Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 719: Australian National!

?? "Yeah, I hope nothing special will happen." In front of the computer, everyone drank coffee and turned on the projector in the hall. A preview of the Australian national match has appeared on the live channel. The day after tomorrow is the Chinese team vs the Australian team. Although the number of followers is not as much as that of Japan, it is still the game everyone is watching. Now many people in China have been Watching the Chinese e-sports team, they are also willing to watch the Chinese team stand out from the World Tour!

Uh ...

Melbourne, Australia.

Melbourne is a slow-paced city. A country like China that can eat something 24 hours a day is completely unavailable here, and sometimes you train a bit late, and it ’s impossible to find something to eat on the street. , All the stores are closed, and even if you want to buy a gum 1 second before he closes, the owner will be your nerve. In their opinion, leaving work is the most sacred, and overtime is simply a sin. Also, in such a country where casual working money is almost enough, who would like to work overtime, and only those stowaways, settlers and migrant workers who have penetrated into the eyes of money will do it.

Unfortunately, the Chinese account for the vast majority of smugglers, settlers, and migrants.

Luanping Street, this is a neighborhood where Chinese people live.

街 This street is basically occupied by people who come from China. Those who open restaurants, work for restaurants, study abroad students, and help students work in restaurants, help foreigners solve their problems ...

When walking on this seemingly clean but mixed street, King Yan Luo always had a strange feeling in his heart.

感觉 This feeling has been with me for a long time, and it hasn't been long since I got off the plane.

"King Yan Luo, I'm in the Chinese restaurant on the street, where are you going?" Said a man with a sharp voice at the end of the phone.

King Yan Luo held a mobile phone, looked up at a Chinese restaurant written in Chinese characters on the storefront, and replied, "I'm here."

"Oh ... oh, are you really here?" The sharp voice asked clearly once.

"Really, is the restaurant called Sujia Restaurant?" King Yan Luo asked.

"Yeah ... yeah," the phone reluctantly answered.

"I'm coming for you?"

"No, no, I'll go to you right away, I'm not here," said a sharp voice.

King Yan Luo nodded, and stood still.

But, soon he heard screams from a nearby shop.

King Yan Luo turned his head and found that in a restaurant that was almost snoring, a man in a very unsuitable suit ran out quickly. There was also an Australian woman behind the man who was running towards the weird suit man with a sharp voice. Screaming out loud.

"Lao Yan, ha ha ha, I didn't expect it, I didn't expect you to come to Australia!" Said the thin man in a thin suit with a sharp voice.

"Feng Li." King Yan Luo looked at him, his heart suddenly burst into emotion!

Feng Li is an old friend of King Yan Luo many years ago. At that time, everyone played e-sports together, ate instant noodles to pick up the game, and celebrated after taking the ranking. Basically, the bonus was used almost.

It is not how extravagant everyone eats, but the bonus at that time is enough for everyone to celebrate an ordinary meal.

Suddenly so many years passed, and then seeing such an original e-sports comrade in arms, Wang Yan Luo's heart was filled with emotion.

"Lao Yan, why did you come to Australia, did you come here to work?" Feng Li asked with a smile. "That's right. How are you here?" King Yan Luo asked. "--Hell,-!" At this time, the Australian woman rushed towards Feng Li.

力 Feng Li's face was suddenly embarrassed, and he seemed to want to tell the Australian woman that he was seeing an old friend.

Australian woman ignores Feng Li completely, and still scolds her, she should be talking about leaving it alone.

Feng Li was only able to glance at King Yan Luo very helplessly, whispering: "Wait for me, I'll finish the work, come, come."

King Yan Luo nodded.

After about 20 minutes, Feng Li came out of the shop again, with a lot of apologies on his face.

Feng Li took King Yan Luo to the place near the river and got on the bridge.

There is a public seat on the bridge, Feng Li smiled and said, "Where did we say just now, oh, when you came here to work, right, did you work in Australia? If not, buddy will introduce you! "

力 Feng Li has been working here for almost four years. Here in Australia, wages are high and living expenses are not too high. If I work a few more years, I can make a lot of money.

近年来 In recent years, many people who are not well-developed in the country have gotten work visas in Australia through relationships, and many people have basically been able to set up a home in their hometown after returning home from working for several years.

Of course, there are many so-called overseas students. Those who have come to Australia to study through those pit father institutions are actually some inaccessible schools in Australia. International students also work here with a good name for studying abroad.

Feng Li believes that this is also the case with his old friend King Yan Luo.

