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Seeing this, the girl also came to the crowd with an iron plate.

Some people will lose one or two copper.

Some do n’t see it, turn around and leave directly.

The girl walked around and received more than 20 copper children, not many.

Seeing this, Ao Ningshuang felt good -looking, and it felt worthless for those three.

When the girl came to the two of them.

She left Zhuge Xiaohua so much as silver dollars to the iron plate.

Seeing an extra silver dollar in the plate, the girl froze.

Then bowed quickly.

"thanks, thanks.

"No need to be polite. Ao Ningshuang smiled and shook his head.

Seeing Ao Ningshuang so defeated, Zhuge Xiaohua didn't say anything.

It is only a silver dollar. Although her family dare not say much money, she still has some savings.

One silver is nothing.

After giving the money, the two women looked at it for a while, and Ao Ningshuang smelled the fragrance of fried tofu behind him.

It took Zhuge Xiaohua to buy it.

As for why Zhuge Xiaohua is together, it is naturally because she has no money.

Just now the silver dollar was given by Zhuge Xiaohua. After giving the money to others, she is now noisy.

Soon, the two of them ate a piece of stinky tofu.

"Wow, the Central Plains is so fun. Although this thing smells a little smell, it tastes so delicious." Ao Ningshuang couldn't help but sigh.

Zhuge Xiaohua laughed.

She didn't laugh at Ao Ningshuang.

Because she knew that Ao Ningshuang grew up in the grassland since she was a child, she had never eaten stinky tofu.

The two were eating.

Suddenly hearing a fighting sound of fighting ahead.

The crowd also followed.

"What kind of love?"

"It seems like someone is fighting over there.

As the crowd spread.


Zhuge Xiaohua and Ao Ningshuang saw a middle -aged man who had previously been artistic, and at this moment he was beyond a dozen people.

The girl was being held by a man in his thirties at this moment, his face was full of pain.

The middle -aged man and the eldest son of the man were fighting with the dozen people at this moment.

Although they are good, the dozens of people are holding weapons in their hands, occupying the advantage of the number.

Introduce again step by step.

The middle -aged man and his eldest son were quickly knocked to the ground.


"Don't fight, don't hit my father and my brother, don't stare."

"Huh, don't stop." The man snorted coldly.

"Give me to fight and fight in the dead.


"TM, Yan San, don't you think you are running, we can't find you in the Black Wolf Gang?"

"Your son owes us so much money. Where do you think you can go?"

"TM, Zhengye is good at me."

"If you can't get money today, your daughter, Lao Tzu will take away the Fenglou directly.

"As for your father and son, he interrupted his legs and took it to Fenglou to be a turtle."

"Huh, run.


The man's speaking is very arrogant.


The people around them heard the black wolf gang.

Suddenly, the plexion changed slightly.

Black wolf gang, that is the big gang in the provincial city.

I heard that even Liu Du Fang had to help the Black Wolf help the Lord.

Such power is not affordable by these ordinary people.

In this scene, Ao Ningshuang looked at it all.

The face was full of anger.

She was raised by Ao Tianlong since she was a child.

Ao Tianlong has educated her since she was a child. When she encounters others, she needs help. If they are capable, they must not just look at it.

Although this girl's performance in the movie looks like a smart person.

But the age of her age, he was a high school student in later generations.

It happened to be the oldest temper, the hot mind, and dare to do anything.

I do n’t worry about the consequences at all. In this case, the performance of Ao Ningshuang in the movie naturally gives people a sense of no mind at all.

But the kindness and justice in this girl's heart are all true.

Seeing such a scene, she naturally would not stand by.

He rushed up directly.

Under the training of Ao Tianlong, Ao Ningshuang was average, but his skills were very good.

And courage.

After all, I didn't follow Ao Tianlong to catch the ghosts and surrender zombies.

Even such yin and evil things are not afraid of, where they will be afraid of people.

Zhuge Xiaohua was not enough to run out by Ao Ningshuang.

Wait until Zhuge Xiaohua wants to stop it.

As for going home to move the rescue.

If she goes home to rescue the soldiers, Li Ao Ningshuang is here alone.

When she rescued the soldiers, Ao Ningshuang was still not here.

There is no way, Chuxia Xiaohua can only be righteous.

Fortunately, her skills are not bad under the teachings of Zhuge Kongping and Wang Hui.

After all, I know that the troubled times are approaching, and where there will be parents who do not think about their children in the future.

Although Ao Ningshuang is good, where is a person who is a dozen strong gangsters.

And the father and son have long been physical strength, and there is no resistance on the ground at this moment.

Fortunately, Zhuge Xiaohua joined quickly.

With the addition of Zhuge Xiaohua.

Ao Ningshuang was still holding up for the time being.

"You guys, so many people bully three people, what's the ability." Ao Ningshuang stood in the crowd.

"Stop." The leading man stopped the younger brothers.

His eyes looked at Ao Ningshuang.

Although grew up in the grassland, Ao Ningshuang's skin is very good.

