Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 122: life and death

Because the Oni Mai Tsuji no miserable was not eliminated and he was injured again, the Jikuni Iwakatsu team temporarily needed a few days to rest, and Chiyo started working on the results of the blood analysis of Jikuni Yuanyi.

"I'm going out with Juju to do some errands these days, Saki, help me watch them."

Chiyo specially explained to Saji a few people who should focus on supervision, such as Naraku, such as Kagura and Shenwu.

"Don't worry, I'll help you watch them."

Although Saki is not a big person now, she nodded very seriously, which was a reassurance for Chiyo.

Chiyo, who was fully fed by the reassurance pill, patted her stomach with satisfaction, and changed into a modern outfit with Tamamo before.

Although the results of the blood analysis have now come out, it is still an unknown question whether other swordsmen who have opened the markings can live past the age of twenty-five.

After taking the analysis of the blood results, Chiyo looked at the above results with a bewildered expression.

I'm sorry, she is really sorry for her teacher, she has studied medicine for so many years, but she still can't fully understand the analysis of the results of this test.

But it is already certain that Jiguoyuanyi's blood is indeed different from others. For example, some values ​​are obviously slightly lower than others.

After the stripes are turned on, the physical consumption of the swordsman is very huge, and many people may not be able to bear this consumption, which leads to increasing physical burden, and finally becomes famous at the age of twenty-five.

In fact, Jiguo Yansheng's blood was also sent for analysis together. A comparison of the results of those two people showed that Jiguo Yansheng's various values ​​were terribly high.

"Doctor Dagu, is there any way to reduce their high load state?"

Chiyo felt that if there was no solution in the Warring States Period or the Taisho Era, then modern technology could definitely solve it.

"You know your basal metabolic rate, right?"


The so-called basal metabolic rate refers to the energy metabolism rate of the test subject in an extremely relaxed and quiet environment.

What does it matter?

Chiyo frowned and thought for a few seconds, then suddenly realized what was going on.

That is to say, the basal metabolic rate of the swordsman who has turned on the stripes is very high, so it causes the body to consume too much?


If so, is it ok to lower the basal metabolic rate?

"Then Dr. Dagu, this is not an increase in the basal metabolic rate caused by hyperthyroidism, so how can we solve it?"

"I can try to make serum from the blood you gave me, maybe the serum will reduce it."


Now I feel that this thing can no longer be explained by science, this is **** metaphysics.

After hearing Dr. Otani's assurance, Chiyo helplessly stretched out her hand to cover her face.

Why does it feel that the current trend is getting more and more strange, how can this serum be made possible by saying it?

However, Dr. Ogu said that he is an expert in this area, and she can rest assured that this kind of thing is given to her.

"Then ask Dr. Ogu, we will come back in a week to get the serum. If we can, we may need these serums in large quantities after this."

Anyway, in this money-consuming society, as long as you give enough money, you can really buy anything.

After agreeing on the time to get the serum, Chiyo walked out of the hospital with a bewildered Tamamo-mae.

Really, even now, Tamamo-san is stunned, because he found that he couldn't understand a lot of things these two people said.

What is basal metabolic rate?

Seeing Yuzao's stunned appearance, Chiyo let out a tragic laugh, "You know Juju, this is the so-called generation gap, the two of us can no longer be described as a generation gap, it's a gap."

The chasm cannot be jumped, but Tamamo-zen had to build a bridge over the chasm.

For example, he is now focusing on buying a few medical books. If Chiyo hadn't stopped him, he might have bought all the other medical books in the bookstore.

"Juju, why are you doing this?"

Really, why is this necessary, he doesn't need to be a doctor, why is he so tired?

"I am enriching myself."


Okay, the other party is a big guy, what you say is what you say.

Yuzao was an old goblin who had lived for almost a thousand years, but now he is suddenly eager to learn, which is completely broken.

Seeing the other party returning to the Warring States Period with two large stacks of books, Chiyo really couldn't say anything. Who knew that their family gatherings were so strong, and I always felt that they would rush to the other party's current posture. It is very likely that they will become the a doctor.

When Chiyo and Tamamo-mae returned to Sanyashiki's house, Jikuni Yuichi had already returned with his own team. They completed the mission very well this time, which made Jikuni Iwakatsu who failed the mission jumped out of the hospital bed in anger. Get up and swing the knife five hundred times on the spot.

Crazy, this guy is absolutely crazy.

However, compared to being a miserable subordinate, it is not easy for him to do this now.

A large part of the reason why Chiyo went to Hyundai to see the analysis of the blood results was that she had no face to see each other, and she once thought him so badly, and as a result, people still thought of killing him with her.


She is really sorry for each other.

