Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 1010: Not offend a woman

The emergence of female players has caused a sensation in e-sports around the world, and the impact on major countries has been extremely shocking.

Over in Japan, madmen, Motokawa, and Qiu Minghui and others were sitting at the scene of the game. They looked at the standing female player on the stage, who had a smirk on their faces who knew not to be surprised.

"I can't laugh anymore. The Chinese national team Qianqi donkeys are poor. I know I can't beat the Canadian Karen Carter with the original team, so I made such a player out. Is it for everyone to sell cute?" The man laughed.

Qiu Minghui stared at Qian Meng for a long time, and vaguely wondered whether this woman was a mysterious ad that appeared in the Chinese national team.

But thinking about it again and again, he resolutely shook his head.How can there be female players stronger than the world-class players in this world, it is never possible, to put it plainly, China is crazy, they have chosen to give in and let this name The female players are estimated to be a means of propaganda for the women's team in the later stage.

"The chick is pretty good, and the technique is probably very good." Motokawa said with a smile.

"How powerful female players can be," the madman said with disdain.

Yuanchuan Yihe immediately showed a wicked smile, saying: "I mean another technique, otherwise how could she play in today's game, does China always have a latent rule?"

Upon hearing the same insignificant auxiliary ear man, he laughed cheaply and nodded desperately.

"Xia Yingxing, what's going on, how can there be female players in the e-sports team? Are you showing the world a joke?" Leaders Xu Kai, a Chinese e-sports team, said .

Zhong Nan, Xu Kai, and Zhu Yuerong are the same as Xia Yingxing.They are in charge of the e-sports team.Among them, Zhong Nan has always maintained contact with Xia Yingxing. Wherever the e-sports team needs government support, it needs national names. At that time, Xia Yingxing would directly discuss with Zhong Nan.

This time, the idea of ​​combining the China-Canada competition with the Magic City Arena exhibition was also approved by Zhong Nan and the Shanghai government.

Zhong Nan has appeared very few times. He is more like the back of a gaming team sitting on the government side.

The other two people, Xu Kai and Zhu Yuerong, were also important men dispatched, but after they appeared once on the day of the establishment of the Chinese e-sports team, they basically lost contact with the entire e-sports team.

The two are considered to be posts, but in Xia Yingxing's view, they have not fulfilled their duties and obligations at all. If this event was not directly linked to the Shanghai government, it would directly affect the Olympic tickets. Maybe the two big Buddhas would still not appear.

"I have no obligation to explain to you." Xia Yingxing said coldly.

Xia Yingxing didn't need to be polite to two guys who were holding feather feather arrows but did nothing practical.

"As far as I know, the female player is our sister Xia Daqianjin. Even if the e-sports event is only a small Olympic event, Xia Daqianjin's negligently engaging in nepotism is too much." Zhu Yuerong smiled and smiled. Said.

Xia Yingxing looked at these two guys who hadn't really put the esports team in their eyes since the beginning, it really felt like they were being laughed at.

They don't know how much they know about eSports teams before they can say such things. Could it be that the reports they have done summed up and handed them over without even looking at them?

The end of the return clearly describes the situation of Xia Yuli, and shows that the Japanese team's performance in that game was even better than the existing ad. In addition, the time of the female player originally caused some minor disturbances ... … So much information about e-sports, Zhu Yuerong and Xu Kai didn't even know it at all, and followed the coquettish people to question themselves ...

Forget it, there isn't much to say about working with this kind of people, they just know that they can take credit for themselves.

Maybe just now the two of them have taken the opportunity to take part in their own books with several leaders.

There was a terrible doubt engulfed inside and outside the field, and other women might have already retreated from three-pointers under such eyes.

Qian Meng turned a blind eye to all this.

The players began to take their seats, preparing for the game.

The members of Canada hardly left their eyes, and they were very interested in shallow dreams.

The single Brown seems to be particularly interested in a Oriental woman like Xuemeng, who accidentally exposed his casual flirty. After the player crossed the table, the guy whistleed at Qianmeng with unscrupulous eyes. Look at Qianmeng's figure from top to bottom.

"This **** teased us about Diablo Athena and see if I wouldn't beat you." Da Luo heard Brown's teasing whistle, and he was upset.

Protecting Athena is their sacred mission for these saints. Whoever dares to be frivolous must kill it directly.

"Canadian players, please pay attention to your behavior." The referee said in English.