The dressed Mongolian couldn't hide her beauty.

This brought the middle -aged man's eyes.

Ao Ningshuang is much more beautiful than the woman in other hands.

And the Zhuge Xiaohua next to her, not hiding.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

They are all first -class beauties.

If such a beauty is brought back, he must have a great achievement.

At that time, the Lord is happy, and the reward is estimated to be indispensable.

"Two girls, do you know who we are?


"I care about who you are, and there are more people to bully people.

Seeing Ao Ningshuang so naive, the man laughed.

"It seems that it is a little girl who doesn't understand anything.

"On, he took me back and took me back.

The middle -aged man said.

As soon as he fell, when he was a few black wolf gangs, he rushed to the right medical treatment.

The battle began again.

the other side.

Jiang Hao was walking on the street with Bai Rourou and Bai Bing.

"Jiang Hao, my brother's family is not far ahead."

"However, you always have to bring something to the door.


"Follow you. Jiang Hao must be indifferent.

Baiyun Town is Bai Rourou's home.

She grew up here since she was a child.

Familiar, Jiang Hao simply asked her to lead the way in front.

Don't care.[014005111 064213361]


Soon, Jiang Hao also came to Zhuge Xiaohua and Ao Ningshuang where they were.

At this time, Ao Ningshuang and Zhuge Xiaohua had some physical strength.

I couldn't teach at first.

Zhuge Xiaohua scolded her brother Zhuge Yun in her heart many times.

If the guy was not here, and Zhuge Yunchang, even if they couldn't beat these people, they could at least escape.

Now that she and Ao Ningshuang are not opponents at all, they can't run without wanting to run.

Suddenly, Zhuge Xiaohua seemed to see something.

"Uncle, Uncle, I am me, Zhuge Xiaohua, helping Uncle.

Zhuge Xiaohua at the sharp eyes suddenly saw Bai Rouou not far away.

In fact, she didn't need to shout, Bai Rou has noticed Zhuge Xiaohua.

"Xiaobing, help your sister.

Bai Rourou did not shot himself.

But let Bai Bing go.

Bai Bing heard the words, and there was no nonsense.

Rush directly towards the crowd.

Bai Bing has taken a strong body.

That speed is naturally not parable to ordinary people.

With a distance of tens of meters, she crossed it instantly.

Then join the battle.

Bang Bang !!!

One punch and one kick, the black wolf gangs fell down one by one.

After a while, people who were full of black wolf gangs on the ground.

The middle -aged man was no exception. He was lying on the ground at this moment, and the whole person had fainted.

Because Bai Bing got a kick directly on his face.

He gave him a face, and it was already good to die.

"Shimei, when are you so powerful?"

Zhuge Xiaohua was stunned at this moment.

Look at Bai Bing, who is like God of War.

If you don't see it with his own eyes, where can she believe it.

Although Bai Bing's skills were better than her before.

But there is definitely no exaggeration that she saw today.

"Sister, what is your situation, how can you conflict with these people, and who are these people? This is it?

"Shimei, this is Ao Ningshuang,

It is the daughter of the master."

"Sister Ning Shuang, this is Bai Bing, a disciple of Shi Shi Rourou, and my sister. If you are, you should call the sister

It's sister, I don't know this either."Zhuge Xiaohua introduced the two parties.

"As for the group of people on the ground, it is a black wolf gang."

"Black Wolf Gang, how can their people appear here, and how can you start with them."

"This is because of me." Ao Ningshuang took the initiative to acknowledge.

This is, Jiang Hao and Bai Rourou have also e over.



Seeing Zhuge Xiaohua called Uncle Bai Rouou, Ao Ningshuang also called.

Bai Rourou also took strong body Dan. When he came here, he had heard the three people's conversations.

At this moment, naturally understands Ao Ningshuang's identity.

"Are you the daughter of the elder brother? When did the elder brother e back?

"Baiyun Town I just arrived two days ago with Dad.

"Ao Ningshuang.

When Ao Ningshuang spoke, Zhuge Xiaohua's eyes fell on Jiang Hao.

When he saw Jiang Hao's face, Zhuge Xiaohua suddenly brightened.

Both eyes are faint.

"Keke, Xiaohua, this is Jiang Hao, he is my man, you can also call the uncle."

Bai Rourou said this.

Zhuge Xiaohua and Ao Ningshuang were all dumbfounded.

Even Bai Bing looked at Bai Rouou with a question mark.

Bai Rourou was stared at by a few people, and felt a little embarrassed.

"Two girls, thank you for your door to help, but this Black Wolf Gang is not hot, you have hit them now

Let's leave here early."

This is that the middle -aged man who has just been beaten has slowed over.

So I came to thank Ao Ningshuang and Zhuge Xiaohua.

His arrival also relieved Bai Rourou's embarrassment.

Ps; The picture shows Ao Ningshuang, and remends a friend's book, the title, Super God, Grand Angel Lord, join the chat group, feel

Interested friends can go and see.Essence

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