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When it was really fighting, Bai Rou Rou and Bai Bing's apprentice really realized how much the changes on them were.

Power, speed, defense, response speed, prehensive improvement, so that they themselves all the strength they show at the moment

And shocked.

Those evil repair, under the blessing of the tapeworm, can be said to be inaccessible.

It is difficult for ordinary swords to really hurt them.

But at this moment they went down, but they could kill them directly.

The horrible defense before they became so ridiculous at this moment.

Although there are still resistance, the resistance is already small.

And their reactions allow them to see the Quartet and listen to the ears.

In the case of less fighting, the two masters and apprentices fighting in the evil repair group is really easy to fight.

Even the mana in the body has bee more condensed, and the power seems to be a lot stronger.

Under the blessing of the magic sword, more than twenty evil repair, soon died of the master and apprentice.

Including the voodia leader (witch owner), who made Bai Rouou feel very tricky before, and died easily in her hands

The battle is simple to Bai Rou Rou and Bing Bing to end the battle.

They all suspected that this was what they did.

But soon Bai Rou soft and white ice understood.

They have bee very powerful, and they are not general.

What strong body Dan to Jiang Hao is definitely not easy."Three 47"

"Let's go, let's leave here first."

Jiang Hao glanced at the evil corpse on the ground.

"Okay." Bai Rourou and Bai Bing naturally didn't say anything.

The three then left together.

Of course, before leaving, Jiang Hao did not forget to set fire to burn those corpses.Those guys are evil repairs, and if the body does not burn, it must be another trouble.As soon as Jiang Hao's Ziyan burned, they would not have the chance of reincarnation.

Leave the cave.

Bai Rouou first told Jiang Hao about the evil practice.

After talking about her, she began to ask Jiang Hao's third thing.

Jiang Hao also told her Ren Tingting's affairs.

Bai Rourou has a good opinion of him, Jiang Hao knows it long ago.

It was just that Bai Rourou had no elders after all, and her skin was thin. When Jiang Hao didn't speak, she couldn't speak by herself.

After all, girls are reserved.

"I am going to go to my brother's house, do you want to go with me?"

"The place where they live is not far from here, and it is a long time." Jiang Hao said that after the incident with Ren Tingting, Bai Rourou also said directly.

"Yes, but I want to go back first and tell me a few of my wives."

"How do you go back?"

Jiang Hao smiled slightly.

Then he slowly suspended in the shocking expression of Bai Rourou and Bai Bing.

"Go back like this."

"Wait a few minutes, e back soon."

No Bai Rou soft Bai Bingjiu waited.

A few minutes later, Jiang Hao returned.

Because there is already a scene where Jiang Haofei has just seen.

So Jiang Hao's fall from the sky did not shock them too much.

"Can you fly?"

This is the first sentence that Bai Rourou said after Jiang Hao returned.

"I remember my master told you that I am a reincarnation fairy, you won't think my master is blowing.

"No." Bai Rou shook his head.

"But even if you are a reincarnation, you are still a bit exaggerated."

Jiang Hao spread his hands.

"Too strong me?

"Don’t I take you with you together, right?

"What to fly?"

"Flying together, have you ever been on the sky?

Jiang Hao asked with a smile.


"so high.'



For the first time, Bai Rourou, who had heights, couldn't be scared.

Especially Jiang Hao grabbed her with one hand.

Although she knew, Jiang Hao grabbed her hand and would not let go.

But she was still scared.

On the contrary, Bai Rourou's apprentice Bai Bing was very calm.

And there is also a leisurely look down at the scenery below.

Unlike Shi Jian to British Geely before.

This time with Bai Rou Rou and Bing Bing, it is purely to show them a high -altitude vision.

So Jiang Hao did not fly to the clouds.

This also allows them to bow their heads to see the risk below.

"Don't call it, it's okay, look at the landscape below.

Under Jiang Hao's fort, Bai Rourou quickly slowed over.

It also began to look at the scenery below.

Not to mention, looking down from high altitude, the scenery is really beautiful.

Bai Rourou quickly forgot the fear of high altitude.


Baiyun Town.

Zhuge's family.


"Brother, I didn't offend you." Zhuge Kongping looked at his brother Ao Tianlong.(PS; Here is the ghost and god and catch

The ghost family is fused, and the background of some characters may be different))

"No offended! Ao Tianlong drank a cup of tea ceremony calmly.

"Since you haven't offended, can you let me go, even if you don't leave, don't live in my house."

"Why, Master, is going to catch people so soon?"

"You are embarrassed to say, as soon as you e, what Hui Hui does, you like to eat, not the same, I like to eat, right every day

My face is not a face, my nose is not nose.


"Is it you who is her father -in -law or I am her."

"Shi Mei hasn't seen me for more than ten years. I miss my brother, what's going on to me, and the Guan Guan at the beginning

The department is not worse than the relationship with you."

As soon as Zhuge Kongping heard this, he couldn't bear it.