"Master, we don't mean to be provocative. After all, it is a flower in the green sea of ​​our e-sports. My player just couldn't help but sigh, nothing else." Coach George laughed immediately. The vice looks casual.

Brown is an unconcerned look. There is a clear statement in the eSports player specification that he cannot challenge the player, but he does not say that rogues are allowed to look at female players.

The referee is really not good at saying anything. It can't be said that others whistling at a female player is provocation.

"It's not provocation, it's provocation," Brown explained with a smile.

This sentence suddenly made other Canadians laugh. Coach George Bald, Bendan, Shane Yuehanlin, and twin brothers were amused by Brown's remarks.

Provisions must not be provocative, but they are not said to be provocative

"Mom, they are too much," Da Luo said angrily.

"Do you understand English?" Xie Lianda asked with an eyebrow raised.

"I don't understand, but if you look at their thief smiling, you must be saying something shameless." Da Luo's intuition is very sensitive, because the few smiles in Canada made it clear that he and Lin Dong were discussing a girl Kinky in the body

Xia Yuli, however, was very familiar with English. She had just heard all the words just now, and she looked up at the Canadian members with her frozen eyes.

"It seems our beauty can understand our language. Hello, I am Brown. Although we are opponents, I am a compassionate person. I hope you can see me as a romantic factor after the game. Be my friend. "Brown went on.

"Brown, I think you can open up a bigger condition. If she is willing to interact with you, this game will be given to the Chinese national team to win. I think this can capture the beauty of the beauty instantly, ah, the Chinese team. It's so smart. I speculate that Li Tuchuan will use various methods to defeat our players, but I did not expect that Li Tuchuan used this trick, beauties, to psychologically trap our players. Look at our Brown, already obsessed. "George laughed loudly.

The words of bald George caused Canadian members to laugh too much to face the media normally.

Brown thought for a while and thought: "If I really want to associate with me, I can do this. Anyway, the outcome of this game has no effect on us, even if I accept the worldwide infamy, I am willing to sink. Willing to do the trick, really. "

The referee listened to Canada's ridicule of Chinese female players, and wanted to speak to stop but could not find appropriate regulations, but shook his head helplessly.

Xia Yuli's eyes did not look away. She watched Canadian members and the general audience with the same contempt and mockery, and replied in English indifferently: "I'm not interested in ordinary people."

Qian Meng has been ranked in the US service, national service, and Hanbok, ranking very high.

And she has played League of Legends for so long, countless people have asked her to add friends, and many of them are world-class professional players.

However, it was still single digits in her friend list.

After hearing Qian Meng's answer, Yu Luosheng guessed the meaning of her words in her superficial high school English, and twitched.

When she first met Qian Meng in the ranking for the first time and then joined her team, she requested to add friends, but as a result, she was not a bird herself ...

It was until the time of helping Da Luo to win the streak, she lost to her, but led the team to victory, and she reluctantly added her own friends. How much she plus a friend

I can see that Brown is really interested in Xia Yuli, but Xia Yuli ’s response is as always: sorry, you are not qualified enough

"Ha ha ha, ha ha ha bro Brown, my bro brown, you are despised by a woman. As the top three player in North America, the world ranking also counts as one of the top five world-class players. You have also been despised by women. It ’s time. "Coach George was laughing so hard.

Which of Brown's teammates laughed at each other.

Big Brown is famous and powerful, and it's funny to think of him being looked down upon by a woman like this.

"The strength is mediocre ... the word used to describe me is a bit cruel, but it doesn't matter, the more it will provoke me to fight, the beautiful Oriental girl, I will let you know that my Brown is not a false name." Brown said seriously.

"Okay, okay, the woman's Xiao Aojiao also kicked you back, ready to play, and the woman should go to the government in the roughest and most violent way ... oh, I mean on the playing field, Haha ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Coach George said very cheaply.

Brown and others laughed together. The outcome of this game didn't affect them very much. They seemed relaxed and wanton.

Yu Luosheng stood aside, and now he has a certain sense of English. He half-heared and guessed what Canadians said, and couldn't help but look at the expression of shallow dreams.

Rarely, Yu Luosheng saw a stern look in the eyes of this woman Gujing Bubo.

This kind of sharpness was unintentionally noticed by Yu Luosheng and her in a long-term training match. If she was in her opponent's training position, Yu Luosheng would consciously roll out of the shallow universe of two thousand yards.

Take a moment of silence for Brown, who plays a bit too much ...

Never offend a woman.

(Hold everyone's monthly tickets and recommendation tickets to give us a dark Athena like) ()

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