"Brother Jiang, it's a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet again so soon."

"It's you, A Xing, why are you here."

"Oh, I came out with my uncle, and he said where to take me, I don't know.


"Wow, so fragrant, is this honey barbecued rice on Hong Kong Island? When I was in Dongguan, I heard that the honey barbecued rice on the Hong Kong Island is very good.

Eat, I do n’t know if it ’s true."Zuo Songxing was surprised.

Jiang Hao smiled.

"You kid, sit down if you want to eat, I -Please."

"Boss, a barbecue rice in shit."


"Then I am not polite, Brother Jiang." Zuo Songxing touched his head and laughed.

Later, he was directly next to Jiang Hao.

Then his eyes fell on Le Huizhen.

"So beautiful?" When he saw Le Huizhen's face, Zuo Songxing was shocked.

But he immediately took back his eyes and dared not look at it.

"Brother Jiang, is the one next to you?

"My name is Le Huizhen, my girlfriend of your brother." Without waiting for Jiang Hao to speak, Le Huizhen opened his mouth first.

"Ah? Brother Jiang, aren't you just came to Hong Kong Island like me? I found my girlfriend so soon? This is too fast."

A Xing widened his eyes and shocked his face.


Jiang Hao found Ma Zi so quickly enough to shock him.

What shocked him even more was that Le Huizhen was so beautiful.

"Stink little boy, what are you doing, just follow your uncle and walk." At this moment, A Xing was shot by three people.

The person who shoots him is not someone else, it is Zhou Da.

"Three ... Uncle, I saw a friend and came over."

"Friends? Your kid just came to Hong Kong Island, where did you e from?

"Uncle San, this is Jiang Hao, Brother Jiang, didn't I tell you yesterday?


"Oh, it turns out that you are A Xing said by this stinky boy. Yesterday, I touched myself like a thirteen.

It turned out that, with the help of Jiang Hao yesterday, although A Xing did not find Zhou Da as the original book.

But the thirteen of Zhou Da, who was still harmed, touched himself.

Because he met, he called Zhou Da San.

As a result, Zhou Da's body was out of control.

The 13th card of the Thirteen was directly destroyed by himself.

But he couldn't get angry.

"Uncle, what are you talking about? Brother Jiang is my friend. If you are like this, I will not go to you to say what is fun.


As soon as A Xing said, Zhou Da suddenly panicked.

He also thought about winning money by A Xing, how could he make Axing pick Liangzi at this time.

"锕 hahaha, what is the fault of the uncle, don't be happy.


"What, uncle apologize.

"Sorry, this name is Jiang Hao, just my fault, I apologize to you.



Jiang Hao looked at Zhou Da in front of him.

Not angry.

Before he crossed it, Uncle Da died in two years after performing the wandering earth.

He was very happy to see Uncle Da, who was alive.

As for Zhou Da just, Jiang Hao, who knew Zhou Da's character, didn't care.

"It's okay, you are Axing's uncle, my name is Jiang Hao, this is Le Huizhen next to me, my girlfriend."

Jiang Hao's words made Le Huizhen's eyes shine.

My heart is secretly happy.

Then Jiang Hao felt that his left arm was wrapped softly.

It turned out that Le Huizhen hugged him.

"Le Huizhen, why do you feel that this name is a bit familiar?


"Hello, I am Zhou Da, A Xing's uncle, you can call me Uncle Da."

"Uncle Da, do you eat pork rice?

"What's so good about barbecued rice ..."

"I treat.



"Okay, okay, I like to eat pork the most." Zhou Da turned around, and there was cheap and not occupying, the turtle king eight eggs

Since Jiang Hao has been invited.

How can he make Jiang Hao's invitation to end, and he must eat.

Then, a three -day bowl of barbecued rice on Monday.

And A Xing was even more exaggerated, eating four bowls directly.

So that Le Huizhen felt that the uncle and nephew had a problem.

After dinner, Jiang Hao paid money.

A Xing took the initiative to speak.

"Brother Jiang, Uncle wants to take me to a very fun place, and there is money to make money, do you want to go together?"

Zhou Da was drinking water at this moment.

Hearing A Xing's words, the water in his mouth was sprayed.

"There are still such a good place in Hong Kong Island, and some play with money to make money, then I must go."

Jiang Hao smiled.

He naturally guessed where A Xing and Zhou Da were going.

It is nothing more than gambling to Hong Guang's casino like in the movie.

To be honest, he has never been a doctor like a place like a casino.

In addition, Jiang Hao wanted to participate in the Gambler Contest, he planned to take Le Huizhen and Axing to play with them.

As for the casino is not safe.

Here, there is nothing unsafe.

