"A Xing, can you see the point of the dice under the dice clock? Zhou Da glanced at the dealer, then put his mouth right to

A Xing's ear, softly.


A Xing glanced at the direction of the dealer.

Nodded with Zhou Da.

The latter's heart was ecstatic, and his face was pasted again, and he whispered softly.

"Then you tell me, what is the dice inside."

"2. 3. 3."

A Xing whispered Zhou Da.

"2. 3. 3, eight o'clock, that's small."


"But don't be in a hurry, let's take a look at the boy who said wrong. Zhou Da intends to stabilize first.

When he came to the casino this time, he brought a big Taurus, a thousand yuan.

This thousand yuan was still borrowed from selling the fishing victory.

If he lost, then he was really gone.

So it must be stable.

"2. 3. 3, eight o'clock, small."

As the dealer unveiled the dice clock, the number of dice under the dice bell was clearly seen by everyone.

Buying small and small people is naturally happy.

The person who bought a big face was frustrated and annoyed.

The gameplay of dice points is a relatively mon way to play.

Three dice, 9 include nine o'clock as a small, pressed to 1,8 o'clock, and Bingqing.

Of course, you can also buy a leopard, that is, the three dice points are the same, three, three, three, three, etc.

The odds of "Four Nine Three" leopards are different in various casinos.

Some casinos who want to let gamblers buy leopard will set up the bumper's odds.

But the highest is twelve times.

Small, it will be set to buy the middle leopard six times.

But generally no one can buy a leopard.

Because the probability of leopard appears is very low.

So in most cases, as soon as the leopard came out, it was basically the dealer's killing.

After a while, wait for the dealer to lose money.

The dealer put down the dice clock again, then picked up the shake, and then put it down.

"Buy off your hand.

The dealer speaks.

And Zhou Da looked at Axing as soon as possible.

"Axing, how much is this time?"

"1. 5. 6"

"1. 5.6, that's big."

"I buy big."

Zhou Da threw the only big Taurus he brought to him.

As soon as I threw the money, Zhou Da saw a small stack of Taurus thrown on the big.

As soon as he looked up, Zhou Da saw Jiang Hao who didn't know when he stood opposite him.

Le Huizhen was holding Jiang Hao's arm and clinging to him.

The people around them were subconsciously separated from Jiang Hao.

A pair of fear of Jiang Hao.

Zhou Da stunned.

Then smiled at Jiang Hao.

"Buy off your hand."

Nailing !!

The dealer knocked on the little bell in front of him.

This is the meaning of prohibiting bets. After the dealer knocked on the small bell, the bet stopped.

After that, you throw your money and bet. Even if you buy it, the dealer will not recognize it.

"1. 5.6, twelve o'clock, big."

"It's really big, it's in China."

Zhou Da was very excited.

Then the dealer lost a thousand yuan, plus the principal, a total of two thousand.

And Jiang Hao, he had just bet 30,000, and the dealer also lost his 30,000.

Seeing Jiang Hao, he won 30,000.

Zhou Da envy died.

Subsequently, continue to bet.

Because Axing can see through the dice clock.

He was shuttled every time.

And four consecutive times.

Two thousand directly became 32,200.

This is the excitement of Zhou Da.

It is eight years now.

Hong Kong Island ordinary people have a monthly salary of about 2,000 to 3,000 Hong Kong dollars.

Zhou Da worked honestly and made more than two thousand a month.

It was only five, and one thousand became 32,000, which was equivalent to earning his salary for more than a year. How can he not be excited.

However, the appearance of his excitement at this moment did not attract the attention of other people in the casino, because there was a person who wins continuously like him.

Five fertilizer.

And the winning is more exaggerated than Zhou Da.

This person is not someone else, it is Jiang Hao.

Five consecutive times, Jiang Hao is the same as Zhou Da, and it is fat.

Although Jiang Hao had long never looked at money.

But don't say, winning the money, it feels pretty good.

The five -handed shuttle also made Jiang Hao's 30,000 yuan at the beginning into the current ninety -sixth artisans.

96,000 Hong Kong paper, even if it is a large Taurus with a thousand -sided amount, there are 960 pieces.

Stack it directly into a small stack, stacked in front of Jiang Hao.

Behind the casino, Jiang Hao won five continuously, winning almost three hundred craftsmen.

The younger brother responsible for watching the field was also scared.

The first time they called their boss Hong Guang.

After learning about this, Hong Guang was also interested in asking the younger brother to find a way to keep people, but don't offend.

If others really want to leave, it will make people go.

The younger brother was relieved.

Looking below, I found that Jiang Hao Mo Ran was not going to the end again.

"Why don't you continue betting?" Le Huizhen was puzzled.

Jiang Hao won five continuously, making her excited.

Although she is a rich lady, she is not bad, and 180,000 Hong Kong paper is nothing to her.

But it is excited by individuals who e to such a large amount of money.

"I'm just playing casually, winning money is not my purpose." Jiang Hao said with a smile.

Subsequently, Jiang Hao asked a bag directly with the casino to install all 980,000 Hong Kong paper.

