Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 1009: Title, Suzaku

"Who is Mengmeng?"

"When did the national team have a player named Qian Meng, didn't they play Lin Dong and Bai Feng?"

"I rely on what kind of trouble our national team is making. Such an important game brings the bench on the bench. The show is confident and does not bring such a show. "

There has been a lot of discussion at the scene. The two ads they are familiar with did not play today, which made them somewhat unacceptable.

Finally, the player named Qianmeng came on the field.

Similarly, she was wearing a snow-white and flame-colored uniform, and she walked out of the background lightly, and all the spotlights hit her at once.

Even though the team uniform is sportswear, when the light fell on her, it still set off a beautiful figure for her ...

On this scene, the mouth of the 30,000 viewers who saw the scene for the first time turned into an o-shape.

A special camera was shot, and the player just raised his head slightly, glanced at the special screen, and showed the world her pure and beautiful face, and then maintained the original pace toward the country. The other members of the team went.

But at this moment, the whole noisy arena was silent.

Can you imagine a crowded stadium, crowded with almost no sound? ? ?

Everyone was stunned, everyone's eyes were staring out, everyone was foolish, and for a long time there was no word.

And this scene is not only the 30,000 players and viewers who received the information for the first time, as the live broadcast media transmitted live information to different degrees of delay across the country, such a scene appeared on the entire China map section. The baptism of stunned, and this radiation has not stopped because of national borders, to Japan, to Britain, to the United States, to South Korea, to Canada, to France, to Australia ... every country is doing the same thing, players, players, Narrators, coaches, sponsors, organizers, and project teams can't believe their eyes

Female female

The absp in the Chinese national team; is the heaven and earth, is it dazzling? A female player has appeared in the male-dominated e-sports professional circle

Are you the Chinese national team provoking the bottom line of the world e-sports, sending a female player to play this crucial attack Olympic Games? ? ?

The Chinese national team does not play cards according to the routine. There is a captain who does not play cards according to the routine. There is also a tactical united battle of Li Tuchuan. However, the Chinese national team feels like a fan. Faces of esports fans all over the world ...

This feeling is the same as when fighting a landlord, the opponent suddenly called a "feeling" and then drew a piece from the discarded card and shouted in his own card: "blurred"

In the back-office position, coach George, who was holding a cup of Chinese Tieguanyin tea, suddenly squirted the tea out in one breath.

"Cough, cough, cough"

"Coach, are you okay." The Karen Carter twin brothers hurried to ask.

Coach George busily waved: "It's okay, it's okay, I was just scared by the Chinese national team's behavior."

"What the **** is the Chinese national team doing? Send a female player out, did you give up the resistance?" Bener, who hit the middle, said.

Sending a female player to play, what is the difference between giving up the game directly, the female player will sell cute, coquettish, begging, begging ... in the qualifying match, what else can you do?

Similarly, Ye Yehan Hanlin and Ben's views are the same. The strongest female player he has ever seen allows her to win with one hand.

"The Chinese national team is presumably nervous." Coach George laughed.

Except for the explanation of insanity, the bald George could never think of anything to make the Chinese national team send a female player to play.

"Perhaps they just want to change their style of play. After all, their downside is not our opponent, and we are naturally restrained." Shangdan Brown said.

"It's useless to change the game. Women are women. They are of no use except to look good. Since they treat our powerful team like Canada with this attitude, we don't need to be polite. Fix them. I know that you have long wanted to fight for the name of Hades, today let this Hades disappear completely in the world-class competition, let people forget him, and only remember our Canadian Karen Carter twins "coach George patted with his left hand Lauren Carter, laughing with her right arm in her arms.

With two babies, Coach George doesn't need to have any worries at all

The Karen Carter twin brothers were also very puzzled at this time, and they really did not know what the Chinese national team was playing.

The question is, is it really useful to send a female player out like this, the male players who can support them for minutes under the attack of both of them can count with one hand, let alone the female player

"Hey, it's actually quite interesting. I still met a female player in a regular game for the first time. Don't rob me, I need to take good care of her and slap her, so that she can make the most beautiful and sharp point before death Scream. "The wretched Benzo smiled in the middle.

"But that's my dish. Do you see her face and figure? I like this oriental beauty the most." Brown, who was singled out, also laughed.

The audience was shocked for a long time, and the whole world felt that the Chinese national team was crazy.

This is probably the only female player who appears in the regular league, and it is this kind of national competition.

