"This .... This gentleman, thank you very much, you have just helped us, but the heart of the angel is the relic of my church,


Please return.Although Jiang Hao is not easy.

But the heart of the angel is the relic of their church, and it is also a powerful martial arts that can be used to deal with demon, werewolfs, and vampires.

Instead, he cannot let it lose it from his own hands.


"What are your church?"

"Then why is the text of the East printed on it, and there is a golden dragon representing the oriental civilization?

Adam heard the words.

I didn't know how to answer Jiang Hao.

Because Jiang Hao's words were not wrong.

In the hearts of the so -called angels, they are engraved with the text of the East.

Even the golden dragon above also belongs to the Oriental totem ~ object.

These all prove that this thing belongs to the East and has nothing to do with them in the West.

"In any case, this thing is the sacred thing of my church. If you take it away, aren't you afraid of my medical eyes?"

Adam decided to start threatening.

In any case, the church must not lose the holy weapon of the angel.

After all, among the dozen sages of the church, the power of the angel's heart can be ranked in the top three.

If this was lost to the angel heart.

He will definitely be the sinner of the church.

Hearing Adam's threat, Jiang Hao was disdainful.

As soon as he threw it, a flame flew out of Jiang Hao.

Fast speed, Adam couldn't resist at all.

The flame is purple.

The temperature was extremely high, just fell on Adam's body, and the latter couldn't even press the scream.

It was directly burned into fly ash.

In this scene, the face of Alexander and other Temple Knights changed greatly.

Looking at Jiang Hao's eyes, he became more and more frightened.

Jiang Hao's strength is beyond their imagination.

Adam's Adam failed to respond, and was directly burned into fly ash by Jiang Hao.

If you change them, there will be no changes in the results.

You know, the strength of the Grand Bishop has to be above Alexander, and it is much stronger.

And the flame is also a new ability to evolve after Jiang Hao took over the flames of the flame demon.

Jiang Hao deliberately made the flame of the flame demon hit him.

The purpose is to evolve the ability to control flames.

And his purpose was obviously successful.

And because he had a thunderbolt.

His flames are also mixed with the power of lightning.

pared with the flame of the flame demon, it is more than dozens of times more than the flame.

This is also the team defeated by Adam after being encountered by Jiang Hao's Ziyan.

Because the temperature of Ziyan is too high.

Jiang Hao glanced at Alexander and others.

Alexander and others were scared back.

See this scene.

Jiang Hao didn't care about them again.

Instead, he looked at Ling and his eyes carefully.

The eyes of Ling and Mumini 3 are exactly the same as Shangri -La's eyes.

It is oval.

The outermost layer is wrapped in a golden dragon structured by a layer unknown.

If you don't look closely, you can't see that they are golden dragons.

Inside, it is a blue and white diamond -shaped object.

Through the gap, you can clearly see the liquid flow in the diamond.

No accident, those liquids are long -lived water.

Drinking can enhance life.

External application can restore any injuries.

In the movie.

To open the eyes of Shangri -La, the blood of a pure woman is needed.

And this pure woman is Evilin in the movie.

However, Jiang Hao did not intend to open the eyes of Lingyu, because the eyes of Lingyu as Shi Jian said, it is a powerful magic weapon.

The magic weapon is a higher -level thing than a magic weapon.

This thing, in Jiang Hao's era, is difficult to make it again.

One is the gap between materials, and the second is the gap of repair.

If you want to refine the magic weapon, the minimum cultivation must be reached to the sun, and you must be qualified to refine the magic weapon.

And the magic weapon refining materials are higher than the materials of the magic weapon.

In this era, it is not easy to find the material of the magic weapon.

Even if you are lucky to find some, you have to practice.

And there must be the cultivation of the sun god realm.

Nowadays, no one can break through the state of the sun.

The Tiangshi Realm is already the ceiling of the cultivation world.

Yangshen realm is basically impossible.

So how can this magic weapon Jiang Hao stay.

He doesn't use it, others can use it.

Moreover, this thing is something to look for Changshengquan.

If it was ruined, what Jiang Hao took to find Changshengquan.

Jiang Hao didn't think that he could easily find the place where Ziyuan hid like in the movie as he was holding the gem inside.

After all, he had listened to Shi Jian's story.

There are many differences from the story of the movie Dragon Emperor.

Jiang Hao cannot judge the actual situation of the real world according to the storyline of the movie.

Therefore, the eyes of Lingyu cannot be destroyed.

the other side.

The battle between Shi Jian and the Demon of Fire is also close to the end.

Now Shi Jian, aside from Jiang Hao's factors, is very scary.

Do not talk about the mana cultivation in the early days of the heavenly division.

He is also lightning Ben Leiquan and Muchun Dafa, which is not the other spells he masters.

The bat effectiveness is already exaggerated.

Jiang Hao gave him a strong body.

Ten times the physical fitness of the body is very limited if it is an ordinary person.

But in Shi Jian's body, with its strong mana cultivation and powerful thunder.

The demon of that fire is really not his opponent.

As for the flames held by the demon.

