Chapter 114 Kun Zi·Gulfstream G500!

Xu Yuan dragged the crying Zhuge Qing out of the woods and found an open space.

Chen Duo naturally followed. She couldn't be too far away from Xu Yuan.

Although those fireflies were so weak that they were almost undetectable, apart from Wishes and her, the original Gu-body Saint Child, only Lao Meng, a biologist, could sense them!

Gui can feel it, but Lao Meng doesn't know why he can't control the fireflies emanating from Xu Yuan.

This made Lao Meng very confused.

To know his ability as a biologist, the lower the intelligence level of an individual creature, the better it can be controlled, even to the level of controlling bacteria.

If he works hard, it is not impossible to control primates and non-human apes!

Could it be that these weird fireflies are as intelligent as humans?

However, the honest man Lao Meng did not point this out, but buried it deep in his heart.

The others saw that there was a lot of fun to be seen, and they had nothing to do anyway, so they quickly followed.

No matter it was Zhuge Qing or Xu Yuan, neither of them stopped him.

After all, the Zhuge clan has been inherited for thousands of years, and Wuhou Qimen is also well-known in the alien circle.

Wuhou Qimen's ultimate ability, Samadhi True Fire, is not a secret. Not to mention these temporary workers with company backgrounds, some aristocratic families and sects that have been passed down for two generations know about it.

Stand at both ends of the open space.

Xu Yuan moved his hands and feet, and then asked Zhuge Qing with a smile.

"Old Qing, are you ready?"

Zhuge Qing looked as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

Of course he knew that his life was definitely not in danger, but if possible, he really didn't want to get beaten again.

Ever since I met Xu Yuan and Wang Ye, both humans and ghosts were showing off, only Lao Qing was being beaten...

However, in order to understand the true magical skills of Wuhou Qimen and for the obsession in his heart, he now has no choice.

"Ready, come on!" Zhuge Qing said through gritted teeth.

At the same time, he also opened the Wuhou Qimen, ready to compete with Xu Wish at any time!

The last time he had a contest with Xu Yuan was when Xu Yuan visited the Zhuge clan for the first time.

He has almost seen the amazing growth of Xuanyuan along the way.

Of course he knew that he was no match for making a wish.

However, Zhuge Qing also wanted to see the gap between himself and his wish!

On the wishing side, Zhuge Qing was ready.

When the godhead mask is activated, Nezha is chosen as the target of god transformation.

Red Tassel Spear, Hot Wheels, Hun Tian Ling, and Qiankun Circle.

"Red Nezha" reappears in the world!

Seeing this familiar image, the others turned their heads and turned their attention to Wang Zhenqiu.

If they remembered correctly, Qiu'er could "transform" into Nezha before, but it was just different from the "transformation" that made a wish.

Wang Zhenqiu looked unlucky. He recalled his previous experience of being beaten into a ball by the same God Nezha who made a wish near the airport...

He is indeed a benign pervert, but his pleasure is to make others uncomfortable, not himself!

But under the probing gaze of other temporary workers, Wang Zhenqiu could only tell the truth, pinching his nose and saying.

"Don't look at me. My Nezha can't beat his Nezha. He said mine is a female and his is a male. A female's will not work well when it comes to a male."

Everyone else present, including Wang Ye, all had strange faces.

The reason mentioned by the wish is really nonsense!

However, when they carefully looked at Wang Zhenqiu's unmistakable face, they seemed to feel that Xu Yuan's words were not completely unreasonable.

As the wish re-incarnated into [Unruly Flame Spear - Nezha], the passive ability [Firefly Blessing] he carried in the normal state was naturally temporarily disabled.

The reply in Chen Duo's body also stopped.

But fortunately, Chen Duo himself can support it for a period of time, and there will be no problems in a short period of time.

After making a wish and transforming into the god Nezha, he rushed straight towards Zhuge Qing.

He didn't just want to beat Zhuge Qing, well... although this reason was also included, it was only a small part!

The real reason for taking action was that Nezha's ability to control the true fire of Samadhi was true, but Xu Yuan didn't know how to help Zhuge Qing ignite the true fire of Samadhi.

But it doesn't matter, maybe Zhuge Qing will realize it as he fights.

Just be careful and don't really beat Zhuge Qing to death!

Don’t underestimate people’s ability to adapt to the environment!

When Zhuge Qing made a wish and rushed towards Zhuge Qing, Zhuge Qing was not idle either.

Directly launch Qimen magic to attack the wish!

"Xunzi, wind rope!"

