Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 121: Please read the words! !

Chiyo has already given Jiguo Yansheng a chance. If he jumps into this pit, then don't say anything and just wait for his head to be beheaded. If this pit does not jump, then we will continue to think of a way.

Since Ji Guoyuanyi can live to be in his 80s, then as a twin brother, he can at least live a little longer.

"are you ready?"

Looking back at the person behind him, Chiyo nodded again.

"Well, it's ready."

She brought very few people this time. After all, it was impossible for her to kill that guy without misery, so the goal this time was Jiguo Yansheng who became a ghost.

As the most beloved Naruo, she will definitely bring it with her, so that she can supervise the other party, and the two outputs of the big and small ghost cut, and she also brings the peach blossom demon, the nurse.

Well, in this way, even if it is very complete, and their family gatherings can also support several people.

"To be honest, Juju, I think Jiguo Yansheng will definitely fall into the pit."

Chiyo can 100% feel that Jiguo Yansheng will be bewitched by Wu Miserable to accept the blood of the other party, and eventually become the six eyes, and then start all kinds of murder and cannibalism.

Thinking that the other party will kill many swordsmen who inherited the breath of the sun after this, and even kill Wuichiro!

what! Her lovely Wuichiro was cut in half like that!

"This is not necessarily. I don't think many things can be so absolute. According to what you said, Yuan Laiguang should have done a lot of bad things. Otherwise, Yaodao Ji wouldn't want to kill him so much."

"Oh, I can't say that, Brother Guo was brought up by me since I was a child, and he has already changed his mind."

Chiyo doesn't believe that after so many years, Jiguo Yansheng, a lemon essence, can turn her back on her wrongdoing. Her impression of this guy has always been on the six eyes. After all, the proportion of six eyes is more than Jiguo Yansheng. many.

She had a trace of spiritual thread on Jiguo Yansheng's body before. She knew exactly what happened to the other party, and they were at a distance behind the other party, so that the other party would not find her.

What happened next was the same as Chiyo thought. After a few years, there was no misfortune, but before the wave, he had to investigate whether Jiguoyuanyi appeared nearby. This time he came out to find someone who could become his subordinate. After all, compared with the ghost killing team members who have turned on the stripes and learned the breath of the sun, ordinary ghosts are really too garbage, and Wumisian decided to give more blood to those qualified people, so that strength will be born. powerful ghost.

At this time, the team led by Jiguo Yansheng met with Wumisian, which was probably the first death before the apprenticeship. Wumisian felt that he might be killed or injured here, so he made a strategic retreat.

Letting his teammates stay behind to deal with the three ghosts who had been abandoned miserably, Jiguo Yansheng chased them out by himself. He still remembered that the task he was given was to strangle the dogs and make them miserable.

Because he can know what happened here, Chiyo can clearly see all the actions of Jikuni Iwakatsu.

"Come on! Juju! He has chased out! Let's hurry over there!"

In order to kill Jikuni Iwakatsu as soon as she turned into a ghost, Chiyo also took her strangulation team out and maintained a safe distance.

The battle between Jiguo Yansheng and Wu Miserable was going on in a forest. When Chiyo brought people over, the battle was already halfway through. She gathered everyone's breath and quietly hid in a tree not far away to observe. Watching this guy's every move, for fear that he might miss something.

She had made a bet with Tamamo before that the plot would go on as she said.

Sure enough, Wu Mian began to make his own propaganda, sales and brainwashing speech, "You are very powerful, but you are still a bit worse than me. Do you want to become stronger?"

When he was playing against Jiguo Yansheng, this guy was still very leisurely doing pyramid schemes and selling people. His approach made Jiguo Yansheng very angry, and the speed of his shots was faster than before. .

"Humans are very fragile, with only a few decades of life. If you become a ghost with me, you can have unlimited years to study your swordsmanship."

! ! !

I'm coming!

Wu Mian came with his MLM speech!

Chiyo was all excited about it, so Jikuni Iwakatsu would agree soon, right? !

"you shut up!"

Jiguo Yansheng was so annoyed by Wu Mian's noisy mouth that he almost spit at the other party.


Why does the plot feel a little different?

Chiyo raised her eyebrows, first looked back at Tamao before with a confused look, and then moved forward to see what was going on.

"Infinite years? Shouldn't your years be only nights? That would still have to be cut in half."

Because of the physical condition, there is no way to go out during the day without misery: "..."

It's too much, it's really too much, he really wants to hit people now.

In fact, not only did he think, he also really beat Jiguo Yansheng, but he was avoided by the opponent.

"What can I do if I become a ghost? In the end, I don't want to be hunted down by the members of the ghost killing team, and I live in hiding all my life."

Feeling pricked again without misery: "..."

Okay, he cracked, he really cracked.

Suddenly, he didn't want to turn this person into his subordinate. When he thought that the other party used to be so angry with him, he was afraid that one day he would finally be mad at him.

But the reason why Jiguo Yansheng didn't want to be the opponent's subordinate has not been finished, so his mouth is still babbling.

For example...

"The members of our ghost killing team will never give up because of this difficulty, and you ghosts will always be chased by us!"


In fact, there is one thing he didn't say, after becoming a ghost, he will eat human flesh.

Excuse me, can that thing be eaten raw? He really has no way to abandon those delicacies, especially the food of the Ghost Killing Team.

