Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 105: Deadly, POKE Tactics

"Blood carving god, you seem to have not spoken for a while, I remember you said at the beginning, the Fudan team is a bit special in the lineup, I don't know what the special point you said?" Qi Qiao asked.

"Well, you will know in about 20 minutes." Zhao Tinghua said.

The battle is very anxious, the head ratios on both sides are not much different, and the battle between the dragons is also very fierce.

The team economy will not be much different. The main advantage is that there are as many as 40 high starting strips for Phoenix on Lindong Middle Road.

In 20 minutes, 210 soldiers were swiped. This ability to swipe money was really terrifying.

As the defensive tower on the lower side was pushed off, the battle gradually shifted to the middle.

It can be clearly noticed that the future guardian Jess of the Fudan team frequently appears in the middle.

Opening an e-acceleration door, the entire acceleration and attack speed, the tower's speed was flying fast, when the lm team had not responded, suddenly the tower was demolished, and was immediately forced to 2 towers! !!

"Lost !!!!!!!"

A laser acceleration door suddenly appeared, and the light energy gun flew straight out of it, banging heavily on the members of the lm team.

Lin Dong's phoenix and Da Luo Kenan's blood were inexplicably consumed by a third!

Mystery she hit!

Izerel ’s q kept flying, and after coming out of the ice spring, as long as he hit the player, it would be 0 for 1 second, and Lin Siyong ’s q secret technique was very accurate. The health of everyone in the team is running out.


"Don't let the soldiers come over," Da Luo said calmly.

As soon as the line came over, Jace was a speeding gate, and five people could knock the tower down in a flash.

However, even if there is a hero such as Phoenix on the lm who is very fast at clearing troops, Lin Dong's blood is consumed very low, and he is afraid to stand in front easily.

If the passive is gone before the war begins, the team battle will be more difficult to fight.

"This can't be beat, our blood is too low." Lin Dong frowned.

The team battle has not yet begun, Jess's bombardment skills, Izerel's infinite mystic she strikes, clockwork demon's magic ball, blind monk's q-

All sorts of long-range skills flew like guns and bullets, and kept hitting them.

The five of them guarded the tower. No matter how windy they were, some people would be hit by their skills. They were originally full and exhausted, so few people were in good condition.

In this case, they did not dare to fight first.

If you don't start, you will be consumed by the opponent, and you will have to go home to supply blood.

Once someone went home to replenish their blood, they pushed the tower immediately, and the speed of demolishing the tower was so fast!

The two towers on the middle road were directly consumed in this way, and the lm Shunji, which originally had some advantages, fell into the disadvantage.

Soon after, the upper tower was unplugged.

The Fudan team directly entered the 2 towers on the road, and still adopted the tactics consumed before the team battle. They did not press the HP of lm until they had enough victory to win, they would never open a team.

"Daluo, forcing the group to open up, you can't consume them!" Lin Dong glanced at everyone's blood and said to Daluo.

Da Luo nodded, and walked around from the side!

Flashed across the wall, directly opened the Thunder's big move, and suddenly lightning raged, forming a terrible ring of thunder around Da Luo's Kenan!

Kenan who started the big move is a head bomb, terrifying, and the manic thunder swept through! !!

"Kenan flashed to open the group, indeed, the lm team can no longer consume with them!" Qi Qiao said. "Zizzi ~~~~~ Lightning and thunder, Da Luo's Kenan entered the enemy army." Ah! !! !! !! The blind monk with Bruce Lee's skin shouted loudly, and when Kai Nanwan drilled into their hinterland, he kicked his face fiercely.

Da Luo's Kenan flew with the kicked blood, and his small body flew out!

The whole ring of thunder also moved away from the five Fudan team with Kenan's backward flight, and the five-man Fudan team broke away from the danger of being controlled!


This kick of the blind monk was very marrow, and countless people in the field made a booing noise.

The most terrible thing about this hero of Kainan, the hero of violentness, is that he has a great deal of damage, not to mention the horror of injuries. Once he has performed a good move, it must be a rhythm.

This step of the blind monk directly abolished all of Kainan's offensives.

And without such a big move as Kainan, the lm team simply did not have a qualified front row to withstand the wave of horrific injuries that broke out of Fudan University! !!

The lm team's team economy was already behind, and it was such an unfavorable start. After a chaotic team battle, the people of the lm team quickly died!



"Jace three kills, a beautiful shelling, the spider is already a very weird move, but in the end, it still did not escape Jess's soul chasing shell!"

A call rang out in the field. Fans cheering on the Fudan team saw the big victory of the Fudan team and shouted excitedly! 2 for 4! Fudan University only died in the auxiliary, ap, and lm teams. All Xiaobei's cannons were awful and died.