"Xunzi, Fengjian!"

"Li Zi, Chi Lian!"

Three consecutive magical spells came out of Zhuge Qing's hands.

Xu Yuan was afraid that Zhuge Qing would really beat him to death, so he had to hold back.

But Zhuge Qing has no such worries!

Worried about hurting your wish?

If you have such leisure, you might as well worry about yourself!

As the saying goes, fire borrows the power of wind, and wind helps fire!

The function of the wind rope is to restrain the wish, the function of the wind mirror is to slow down the speed of the wish, and Chi Lian is the sure killer!

A fire snake merged with the wind rope and wind mirror, and its power instantly expanded several times, enveloping the wish!

The world's talents are like crucian carps crossing the river!

Especially don't underestimate these geniuses!

Although Zhuge Qing's growth rate is not as fast as Make a Wish.

However, while making a wish to become stronger rapidly, Zhuge Qing was not idle either.

This combination of strange spells is the latest combination developed by Zhuge Qing!

The power is extraordinary!

Xun Zi Jue in Qi Men Technique is the most consistent with Zhuge Qing's attributes, while Li Zi·Chi Lian can maximize its power.

Seeing the wish wrapped in flames, no one present was worried at all.

Do you want to make a wish with this little power?

The village chief of Nama really gave away his life in vain!

Even Chen Duo just raised his head and glanced at the big fireball in the field, and then lowered his head indifferently and continued to defend the carrot.

The next development was exactly as they expected.

Xu Wan just waved the flame three-pointed spear in his hand, and the monstrous fire surrounding him was turned into sparks all over the sky.

Not to mention that Nezha is an expert at playing with fire. Even if he wishes to transform into any other heroic character, he will not be able to hurt him.

[Witch Cloak: +200 spell defense, +1000 health, +100 blood recovery speed.

Passive - Mist: Gain a spell shield after leaving combat. The strength of the shield is determined by the strength of the user's spell.

Passive - Demon Control: Gain a certain amount of magic defense. The strength of the magic defense is determined by the strength of the user's Qi. 】

With his accumulated energy and spell strength, he has already far surpassed Zhuge Qing.

With the same level of cultivation, Xuanyuan is now worthy of the title of "Southern Wall of Art"!

Zhuge Qing was not surprised at all when he saw that his combined spell was ineffective.

He used another technique.

Eight door transport!

This spell is not a direct damage spell, but directly transports the target to any position in the eight gates.

Zhuge Qing's idea is simple.

In close combat, even though he, a Qimen warlock, also practiced Bajiquan, he couldn't even beat Lao Wang's Taichi, let alone the pervert Xu Wan.

As long as he blocks the wishing approach and slowly grinds, he can lose later!

But contrary to Zhuge Qing's expectation, his eight-door carrying tree did work, but Xu Wan, who was carried behind him, was not confused at all and still rushed towards him on the pair of hot wheels.

Zhuge Qing endured the discomfort of using the Qi Men technique continuously and used the Eight Gates several times in succession.

But it didn't have any impact on the wish.

Zhuge Qing:......

Okay, okay, tracking skills, right?

No matter how stupid Zhuge Qing was, he still found something wrong.

Rather than saying that the wish has been locking his position, it is better to say that the pair of hot wheels have been tracking him.


Xu Wan looked at Zhuge Qing with a leisurely expression, and let the wind and fire wheel under his feet carry him towards Zhuge Qing.

The eight transport techniques are useless, so the fate of Zhuge Qing, who is wished to be close to him next, is a foregone conclusion!

Even if Zhuge Qing used Dui Zi·Hei Liuli as a close defense, it would have no effect.

A translucent and illusory flame lotus blooms in all directions with a wish as the center.

The true fire of samadhi that filled the fire lotus flower burned Zhuge Qing.

Dui Zi·Hei Liuli has no defensive effect against the Samadhi True Fire.

He enjoyed the same treatment as Wang Zhenqiu who was in the wasteland near the airport.

That is at this time.

Zhuge Qing was about to dodge but was stunned on the spot!

He didn't care about the wish that was so close at hand and closed his eyes directly.

And the Samadhi True Fire spreading on the Fire Lotus Flower also penetrated into Zhuge Qing's body!

Wishing to see this scene, his eyes flashed and he stopped his attacking movements.

But he did not cancel the godhead mask, but allowed Zhuge Qing to absorb the Samadhi True Fire that overflowed from the Fire Lotus Flower.

