Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 718: How many times exactly?

While talking, Yiqin had begun sound editing and re-recorded a passage to correct a misunderstanding of his own.

"Yes, can you pay me?" Yu Luosheng said.

After all, the understanding of the game is that Yu Luosheng is much higher than Yiqin.

I listened to my corrections this way, and I hope she would save a lot of time, because she did n’t really play professional leagues. To understand the player ’s operation intention, she needed to check the information, and even asked many people for their opinions.

However, in terms of technology and consciousness, Yu Luosheng, who has an absolute right to speak, can clearly tell Yiqin that he hasn't done it professionally and missed some wonderful things.

Yu Luosheng understands that he does not have a good voice to attract the audience, nor does he have a good way of expression, so that the audience can watch the entire dull game video as if listening to a story, but what he can do is very direct Pointed out technical problems, which saved Yiqin a lot of time.

Just so many of the videos made by Yiqin are resources that I haven't seen before, and some wonderful must-see videos.

The whole video is done, it is very late, the flames of the fireplace are gone, and the whole room seems a bit cold.

"Yeah, you're done." Yiqin stretched a lazy waist and made a nasty whisper.

"Hurry up and go to bed. Now you are still young and staying up all night without affecting the beauty. In a few years, you will have to cover your nagging with a lot of cosmetics." Yu Luosheng said.

"You saved me more than an hour of time," Yiqin said.

恩 "Well, so you go to sleep for an hour." Yu Luosheng said.

"I'm not used to it. Why don't I give it to you for more than an hour?" Yiqin said very teasingly, especially the lazy tone. It was like saying that for more than an hour, you want to do to others Do whatever you want.

Yu Luosheng yawned and was cheated once. He would not believe this sly woman anymore. There should be trust between people, but once cheated, there should be no illusions. Yu Luosheng never felt that he was a person with a long memory.

"Come to my house for a drink?" Yiqin continued to ask.

"..." Yu Luosheng remained indifferent.

看来 "It looks like I'm going to enjoy it alone."

"Did New York get a taxi so late?" Yu Luosheng asked.

"Hehe!" Yiqin smiled coldly.

Yu Luosheng really wanted to give himself a slap. Paralysis was so fooled. Where did the bold ambitions just go, he didn't know restraint when he was abroad, it was too futile!

"Well, are all of you boys?" Yiqin asked.

"No, there should be more reliable men than me." Yu Luosheng justified.

"You are sincere." Yiqin smiled.

"I'm an honest bad guy!" Yu Luosheng felt himself much taller suddenly. My heart was sweating secretly, so dangerous, I almost exposed my unconscious heart!

There is a saying like this, if you say that a female college student goes to the stage at night, it sounds so shameless, but you say that a young lady insists on going to college every day during the day, and it is full of positive energy all at once.

So Yu Luosheng feels that he cannot be a hypocrite gentleman, and he must be an honest bad guy!

This is the difference between high and low EQ!

"I want to comment on the Olympic finals. Do you think I am qualified?" Yiqin asked suddenly.

"It's enough, no one is more suitable for your commentary than you." Yu Luosheng nodded. Not all women love esports from the heart, and not all women are willing to spend an entire beauty time on esports to make an unpaid video. "Then you will be there, right, just like the S League." Yiqin continued to ask.

"It will definitely be there. The World Tour is still open to those in e-sports. Only entering the Olympics is the sight of everyone." Yu Luosheng said with certainty.

At this time, Yiqin and Yu Luosheng are the same, they both want to prove their love deeply.

The world tour is a good preparation, but the Olympic final is the ultimate goal. It can make those **** old antiques understand that the world is changing. Do n’t use the old eyes and your stubbornness to shatter the dream of the younger generation Keep yourselves safe, follow the flow, sorry, we can't do it, we have to spread wings like a eagle, or we must crush our bones or look down at the horizon!

"Someone works hard together, so I don't want to give up." Yiqin said in a low voice. Yiqin hugged his little pillow and curled up on his sofa like a kitten. Regardless of whether the man talking to himself is a hypocrite or an honest villain, he is always a person who moves himself. In the s league, no one will forget that scene. After encountering such injustice, he sat down fiercely, venting his inner mania and anger with shocking five kills!

He is like a knight riding a dark horse in a chaotic society. He is not like a white horse knight who cannot tolerate a little sand, and he is not like a **** knight. The injustice appeared, and then used his sword to cut and kill the blood path that he thought was right.

