Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 115 The company’s charter, kill it first and then tell it later! (asking for monthly ticket)

Xu Yuan took Chen Duo directly to outside Zhao Fangxu's office.

With the familiarity of Xu Wish's face, he can get around the company headquarters without any hindrance.

After all, it's not a critical secret place. Xu Yuan has worked as a temporary worker at the company headquarters for three years, and everyone is familiar with it.

As for other temporary workers, they were taken by the staff of the headquarters and arranged to wait in other rooms.

"Dong dong dong..."

Xu Yuan and Chen Duo knocked on the door of Zhao Fangxu's office.


Xu wish opened the door and walked in.

"Director Zhao." Xu Yuan greeted.

Although he was generally called Fatty Zhao in private, in front of the leader, he still had to give him the face he deserved.

"Make a wish, you are back. You did a good job on this mission..." Zhao Fangxu said a few words of encouragement out of habit.

But when his eyes fell on Chen Duo's face next to Xu Yuan, he was stunned.

"This is...Chen Duo? Hasn't she been corroded to death by the original poison?"

Zhao Fangxu's face was full of shock.

There is absolutely no difference in this matter!

Because after the South China Branch received Chen Duo's body, it was considered that Chen Duo itself had the biochemical weapon properties of primitive poison, and the South China Branch did not have a dedicated scientific research room at the headquarters.

Therefore, Chen Duo's body was sent back to the headquarters on a special aviation plane as soon as possible.

And just now, before Xu Yuan and other temporary workers stepped through the gate of the headquarters, the laboratory at the headquarters sent Zhao Fangxu a test report.

It was confirmed that Chen Duo was real and it was concluded that Chen Duo died from the original poison, and after Chen Duo's death, her body was not harmful in any way.

This report is still lying on Zhao Fangxu’s desk...

Zhao Fangxu looked at Chen Duo, then looked down at the test report on his desk, then looked up at Chen Duo, his face still full of disbelief.

"Wish, please don't tell me that she is Chen Duo's sister for such vulgar reasons..." Zhao Fangxu looked a little ugly, "I hope you can give me a reasonable explanation."

Zhao Fangxu's expression was not ugly because he was so close to Chen Duo, the "biochemical weapon".

What he relied on to reach this point was awareness. Even if Chen Duo could kill him at any time, he would not give in because of it.

What really made him look ugly was that he had no idea about this matter!

This was also the first time in three years since Zhao Fangxu was pulled into the Kyoto headquarters as a temporary worker by Xu Yuan, and it was the first time in three years that he saw Zhao Fangxu getting into trouble with him.

"Director Zhao, I know you are in a hurry, but please don't be anxious..." Xu Yuan waved his hand, walked to the door of the office and closed the door. "I came to you now just to tell you about this..."

Zhao Fangxu almost became angry at the first sentence of the wish.

However, when he heard Xu Wish's subsequent explanation, the expression on his face finally softened slightly, but then gradually became serious again.

"Make a wish, are you sure what you are saying now is true?" Zhao Fangxu looked extremely serious. "I won't get involved in other aspects of your personal abilities, but regarding the fact that there are undercover agents in the company, is this your guess or accurate news?"

Xu Yuan felt relieved when he heard what Zhao Fangxu said.

He had just dragged out everything that happened in Biyou Village to Zhao Fangxu.

He asked Zhuge Qing and Wang Ye to accept Ma Xianhong's invitation in advance to go undercover in Biyou Village.

Later, smash the self-cultivation furnace and take away the core of the self-cultivation furnace.

Then we talked about how Chen Duo survived and what happened to Chen Duo's body now in the company's hands.

Of course, Wishing also embellishes the description of these events.

For example, he didn't know at the beginning that the company's target was Ma Xianhong's Biyou Village. The so-called undercover plan was just a coincidence.

After all, he had written a lot of mission reports, so it was not difficult to make up lies. He had already prepared the draft on the plane.

In fact, making a wish is also a gamble.

I bet Zhao Fangxu's consciousness is really high. As the chairman of the company, he is not interested in any alien means, nor is he interested in the so-called immortality.

The only thing I care about is stability!

Obviously, Make a Wish made the right bet!

Zhao Fangxu didn't even ask him for specific information about the ability of [Great Transformation into a Living Person], and directly grasped the key points of the wishing words.