"Ao Tianlong, what do you mean, you say you can't go away." Zhuge Kong said aggressively.

Squeak !!!

Just then, the door was suddenly pushed away.

Wang Hui walked in with something.

"Kong Ping, what can't you go, what are you talking about?

Seeing his wife ing in, Zhuge Kongping's face changed slightly.

Laughing on his face immediately; "That's it, wife, brother, he said that he has something to do, and may not continue to stay with us




"Brother, you will leave so soon?"

"How can this do this, you can only e for two days. Why are you so anxious? If it is not an urgent matter, stay a few more days.

"Okay, since you said this, let me stay for a few more days." Ao Tianlong smiled slightly.

After speaking, look at Zhuge Kongping.

The latter was not angry, but helpless.

never mind.[014005111 064213281]

That guy is waiting, he is too lazy to care.

Anyway, he and his sister have two children. He did not believe that Ao Tianlong could also take Wang Hui from him.

At this moment, Zhuge Yun, Zhuge Xiaohua and Ao Tianlong's daughter Ao Ningshuang walked in from the outside.

Zhuge Xiaohua and Ao Ningshuang also held their hands, looking very good.

"Daddy, Mother, Shi Bo."*2

"Dad, Uncle, Shi.


"High, small flowers, cream, what are you going to do?"


"Dad, mother, Sister Ningshuang said she didn't stay in the Central Plains and wanted to go outside, so my brother and I planned to take her out

Wandering in the city.


"Brother, since Ning Shuang wants to go out, let Xiaohua and Yun Gao take her."

"With the two of them, the medical photos are good at Ningshuang.




‘Ning Shuang, after going out, do you have to listen to Xiaohua, understand?’

"I know, thank you Dad ..

"Xiaohua, take care of your sister, understand?"

"I know, legs."

After speaking, the three planned to go out.


This time was Zhuge Kongping.

"What's the matter?" Zhuge Xiaohua asked Zhuge Kongping.

I thought her father would stop them from going out.

After receiving Zhuge Kongping, she lost her three silver dollars.

Seeing money, Zhuge Xiaohua suddenly brightened.

Zhuge's high eyes on the side also shined with both eyes.

"Don't look at it, without your kid.


"Xiaohua, take care of your sister, if you see what you see, buy it directly." Zhuge Kongping said.

There are not many three silver dollars.

But the purchasing power of the three silver dollars is not low.

If you just buy the car.

It is enough to eat the snacks of the entire Baiyun Town several times back and forth.

"Thank you Dad, Dad is really God today." Zhuge Xiaohua laughed.

But she has guessed.

Zhuge Kongping gave her money because she had an additional Ao Ningshuang.

However, Zhuge Kongping did not know.

"Brother, go, let me measure the size and make clothes for you later."

"Ah, oh, good, sister."

"Wife, what about me?"

"You have so many clothes, not enough for you to wear it, you will do it later."

Zhuge Kongping's lips, do you want to treat it like this?

Although a little unhappy.

But don't want Ao Tianlong and Wang Hui to stay together.

He also followed with a smile on his face.

"Hey, wife, I'll help you.

the other side.


Zhuge Xiaohua, Zhuge Yungao and Ao Ningshuang have e to the streets.

As soon as the street was on the street, Zhuge Yunao took a silver dollar from Zhuge Xiaohua and ran away.

Zhuge Xiaohua was too lazy to take care of Zhuge Yun Gao.

That guy is so big that nothing can be happened.

"Sister Ning Shuang, let's take you to a fun place. Many of them have eaten in that place, you must have not eaten it yet.


"I will take you to taste.

"What do you eat, don't you spend sister?"

"You know it after you go, it's delicious, I usually like to eat the most." Zhuge Xiaohua pulled Ao Ningshuang in one direction in one direction

Half an hour later.

2. 8 The two have eaten a lot.

At this moment, his hand was holding a piece of powder cake.

If the powder is often eaten, it will feel too sweet and tired.

But for the first time, Ao Ningshuang, who was eating this, did not feel too sweet and greasy, but felt that the powder cake was delicious.


The two suddenly saw that someone on the street was playing on the stall.

The two girls stopped with curiosity and stopped.

The art of rivers and lakes is nothing more than a big stone on the chest, and the top gun around the neck.

And this is the same this time.

The performance seems to be a family.

The biggest is a middle -aged man who looks more than forty.

In addition to him, there is a man and a woman.

The man looked at the age of twenty and looked no more than them.

No accident, that man and a woman should be the child of that middle -aged man.

At this moment, what is performing is the broken chest.

The man in his early twenties was lying on a wooden board.

The middle -aged man pressed a very thick slate on him, and looked at the slate at least one hundred pounds.


As soon as the middle -aged man fell down, the slate broke immediately.

The man below also got up directly, patted his chest, and told the people around him that he was fine.

The passers -by who watched the four weeks was also a good voice.

Ps; The picture shows Zhuge Xiaohua.Essence

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