No matter how shocked and complained at home and abroad, the Chinese team still uses their next actions to tell everyone that she is the player to play this time.

Qianmeng hardly wears a team uniform.Today is her first time wearing a team uniform.The pure white and flame-colored sportswear originally designed for men had no sense of disobedience on her body, but set off her. It is dusty and elegant.

The silk, which was simply scattered under Qiaorou's shoulders, instantly exposed her gender without any cover.

Today, Qian Meng has no intention of covering up. Her fresh and elegant dress, not afraid of the calmness of the special camera, the calmness when she walked towards the center of the team, and her inherent beauty and elegance, she has already thoroughly exposed her to the world. To show herself is to tell everyone proud that she is a female player

"The whole audience is crazy. Your aura is really not as strong." Yu Luosheng looked at Qian Meng's calm and usual response and whispered to her.

"Um." Qian Meng just responded casually.

"You look pretty like this," Yu Luosheng continued.

This is Yu Luosheng's sincere compliment. The sportswear on Qianmeng has added some youthful vitality to her passive skills, ice and jade body, giving a brand-new beauty, which is particularly comfortable and seductive.

Qianmeng ignored Yu Luosheng, and her gaze swept across the dense crowd at the scene.

She saw the astonished faces of the group of professional players with special seats in the front. She also saw a lot of people talking about herself, and she saw a large group staring at herself with strange smiles.

She knows that this is the case. This field of e-sports only recognizes and permits the existence of men. Once everyone mentions female players, they always have the phrase "there is still a strong one among girls".

I'm sorry that I didn't come here to listen to this kind of false respect. Since I decided to go to war, I will completely tear away my isolation and low-key loneliness in my personality. Like a queen, she wears sharp high-heeled shoes. Walked past this group of generally capable and conscious invincible men, letting them surrender

"Hey, hey, Zhao Tinghua, who is this female player?" In the front row, Xie Yi of the Sky Team asked.

"What is Li Tuchuan doing? Send a woman and just point it out if you want to admit defeat, but that woman looks really pretty." Guan Langjie said.

Zhao Tinghua thought about it for a while, and suddenly remembered what Zhou Yan had mentioned before, and suddenly woke up.

LpLk players still questioned the female player in the ear, but Zhao Tinghua's eyes flashed with light, and she muttered to herself: "I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, even she appeared. The World Tour and the final Olympic finals are becoming more and more interesting. "

"Zhao Tinghua, don't sell off, who is that woman?"

"Didn't Baojun say it when he introduced it?" Zhao Tinghua replied.

"What did he say, he said that this woman's name is Qian Meng, the question is who is Qian Meng ..."

"Do n’t you remember absp, the first passer in the national service; Guan Langjie, who was in the audience, worked hard to recall that the first ad Baifeng and Lin Dong belonged, but Lin Dong and Bai Feng did not actually rank. A person is tall, that person is always in the top ten miles of the national service situation, and he is very powerful

"Fuck, it's him ... he's a woman ????"

Guan Langjie himself is also ad finally remembered the character Qianmeng.

The expression on Guan Langjie's face became weird. If Bai Feng would be the one who would lead him in minutes, then the passerby king would definitely knock his own level in minutes. Guan Langjie has been comforting for a long time Tn is a world-class or top-level absp in a foreign country; who knows that it is not a trumpet at all, it is the cold and dusty woman standing on the stage at this time

"She still has a name." Zhao Tinghua slowly looked at the surprised faces of those around her, adding slowly.

"What's the name?" When referring to this person, LpLR players all have the feeling of talking about the tiger's discoloration ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Remember that the British single Xuanwu is one of the four amateurs? "

"Yes, Dunema is a world-class metamorphosis that is comparable to or even the top of the world."

"She is the four non-professional players-Suzaku, and her strength is still above basalt," Zhao Tinghua said with a floating corner.

Zhao Tinghua's words made the Lp players stupid.

Speaking of her national service rankings, it is estimated that there is still a lot of water in it, but if Zhao Tinghua breaks her name, it is really incredible.

The four major amateur players, Xuanwu, are already very strong. Suzaku ranks still above that metamorphosis. How bad is that?

"So this is a great show." Zhao Tinghua said, even at this moment he couldn't help feeling that his body was going to move.

(Look, it ’s updated early today, righteous troubles. Everyone puts in a monthly ticket ... and a recommendation ticket)

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