There are undercover agents from other forces within the company!

"I'm sure it's accurate information. Otherwise, why would Ma Xianhong know our whereabouts and our identities as soon as we temporary workers arrived in Liupanshui?"

"Although the identities of Feng Baobao and I from North China have been exposed at the Luotian Festival, it's not surprising that people in the alien circle know us two, but they know all the temporary workers, which is enough to explain the problem!"

Although the company's temporary worker confidentiality system does not have much effect in many cases, it is only for the company's internal personnel, and even the company's internal personnel only know the true identity of the temporary workers who belong to their branch!

It is absolutely impossible for ordinary company insiders to know the identities of all temporary workers!

This undercover agent must obviously be in a high position!

Zhao Fangxu, an old fox, can naturally figure out the logic that makes a wish.

Zhao Fangxu rubbed his temples on both sides with a headache.

An undercover agent has sneaked into the company, and he must be caught!

The nature of this matter is very serious!

But now this undercover is obviously in a high position, and may even be a member of the board of directors, but there is no evidence or even a specific target of suspicion.

Even he couldn't find an immediate solution in a short time!

He also couldn't replace all the board members. Firstly, the company's various businesses would be paralyzed due to the big replacement. Secondly, he couldn't be sure whether any of the new people were undercover...

Zhao Fangxu rubbed his temples and fell into deep thought.

He didn't bother him when he made a wish, he just stood aside silently.

As for the undercover issue, Xu wish really doesn’t know who it is.

But he was certain that it couldn't be Fatty Zhao in front of him!

He also couldn't trust anyone except Fatty Zhao!

Qu Tong didn't have the guts to reach out to Fatty Zhao, the chairman, and even if she had all the hands that could modify memories, she couldn't do it!

Although Fatty Zhao's Air Splitting Palm... let's not talk about it.

But his strength does not represent the strength of the company!

After being silent for a while, Zhao Fangxu raised his head again and looked at Xu Yuan.

"Make a wish, let me think about the existence of insiders in the company before I talk about it. Let's talk about Chen Duo first."

"What are you thinking now? What do you want to do with Chen Duo?" Zhao Fangxu squinted at Xu Yuan and gave him a look.

Xu Yuan and Zhao Fangxu have been "partnering" for three years, and they understand their tacit understanding instantly.

"Director Zhao, my idea is to give Chen Duo a new identity. Of course, after all, Chen Duo killed Liao Zhong, the head of the South China Region. There is no doubt about the crime she committed, but the deceased is gone. It is better to let Chen Duo continue to serve the company to atone for his sins."

"And now that Chen Duo is dead, the only person who survives is Liao Duoduo, who looks very similar to Chen Duo, a former temporary worker in the South China Branch!"

A piece of trivia: When you ask others to help you, don’t make things difficult for others. Be the bad guy first.

Zhao Fangxu was very satisfied with the answer given by Xu Yuan.

After all, all face is left to the company in this plan.

In terms of appearance, Chen Duo, who killed the former company leader Liao Zhong, is indeed dead. His body is still on display in the laboratory, and anyone who doesn't believe it can go and see it.

As for Li Zi, the surviving "Liao Duoduo" only looks similar to Chen Duo and has similar abilities, so she can work for the company.

After all, the ability of the Gu Body Saint Boy is one in a million.

With the destruction of the Yaoxian Society, the Gu-body Holy Boy is destined to never reappear in the world.

Is it possible that there are still people in the world who are sentenced to death because they look similar?

In fact, there is no absolute right or wrong in many things in the world. Without violating the bottom line, some exchanges of interests can still be made...

It just so happens that now is a relatively suitable time.

Chen Duo was silently listening to the conversation between Xu Yuan and Fatty Zhao, not knowing what he was thinking...

"Make a wish." Zhao Fangxu spoke again. You "I don't have any objections to Liao Duoduo's treatment plan for the time being. However, Liao Duoduo's ability is extremely harmful after all. If you insist on your treatment plan, then from now on, all the consequences of Liao Duoduo's actions will be You will be responsible for the consequences."

"No problem." Xu wish nodded.

Even if Zhao Fangxu didn't say so, Chen Duo wouldn't be able to leave him too far before he completely controlled the original Gu in his body. After all, he would always be by his side.