The thousand representatives sitting on the tree looked delicately at Jiguo Yansheng who was beaten, and finally sighed heavily.

It's broken, it's really broken, why has this guy's personality collapsed like this.

Seeing that Wu Mian was about to kill and eat this guy, Chiyo let Onikiri appear on the stage to save the six eyes that had collapsed.

Oh, it can't be said to be six eyes, it is impossible for these six eyes to appear again, absolutely impossible.

The bet with Yuzao Qian was a complete loss, Jiguo Yansheng didn't leave with Wu Miserable, and even almost angered the other party with his mouth cannon.

"Peach Blossom Demon, you also go with me. By the way, treat all the other wounded in the team. You can say that you are the backup sent by me."

"it is good."

With a delicate expression, she climbed down from the tree. Chiyo took Tamamomae and Naraku with a sense of direction towards home in a hurry. After walking for about ten minutes, she looked back at Naraku again, as if she was speaking to each other.

"Don't think about getting on the line with Wu Mian, be careful that you will be eaten by the other party if you disagree."


Ok? ? ?

So what's the matter with such a sentence suddenly popped up? Why did he suddenly bring the topic up to him?

It's too much. If you lose your bet, you will take his anger out.

What's the matter, does the villain have no human rights?

Isn't it the hardest for the prodigal son to turn back? He almost broke his neck when he looked back now, why did he do this to him!


Naruto felt that he was broken.

Chiyo felt that she shouldn't look at others with colored eyes after the matter of Kuniiwakatsu, so she was silent for a few seconds after saying this, and finally reached out and patted Naraku on the shoulder, "Okay, just now What I said is wrong, our family Naruo is now the little princess Congliang, I am afraid that you will suffer in the future."


Who is not a little princess anymore, he was the lord of the world city before, and he is also someone who has seen the world.

Tamamo before kept tapping the folding fan in his hand, and looked at the two people beside him with a smile on his lips.

Chiyo's behavior just now can be said to be a slap in the face to give a sweet date, but today because of Jiguo Yansheng's incident, he definitely needs to change the habits of this guy before.

He knows all things about Chiyo, such as traveling from the future to know the development of many things, so this guy will take everything for granted.

Today, just from today, she has re-examined many things.

Now that she is in such a hurry to go back, it may be that she is going to find a way to solve the problem that the swordsman who has turned on the stripes will not live to be twenty-five years old.

It can only be said that Tamamo Mae is indeed the person who knows Chiyo best, and she does have this plan now.

Since Jiguoyuanyi is the only Ghost Killer team member who lived to be 25 years old after turning on the stripes, is there something in his blood that was unclear in the Warring States Period? She plans to draw some blood and go back to modern times to study it. .

Therefore, it is easy to do things with money. When Jiguo Yansheng and his party were slowly rushing back after being treated by the peach blossom demon, Chiyo had already taken the blood-drawing equipment to the north to prepare for Jiguoyuan's injection one by one.

"I admit it was my mistake, so I'm going to try to make up for it."

She is a good child who knows her mistakes and corrects them, and makes amends before causing bigger mistakes to minimize losses as much as possible. This is the most effective way she can think of.

It takes a week for the blood components to get the results, so she still has to wait a week in an uneasy mood.

If there is something in Jiguoyuanyi's blood that can make him live past the age of twenty-five, then making serum and injecting it to other team members should also prolong his life as much as possible.


This is the only way she can think of, but she is afraid that this method will not work in the end, and the most important thing is that she feels that she is really shameless to face Jiguo Yansheng.

Chiyo: I was terrified.

Three days later, before the blood components came out, Jikuni Iwakatsu and his team finally returned, and this guy immediately admitted his mistake to Chiyo.

"Sorry, I couldn't kill that guy."


Chiyo twitched the corner of her mouth and turned her head to look in front of Yuzao, hoping to get help from the other party. She didn't know how to pick it up, but their family Juju didn't help her!


That guy Naraku even laughed at her next to him! The corner of this mouth can't wait to grin directly to the back of the head!

Okay, then everyone will hurt each other.

"It doesn't matter, you can see that even if Naraku is my shikigami as a monster, it is impossible to kill Wu Miserable, so relax."

The cracked Naraku: "..."

This is too much.

The author has something to say:


It may be that my progress is too slow. A young lady raised a question about Chiyo's attitude towards Jiguo Yansheng. I want to explain it here.

Chiyo's impression of Jiguo Yansheng was all about what the six eyes did, so he ignored the other party's identity as Jiguo Yansheng, which means that she was looking at it with colored glasses. After all, the six eyes cut in half Noichiro! ! !

Ah ah ah! My Noichiro! ! !

This also explains why she will do this to Jiguo Yansheng, but she also gives the other party a chance, which is the pit mentioned at the end of the previous chapter. If Jiguo Yansheng jumps in and agrees to the invitation of Guiwu Tsuji Wumei, then She wouldn't be merciless and directly cut the other party, but if she doesn't agree, then she will think of another way, such as letting the other party live past the age of twenty-five or something, but she wears colored glasses, so she subconsciously feels that Ji Guoyan Sheng will follow the ghost dance Tsuji no miserable.

Originally, I thought about it, when Jiguo Yansheng dies, Chiyo will summon Jiguo Yansheng's six eyes from the card pool that has already gone weird! !

Whoa! I am wronged! !

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