It should be said that where he is and where is it safe.

"Uncle Da, where are you waiting for?"

"Ah, what, I actually plan to take Axing to the casino to play.


"I feel that Axing is lucky, so I plan to take him to touch luck.

"Casino?" Le Huizhen was surprised, and then looked at Zhou Da with a contempt.

Zhou Da also had some embarrassment.

Because anyway, gambling itself is not a good behavior.

How many families are dead because of gambling?

That is really unclear.

"Casino, interesting, I haven't been there before, but I can follow it to play.


"Ah, uncle, the place you want to take me is the casino, but Grandma said that she can't gamble." A Xing was also stunned.

Zhou Da pulled Axing next to him and whispered.

"Stink little boy, what do you know?"

"You can see the ability of wearing cars. If you don't have to be in this regard, it is waste. If you rest assured, the uncle will take you once,

As long as you help your uncle win some money, the uncle will stop.

What is it like?

"I will never bet in the future."

"Moreover, you helped the uncle win the money. When the uncle arrives, you can help you build a big house in your hometown and help you find a beautiful wife. Why

"But my special feature ...."

"Oh, so much of it, but anyway, anyway, you have to take a trip with me anyway."

"All right."

See A Xing's consent.

Zhou Da smiled with satisfaction.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

"Then, Jiang Hao, my nephew and I just touch luck. You are sure you want to play with us."

"I can do it, it doesn't matter if you don't play or not. I mainly want to see what the casino is like.

Fun, because I don't lack money."

Le Huizhen on the side did not break through Jiang Hao's words.

Jiang Hao said that he was rich, and Le Huizhen didn't believe it.

Seeking flowers •

Because Jiang Hao had no money at all.

Not even a wallet.

All the flowers are now on her opening.

But she is willing.

Subsequently, the four talked while walking.

After walking ten minutes.

They came to a small alley.

Entering the alley, soon, they came to the tail of the box.

There is a door here, and there are two people standing at the door.

They are Hong Guang's men.[014005111 064233361]

Since it is a underground casino, the casino will naturally not open it. It must be driving in these relatively difficult and remote alleys.

It's inside.

"What is it?


"What can you do here, of course, it's shit gambling." Zhou Da went out of the way from A Xing.


"It turned out to be you, black face Cai, go in." At first sight, the two were Zhou Da, and they opened the door directly and went in four.

Obviously, Zhou Da is a frequent visitor here.

So that the younger brother who watched the door knew him.

As for his nickname, his nickname is because every time this guy es to bet money, he basically lose, either winning in front and losing later.

There are few time to win.

Because he often lost money, he was called black noodles by some gamblers who also gambled money.

Cai is because this guy is doing anything on weekdays. Sometimes when he is poor, the two vegetable vendors also do it, so I got a black -faced Cai

"Uncle, those two people seem to know you, so let us e in at a moment."

"Of course, your uncle is mixed with it on Hong Kong Island, and there are people who know wherever you know.


Selling point face.

Zhou Da boasted directly.

He did not care whether Le Huizhen and Jiang Hao could hear him bragging.

Anyway, as long as you can stun the silly boy of Axing.

Even if he is embarrassed, as long as he is not embarrassed, it is not embarrassing.

Because it is not a regular casino, it is just an underground casino.

There is no need to replace the money with a chip here to bet.

Instead, it is directly cash.

Of course, because it is an underground casino, there is no slot machine or something here.

Only gambling tables.

Either play Texas Hold'em, 13 o'clock and dice.

Basically, these three.

But for gamblers, they don't care what they are.

The one who es here is basically ordinary people. The purpose of ing here is to win some small money, and the way to play simply moves.

Instead, it is easier to accept them.


Those rich people will basically not e to such a place. Even if they want to play, they will go to Olympic Island.


Not only is it safe, but there are also many projects.

And don't learn Las Vegas.

The casino is a hotel. If you win the money, you can consume it on the spot.

As long as you give the money and the service you want, they can be satisfied.

The arrival of Le Huizhen attracted the attention of many men around.

After all, Le Huizhen is too beautiful.

But Jiang Hao's eyes swept away.

Those gaze came back immediately.

I don’t know why, everyone who was swept by Jiang Hao's eyes felt worthy of being exposed to buying a fierce beast E.

They felt a strong sense of crisis.

It seems that as long as they look at it, they will explode.

Looking at Jiang Haogan's handsome figure, unlike other people's atmosphere.

Such people are definitely not easy, not they can afford it.

Where dare to see Le Huizhen more.

As for Zhou Da and Axing, the two uncle and nephew are squeezing into the gambling table at the moment, and the situation that did not notice at all.Essence

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