Chapter 9972 has no bottom at all

Everyone, including Qiao Wentong, didn't expect that Gu Qing would go so simply, without any sloppyness.

Qiao Hai opened his mouth, but said nothing.

What can you say, let him come back?

A mountain cannot tolerate two tigers. If Gu Qing stays in the Cold Wind Team, there will be disputes in the future.

On the other hand, Qiao Wentong looked at the nineteen people who supported Gu Qing.

The nineteen people's heart suddenly sank, knowing that the future might be difficult.

Qiao Hai waved his hand weakly: "It's getting late, hurry up and dig ice grass!"

No one thought that after a quarter of an hour, Gu Qing would go and return.

When everyone saw this, they all gathered around, wanting to see what happened.

Qiao Wen gritted his teeth, Gu Qing wouldn't regret it?

Hmph, is it possible that you want to beg the uncle to keep him?

Don't think about it!

Before Gu Qing could speak, he said first:

"Qingzi, why are you back? Are you regretting it?

So are you. We are brothers for many years, and it doesn’t matter if you speak. If you want to stay in the Cold Wind team, it’s not impossible..."

Gu Qing interrupted him: "You misunderstood. I came back to ask if anyone would follow me?"

Qiao Wentong was taken aback first, and then slightly mocked:

"Qingzi, are you kidding? Come with you? Are you taking them to join other teams?

Didn't you forget that we and the other teams have enemies, who will accept you? "

Gu Qing said lightly: "I won't join other teams, I want to re-form a team."

Qiao Wen couldn't help but he couldn't help but laughed: "Qingzi, are you over-stimulated and crazy, right? Form a team?

You don't know the rules of Xueshaping, each team pays at least one hundred icegrass every day, are you planning to take them to drink Northwest Wind? ! "

Gu Qing still said lightly: "Of course I remember this rule."

He no longer paid attention to Qiao Wentong, but looked at others:

"Everyone, what I just said is true. I want to re-organize a team. If anyone is willing to follow me, I will not refuse anyone.

I can't guarantee anything else, but I can guarantee one thing, as long as I follow me, I will never treat you badly in the future. "

Everyone looked at each other, most people thought that Gu Qing was crazy.

Their cold wind team has more than two hundred people, and can easily cope with the money for one hundred icegrass every day, and there is a certain amount of surplus.

After the remaining ice-grass is exchanged for money, you can manage the repairs of the snow-sand flats in order to get a larger and better mining area.

If you follow Gu Qing, it is estimated that you will not be able to make up the money, let alone other things.

But some people came forward, it was the nineteen people who supported Gu Qing before.

They knew that Qiao Wen would wear shoes with them when they stayed, so they might as well take a gamble with Gu Qing.

Upon seeing this, Qiao Wentong sneered: "This is your decision. Don't come back and beg me when you can't eat!"

Qiao Hai sighed and said nothing.

Gu Qing led the nineteen people out of the cold wind team's mining area and walked out for about ten miles, Gu Qing stopped.

He clasped his fists at everyone: "Everyone, I won't say anything extra. Don't worry, you will not regret your choice today."

When Gu Qing said this, he didn't really feel it at all.

He looked at Yun Chujiu from the corner of his eye, and saw that she looked like an old god, so he had to comfort himself. She and Yuan Tutor can be connected, and the promised thing will be achieved... right?

 Continue at nine o'clock tomorrow night, okay!



(End of this chapter)

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