Zhao Fangxu paused, picked up the pen on the table, and kept tapping on the table.

After pondering for a moment, he continued.

"As for Liao Duoduo's new identity, I can handle it for you, but Liao Duoduo must have a reasonable place to go."

"Because the operation mission in Biyou Village was successfully completed, the headquarters must also abide by its commitment and retain the temporary command authority of other branches."

"So the issues regarding your regularization and establishment can only be put aside for the time being." Zhao Fangxu tapped the table with his pen again. "But the information you just mentioned about the existence of insiders within the company gave me some new ideas."

"Say." Xu wish looked relaxed.

Anyway, as long as he is not allowed to be the immediate boss of those monsters, otherwise it will not be Fatty Zhao wiping his butt all day long, but himself wiping the butt of those monsters!

"Set up a secret supervision team within the company. You will serve as the team leader. You will still be a temporary worker. You will recruit the team members yourself. Their identities will be kept secret from everyone except you, so that you can secretly investigate the ghosts in the company and investigate everyone. Temporary workers and all branches have the right to supervise. In case of emergency, they can handle it as appropriate and then report to the company's board of directors. Liao Duoduo can also be your first team member..."

Zhao Fangxu deserves to be the chairman of a state-owned enterprise.

His words are confusing.

But fortunately, Xuanyuan understood!

It is nothing more than setting up a secret investigation team, enjoying the right to kill first and report later. The fact that the identities of the team members are kept secret is just the right place for Chen Duo.

Of course, while enjoying rights, he must also bear obligations, and he must also help the company find out the insider.

This is the exchange of benefits.

But I have to say that Zhao Fangxu is worthy of being the chairman of Nadutong.

Even if there is a personal relationship with him in this matter, the overall situation of the company should still be put first!

The timing was also very clever, making it impossible to refute.

After all, a vicious case in which a temporary worker killed the head of the branch occurred not long ago, and from the company's perspective, the emergence of Biyou Village really makes people worry about the situation in various locations.

The establishment of the inspection team is reasonable and reasonable.

And even if the insider knew about the establishment of the supervision team, at most he would only know the true identity of the team leader Xu Wan. As for the other team members, not even the chairman Zhao Fangxu would know.

Naturally, backstabbing is impossible.

Although there was an exchange of interests, Xu Wan was still very grateful to Fatty Zhao in his heart. If it were other people in this position, they might not adopt this strategy.

"Director Zhao..." Xu Yuan said with a smile. "Is this considered the ancient royal guard? The imperial power authorized him to kill first and then report."

When Zhao Fangxu heard Xu Yuan's teasing, he slammed the table angrily.

"Nonsense! Now that we have come to an era where the people are the masters of the country, there is no imperial power left! We will never allow history to be reversed!"

"Okay, okay, you have a high level of awareness. The company has granted you permission to kill first and then report later. That's all right." Xu Yuan curled his lips quietly, "But then the supervision team's expenses will still have to be reimbursed by you!"

"That's no problem, but it can't exceed the standard!" Zhao Fangxu said the same thing.

"By the way, make a wish, don't be too happy too early. Although I am the chairman of the company now, the company is not my sole responsibility. Regarding the establishment of the supervision group, it is just my personal preliminary idea. The board of directors still needs to meet for details. Research."

Wishing is not surprised by this.

Even in his opinion, this supervision group will definitely be established, but during the board meeting, someone may make some difficult requests.

It is unclear whether the people who raised objections are insiders.

"Then I'll leave first?" Xu Yuan turned around and walked out the door. "You will notify me after the board of directors approves the proposal."

Zhao Fangxu said to Xu Yuan.

"Make a wish, and you will prepare in a moment. Everyone related to Biyou Village will go to the Congkuan Bench to be tested. This is not negotiable."

From the wide stool, to be precise, from the wide stool system.

It is a set of lie detection equipment specially developed for strangers by Nadutong Company, combining technology and Lu Jiaming's soul skills.

If the company's board of directors wants to know some information or has suspicions about certain people, but there is no evidence, they can make a conclusion based on the results given by the wide bench.

Zhao Fangxu naturally believed that making a wish had nothing to do with Biyou Village, but let alone making a wish, even members of the board of directors like them would have to walk away from the broad bench!