Now she almost cried on the spot to show the other party.

"Yansheng, as the saying goes, as long as you work hard and grind an iron pestle into a needle, you will definitely be able to defeat Wumisin one day!"

Chiyo held Jiguo Iwakatsu's hand and began to reassure the other party. She was the only one who knew that she was talking blindly. She was talking nonsense with her eyes open. It's made, but who knows if it's really useful, anyway, it's over with a few words.

"I will definitely not disappoint your expectations."


No, no, this Jiguo Yansheng must be his fanboy.

Chiyo, who suddenly realized such a fact, started a new round of heartache. She actually treated her fan brother like this, she was too much!

"Juju! I'm not human!"

"You were not human at first, but after this reincarnation you are a dog demon."


Looking at Tamamo before, Chiyo gave up her plan to throw herself into the other's arms.

Okay, it's still the same sentence, she's not a human, but Tamamo Mae is a real dog.

Since the dog has been beaten and afraid of being beaten, he did not dare to appear blatantly in the current situation, so the ghost killing team temporarily adjusted the players for a rest. Down to the test serum whether it works or not.

The current situation is like this, or I will wait for Zhijie to die after the age of twenty-five, or it will die because of rejection when the serum is tested.

Everyone is a strong man, and all of them expressed their willingness to give up for such a glimmer of hope.

After the injection of serum, there was a long wait, waiting for whether there was a rejection reaction, but fortunately there was no acute rejection reaction, but it is still unknown what the result will be in the long run.

Jiguo Yuanyi is completely in love with this experiment, but he just doesn't know why he has to have several tubes of blood drawn every once in a while. Shout out a word very seriously.

"For justice!"


Sorry, he doesn't understand a bit.

Chiyo once studied medical statistics when she was studying medicine. This is a subject that requires a lot of patience. It takes a long time to investigate and collect data. When she was studying, she felt a bit of a headache, but she didn't expect that one day she would need to use it. Almost as much patience to wait for the results of the serum.

Skull pain.

After waiting for almost a year, Ichiro Fujiwara, the largest of the striped swordsmen who started the Ghost Killing Team, celebrated his twenty-sixth birthday a few days ago and did not die.


not dead!

"My God! Ichiro! You've lived to be twenty-five years old!"

Because of too much excitement, Chiyo took Ichiro Fujiwara's hand and shed tears of excitement, but turned around and drew a tube of blood for the other party to take back for testing.

"Although we have survived a year, it will take a while to observe."

Tamamo-mae, who had already started to read the Compendium of Materia Medica, silently glanced at the hands that Chiyo and Ichiro Fujiwara were holding each other, and then placed the book in their hands directly on the hands of the two of them, "Are you holding enough?"

"Enough, enough."

Fujiwara Ichiro quickly withdrew his hand. He didn't want to lose his arm at a young age. The big guy's eyes just now were too scary.

In fact, Chiyo doesn't care much about the outcome. She has already done everything she can, and she will wait for God's will when she is done. If Gao Tianyuan is not pushy, she will probably turn a blind eye. , if it's too dog-like, then she doesn't mind bombing Gao Tianyuan again.

A week later, Ichiro Fujiwara's blood results were analyzed. Compared with the previous ones, some values ​​can be said to have dropped significantly. Although they are higher than normal people, they can't hang up in a short time at least.

"I think now I can be a scientist in the Warring States Period. If you can build a laboratory for me tomorrow, I can stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun."

"No one in heaven can control you."


Chiyo has no plans to go to heaven, but this time flies a little fast, and it is almost time for Saki's younger brother, Shikisho, to die. Thirty years have passed, and Chiyo doesn't have any special feelings. It's all because of her. Nothing has changed in these thirty years.

"Isn't there a change? Didn't you realize that I'm getting old?"

"How old are you in your thirties, hurry up and shut up."

Saki is now in her thirties, but Seimei and the others are already in their fifties. Jiguo Yuanyi and Jiguo Yansheng are also in their forties. For Chiyo, the people she knows are slowly changing. Old, maybe one of them will die one day.

This time, she could suddenly understand Tamamomae's mood. The loneliness of the familiar people leaving one after another was really unbearable.

It's not just Saki and the others, even Kagome is also facing such a situation. She didn't have to worry about this problem in the plot before, but now with the passage of time, Master Maitreya and Coral have grown old. Inuyasha will eventually be alone.


Eternal life is not good, it is always parting with the important life.

"There is no miserable heart, he will not experience this kind of pain at all."

"I'm feeling sad, what are you doing with that nauseating thing?"

The author has something to say:

The Taisho period is about to start, everyone! I don't want anyone to die! Please say his name out loud!

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