Chapter 9979 is not how

Zhou Lean's words were immediately approved by others:

"Yes, Qingzi, there must be a lot of icegrass in the waste sand of today's posture. If there is a harvest like today, we will send it!"

"Yeah, while other teams don't know about this, let's dig out all the ice grass here!"

"Qingzi, there is no such shop after passing this village!"


Gu Qing was moved. In fact, he also had this idea. If he didn't want to go back before closing the city gate, he would want to dig here overnight.

However, he still looked at Yun Chujiu and asked her opinion with his eyes.

Yun Chujiu immediately said: "Uncle, I also think I can come and have a look tomorrow. Anyway, there is no need to pay for the money. What you dig is earned."

Gu Qing said: "Okay, then I will dig for another day tomorrow, and I will go through the registration the day after tomorrow."

Yun Chujiu rolled his eyes: "Uncle, you will be able to see the people from other teams after the turn in front. I think we should pretend that we haven't dug up anything, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble."

Zhou Lean immediately gave Yun Chujiu a thumbs up: "Still slowly and carefully! If those people know that we have dug so much, we have to come over and grab the site tomorrow.

Especially Qiao Wen and that kid, he doesn't speak much morality. "

Others also agreed, feeling that what Yun Chujiu said was very reasonable.

Gu Qing warned again, and everyone continued to move forward.

I don't know if the road is narrow, everyone just turned a corner, and happened to meet Qiao Wentong.

Qiao Wentong is now proud of the spring breeze, and the people in Yingkou Nose are flattering, and he feels that his walking is a little drifting.

Ying Gou Nose suddenly saw Gu Qing and others not far away, and suddenly winked his eyes: "Look, isn't this Gu Qing who is about to form a new team?!

Look at their team, one by one, stubborn, like a rooster that has lost a fight! "

Qiao Wentong followed his gaze and saw Gu Qing and the others downcast, feeling very proud.

He looked at the direction Gu Qing and the others came from, and suddenly guessed that they had gone to Waste Sand.

He deliberately slowed down, and when Gu Qing and others came over, he pretended to say:

"Qingzi, you are not going to waste sand? I know you are desperate, but how can there be icegrass in waste sand?!

It doesn't matter if you are confused, doesn't this toss follow your brother? !

I really can’t bear to see you like this. Otherwise, if you promise to give half of the proceeds to the team in the future, I will let you rejoin the Cold Wind team, how about? "

Gu Qing said indifferently: "No, you won't worry about our team's affairs in the future."

After Gu Qing finished speaking, he quickened his pace and left with Yun Chujiu and others.

Ying Hook sipped his nose: "Bah! Our captain is very kind. You don't appreciate it. When you ask our captain!

Are you still building a new team, maybe you don’t even have money to pay for ten days in advance? !

You can only waste time on waste sand in the future! "

Zhou Lean paused when he heard what he said, and then followed.

When he arrived at the city gate, in order to pretend to be more alike, Gu Qing paid the entrance fee for Yun Chujiu.

Seeing this scene in the eyes of the caring people, it was even more certain that Gu Qing and the others had not dug up anything in the waste sand.

After entering the city, Gu Qing wanted to invite Zhou Lean and others to eat at home, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

First, I have to rest well tonight, and I have to dig ice grass tomorrow.

Secondly, Qiao Wentong must send someone to watch their movements.

(End of this chapter)

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