain are also very magical.

Old Man Xia took advantage of the first stage of the God-Inviting Upper Body. When he attacked Hongda, he was able to instantly switch the attacked body part into ethereal flames, making Old Man Xia unable to attack at all.

Local elementalization!

And just when Old Man Xia was about to activate the second stage of the Godhead Mask and act like a god.

Wang Ye and Xu Yuan ran towards here amid a rumbling vibration!

"Xia Liuqing, stay away!"

Without Xu Yuan opening his mouth, Wang Ye spoke his words for Xu Yuan.

From the corner of her eye, Xia Liuqing caught a glimpse of her direct disciple Xu Wan stepping on a strange alchemy furnace, and rushed towards it with a murderous look on his face.

He immediately stepped aside.

When Quan Xing made a big fuss in Longhu Mountain, although he didn't take action, he was still on Longhu Mountain. Later, after leaving Longhu Mountain, he probably found out about Quan Xing's experience on Longhu Mountain.

Slip away!

Hongda knew nothing about this.

Neither Wang Ye nor Xu Yuan meant to talk nonsense with him.

Wang Yeran Jin Tuo immobilized Hongda, made a wish, stepped on the alchemy furnace, rushed forward and blew himself up!


There was another violent explosion!

Even the entire cave was shaken slightly.



Obviously, this stranger, Asan Ge, who used suffering to practice cultivation, did not survive the suffering brought to him by making a wish this time.

Not to mention his partial elementalization ability, even if he could fully elementalize, he still wouldn't be able to escape Taiyi Zhenren's explosion range!

The aura in Xuanyuan's body is gradually rising at this time!

The death of strangers within a certain range can bring about an increase in his energy!

The god Zhong Kui absorbed the soul of this stranger and provided one-stop service!

"Next!" Xu Wan continued to lead Wang Ye towards the next battle location!

Only Xia Liuqing, whose face was confused and relieved, was left in place.

Xia Liuqing was confused because he had already accelerated the growth of his wish as much as possible in his imagination, but unexpectedly he was still conservative.

What makes him happy is that Xuanyuan is his direct disciple!

Accepting Xu Yuan as his personal disciple was the most correct decision he made in his life!

At the beginning, Quan Xing's group of lawless madmen were all blown up by the "self-destruction truck" that made a wish after they caused a riot in Longhu Mountain.

Not to mention that the stranger in this expedition team just accepted the entrusted mission to protect the team!

They are not as lawless as Quan Xing!

They accept entrusted tasks only to make money, not to lose their lives!

After making a wish and killing two companions one after another, the other aliens felt fear in their hearts.

If the mission fails, the worst possible outcome is losing money.

And if your life is going to be lost, it is really gone!

So, when Wuyuan stepped on the weird alchemy furnace and rushed towards them, they all wanted to follow Elijah's example and retreat to survive.

But, obviously...

The wish did not mean to let them go.

"Don't kill me, I'm leaving..."


"I give up the mission..."


There were two more explosions in succession, and the aura on Xuyuan's body surged again!

As for the aliens like Professor Baird who have just transformed from ordinary people...

Something convenient.

All must die!

Although they would eventually die because they could not dissipate their Qi by using the valley, Xu Wishan had no interest in waiting for them that long!

Die early and be reborn early. Otherwise, many people will say that if you are not reincarnated, you will have to wait in line...

After a series of indiscriminate bombings, there were only three survivors of the entire foreign expedition team.

The first one is Jinbao, who was captured alive by Feng Baobao, and is now being guarded by Granny Jinfeng.

The second one is the black woman named Mambo, who gave the expedition members the protection of the forest god.

As for the third one...

It’s Judy who has a “red hemorrhoid” carved into the center of her forehead!

Mambo and Judy are now standing side by side opposite the wishing side.

The strategy of self-destructing trucks obviously doesn't work well against the defensive Summoner Mambo.

Threads of black mist envelop dry or fresh branches, forming tree figures, blocking the direction of the wish.

Judy is still next to Mambo with an indifferent expression on her face...

Thanks to all foster fathers and bosses for your monthly votes, more updates~

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