Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 104: Personal strength of the LM team!

?? "Oh, everyone wants to know the information of the ln team. This requires everyone to wait a moment. Our staff is searching for their information. Due to the change of pankr, we need to go to the previous version to find ..." Qiqiao said .

The strength of the ln team is shown there. It is impossible to be an obscure team. The strength of each member is particularly strong. It must be very outstanding in the ranking system.

"Our guide has sent the information of Lone Gull, the player."

"Wow, it's a bit amazing," Qi Qiao exclaimed.

"Gu Gu, Dianyi ranks up to 19, and has been a single-level player for thousands of years. I don't know if there are players in the high-end ranking of Dianyi. Then this big single must be very familiar to you, and Very dreadful and awesome? "

Yandian ranked 19th in the top row, which is already in the top field, and it is not an exaggeration to call it the top 5 of the national service.

"Blood carving gods should also have ranked in the national costume. I don't know if I have encountered this player named Gu Gu?" Qi Qiao asked.

"Several times, he basically did not dare to spring out in the opponent's game." Zhao Tinghua said lightly.

"Isn't the Blood Carving God squatting without a brain?" Qi Qiao asked.

"Almost." Zhao Tinghua said.

Luo Daluo was wearing headphones. He did not hear Zhao Tinghua's taunts on him.

Qi Qiqiao also wanted to dig up some information about Da Luo. At this time, the picture of the game has jumped out.

The picture slowly spreads out and fills the entire big screen.

On the big screen, both teams quickly purchased equipment and went out neatly.

The ln team still adheres to the defensive field and is guarded at several key intersections.

Fudan team had learned the last lesson 丨 did not dare to invade the wild area of ​​ln team.

The two sides began the regular start and went directly into the line-up period.

Just now introduced both players on the road, and the director also deliberately cut the perspective to the confrontation between the two players on the single.

The future guardian Jess is not strong at the first level.After the upgrade, he has doubled his skills.You can see that the beer players are very skilled in the use of the future guardian. The change of form and the use of skills are unknown. Jue even hit some blood advantage.

"Daluo, control the amount of blood." Zhou Yan's spider slowly sneaked behind the stone wall.

The junglers on both sides have not been changed. Fudan University is a blind monk, and Inr is still the Queen of Spiders.

Luo Daluo used Kenan. When he was in the ranks, Jess lost a lot of his blood, and now he has to take a step back.

Seeing Zhou Yan coming, Da Luo nodded slightly.

He knows that controlling the blood volume mentioned by Zhou Yan is not to take medicine to add up the blood volume, but to control the blood volume so that it will not be taken away by the opponent, but it can also seduce the opponent to hit the wild and make a strong shot. The amount of blood killed.

"嚯 哈"

The big Luo's Kainan turned into a thunderball and rolled over the line, keeping a certain distance from Jess, the future guardian.

一 As soon as this action was done, Da Luo and Zhou Yan simultaneously smelled a dangerous smell

交 Once the displacement skills are crossed, it must be the time when the opponent is going to shoot.

The road is a good one-way road, but it is also the deepest road.You never know if there is a person standing behind the other person, nor will you know if there is another person who is squatting when you think the other person is only one person.


A bombardment, instantly switching the form, the weapon of the future guard Jess turned into a thunder hammer

He jumped up, flipped the front somersault, and slammed the laser hammer on Da Luo's Kenan's head.

The moment when he struck Kenan, the future guardian Jess flashed directly behind the big Luo Kenan, and Shi launched a p-thunder blow, and forced Kenan back with a fierce hammer against Kenan's back.

The speed of this cāo work is very fast, and it is completed in less than 1 second.

Da Luo almost didn't think about it, he used the flash directly at the moment he was shot back.


In the grass, the blind monk suddenly appeared, and his palms slammed on the ground.

Unfortunately, Da Luo's response flashed quickly. If he was shot, not only the loss of blood, but the terrible slowdown and deceleration effect would be fatal.

"Yeah, really squatting behind" Zhou Yan snorted coldly, the skilled incarnation was in the form of a spider

Flying to the sky

Zhou Yan's Spider Queen rushed to the future guardian, and a set of skills hit the future guardian Jess.

The third-level spider has u skills, and this set of hits will leave little health for the future guardian Jess, and at this time, Da Luo put on the future guard Jess to ignite

"After the beer Jess's skilled form switches cāo work, the ln team's wild spiders also showed an amazing cāo work, first approach, after switching out all the spider's skills, quickly switch to the chéngrén form and then take a set of skills"

Both sides played a wild game at this time. After flashing the future guardian Jess who was glued by red hhpp, there was basically no hope of escape.

Da Luo's Kenan has previously used a thunder ball to trick the opponent into an attack.After flashing, he is still kicked by the blind monk, and there is basically no possibility of survival.