At this time, in Zhuge Qing's interior, he was in a daze as he watched the Samadhi True Fire that spread rapidly to the entire interior.

At this moment, a figure that looked exactly like Zhuge Qing appeared in his inner scene, but this figure was completely black, and it didn't look like a good thing at first glance.

Zhuge Qing had met each other a long time ago.

It is the incarnation of his own inner demon!

"Zhuge Qing, hahahaha, you..." The inner demon was about to speak and taunted Zhuge Qing as usual.

But he didn't wait for him to finish speaking.

The true fire of samadhi spread quickly in the inner scene, and the inner demons were naturally affected within the scope.

In the next second, the inner demon was burned to ashes by the true fire of Samadhi.

Not even a last word was left behind.

Zhuge Qing:......

I've seen your building rise, and I've seen your building collapse.

But do you know that even if you are the incarnation of your inner demon, it is very rude to only speak half of your words?

However, the inner demon has been completely wiped out now, but Zhuge Qing's voice cannot be heard.

Zhuge Qing was in a daze as he looked at the Samadhi True Fire spreading throughout the interior.

He himself didn't expect that it would be so easy to ignite the true fire of Samadhi?

If I had known this earlier, wouldn't it have been better if Xu Yuan had burned me?

In fact, this is what Zhuge Qing took for granted.

Now he can successfully ignite his upper elixir, middle elixir, and lower elixir with the help of the samadhi true fire he made a wish for...

The main reason is that he has "resisted" the temptation of the divine machine and has already ignored his inner demons.

Although he was forced to achieve this step with Wang Ye's "assistance".

However, just like burning firewood, at least his bundle of firewood was completely dry now, with only a few sparks missing.

The true fire of Samadhi that makes a wish happens to be the kind of fire!

If it were the true fire of Samadhi that had been promised to him before, it would at most make his bundle of firewood dry.

Zhuge Qing's mind incarnation stretched out his hand in the inner scene, and saw that the Samadhi True Fire that filled the entire interior scene gradually stabilized and shrank into a ball of fire until it was completely submerged in his mind incarnation.

He finally understood Wuhou Qimen's ultimate magical skill - Samadhi True Fire!

He is also the only member of the Zhuge clan who has realized the true fire of Samadhi in the past hundred years!

Zhuge Qing carefully studied the efficacy of Samadhi True Fire in the interior scene.

He finally understood why the Wishing Club said that Wuhou Qimen was not weaker than the Eight Wonders!

The true fire of samadhi is designed to burn the soul!

Having said that, it does not mean that Samadhi True Fire cannot cause other burning damage besides the soul.

It's just that he is very restrained with abilities such as souls or spiritual bodies!

When Zhuge Qing exited the scene, he had canceled the godhead mask and was standing aside with a smile.

"Old Qing, is it done?"

"It's done!"

Zhuge Qing suppressed his excitement and nodded.

"That's good," Xu Yuan silently protected everyone in front of him, "Then do you want to seek revenge from Lao Wang? He has bullied you a lot before."

Zhuge Qing turned to look at Wang Ye, quite moved.

"Okay, Lao Qing." Wang Ye gritted his teeth and said with a kind smile, "Do you think you can stand up and take charge with the Samadhi True Fire? Then I will give it a try with you..."

The contest between Zhuge Qing and Wang Ye is almost over.

Although the Samadhi True Fire he just realized can indeed threaten Wang Ye.

However, Wang also proved with practical actions what does it mean to be your uncle or your uncle...

Wang Ye's first move was to use the Golden Tudor Turtle Fly Body, and Zhuge Qing had no time to use the Samadhi True Fire.

It directly turned into a world-famous painting.

Wang Ye's outing picture.

Xu Yuan and Chen Duo silently raised their mobile phones to take pictures of the scene.

Fighting after fighting, trouble after trouble, it was just a joke between the two brothers.

Zhuge Qing's inner demons have long since disappeared, and Wang did not take any heavy action.

When all the dust settled, the time was almost up.

A group of temporary workers, led by a refreshing Wang Ye, went straight to the airport.

After arriving at the airport, before even entering the departure hall, specialized airport staff led a group of temporary workers into the Wang family's private jet through a special passage.

Of course, in order to avoid bumping into the staff of the South China Branch by chance, a group of temporary workers still wrapped Chen Duo tightly, covering her appearance, and even put a wide mask on the bridge of her nose. sunglasses.

Just like a female star going out on the street.

It wasn't until they entered the Wang family's private jet that a group of temporary workers understood what the happiness of the rich meant.