Xiaobei can't stand the 2 towers on the road at all.

The tragic defeat of this regiment has completely established the advantages of Fudan University. The team economy has been as much as 7,000 ahead. In addition, all buffs have fallen into their hands, and the subsequent team battles have become more difficult to fight!

The result of such a backward team economy is that even if Ronaldo's Kenan finds a suitable time to start a group, he will eventually lose, and the equipment gap is too great.

The lm team chose to keep the tower, which is a slow death rhythm.

Jess whispered, black cut, magic cut, such a luxurious equipment bombarded a person at will, only two-thirds of the health left!

You must know that the lineup of the lm team has no front row at all, and only the spiders who can carry damage slightly are the other four people who are blasted once or twice, basically playing home, and being pushed to the tower as soon as they return home, economic advantage Continue to be pulled away ...

"This lineup ... This lineup of the Fudan team is perfect. Is this the true strength of Fudan University? Did the blood carving gods see it from the beginning, so it will be known after 20 minutes. What's going on? "Qi Qiao asked a little emotionally.

After Fudan University came out with such a lineup and such tactics, it was really amazing. Before 20 minutes, you must know that the three lines of the lm team are almost small.

But for a large group, the lm team seemed to be abolished, and was thoroughly beaten by Fudan University. The final fight was close to the group and the defense was consumed ...

"Classic tactics," Blood Eagle said.

"Can the Blood Carving God explain to us all the meaning of this tactic?" Qi Qiao asked the situation.

"It refers to the consumption of multiple long-range skills. The more classic heroes are Lax, Jess, Iserell, Blast Ghost, Mantis, Clockwork, etc ... When more than three heroes of this type appear in a lineup, Then obviously this is the tactic. "

"It is obvious in the lineup of the Fudan team that there are three main forces, one Jess, one Iserel, and one clockwork demon. In addition to these three main forces, the most indispensable in the lineup is a strong The person who opened the group and broke the strong group, this person is the key person in their lineup-the blind monk! "

"What the team is most afraid of is being forced to open the group. They consume a lot of power, which means that their large group burst is not strong, and they are extremely afraid of strong breakthroughs and strong group openings. It can be said that Kennan of the lm team is the biggest for them Threat. However, the existence of the blind monk solved the problem of opening the group very well. As long as Kainan rushed forward, the blind monk kicked him out, which is the story of the team battle just now. "

"Coupled with the assistance of a group control backhand, once this lineup enters this stage, it will be very horrible, completely like a mobile ultra-long-range laser castle ..."

"Now the gap between the team economy is about 7,000. Once the economy reaches 10,000, then any tactics and coordination can be ignored. It is completely the crushing of equipment. This game can also end there."

"This tactic first appeared in South Korea. Fudan University is still relatively unfamiliar. If it is used by the top teams in South Korea, you will find what is helpless and waiting."

Blood Ting Zhao Tinghua very professionally gave this tactic to Tao.

Qi Qiao listened a little, and she did not expect that there is such a perfect tactic in the League of Legends. Imagine that if they encountered such a tactical system when they were usually ranked, they would not be able to parry it.

The lm team apparently didn't realize this, leading to continuous collapse of towers, and eventually became extremely passive.

"So is the lm team going to lose? I feel that this tactic is seamless and cannot be cracked at all." Qiqiao said.

"Kenan's choice is actually a mistake. It is better to choose a stone man. The stone man's ability to open a group is the strongest in the League of Legends. The most important thing is that the stone man in armor can stand in front of the team and use passive Come to stop Jace's bombardment, this system will be weakened a lot, but unfortunately the lm team is too tender, and lost half when it was selected. "Zhao Tinghua said.

"Okay ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ It seems that the lm team does not have enough experience. Looking at this situation, the hope of winning is not great. Such a lineup is indeed ..." Qi Qiao said.

In the background, Yu Luosheng's mood was also very low.

The use of this tactic by Fudan University is very sudden. Yu Luosheng has seen it when watching foreign competitions, but it is not as complete as the one used by Fudan University. Yes, there are broken groups and strong open groups. ...

To make matters worse, it is really difficult to open up the situation of the lm team's lineup. Da Luo's Kenan must be staring at the blind monk.

80% of this game is about to lose.

Yu Luosheng was not arrogant, he knew very well that almost no one in the lm team could crack the opponent's tactical system!

(I went to yy yesterday and suddenly found out that we have a messy women's team in the Chaos League. There are dozens of adorable girls. The older sister is still the adorable 'Wentong' sister paper, wow. Bazaar Black! Inside, the women's team seems to have a male guardian knight, Han Zhi, otaku, local tyrants, [] silks, Uncle Luan can only help you here, eh, eh, who is the knight, really Hard to say, hehe ~~)

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