Shi Jian looked at Jiang Hao. Although he didn't say anything, his eyes had already said.

That is to ask Jiang Hao if he wants to do it.

Jiang Hao shook his head.

He has confirmed Selne's identity.

The heroine of the Legend 1 of the Night, the adopted daughter of Vampire Victor.

When Jiang Hao looked at the legend of the night, he was amazed by his friend's appearance.

In congenital, he has some goodwill to Selne.

Naturally, she won't kill her.

What's more, their goal this time is the words of Lingyu.

What do you do so much.

"Damn, it is the demon, he hides in the crowd.

"Attack him, don't let him get the heart of angels."

At this moment, there was a sudden scream in the museum.

Later, a group of frightened ordinary people ran out of it.

Because people still have a lot of.

As a result, Jiang Hao was restricted in the crowd for a while.

Can't move forward.

Fortunately, for a while.

The crowd ran almost.

"This beautiful lady is very dangerous now, and it may be more dangerous to wait for a while. My suggestion is that you better now

Just leave."

Because of the influence of the film, Jiang Hao had some goodwills of Selne, so he stopped and looked at the Seliene on the side, giving her always thinking.

Selene also looked at Jiang Hao.

The expression was a little unexpected.

It seemed that the person who made her feel very dangerous would release her goodwill to her.

"Who are you? Why do you tell me these.


"This is a goodwill reminder, nothing."

After speaking, Jiang Hao and Shi Jian continued to walk towards the museum.

After Seline hesitated, after all, he still did not choose to bring someone to follow Jiang Hao.


"Hey, did the tavern three days ago, did you do it 923? Selene seemed to think of something suddenly, towards it

Jiang Hao's back shouted.

Jiang Hao said nothing, but said everything.

Because after asking him in Selne, his footsteps stopped slightly for a second.

Sai La, who has been staring at Jiang Hao, naturally noticed this scene.

He also immediately understood Jiang Hao's hints.

That night, the tavern was done by him.

"Seline, the two people just now."

"You feel it too, the sense of crisis on them, the sense of crisis.


There are four vampire hunters who followed Seliene this time.

Three men and one woman.

When they heard Seline's words, they nodded.

Werewolves are divided into low -level and advanced.

Vampires are naturally divided into low and advanced.

And they can bee vampire hunters, naturally they are also senior vampires.

The ability to perceive danger is much stronger than low -level vampires.

Selene could feel Jiang Hao's danger.

They can naturally feel it.

"You can also feel that there is nothing wrong with me.


"It seems that the tavern three days ago should be what he did."



"At this time when the other party came to the museum, I thought it was the angel of the church. '

"In this place, we are not suitable for staying, let's leave." Seline's words, the other four vampire hunters all said

Whether it is Jiang Hao or the church, they are not affordable.

Leaving directly is undoubtedly the best choice.

After looking at the direction of the museum, Celene left with the four vampire hunters.

In the museum.

At this moment, it is chaotic.

A huge body, three meters high, and the monsters all over the flames are fighting with a group of Knights of Temple.

Of course (BBDI), it is better to say that the monster unilaterally chase the group of temples.

Acpanied by the monster every time.

The horrible flames will be sprayed out of his mouth.

The temperature of the flame is extremely high.

The things he sprayed by him, whether it is a person or an item.

They will be melted in the number of times.

It can be seen that the flame temperature is high.

At this moment, a dozen Temple Knights had already died under his horror flames.

And that monster is the goal of the church, a flame demon.

It's just that the strength of this devil is so powerful that it exceeds the expectations of the church.

When the Knights of the Temple avoided the flame demon, they did not forget to attack him with the weapon of the Chen.

With their energy, their physical fitness is far beyond ordinary people.

After scattered, relying on the number of people, it can also attack the demons of the fire.

It stands to reason that their weapons are specially made by special mystery.

It can cause damage to the demon.

But after their weapons attacked the flame demon, they couldn't bring him enough to bring him enough.

Fortunately, Grand Bishop Adam had already got the heart of angels at this moment.

Acpanied by the Bishop of the Bishop to urge the angel's heart with his own spirit.

The heart of the angel also exudes a white light.

Acpanied by the flames of the flames.

The flame demon was like an ordinary person who was splashed by sulfuric acid and screamed.

The demon skin on the body even rotted.

This scene made the Great Bishop Adam.

But the flames were not stupid.

Realizing that the angel's heart will cause great harm to him.

He began to avoid the light from the heart of the angel.

Instead, it is based on strong physical strength.