The first blood was born, and it was Zhou Yan's wild spider that got the first blood.

Almost at the same time, the blind monk of the Fudan team kicked Kena of Da Luo, and the last trace of blood of Da Luo Kenan was burned to death by the future guard Jess, and his head was taken by Jess

The first blood and the second blood broke out at the same time, and the dead were all on the order.

For a while, the road became two hhpp junglers with double hgs to play against each other, and no one dared to shoot with the other side having full skills.

"The blind monk kicks in q, very jīng indeed"

"Spiders dodged the second period of damage from the blind monk q, beautiful"

Zhou Zhouyan's hand speed was amazing. The previous second was still human form. After being kicked by the blind monk, he instantly turned into spider form. When the blind monk kicked the second q, he was directly immune to his second damage.

Landing is a set of skills. The blind monk uses the golden bell cap to move to the back of the soldier.

The Spider Queen and the blind monk are heroes with u skills at the third level. The series of cāo works just really dazzled, it seems that the sharp swords of two masters are constantly piercing the opponent. It was extremely thrilling to hide, neither side bleed

The collision on the road was so unwilling to blink, the confrontation between the ice bird in the middle of the forest and the clockwork demon Olianna was clearly reflected.

Relying on a passive, Lin Dong's ice bird turned out to be extremely strong in the early stage, and the frequency of skill use was very high.

I was only at the third level, and the two aps were spelled out of blue.

On the aspect of a, the clockwork demon Oriana is more passive than the ice bird, but Lin Dong is not afraid and still matches him.

霖 Huang Lin of Fudan University finally seems to be unable to endure the sāo disturbance of the ice bird, directly igniting Lin Dong's ice bird, plus a set of skills

He added a flat bird to Lin Dong's ice bird's blood and was emptied into a bird's egg.

"Pretty, Huang Lin of Fudan University has made the Phoenix passive, can you kill it?" Qiqiao said.

"Fudan's ap is simple." Zhao Tinghua said lightly.

He asked puzzledly, "Why do you say that?"

"He doesn't have blue. How about hitting the ice bird passively, did you kill it with a flat a? And the ice bird had no blood or blue just now, let alone use the skills and ignition to hit this passive, because a few seconds In time, the ice bird's blood will increase, and the blue volume will be full. How does a clockwork demon without blue and blood go to align with a lit and stateful ice bird? "Zhao Tinghua said.

As a result of such an analysis by Zhao Tinghua, Qi Qiao suddenly realized.

Sure enough, even if Lin Dong was beaten passive, the poor attack of the clockwork demon could not defeat his passiveness. Instead, he saw that the ice bird was about to resurrect, and the clockwork demon had to roll far away.

Brother Xin chūn, broken shell and reborn

Lin Dong smiled, looked at half of his blood and full of blue, and pushed the line without hesitation.

Pressing the line of soldiers under the tower, the clockwork demon is even more uncomfortable, and it is very dangerous to recruit troops under the tower with his health.

As a last resort, the Clockwork Demon can only abandon this wave of soldiers and return to the city to supply.

"The strength of the middle single player of the ln team is equally amazing. At the beginning, he relied on passive and clockwork monsters, and then used two lives to play an advantage ... If I remember correctly, it seems that in 5 games, ln The team ’s ap Tianyan played an advantage in the middle ... ”

"In the past, considering the information of the players on both sides, I did not read out the personal information of the players on both sides. Here our guide once again sent the information of the single ap player in the ln team."

五 Five consecutive innings have suppressed the Fudan University ’s ap. This strength is already very obvious, and many people have begun to pay attention to the information of team members.

I just happened to explain that Qi Qiao was going to say it, which was exactly what they wanted.

"Single Tianyan in the team, the famous high-end passer-by in the US service ranks. Some of our friends who played in the US service provided information that Tianyan once broke into the US service hero altar and appeared on the homepage of the US service. His name belongs to the non-professional players who make foreign professional players very respectful ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Maybe everyone does not know something about the heroic altar of the US service. How to say, this heroic altar is equivalent to our national service. Heroes list, including the ids of the most powerful players in the server's strongest positions "

"Oh, in addition, the US service is not the same as our national service. They only have one server. Unlike us with so many zones, everyone can know what this heroic altar means."

After Qi Qiao read this message, he was also very surprised

Ln team members' personal information is very amazing, because these honors are basically not available to many professional players

No wonder you can suppress Fudan University's lineup players for four consecutive games. If you can give them more time to run in and cooperate, this team must be more dazzling in the field.

不 (do n’t remind everyone, everyone did n’t steal áo ?? Kidney buys apples, no need? 嗷嗷 嗷, hurry up and send a recommendation ticket to Uncle Ran Ha, the top right corner of the page is not original, and also quickly cast)

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