力 Feng Li left the game early, he knew very well that the game would not make any money at all. His old friend Wang Yan Luo spent a lot of time on it, most of it was deserted, and finally went abroad to work. To be honest, Feng Li didn't mix well himself, just now the female boss scolded him with his head and his face scolded. But anyway, when the fellow comes here, he must have a little face, otherwise I am sorry for those cows that I have blown in the herd!

"I'm not here to find a job," explained King Yan Luo.

"Well, studying abroad is almost the same. Anyway, everyone is a host here." Feng Li said. King Yan Luo was a little speechless, because he did not expect that Feng Li had no idea of ​​the e-sports world. If Feng Li still pays attention to e-sports, then he will definitely find that some of the murals in Melbourne have the status of national competitions, and he will surely know that he came to Australia to play the national competition.

For a moment, King Yan Luo did not know how to communicate with Feng Li, as if he were no longer a person of the world.

"What happened just now?" King Yan Luo asked.

力 Feng Lihao is embarrassed, as if he is not embarrassed to say.

It took me a while to explain, "Since you've all been here, I won't talk about anything."

King Yan Luo raised his eyebrows.

Although I haven't seen each other for many years, everyone has contact information. King Yan Luo saw what Feng Li posted in the group, and he seemed to live very well abroad.

From the situation just now, it is not as good as Feng Li said in the group, at least that Australian woman's scolding of Feng Li does not have a little respect.

"Well, you say." King Yan Luo listened carefully.

"Those in the group, half true and half false, life here in Australia is not as tired as our domestic, so depressed, and can make a lot of money, but other people's countries are ultimately other people's countries. There is no status, this will be known after you have a job here. "Feng Li said.

"How do you say?" King Yan Luo was puzzled.

"Do you remember when we went from a small village to a big city, those people in the city looked down upon us?" Feng Li asked.

"I remember." King Yan Luo nodded.

This is the kind of contempt, so that King Yan Luo insisted on staying in the city.

"Beijing and Shanghai are particularly serious, aren't they? They don't look down on the people in the countryside, they look down on all the foreigners." Feng Li said.

King Yan Luo nodded and lived in Shanghai. This kind of feeling is very deep. This was exactly the case at least a few years ago, but it is now gone.

"That's it. If you compare it, you will know how much foreigners will be discriminated against after you work, especially our hosters without a residence permit." Feng Li said.

In movies and TV shows, some social networking sites always say how high the quality abroad, how foreigners respect people, and how foreigners are educated.

These are **** to Feng Li!

When you think about it with your ass, you should know that there is unique discrimination between cities, not to mention that nationality, race, beliefs, and identity are completely incompatible. In their eyes, you are a bunch of pollution that has occupied a certain block. Their urban environment has reduced the quality of their garbage!


Yes, they know how to respect people, but only if they treat you as someone.

Before you have any special skills to make them commendable, and no ability to make them willing to sign a contract with you, like this group of Chinese who came to their country to do the lowest level work, is a group of people who have invaded into the territory of others without quality and cultivation. Dirty mice and street gangsters are too lazy to report to the police, wasting their coffee time!

"Lao Yan, we all live in the world is nothing but the whole face. I'll tell you this when you come. It is really a hit, but there is no other way. Anyway, we work here, and if we make enough money, we will go back. It's a lot of anger, it's looked down, it's a lot of wit, no one knows us, and when we go back, we are the grandfather with a small villa in our hometown! "Feng Li said, patting on the shoulder of King Yan Luo.

King Yan Luo had no idea what to say at this time.

When I met Feng Li in the past, he would rush to the man who scolded and fought him to look down on your white eyes. After a few years, he was beyond recognition, which made King Yan Luo really not know what to say.

King Yan Luo and Feng Li went back without chatting for a long time ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Feng Li sent King Yan Luo halfway, looking at King Yan Luo's low look, and he felt a little unhappy.

Is it that I have said something that I shouldn't say too early, but these things should have been known early.

I walked on the way back. Feng Li was also very worried. When he turned around the corner, he suddenly saw a billboard.

"E-sports World Tour will be held the day after tomorrow?" Feng Li's eyes turned.

For several years, I have never touched e-sports again, and I do n’t know what e-sports is like. I did n’t expect e-sports to have a world tour.

"Buy a ticket the day after tomorrow, please ask Lao Yan to watch the game. The League of Legends is quite hot. He should have fun and would like to watch it." "Lao Yan, don't blame your brother for speaking so white, in others's We really do n’t have any status in the country. When I was young, I was stupid and wanted to die and live. Now ... I do n’t know how much this thing is worth. ”Feng Li said to himself.

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