Then stop bets.

Just watched with Le Huizhen.

The people in the casino saw Jiang Hao who did not leave directly, and didn't care.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

Instead, they gave them two stools, so that Jiang Hao could sit.

And Zhou Da naturally continued to bet.

It may be that everyone is too eye -catching in the shuttle, no longer every fertilizer.

Instead, there are thousands of thousands of began.

But even so, he still won more than a dozen.

Wait until he returned from excitement.

I found out that I did a stupid thing.

That is, the people around him, the people around him also bet on him.

The dealer was almost exploded by him.

If the dealer was bought, he would not buy it.

As a result, A Xing had already made a good note, and he was pulled back by him, bought it again, and bought the disagreeable side.

Other gamblers also bet with him.

Someone is even more directly shuttled.

As a result, the moment the dealer bought a separate hand, Zhou Da re -bet on the other side.

It can be imagined.[014005111 064233441]

Those shuttle gamblers lost directly.

He was overwhelmed by himself.

It can be imagined.

Zhou Da was directly punched on his eyes just like the original movie.

Of course, the hands -on people were soon "invited" by the people in the casino.

You can bet on the casino, but if you make trouble, the people in the casino will not make them mess.

But after a punch.

Zhou Da didn't intend to continue to bet.

And this time, he has won a lot.

He was ready to leave.

But Zhou Dazheng was about to leave.

A large group of people suddenly came.

The leader is a middle -aged man in his forties.

"Hong Ye."

"Hong Ye, I wish you e.

"Hong Ye ....."

"Wow, so prestigious, uncle, who is this person? A Xing was curious.

"Stink boy, this is Hong Guang, the king of Hong Kong Island, this casino is his site, a very powerful person, he seems to e here

It's okay to call Hong Ye after a while, be polite, do you understand? "

"Ah ... oh, you know."

After a man said a few words in Hong Guang's ear.

Hong Guang immediately looked at the directions where Zhou Da and Axing were.

Later, Hong Guang came directly towards the two.

See Hong Guang ing.

Zhou Dali laughed on his face: "Hong Ye ..."

"Stinky boy, this is Hong Ye, so I don't call people soon."

"Hello Hong Ye."

"Two are polite."

"I just want to know you, are you interested in talking inside?

"This .. Of course, of course, I am interested, ahahaha." Zhou Da refused.

But seeing a group of younger brothers standing behind Hong Guang, when they saw their bulging waist, they couldn't say if they refused.

"Take people in first." Hong Guang looked at the younger brother aside.

Then the younger brother brought A Xing and Zhou Da to the behind the casino.

"Everyone, you can continue to play, don't care about me." After talking to the gamblers of the casino.

Hong Guang walked towards Jiang Hao and Le Huizhen.

"This gentleman, how do you call it?"

"Jiang Hao.


"My name is Hong Guang, this is my site. I just heard my men say that my gentleman had five faces in five games."

"Gambling is very powerful.

"And I happened to be the Gambler of Hong Kong Island, so some itchy hands, I want to play with your husband."

"I wonder if this gentleman is interested?"

Hong Guang was very polite.

He didn't mean to force Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao is shuttle every hand, and every hand can win.

It shows that his winning vouchers are holding, gambling is superb, and he is confident that he can win.

After winning 980,000, he stopped, either the other party was smart, and he was afraid of being troubled by the casino, or the other party was very real.

Power, don't be afraid of his flood, stop, it's all because he doesn't care about the money and doesn't want to win a rally.

After seeing Jiang Hao himself.

He can be sure that Jiang Hao is the latter.

He Hongguang is a gambler of Hong Kong Island. He has been mixed on Hong Kong Island for so many years. He has never seen it in the same person?

Except for beautiful, Le Huizhen almost wrote his heart on his face.

And Jiang Hao?

In addition to self -confidence and care, he really saw other things from Jiang Jie's face.

And these two are enough for him to pay attention to Jiang Hao.

"Okay, then just play.

"It's clear inside." Hong Guang was very polite.

twenty two

Later, Jiang Hao and Le Huizhen followed the casino.

As soon as he arrived, Jiang Hao and Le Huizhen saw Zhou Da, who was sitting in danger and a daze.

"Brother Jiang, you are here."

Seeing Jiang Hao and Le Huizhen.

A Xing is happy.

He did not see Jiang Hao before, and thought they had left step by step.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Hao did not leave.

And when he saw acquaintances, he immediately felt relieved.

Zhou Da was very surprised to see Jiang Hao and Le Huizhen.

After seeing Hong Guang, he immediately laughed on his face.

"Hong Ye, I don’t know if you invite me and my nephew to e later? Is there anything? Isn't it that we win too much?" Zhou Diyi

The face is charming.

"Nothing, I just think your gambling skills are a bit powerful. I want to invite you to play with two." Zeng Guang looked at Zhou Dao.

As Zhou Da's performance, typical little people.

And he listened to the younger brother who said who Zhou Da was.

Obviously, the reason why Zhou Da is able to win in the casino today should be his nephew's team.Essence

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