Smash the wooden boxes and glass showcases in the museum to Adam.

"Protect Bishop."

Seeing this, a group of Temple Knights immediately urged the fighting to block the front.

After urging the fighting gas, his power can reach five or six times that of ordinary people, but it is still far worse than the flame demon.

The impact was very horrible under the giant power of the flame demon.

A group of palace knights were directly smashed.

At the critical moment, Alexander was blocked in front of Adam.

Although Alexander's strength is stronger.

And holding a round shield can be used to prevent.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

Also smashed back.

He returned to Adam directly.

Adam, holding the heart of the angel, was hit directly.

The heart of the angel in his hand also fell out.

"Damn." [014005111 064193381]

Adam scolded.

Just go to pick up the angel heart on the ground.

And the white light released by the heart of the angel.

The flame demon also stood up from the place where he hid.

The injury on the body recovers the speed visible to the naked eye.

See Adam to see the angel heart.

He sprayed a flame in the direction of the angel's heart.

Even if it is not short.

But the flames were almost here.

In the face of horror high -temperature flames, you should have to choose to give up your thoughts.

But in the next second, in the flame, a figure suddenly appeared.

With the appearance of the figure, the flame dissipated at the speed of visible to the naked eye, as if it was absorbed by the man.

Wait until the flame disappears pletely.

The appearance of the figure also appeared clearly in front of everyone.

It was an oriental man wearing a black suit and a handsome appearance.

At this moment, the oriental man's hands were holding an angel heart.

And playing carefully, looking at the expression on his face, seemed to be in a good mood.

The flame demon was also startled by Jiang Hao, who suddenly appeared.

Especially after seeing Jiang Hao absorbing his demon, he immediately realized that the person who came was that he couldn't afford it.

At this moment, I already have a retreat.

As for destroying the angel's heart.

Since there is no chance, it is naturally given up.

The reason why he wanted to destroy the angel's heart was because when he was still in hell, he traded with other devils.

In other words, many devils have done transactions.

That is, no matter who it is.

Who can destroy the angelic heart in the world, then other devils have to give him a clean and pure soul.

If he destroyed the angel's heart, he could get a clean and pure soul from the hands of other devils.

This is why he knows that this is a trap arranged by the church, and he is still here.

The clean and pure soul has a full attraction for any demon.

Because the devil wants to improve his strength, you must devour the soul.

The clean and pure soul is the soul of the upper product.

The fairy world is the top -level promotion elixir.

But after seeing Jiang Hao easily absorbing his devil's inflammation, he realized that Jiang Hao, Biya, was more terrible.

It also made him a retreat.

Although the clean and pure soul is good.

But if he was sent back to hell and his strength dropped, it was not what he wanted to see.

After all, he planned for hundreds of years, and he escaped from hell.

After the heart was retreating, the flame demon also did not hesitate, and turned directly and was ready to integrate into the shadow to run.

But as soon as he turned around, he found that he didn't know when he was standing with an old man with a goat.

The flames were stunned.

Then opened his mouth and intended to swallow this old man who did not know how to live.

The giant mouth opened.

The situation of the old man's fear did not appear.

On the other side's face, there was an eager expression.

The next second, acpanied by a crackling bombing.

The silver thunder and lightning formed in the whole body of the old man.

Then the old man hit him with a punch.


The power of this punch is much greater than the flame demon imagination.

However, although the power is great, the harm of the harm can be limited.

But the thunderbolt fell on him, but it caused him a great pain.

The damage caused by the white light of the angel just now has a bigger damage.

And this old man is not someone else, it is Shi Jian.(PS; The old man had been called the old man in the past fifty years old. Shi Jian was the old age

Some people are the biggest. In the movie, some people are even called Shi Jianjian. It can be seen that Shi Jian is older. I am afraid that it will be more than sixty years old.

Jian is Shi Jian who is old, so Shi Jian's age should be sixty upward)

Under the power and thunder.

The flame demon was directly smashed.

But Shi Jian didn't intend to let the flame demon like this.

After finally ing to such a sandbag after the strength was improved, he couldn't vent well?

And this scene, the person of the church was stupid.

How embarrassing they were just beaten by the flames.

At this moment, Shi Jian's abuse of the flame demon is how powerful the flames are, but their faces are both for a long time.

Ps; Fifth more today, the monthly ticket flowers, brothers, are updated by 15,000 words. In addition, dramas outside the country

The love is over immediately, and it will not write too much, and will continue to write domestic plots.Essence

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