That game was so exciting and moving that I wanted to hiss and scream for tears!

This kind of mental shock is my job, my family, and my friends cannot give it at all.

If there is such a person willing to stand in front of herself, she feels that she will never shake her heart, and she can work very hard and firmly in this direction, no longer feel lonely and helpless, no longer feel the road vast.

I talked and chatted and finally got sleepy. Yu Luosheng turned off the computer and climbed up to his bed. He was a little tired but fell asleep with something in his heart.

Ji Yiqin was still lying on the sofa, and fell asleep with a headset.

Her exquisite body was wrapped in a fluffy blanket, and she slept like this, the computer was still on, and the whole room was lit, including some corners of the room that were not going to be bright.

Uh ...

Uh ...

Laughter of children, the sound of snowballs hitting walls and the ground, adults scolding, and some melodious music ...

Yu Luosheng opened his eyes and passed away. I can't remember if it's morning or afternoon, and I can't tell what day it is today. Some even forget why they were lying in an unfamiliar room and listening to the incomprehensible language. After being confused for a long time, Yu Luosheng finally realized that his tm was in the United States!

"Hey hey, to be honest, last night" "Did you?" An unhappy laugh came from the door of the house. You don't need to look at Yu Luosheng to know that this insignificant voice must be from the stuffy Lin Dong.

"Is it interesting? If you have time to ask me about the situation, you might as well find a girlfriend so that Da Luo is not too tired." Yu Luosheng yelled back.

"Your mother!" Lin Dong really served Yu Luosheng this vicious woman!

"What time is it now?" Yu Luosheng asked.

"Two in the afternoon, US time," Lin Dong said.

"Oh, okay, have you started training?" Yu Luosheng continued to ask.

没有 "No, the coach said that today there is no training, let everyone adjust their mental state, everyone will start training in the afternoon and evening starting tomorrow." Lin Dong said.

"Well, it's humane."

"Yu Luosheng, don't pretend, say it quickly, pleased? How many times?"

"Cool your sister, can you be so embarrassing?"

"Second shot? Also, you have little experience."


Luo Yusheng didn't bother to care about silly driving Lin Dong, found the sink, and met Da Luo with a sneer on his face.

I didn't wait for Da Luo to feel uncomfortable, and several times, Yu Luosheng slammed the bathrooms shut. Is it a brain disability? This is not something, you have to think about unhealthy places.

Shuang Mao, chat all night!

烦 When your mood is upset, I'm still annoying your father!

完 After washing, Yu Luosheng felt that the whole person was much refreshed, and I hope that I can roughly adjust the time today.

Looking downstairs, Yu Luosheng saw Zhou Yan.

"Don't drink tea?" Zhou Yan asked.

Yu Luosheng nodded.

Look, look, it's still old Zhou, and won't ask Lin Dong and Da Luo to ask that kind of thing!

Yan Zhouyan brewed a cup of tea, handed it to Yu Luosheng, and then said without squinting: "If you add some kidney tonic, you are beautiful and you can do what you can."


Yu Luosheng sipped a tea on the table.

Ji Zhou Yan smiled coldly, tacitly clapping with Lin Dong and Da Luo.

"I'm an upright person." Yu Luosheng said.

"Unless you are incompetent."

给 "Give you a plastic bag, and you'll pack it."


Nian Daluo, Lin Dong, and Zhou Yan were killed and they would not believe what Yu Luosheng said he was an upright person ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Everyone is a man, there is nothing to pretend.

Alas, it ’s so enviable. I heard that there is always a lot of love around a powerful man. It turned out to be true. I did n’t expect that Yu Luosheng, who had trained for more than ten years, had a sudden attack. It is the goddess level that I did not dare to expect before.

It ’s so maddening to compare people to others. Lin Dong, Da Luo, and Zhou Yan are all single. There is no sister paper. Yu Luosheng's fool is already beautiful. If you think about it, the female admirers who want to give this guy a monkey now have to grow dragons around the Summoner Canyon two times. Even if he still has a little bit of humanity, he has never tried these blind sisters, otherwise The guy must walk and feed the dog, have you considered the feelings of our group of single dogs? (If you have a monthly ticket, please come to me, don't embarrass other books! We can fight to win the top of the monthly ticket list. Such an 18-layer **** is ready to bear as a man! So any monthly ticket will come to me, I will frown ...)

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