Even he, the chairman, is no exception.

Xu Yuan turned around at the door and looked like Zhao Fangxu.

"Director Zhao, do you want to take this opportunity to find out the insider in the company? I don't think it is possible. The company's senior management is aware of the existence of the Congkuanbei system. Since they dare to send people to sneak in, they must be well prepared to deal with it. "

Xuanyuan didn't make his words too clear.

But he knew that Qu Tong's mole in the company must have had his memory and self-perception modified by Double Boxer, and that woman Qu Tong would never make such a stupid mistake.

"I know, but at least give it a try." Zhao Fangxu waved his hand to Xu Yuan a little tiredly. "That's why I proposed setting up an inspection team."

"Don't worry, now that we know the existence of the mole, when everyone comes to the bench, at least two board members must be present at the same time, and I will be there too."

Xu wish shrugged noncommittally and said nothing.

The main part of the composition of the wide stool system comes from the Lu family's Minghun technique.

The Lu family...

It’s not clean to begin with…

Moreover, a single Bright Soul Technique is no match against dual hands.

However, since it is a state-owned enterprise, the process must be followed.

This is also the first hurdle for a wish to pass the test of the board of directors.

If an inspection team is to be established, the team leader must ensure that he is clean!

Xu Yuan took Liao Duoduo out of Zhao Fangxu's office.

My heart suddenly relaxed a lot.

At least the issue of Liao Duoduo's identity has been resolved for now.

Next, he only needs to wait for the board of directors to approve the proposal to establish an inspection team.

As for how to find the insider, it will be easier to do so if you have the right to attack the company first and then report later!

He's the best at playing dirty!

However, Wishing always feels that the proposal of this supervision group is not so easy to be passed by the board of directors...

Thinking of this, he made a wish and said to Chen Duo beside him.

"Chen Duo, did you just hear that from today on you will be called Liao Duoduo. Only in this way can you start a new life."

Chen Duo looked at the serious expression on Xu Yuan's face and nodded solemnly after thinking for a moment.

"Make a wish, who are you talking to?"

"Of course with you!"

Making a wish is a bit confusing. Chen Duo doesn't seem to be such an ignorant person. Is it because she doesn't want to change her name?

"But my name is Liao Duoduo, who is Chen Duo?"

Make a wish:…

Okay, okay, little boy can be taught!

I am more and more pleased with you now!

"Let's go, Liao Duoduo!" Xu Yuan said angrily, "Let's go back to find Brother Xiao and the others now."

"I want to go eat ice cream, you promised me before..."

"I'll take you to eat after you finish sitting on the wide stool. Haagen-Dazs. If you swipe your business card, you can be reimbursed..."

When Xu Yuan took Liao Duoduo back to the gathering place of temporary workers.

Everyone in the room had different expressions. They had all received notices from their respective persons in charge and were about to sit on the company's leniency bench.

But most people are okay. After all, after knowing the truth about Biyou Village, they can also understand the company's caution in the matter of Biyou Village.

Only Zhang Chulan looked extremely ugly.

Because Xu Si had already made the information about Cong Kuan Ben very clear to him on the phone.

There's no way to lie about it.

If Sister Baoer gets on the Congkuan Bench, will her secrets be exposed?

This is Zhang Chulan’s biggest worry!

In addition to the information from Kuan Shi, there were some things Xu Si couldn't say very clearly on the phone.

But Zhang Chulan understood the implication of Xu Si's words.

That is to let him decide whether to let Sister Baoer sit on the Congkuan Bench.

If you don't plan to let Sister Baoer sit on the wide bench, then look for an opportunity and run away now!

But Zhang Chulan looked at the surrounding environment and felt like crying.

Even though they came in very easily just now, they didn't even check their identities too carefully.

That’s because there are wishes to lead the way, and many security checkpoints can be passed by just swiping your face with a wish.

If he were allowed to take Sister Baoer and escape from the company headquarters now, the success rate would be extremely low!

Moreover, it is as difficult as going to war with the company directly at this juncture of getting up from the horse!

When Zhang Chulan saw Xu Yuan coming in again from the door, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Maybe this "local" can find a way...

Thanks to book friend 20231214221509587 for the 100 starting point coins~Thank you boss

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