Chapter 9978 is out of words

Hearing Zhou Le'an's words, other people followed suit, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

Chi Wu endured the urge to roll his eyes, and said to his heart, Lao Tzu had found more than two hundred plants, okay? ! The little girl dug more than 300 plants.

Forget it, let them misunderstand, so as not to be hit.

It's not that Chiwu's digging skills are so good, mainly because the dog's tail grass deliberately drove a lot of icegrass to their side.

At first, you have to observe and observe. Later, you can draw a tree by simply pulling your hand into the gravel. It is not too simple.

When everyone was talking and laughing, Yun Chujiu said to Gu Qing: "Uncle, if you go to register tomorrow, should our team have a name?"

Gu Qing patted his forehead: "Yes, yes, I forgot about it."

He was worried about how to put together the money, and where could he get a name? !

"Slowly, do you have any good suggestions?"

Yun Chujiu asked the names of other teams, and found that they were all related to cold, cold, ice, and snow. This was in line with the people's naming preferences.

She muttered: "We must take a unique name, and we can't collide with them."

Gu Qing and the others nodded again and again, really wanting to pick a unique name, so that the call would be loud.

But the name is nothing more than these words, can you take out the flowers?

After a while, Yun Chujiu's eyes lit up: "I thought of a good name with a very good meaning, and definitely different from theirs!"

Everyone asked expectantly: "What's the name?"

"We're just not the Heat at all, how about it?"

Everyone: "..."

It is really overestimating the level of your name and...the aesthetic level.

Yun Chujiu was taken aback: "Why don't you talk?"

Chi Wu glanced at her and said in a complicated tone: "Words are poor."

Yun Chujiu: "..."

Gu Qing is afraid that Yun Chujiu will be sad, so she will have to count on her in the future!

He could see it, and the other three young men were obviously looking forward to her, and it was better not to offend her.

The heart is horizontal, and there is only one name on the left and right, and everything is called. Since she thinks it is good, then call it this name.

"I think this name is pretty good. Whether it's Cold Wind or Bingberg, it's a bit unrealistic. It's better to take this one slowly. This name is very, um, very grounded."

Seeing that the captain agreed, the others said against their will: "Good name! Slow is really smart, we can't think of such a good name even if we think about it for three days and three nights."

"Yeah, it's not hot at all. What a simple and true wish! Once you hear our name, you know that we are pragmatic people."


Yun Chujiu was not a fool, and of course he understood that what they said was against their will.

However, she did think that the name "It's not hot at all" was unique, so she went down the donkey:

"Uncle, since you and everyone like it so much, let's call the team not hot at all!"

Gu Qing pulled out a smile: "Okay, we will call the No Hot Team at all in the future."

Although the other people all smiled on their faces and agreed with their lips, they were a little worried. When there were frictions with other teams in the future, they shouted the slogan twice, and they probably haven't finished their names yet!

Besides, this name is not domineering! Must make people laugh.

Forget it, for the sake of her suggestion to come to waste sand, let's call it this name!

Thinking of waste sand, Zhou Lean said: "Qingzi, if you don't register tomorrow, let's dig waste sand tomorrow!"

(End of this chapter)

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