The temperature is really high. If Shi Jian is suffering, it may not be able to carry it.

But no matter how strong the attack power is, you must get a talent.

Shi Jian is not a dead person, and he will stand there to attack him.

Shi Jian in the Tiangshi Realm is more than ten times that of more than ten times when the land master.

Even the lightning Benlei fist.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

If you control it a little, he may use a lot of time.

When Jiang Hao looked at it.

The demons of the fire were very weak by Shi Jian, and they didn't resist much at all.

But the devil is hard to be killed.

Although Shi Jian did not have the power to resist him.[014005111 064193481]

But it's not so simple to really kill him.

If he was in the later stage of heaven, his Raifa might be able to directly make the demons of the fire into powder.

But unfortunately, he was just in the early days of the Tiangshi realm.

Although the power of Lightning Ben Leiquan is strong enough, at least in the face of a senior demon, it is not strong enough.

Seeing this, Jiang Hao took the initiative to help.

With a bounce, a purple flame was bounced on the demon of the fire by Jiang Hao.

In the next second, the scream of the demons of the fire sounded.

The purple flames were instantly wrapped in its whole body.

Shi Jian even saw the power of Sisi.

After a moment.

The Demon of the Fire was burned into a pile of coke.

The wind blows.

Turn into nothingness.

Even the fire of the fire cannot be immune to the power of the flame.

What's more, Jiang Hao's flames have been stronger than other flames.

"Ah Hao, what exactly is that thing just now, with a heavy yin, with a strong evil spirit, it looks like a demon."

When Jiang Hao came to Shi Jian, the latter immediately couldn't help asking.

This devil is more difficult to deal with than what he imagined.

At this moment, even if he is dealing with silver armor, it is easy.

Seeking flowers •

I did not expect to fight a senior demon. After playing for a long time, although the opponent who hit was half dead, he couldn't really kill him.

"Western devil, special."

"Demon? Demon?"

"It's not a demon, the difference between the difference between the devil is quite large. These devils are difficult to be killed."

"No wonder I have been so many thunderstorms. Although he screams again and again, it is not dead."

"By the way, is Lingyu's eyes?"

Jiang Hao raised his hand.

"got it."

When talking, Jiang Hao threw Lingyu's eyes to Shi Jian.

The latter quickly caught.

Later, the mana in the body tried to urge the eyes of Lingyu in his hand.

But with a horrible absorption, it came from the eyes of Lingyu.

Shi Jian, who was scared directly, quickly broke the mana's transportation.

It can only be said that it is a magic weapon.

That mana twitching speed.

He has just experienced a fight, but the mana in his body has consumed a lot.

If this was pulled away, he had to be weak for a while.

After all, the earth's aura is thin today.

There are no spiritual stones in Xiuxian novels.

Can't restore mana by absorbing the aura of spiritual stone.

If the mana was drawn, he had to recover at least half a month.


During this period, he could be regarded as a great strength.

He doesn't want to happen.

"Things are true, I almost took my mana just now." After confirming that things were true, the stone monster's face was also fields.

It is thick.

This time I came to British Geely, not for nothing.

Later, he returned Lingyu's eyes to Jiang Hao.

Although he is now a heavenly master.

But he didn't dare to hold Lingyu's eyes in his hand.

This thing, he couldn't help but be in his hand.

It can be kept in Jiang Hao's hands.

Moreover, Jiang Hao has the eyes of Lingyu in hand, so this time he took him to find him.

In the future, Jiang Hao found Changshengquan, how could there be a copy of the long water.

Moreover, the eyes of Lingyu are useless.

That Ziyuan, maybe hiding in Dongtianbing.

Someone really holds the eyes of Lingyu.

Don't say it or not.

Even if you find it, you have to face the Ziyuan.

The woman lived for more than two thousand years, and the ghost knew what it was.

He must have no confidence, but Jiang Hao is different.

His nephew is a reincarnation of the fairy.

He didn't know how many means.

But it is certain that it is definitely not simple.


"Ah Hao, you've put things well, when do you plan to find Changshengquan, you don't need to notify me. At that time


Just give you a little bit."

"By the way, the Ziyuan should still be in that hole. You still don't go to him in a short period of time, wait for your strength to be stronger before going

This is more secure.


"That woman is afraid that it has been lived for more than two thousand years, or even three thousand years.

Obtained well.

Jiang Hao naturally understands Shi Jian's meaning.

"Rest assured, Shi Bo, I know it."

"When I found Changshengquan, the long water, and give you a person in person."

"Now that the purpose has been achieved now, let's go back first."

"Okay." Shi Jian nodded.

He is really not used to abroad.

Since the purpose has been achieved, he also wants to return to Guangzhou now.

The Templar Knight of the Church ignored.

Jiang Hao left the museum directly with Shi Jian.

As for the collections in the museum.

Jiang Hao has seen it.

It was not false, or it was not placed. It was estimated that good things had been transferred long ago.

This is just an empty shell.

Jiang Hao was too lazy to run deliberately, let's talk about it next time.Essence

reminds you: Three things for reading -collection, remendation, sharing_88.198. 1. 78! (BIR


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