The entire private jet is very large and can easily accommodate the people present. The interior decoration is also extremely luxurious.

Chen Duo's pet dog named Chen Junyan was also brought on board, and there was even a special place for pets on the plane.

"Dear guests, you can now connect to the wifi on the plane. You will still be able to connect to the Internet after we take off to high altitude..."

The pilot of the plane guided a group of temporary workers.

Not only was it the first time for Xuanyuan to fly on such a top-notch private jet, it was also the first time for all the temporary workers present to have such an opportunity.

"Old Wang..." Zhuge Qing smacked his lips twice.

"Your Kun should never be called Tuhe Che. It should be renamed as Kun·Gulfstream G500."

Wang was also dumbfounded.

He really doesn't care about these external things.

"Oh, by the way, Mr. Ye, the boss has given orders. He doesn't go out to other places very much now. This plane will be yours..."

The pilot seemed to remember something and added.

"Good brother! I admit that I spoke a little too loudly to you before." Zhuge Qing put his arm around Wang Ye's shoulders, his eyes shining, "Are you interested in recruiting a group of long-legged people for your private plane? Stewardess! Then give me a VIP card!"

Although the Zhuge family has a rich family background, it is not rich enough to buy a private jet.

As for recruiting flight attendants with long legs, let alone that.

Wang Ye pointed to the surveillance camera on the top of the cabin with a smile on his face.

"Old Qing, I will convey what you just said to Miss Fu Rong word for word. Maybe he is interested in applying for the position of stewardess..."

Zhuge Qing:......

After habitually quarreling with Zhuge Qing, Wang Ye looked at everyone present and said very generously.

"If you have a market in the future and need to travel by private plane, you can call me and I will try my best to help you arrange it."

In Wang Ye's opinion, the biggest role of these external objects is as a means of transportation to deal with some inconvenient situations.

Just like taking Chen Duo back to Kyoto now.

As for the rest, he didn't care at all.

After communicating with the airport staff, the private plane quickly left the ground and embarked on its journey back to Kyoto.

Unlike the other people who looked curious, Chen Duo had no idea about money.

She was still fiddling with her phone attentively.

However, Xu Yuan, who was sitting on the sofa next to her, faintly noticed something was wrong from the voice coming from the speaker of Chen Duo's mobile phone.

This musical rhythm...

A bit strong!

Xu Yuan glanced at Chen Duo's mobile phone screen and saw a video playing on it.

In the video, the essentials of social shaking are introduced in detail.

From the serious look in Chen Duo's eyes, as if she was about to take the Tsinghua University entrance examination, Xu Wan could tell that she was studying very seriously.

Make a wish:…

Chen Duo... seems to have opened up some incredible new world?

I want to make a wish, but I stop saying it, I want to stop it, and then I say it, and I want to stop it...

In the end, he just opened his mouth, but nothing came out.

Life is all about experience. Who says being a shaker is not an experience?

Forget it, as long as Chen Duo is happy, maybe she just took a look?

He really couldn't imagine Chen Duo running towards him waving her flowery hands...

After several hours of flying.

The plane finally landed on the ground at Kyoto Airport.

Du Ge, the butler of the Wang family in Kyoto, was very considerate and drove a large business car here. After receiving them at the airport, he followed the wish request and drove everyone, including Wang Ye, to Nadutong in person. Kyoto headquarters.

There is no other way. The message received by Wishes not long ago has clearly pointed out that Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing will also be brought back to the headquarters.

Who allowed the two of them to participate in this operation in Biyou Village? Even if it hadn't been for the wish to guarantee that the two of them were just undercover agents sent by themselves, the two of them would never have come to the Kyoto headquarters in such a peaceful way...

After arriving at the company headquarters, these temporary workers all expressed their sincere gratitude to Du Ge in turn.

From a certain perspective, although Du Ge's strength is at the bottom of the alien circle, his connections are a bit scary...

A group of temporary workers took Chen Duo into the company headquarters.

Because it was impossible for anyone to dare to come to the company headquarters to cause trouble, and Xu Wan was a "local", the security at the entrance of the Kyoto headquarters just said hello to Xu Yuan and let them in.

Chen Duo was naturally among them.

Xuyuan looked at the staff coming and going in the Kyoto headquarters, and he knew it.

The next step is probably to take a walk on the "Cong Kuan Bench"!

But before that, he planned to have a good chat with Fatty Zhao. The bargaining chip he had now should be enough to negotiate with Fatty Zhao about Chen Duo...

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